Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    So, a customer brought in goodies at work today. Apparently there is a place in this town I am working that make these things that are, by best description, homemade, extra awesome, nutter butters. I don’t know what level of will power that takes, but I don’t have it.

    Also, I am also in the group that does not understand how a person can not like cake
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Yesterday was a low-cal net day. Too low and I am paying the price now with wanting to eat everything! I should have just gotten up and gotten a protein shake.

    Today I have all foods planned out and it is tracking a bit low for net, but I am not sure on exact calories for a few things, so hoping I am over estimating.

    Run this morning was 3x 2min on/1 min off with 2 miles easy. I have a hard time sprinting in the dark, I feel like I am going to fall on my face. Easy for the rest of the week for the 5K on Saturday. Shins are unusually sore.

    Had a bit of a pity party for myself last night. I am by no means a competitive runner, I wish I were though! I was reading 2 running blogs I follow and 1 lady is 16 weeks pregnant and still runs a half faster than me...and another who didn't run for 2 months, had a kid, trained for 8 weeks and blasted out a 1:30 half marathon! I have my appendix out and I am back 6 weeks to just get back to where I was...humph.

    Scale was up this AM, no idea how. Butt measurement was up too...WTFFFFFF. I need a new way to track weight loss b/c the scale lies and I guess I cant measure consistently enough on my butt (I have a marker mole to try and keep it at the same level)...or my butt actually got bigger? Doubtful b/c my pants fit.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @CMorning99 Maybe your butt measurement is up with exercise. Muscles swell and retain fluid with exercise. I don't measure that often to have any real advice. Measure more often and trend it to see the changes?

    I think those women that we're "x" level before just have an easier time returning to "x". I was barely at "c" so I'm sure I'll start back at "a" :wink: they were only set back to "s", still way more adapted than I.

    @sarahthes has cake if you need some calories.

    I have no food plans today. I want to go get a grass fed steak for dinner... But I just hate Walmart, and it's the 1st.

    I skipped breakfast (that I usually don't eat). Had a protein shake for a snack, just cuz. Wasn't hungry for lunch, so I skipped it. Now I'm slightly hungry.

    I've back slid out of laziness and had cereal the last two nights. Nice that I'm not driven by the sugar devil to eat it, it was a calculated choice. So I've gotta tighten that up before it gets away from me.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    There isn't so much cake anymore @Elise4270. Makes a good breakfast...

    Food was not on point this weekend what with company and date night last night but should be okay the rest of the week.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I had a slice of bundt cake a coworker baked today. It was a small slice and I don't know the calories, but I think it will fit in with the rest of the day. It's Taco Tuesday, so that's easy to plan and nice and bulky so I'll feel full.

    No running today because Tuesdays are kind of whacky when I run Monday evenings. I would normally run in the AM, but there just isn't enough recovery time and Tuesday nights is Boy Scouts so I don't do an evening run then. I think I need to make more of a concerted effort to do strength on Tuesday AMs, or at least some core/stretching/yoga work if I'm not going to run.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Well... I had a nice set of fairly healthy travel meals with me this week.... and then I realized this morning that the mini fridge in the hotel wasn’t just sucking at the freezer part, it flat out wasn’t working. So... dinner last night was questionably edible... and today all I had left in the safe to eat category was carrots...

    Was presenting at a meeting at lunch and the offered me enchiladas... and I took the offer, knowing I lacked lunch...
    And tonight I had pizza delivered after not enough miles of running... it may be a long week.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @CMorning99 - I think you only hear about those amazing people who can come back from having 4 kids in 4 years and not running to getting a PR with 6 weeks training because they are, well, amazing stories... unlike most of us normal folk, who are out a few weeks or a few months and have to start back at the beginning or close to it.

    @hanlonsk - Can you ask the hotel to get you a new fridge and then pick up some things for the rest of the week? Having traveled so much the last few years, I am no longer shy about asking (demanding) that they get things right. Also the nut butters sound amazing - I would want them all, there would be no will power there!

