Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    We were down to our last big bag of granola. I ate my way through half of it in about 3 days, then last night dumped the rest in the garbage. I cannot buy granola again. The only cereal we have left that I like is a brand called Seven Sundays, which is a locally made premium muesli. I love the stuff, but I have to mix with almond milk or yogurt and let it set overnight to get to the consistency I like. That prevents binge eating.

    I have 1500 miles of driving coming up this weekend so I'm trying to get good foods to snack on for the drive. So far I have:

    hard boiled eggs (From Costco, in convenient 16 x 2-packs)
    Sriracha (for the eggs)
    mozzarella balls (again from Costco, in convenient separately packaged snack size portions)
    Beef Jerky (2 kinds from...yep...Costco)
    carrot sticks
    sunflower seeds (for my son)
    Kirkland nut bars
    Nature Valley protein bars
    Twizzlers licorice (I have to, it's a family tradition for road trips)

    For drinks I'm packing
    coconut water

    I'm also thinking about buying grapes, string cheese, and tuna pouches. Coffee I'll buy along the way.

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I started today off okay. Peanut butter toast, some strawberries and coffee. Lunch should be okay even though I'm spoiled and hubby made it for me so I have no idea what's in there.

    No idea about supper. Maybe scrambled egg wraps.

    I may treat myself to a slushie on the way home from work. Depends on how much it warms up I guess.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    @7lenny7 I have to do the same things with certain foods. Every year the schools here sell Vienna Cinnamon bread for fundraising and I always get suckered into buying a loaf. I cut off 2 slices this weekend and promptly walked to the outside trashcan.

    Being in Hawaii, our fresh fruits and veggies suck. Probably 80% of the chain groceries ship their stuff in and so you buy it and it rots in less than a week. They do have a program called "Try buy local" and they have one little row of local stuff. We just stick with frozen veggies since the nutrients haven't rotted out of them yet...and I really never touch fruit.

    Yesterday was stressful for calories. I hate it when I stress about it, so stupid. No run and there were still some cookies at work. I was over by about 150 by the end of the day, but I was only saved b/c dinner was kinda ick.

    It is funny, how on run days, I am not hungry or craving foods. Today I had my protein shake and a bit of beef jerky and it is nearly 10am and I am happy as a lark.

    Had a most excellent run this morning: Fartlek 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 with a pace of 8:03 - 8:23.

    Hit most of the paces but my legs were donezo for the cool down mile...I kinda walked jogged it home.

    I only put in 300 calories burned...but since I don't really over eat on run days, not sure what good that will do.

    I have a second workout this afternoon, not sure on what it will be since it is with my unit...(aka probably really lame).

    Have a great day!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    I have decided to buy myself an IP for Mother's Day! Amazon has the 6qt on sale for $50 off so I am just doing it...

    I did great eating yesterday - almost hit my calories, was full mostly all day and ate at reasonable times. Today has been procrastination all the way around. I had my usual protein bar when I got up and then putzed around doing research on transportation for our trip to DC next week. I didn't run and didn't even have my pre-run toast until after 11. I finally got out to run a bit after 12 and it was already in the 70's! So no breakfast but I had a cold glass of milk with my dark chocolate protein powder and 1/2 banana when I got home. I still haven't had lunch yet and can't decide what to have. We will probably end up at Panera for dinner since the cleaning lady decided to come today.

    @7lenny7 - sounds like you are going to need a trailer for all those snacks :smiley: Seriously they sound like great choices. My husband loves beef jerky for a road trip snack too!

    I guess we are really spoiled by the variety and availability of fresh fruits and veggies. The grocers have them but they are mass processed and picked early so they don't spoil, so while they last they don't have much flavor. The Farmer's Markets tend to be much better.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    What are we eating today?

    Zero plans here (except Advil, Tylenol, butter, Netflix in German) ITB is unhappy
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Big breakfast today for me: oatmeal with fruit and a slice of toast with an egg on it. Plus coffee. Even if I don't mention coffee always assume there is coffee.

    The bread at home got mushed so nothing for lunch. Guess we will go out...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Big breakfast today for me: oatmeal with fruit and a slice of toast with an egg on it. Plus coffee. Even if I don't mention coffee always assume there is coffee.

    The bread at home got mushed so nothing for lunch. Guess we will go out...

    Mushed bread tastes the same. You feed the birds with it? Or is it "toast"?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2018
    I'm hungry. But too lazy/pouty to get off the couch. I showered, brushed my teeth, forgot deodorant- who cares, I'm off work, put clean clothes, shoes, walked outside, came back in, and now laying on the couch listening to my tummy growl.

    Pathetic. :smiley:

    ETA doh, it's NSAID's tummy pain. Not hunger. Awww...
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm up 2 pounds today and up 9 pounds from early April. Dammit! I blame chocolate, cereal, and bourbon.

    The chocolate is gone. Only one bag of cereal left and it's not a bingeable cereal, so I guess that just leaves the bourbon I need to watch.

    I was still full from last night's late night eating so breakfast was a single piece of toast with some damn fine fruit spread. Come 4pm I'm hittin' the road so it will be road food until Sunday night.

