Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Ordered Vietnamese/Japanese for supper tonight. It was okay I guess. Next time I think we will stick with a place that does either one or the other and not both.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My coworker opted for the free beer and snacks at the hotel, so I skipped dinner. Yay! I'm sure I hit my calories with lunch anyway. And I can start over tomorrow, and do better.

    @midwesterner85 I tell you, I'm really enjoying this fat adapted thing. While everyone else is starving and can't go 6-8 hours without a snack or meal, and I have no problem waiting for a planned meal. This is the best thing ever. :relieved:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    First day at corporate. I own 1 pair of earrings and they broke in my purse during the trip....

    No breakfast. It's all hotel food. The not real eggs that I can't have and sausage that I can't have, and biscuits that are carbs and probably have soy in them anyway.... I'm going to be ready for lunch. 18 hours since I've eaten.... I'm holding tough for "better". (I'm not hungry.. it's the psychological battle of having no food. so spoiled, I am)

    And the pants I bought just slightly snug, are now rather loose. *Yay*! Tonight that'll change with group meal.

    My stop on the elevator I wanted to say "hasta lavista, baby" when I exited. I'm a goof.
    Today's eats??? Can I come over?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    First day at corporate. I own 1 pair of earrings and they broke in my purse during the trip....

    No breakfast. It's all hotel food. The not real eggs that I can't have and sausage that I can't have, and biscuits that are carbs and probably have soy in them anyway.... I'm going to be ready for lunch. 18 hours since I've eaten.... I'm holding tough for "better". (I'm not hungry.. it's the psychological battle of having no food. so spoiled, I am)

    And the pants I bought just slightly snug, are now rather loose. *Yay*! Tonight that'll change with group meal.

    My stop on the elevator I wanted to say "hasta lavista, baby" when I exited. I'm a goof.
    Today's eats??? Can I come over?

    When I travel for work, it's always to our corporate office (and that happens rarely). There are 2 hotels near each other, and 1 of them has the continental breakfast while the other does not. For the continental breakfast, I generally will eat eggs, sausage, ham... whatever animals they have. That hotel has a pretty good continental breakfast. When they put me in the other hotel (without free breakfast), I go to the attached restaurant and have the breakfast buffet... I load up on the eggs and cheese, sausages, ham, etc. I actually like this because when I go to the office for lunch, I have a very hard time getting lunch to work for me at the cafeteria on site at the corp. office because everyone who works there is apparently vegetarian or vegan (and this is reflected in the options available). So with my zero carb / carnivore diet, I have very few options.

    When I travel for leisure, I am usually in cheap hotels that have a continental breakfast, but everything is carbs - waffles/pancakes, muffins, bagels, toast/bread. So I just end up going somewhere if I have time or not if I don't. Next time is beginning of June for a race. I need to leave the hotel around 4:30am to be sure to arrive and park in time to get on the bus at 5:00am. I will probably bring my own small snack for breakfast, but don't like to eat too much before running anyway... will have the UCAN mix, though.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thank God I've been getting in long miles lately because my eating not been good. Too much grazing again. Good Lord, just how much clearance Easter candy did I buy!?!

    And now my wife is getting back into making macarons. She won't me touch the good ones...she gives those away...but I can help myself to the rejects, and there are more of those than I should have. Then I figured out that I can make great bite sized ice cream sandwiches with the macaron shells and vanilla frozen yogurt.

    At least my breakfasts and lunches are on point.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @7lenny7 My breakfast and lunches are on point. It's before/after dinner when it falls apart. I've seem some real ramifications on the scale and instead of being 7-10 from "ideal running weight," I am more 10-15lbs and have crossed the "never go back" mark on the scale.

    I'm not sure I'm going for full-on fat adaption, but I think I need to step away from the carbs a bit. I'm aiming to keep it under 150g per day (which is low for me) and only sticking to eat what I plan. We leave for Mexico in a little less than two weeks. I'll be able to control two meals a day and will still get some exercise--daily walks on the property and some treadmill time. Not really a safe place to run by myself, so I'll be sticking with hubby and he is not a runner.