    I have to get this meal planning under control. I am falling back on what I used to do when I was working and too busy to deal with it - winging it with whatever I could pull out of the freezer or get from healthy take out (Panera). I vowed when I wasn't working this would change. uh - nope... I threw a salad together and put some frozen flautas in the oven for dinner last night and tonight was Panera again. I have all the fixings for my soup now but didn't get my act together to make it tonight so will have to do it first thing in the morning.
    I did make bacon and eggs for breakfast. Was going to have my protein cakes with them but felt like just having toast instead. I have also been adding my protein powder to my coffee in the morning. With all of that I wasn't hungry for lunch at all, so skipped it like @Elise4270. As a result I am too low on calories again...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2018
    You'll get your new routine down @shanaber. Give it time and take baby steps. I love Panera. Love love love mmmm... That autumn squash is my fav. And the salads are so good.

    I went to the store and bought stuff I liked to eat, just so I'd eat. I still wasn't hungry (I think that's the yohimbine) and knew not eating wasn't the right decision, especially after lecturing DH on his "Auschwitz diet plan" this weekend.

    I think today I'll splurge on a salad from the vegan place, they have the freshest vegetables. None of that questionable iceburg lettuce business.

    My hip is calming down. Today's day 3 with no exercise. Think tomorrow I can do something, if I don't over do it.
    ETA Have a healthy day all :heart:

    Tell me what fills your belly today?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    I got up early to make my split pea and ham soup and it is cooking in the crock pot! Smells wonderful!
    Waiting to head out on a run for the rain to let up a little so we aren't soaked immediately...
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    Good morning folks!

    @Shanaber: I think you are right, they are extraordinary people...but dang I want to be one LOL.

    Yesterday went pretty well. I was fighting hunger all freaking day! I would eat and in 2 hrs be hungry again. Hubby made IP philly cheesesteak sandwiches and they were amazing (I was also starving). I limited myself to 1. I talked to my coach about my imminent starvation and she recommended I start having whey protein before I go to bed. So last night I had 70 cals/17g protein shake just before bed and slept better. Woke up hungry but not painful hungry.

    This morning woke up at 4:30 to the sound of rain and was happy that the weather cooperated with my running schedule as today is my rest day. Hubby made homemade breakfast burritos with smoked gouda, bacon, egg. I ate one on the drive into work and when my body realized it was going to get fed...OMG! I ate another one and I really don't feel satisfied. But dang, that was 800 cals in 1 hr! I have to run errands at lunch so have a meal replacement shake. Hubby has class so I will have leftover sausage/potato/veggie soup. For a rest day, that is where I should cap my calories.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    So after the terrible run on Tues. that I was unable to finish, I've lost a bit of the bloat and have another run scheduled for tonight. All the signs for that spontaneous 10 lb. weight gain indicate that it was related to glycogen gain and water weight along with it. I did not eat so many carbs as to explain that, but there was some bratwurst that didn't exactly say how many carbs were in it. It did have ingredients listed, which included corn chips/tortillas and oatmeal (these were chili cheese bratwurst). I won't ever eat those again.

    Anyway, I really could feel better once the last of the water bloat is gone... but I will still have an extra ~15 lbs. of fat to lose. Once again, I'm trying to balance and decide whether to focus on weight loss or focus on training. I've not been successful doing both simultaneously. Originally, I was going to wait on losing fat until after racing season is over (Dec.), but I fear I'm going to be too slow this year as a result of being too fat. Simultaneously, I know there is too little time to lose as much as I need to lose before races I'm signed up for already. Ugh.... maybe doing IF on non-running days is an option.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @midwesterner85 Can you train and do a slight cut in calories? Like 150-250 per day? That's my current plan is a 250 calorie cut and making sure I get in 2-3 days of strength training on top of running.