    @shanaber I am taking my pickup, so I do have plenty of room! I've got a 20 year old boy with me for most of the trip, and a 16 year old might be with me for 500 miles of it, so I need to be well stocked.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @Elise4270 mushed bread apparently makes poor sandwiches according to the chief sandwich maker. I think he was just looking for an excuse to go out for lunch.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Nothing exciting going on in the Aloha State...other than the volcano blowing it's stack.

    Yesterdays calories ended up being right on target, mainly b/c of everyone bringing in the sweets they bought from the state school junk food fundraiser.

    Ran this morning so I have a buffer again. Only going to put in the 300 cals though. My body seems very happy with 1800 calories a day and it still gives a bit of a deficit (hopefully). The accuracy of counting calories is still very foggy for me.

    The scale is still not budging. I just don't understand what is going on. For awhile I was pondering, meh maybe 151 is my "happy" weight. But then I was looking in the mirror and I can definitely pinch an inch...or two on my love handles. I don't have bulges, but you can pinch. I really need to get a BodPod for BF.

    So I have most of the day planned out, dinner is still unknown to me. Should be good!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    edited May 2018
    @CMorning99 - I am having the same issue... my eating seems to be spot on, good on the macros, my running and working out are consistent and I am getting in some HIIT and tempo runs. Scale has not budged... not one bit... Just stuck... so my next step is to go back to the nutritionist, have her do measurements, tell me how much higher my BF is now since the 1st of the year and hopefully come up with a new plan going forward.

    I also had blood work today which includes the usual thyroid panel. They usually do it every 6mos but I missed my last appointment because of travel for work and then I couldn't get another appointment until this week. The nurse was shocked that it had been a year since my last screens. I doubt though if the issue is my thyroid. it has been pretty stable since I started seeing this doctor but you never know.

    @Elise4270 - did you overdo the running again or is this a new issue? I'm sorry you are in pain again :( Why Netflix's in German - just because you can?, you are trying to learn German?, or you know German and just like to watch in that language? Also do you take the NSAIDs with food? I always had to take mine with some toast or cereal or something 'carby'

    @7lenny7 - have a great (safe) road trip!

    I don't have any real plans today (rest day). I had blood tests this morning and have been sitting here reading MFP discussions ever since. Pup is at doggy day care and I am picking him up after I hit the gym this evening. I don't know what dinner will be - probably leftovers (bbq chicken, soup, etc.). I do need to make some more egg bites for my husband so maybe that will get done :)

    ETA - my IP has been ordered and is on its way! Should be here tomorrow - getting excited!! Wonder what my first recipe should be... Any suggestions?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »

    @Elise4270 - did you overdo the running again or is this a new issue? I'm sorry you are in pain again :( Why Netflix's in German - just because you can?, you are trying to learn German?, or you know German and just like to watch in that language? Also do you take the NSAIDs with food? I always had to take mine with some toast or cereal or something 'carby'

    ETA - my IP has been ordered and is on its way! Should be here tomorrow - getting excited!! Wonder what my first recipe should be... Any suggestions?

    Yay for the IP!
    Same issue on the hip, I haven't over done it. Least, I don't think so. I've been lazy. It doesn't matter what I have with NSAID's, always an issue. But I ate lots of cheese and the belly fire stopped.

    I've been trying to teach myself German for a few years now. Mostly CD's in the car. Then I found yesterday some shows on Netflix can be watched in German with the English captions on. Maybe some of it will sink in.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @shanaber congrats on the IP!

    I love cooking roasts in my IP. So easy, so simple. Or steel cut oats. or any winter squash. Or grains like quinoa. Split pea soup.

    Nope, I got it. Cook up a pork roast and make carnitas. I *love* these! I can't find my particular recipe right now but there's a bunch out there. Key is to finish off the pork under the broiler.

    Otherwise, here's one I keep forgetting to make, but I've heard it's incredible:

    The only thing that was a failure so far is baby back ribs. Now I smoke ribs in my smoker to make barbecue the real way and I wasn't expecting anything near that, but I was hoping they'd at least turn out pretty good. They weren't. I'll try one more time before giving up.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just here on vacation in Cabo eating all the food.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    edited May 2018
    @fitoverfortymom - Cabo food mmmmm.....
    @7lenny7 - those are great ideas! I think I may do the chicken since I have chicken in the freezer. But I love, love, love carnitas! I am sure it will be on the menu soon.
    @elise4270 - hope the German sinks in! I used to watch novellas hoping the Spanish would sink in too
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Does anyone have an air fryer? I keep going in & out of wanting one.

    In high school/college I was pretty decent in Spanish. Once I stopped taking classes it all went away. I can pick up a bit here and there and can read better than listening but it's a tool I wish I still had. Then I tried to teach myself Norwegian. Gotta get back at that and be consistent.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Oh, and I've been binging on chocolate this week.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    Oops - I guess the s'mores and chocolate discussion on the challenge isn't helping!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    edited May 2018
    Had to share this from FB - one of my favorites from Sandra Boynton - seems appropriate for us! I am going for a long run now to make up for it :)

    'Today is National Eat What You Want Day. Okay. Deep Breath. Focus. You can do this!'