    I'm really glad I do 99.9% of the cooking and food purchasing and meal prep in the house. Not sure how I'd survive otherwise.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I did good for lunch, chicken breast, roasted broccoli, and a bit of salad.

    I'm enjoying the class, but am very distracted by the instructor (that's sitting next to me right now), he looks like a runner.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Elise4270 - I would ask your instructor if he is a runner and where his favorite places are to run. Unfortunately all the people I thought were runners were typically not and then those I never expected would show up in the hotel gym on the treadmills! I can't go 18 hours w/o eating! I was hungry (stomach growling) today in the middle of my run! IDK about your fat adapted diet but I typically opted for oatmeal or yogurt on business trips or if the hotel had a free breakfast I would get bacon and eggs. I also ate tons of salads because I know they would be 'safe'. Because I traveled so much for work we typically have privileges at most hotels we go to for pleasure and have breakfast included or the concierge lounge which has always been good for some protein for breakfast or even a light dinner (chicken or salmon usually).

    I have done actually pretty well the last couple of days food wise and I am feeling pretty darn great - even if my weight is not moving...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I never asked him if he ran. I tried talking to him, where ya from? and he went on a rant about the difference between being from Toronto and Quebec and some language/political difference and I zoned! Haha! Oh my. Ok all Canadians aren't on the same page. He's Canadian. From Toronto. Nice guy though, excellent teacher.

    I wound up going 24 hours with out food. Honestly, it didn't bother me one bit. But about 2 hours after I ate, was hungry and gave in to half of an oatmeal raisin cookie. I don't like oatmeal raisin cookies, but seemed the healthiest option.

    I stuffed myself at dinner, beef fajitas, guac, and oh the beans with bacon, onion and tomato :love: . Mmm! I even took leftovers for tonight if we don't go out.

    I plan on a salad at lunch.
    Dinner may be a burger if my coworker is up to navigating traffing and getting out. Or could be Applebee's salad.

    On on the fence about another tm run. I'm doing well, but not sure I should push another day. I did some play with my (butt) kick and may be a bit sore. Dress shoes are horrible, btw.
    Is the week over yet?

    What's on today's menu? Are you staying on track?

    In a perfect system, what would you eat today?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    For the last 3 days now, I've been over 20% body fat. I'm not sure why because I didn't eat enough to spontaneously gain 6 lbs. of body fat over the weekend. :( It's stressing me enough that I'm thinking about just quitting daily weight/body fat measurements. Except I need the data and will stress without it.

    This came up last year too... I was way too fat going into racing season / nice weather activities, but decided that I was not going to worry about weight until winter. That worked really well last year until I decided that I was done and could take a break. After a 20 day break, I had regained all of the body fat lost plus quite a bit more. And that is where I'm at now (still). I'm thinking I should just focus on BG management and performance for now and then focus on fat loss at the end of the year. But I can't proclaim I've made it and give myself a 'break' next winter.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    well I over did it this trip. Coworker and I over ate at Applebee's and drank- blue moon Belgium white.. I was sure to go home on weight trend. But now I'm sure thats not happening. I'm not sure I have clothes to wear tomorrow! Yeah, weight gain/bloat is real being female.

    Oh well. We had fun. I was obnoxious. Haha! Talk too much nervous introvert? Yup, that's meeee! oh well. All in the name of bonding. And not at work.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    I have been having traveling = wtf did I do to my diet issues. Not doing running or lifting or anything enough. Need to fix that.

    Today’s solution was actually to bribe myself with bourbon to do a run.... I seem to be in good company in this group when it comes to whisk(e)y love, so there is that....