    I won't be able to get to the weight I want before my marathon training starts but I am hoping to be down some and hopefully balance training and weight loss (or maintain).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @midwesterner85 I agree with @RunsOnEspresso Maybe find a happy medium in your calories. I've seen some heavier folks kill the HM, so I'd suspect that if you concentrate on training and getting stronger, it'll help you lose come the off season, and you'll have made progress towards the running goals.

    And something about weight lifting (gain muscle mode) definitely triggers the body to lose fat.

    Good luck.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso and @Elise4270 I've got my calories set for a small deficit, but often go way over my calories. something I've noticed is that I often just have coffee for breakfast. That works well for awhile, as it suppresses appetite. But then by dinner, I'm super hangry and eat 2 days worth of calories in a single meal. This is 1 of the reasons why I'm trying to give up coffee.

    As to weight lifting, I had been doing that 3 days / week, but haven't yet this week at all because of the bloat and fatigue. It is going to rain tonight, so maybe I'll just get my run in on the treadmill and then lift weights afterwards.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Food food food!

    Do today's meals support your goal?

    I'm not hungry again. But ate breakfast. Lunch? Salad, if I eat.
    I'm still fighting this hip tightness. Really wanted to try to run my minute 15x today. We'll see.

    Din din? No clue.

    I'm living dangerously with no food plans. Oh, I have avocados. I could eat that.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Food food food!

    Do today's meals support your goal?

    I've got a 2 day low sodium challenge so today's meals are all fairly low in sodium. Which should address some of this water retention I've got going on too.

    Trying to eat lower calorie today so I can enjoy birthday cake tomorrow.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    Good morning folks.

    Do today's meals support my goal: Probably not

    Love the talk going on here. Glad I am not the only one struggling. I am not in a training cycle right now, more of a base recalibrating..but it is just as tough to lose weight it seems. I have a small deficit right now on LoseIt but I am still starving. The addition of a whey protein just before bed is really helping though. I follow Meb on Twitter and now that he is retired, he talks about how many treats even he had to skip when he was training that he can have now :disappointed:

    Yesterday I was a bit over on my goals but I got ton of protein in. I was still hungry though a lot. I guess that was ok though b/c it was my rest day.

    Today is going to be tricky. I didn't sleep well again last night and snoozed through my morning run, so I need to make that up tonight. This morning all I wanted in the world was salt. I had a to-go container of fried rice from the weekend that I needed to eat. I was planning on having half, but damn it was good LOL. My tongue feels like a salted slug right now. I am going to lunch with friends to a Mexican food truck who is famous for their 12 inch deep fried flautas...O.M.G. I am hoping I can get a taco instead...but dang those flautas are good. Maybe hubby can shift his dinner plans tomorrow so I can just skip it.

    Scale didn't move today but pants fit ok.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @midwesterner85 Have you tried having some protein in the mornings? I know timing is such a personal thing. For me, I have to have a decent amount of protein for breakfast (and less carbs) or I will be starving in an hour.

    If I skip breakfast I get shaky and faint feeling but I know others who can't eat breakfast. So crazy how different we all are about meals/food.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @midwesterner85 Have you tried having some protein in the mornings? I know timing is such a personal thing. For me, I have to have a decent amount of protein for breakfast (and less carbs) or I will be starving in an hour.

    If I skip breakfast I get shaky and faint feeling but I know others who can't eat breakfast. So crazy how different we all are about meals/food.

    I'm not really a morning person, so I wake up just in the nick of time to shower, dress, and get to work. There is no time for food... but I do spend <1 min. pouring coffee to take with me (machine is on timer, so no other work in the morning).
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @midwesterner85 Have you tried having some protein in the mornings? I know timing is such a personal thing. For me, I have to have a decent amount of protein for breakfast (and less carbs) or I will be starving in an hour.

    If I skip breakfast I get shaky and faint feeling but I know others who can't eat breakfast. So crazy how different we all are about meals/food.

    I'm not really a morning person, so I wake up just in the nick of time to shower, dress, and get to work. There is no time for food... but I do spend <1 min. pouring coffee to take with me (machine is on timer, so no other work in the morning).

    I make mine at work. Lol