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    @hanlonsk ah well. You and I will get back on track after (company) travel is over.
    I'm glad to blow off some steam, exercise some neurons and synapses. Luckily I packed some stretchy pants! We head home tomorrow evening. I'm gonna miss corporate. They got some nice digs. I like my new nice clothes, but these dress shoes are stupid. Haha! :frowning:

    I won't be surprised if it takes me a few days to get these carbs/glycogen out of my system. Up side, maybe I'll be ready to run 2 minutes.

    @shanaber in some ways it's easier to eat better here. But with the social expectations there is a challenge. I don't envy how often you travel! But then I kinda do. Corporate has some healthy lunches cheap. And even cheaper, they keep giving us free lunch, then cookies or brownies in the afternoon. I ate the brownies. I have food baby now. ETA the instructor bikes. Close. But not a runner.

    Think I'm passing on the TM tonight. I wanna go. But am so tired. I suppose there's the chance I'd get up early and hit it.
    So what's next? How can we bring support/ guidance to those in this thread? I like the everyday "what I'm eating", it gives me the chance to think about my day, which I so often fail to do. I've definitely improved in the weekly food prep.

    What would help you? What else can we do to support one another? Where are the specific areas that can be improved in your diet? Collectively, do you see anything that can be thrown out to improve the support we have to offer on another, respecting individual goals and dietary preferences? Y'all don't leave it up to me. Feel free to run with what works for 2 or more. Like the MRC, we'll be there to support wherever each is.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Elise4270 for me, just coming here and checking in helps me a lot. Talking about successes and failures with people who understand.

    @hanlonsk maybe I should use bourbon as a carrot. I did bring bourbon with me to celebrate the finish of my last race. I didn't finish, but drank some anyway. Perhaps bourbon only when I do well with my eating? What kind did you bribe yourself with?
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Just some bulleit. Nothing too interesting.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I've started the morning with coffee. Luckily overnight digestion has allowed me to fit into my plaid trousers. I'm not sure I match today... I either do not, or do in a fashionable way. Eyether way, I'm in fairly comfortable clothes for travel home.

    Lunch? I hope to skip

    Dinner? I hope to skip.

    Ate sooo so much yesterday.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have Goals for this year and next and those goals need me to be smaller (and thus hopefully faster). I think I'm in a very small deficit but water retention is masking any loss.

    I've been playing with breakfast lately. Egg, toast, oatmeal, fruit. Been thinking about switching to savoury oatmeal and ditching the fruit. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow.

    Lunch is a PB&J sandwich with yogurt, fruit & veg on the side. Supper is likely to be eggs.

    Need to stay out of the candy dish.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @sarahthes I've made steel cut oatmeal and mixed in a runny egg, then added seasoning and it was VERY awesome!

    I was doing great yesterday, I think, until I discovered a box of cookies I had forgotten about. They're now nearly half gone. I was going to run them off tonight but I have to skip my run and work on the bathroom or risk mutiny.

    I'm planning a 24 miler on Saturday, so that should help quite a bit.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @7lenny7 I was thinking about sauteeing zucchini, mushroom and onion and mixing that in to the oatmeal with a scrambled egg and some garlic and fresh herbs. I might wait until the weekend so I have more time to cook though.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @sarahthes I have made steel cut oats in the Instant Pot with just some vanilla unsweetened almond milk and it's delicious and it's easy to cook a lot at once for meal prep in no time at all. I think this is the recipe I used:, but I used the unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead of water. I'm gonna guess that I added some cinnamon, too, because I love cinnamon. The milk and cinnamon adds enough flavor to keep it from being bland, but not sweetness. It actually has a beautiful aroma, too.

    After watching the calendar for a month, I can definitely tie my overeating to PMS (and subsequently timing of getting an IUD). Yesterday. Was. Terrible.

    I've struggled for long enough that I'm going to eat at maintenance for two weeks, one of which will be while I am on vacation in Mexico. When I get back, I will re-*kitten* my deficit and get back to it and hopefully between now and then will come up with some coping strategies that don't involve having the IUD removed.