Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    @shanaber BBQ sauce is super simple no matter how you make it. It just depends how you like it.

    I make mine with:
    And mustard, heavy on the mustard (could also add vinegar)

    But some people like the sweeter BBQ sauce and omit the mustard, add
    Honey, or grape jelly or brown sugar
    Add some vinegar

    Then you can get fancy and add spices if you want, hot, garlic, ect.

    When we were kids it was always ketchup and Worcestershire. Classic BBQ sauce.

    You know, you could mail me those lemons :wink:
    (unless someone beats me too it) I may start something in google sheets, the tab names with the dish would work like a table of contents. Might be kinda fun to be able to flip through a selection, finding something new to eat. It'd be like eating at someone's house, when they weren't home. Haha!

    What's in @sarahthes fridge this evening.... Mmm.. that looks good. :yum:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    We wound up just buying a rotisserie chicken and some potato wedges and throwing veggies at it for supper, ha.

    Supper tomorrow (my parents are visiting) is going to be chicken breasts in the immersion circulator with mango-pineapple salsa. And then a salad on the side and I think we will pick up some fresh bread at the bakery for the carb.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @shanaber No, it is not a fluke. This whole week has been consistently in the 20%-22% range. My home scale on the days I've had Dexa scans has always been within 0.3% of the Dexa body fat % (my home scale is always slightly higher). I trust the technology I have.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    @shanaber No, it is not a fluke. This whole week has been consistently in the 20%-22% range. My home scale on the days I've had Dexa scans has always been within 0.3% of the Dexa body fat % (my home scale is always slightly higher). I trust the technology I have.

    What scale might you have? I have the Garmin scale, and it was no where near my dexa results.

    Example of my same day results:
    Dexa results
    120.6 lbs
    32.2% bf (embarrassing)

    Garmin scale
    20.2% bf (stellar).

    I might be interested in saving some money for a scale of your caliber, rather than spending 150$ for the dexa. Or I just may spring for a dexa package and do 4 a year to correlate my Garmin values.

    ETA one year at work we had a scale that calculated bf. It put mine at 32%, and said I was obese (everyone made fun of me- called me fat names). Think my weight was 120-125 at the time. Think that just shows how much muscle I lack, not the fat I have :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I started the Google Sheets to share recipes (now i see i cant spell recpies- PIES should be in recipes) No secret that i can't spell. Just roll with it.

    As we share recipes, it might be easier to copy/paste in it to a common location, unless you have the time and patience to go back and look through the thread. I may grab recipes that have been shared and add them as i have the interest and time.

    here's the link. I think i got it right the first time, unlocking it where it can be edited. I put a random recipe to start it, just flipped open a cookbook and went with it... don't worry about following my format, do what works for you, edit it. i'm just getting it going.
    My coworker, that I went to San Antonio with, text me last night that he' d found a bed bug unpacking. *ugh. I checked my room twice. But still didn't freeze or wash anything I brought back. I put away all my unworn clothes... dum dum knows better. So i went on a cleaning spree last night, stripped the bedding, bagged all the laundry, emptied the drawers i put stuff away in to rewash, vacuumed out my car and the floors, sprayed my car with Adams, quarantined all my uniforms, that I thankfully didn't bring in yet from the trunk where his bag was ... *kitten. so my day is laundry. During all this DD comes in and I update her. She has a coworker that lives with his mom, and his moms house has bed bugs... he is covered in bites. oh *kitten* man... thanks, I'm not neurotic enough.

    And roast. But i still have to go to walmart and buy roast and stuffs.

    Dh is slightly frustrated with his lack of weight loss the first week eating better and tracking everything. YUP... if it was "easy" everyone'd be skinny, fit and fast. I suspect he's working towards marathon/ultra training, which is fabulous. I'm just a little more intentional and setting stepped goals, quarter, half... full? probably never, but we'll see where that goes when i get that sub 2 half down. I have a long way yet. He did listen to me regarding his form (WOW). He was having some calf tightness, I suspected it could be just overload. We did some drills and he started using his butt and no calf tightness. With that, I'm going to look for a running clinic for him. I dont think i'm strong enough to consider that for a few more months.

    I'm going to do more drills. Perfect timing with this run one minute, walk one minute regimine.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    ITS MEAL PREP DAY!!! what is on the menu this week? What changes do you plan to implement?

    @7lenny7 The roast was so good. We splurged on a grass feed roast- so good. We used the Stubb's brand ancho chili and lime packets, and added the carrots and taters for 10 minutes like you suggested. So so good.
    Thanks again for such a lovely dinner.
    My meal prep?. Buy more grass fed roast and eat it all day, e'ry day. But DH opted for chicken thighs in the IP, so IP chicken thighs it is, and we'll add some veggies.

    I should get around to boiling some eggs, or making more of the gruyere egg bites for snacks.

    Beyond that, I anticipate salads and quality protein as I can find it.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited April 2018
    I leave for Mexico on Saturday, so really wanted to plan well this week as I am sure there will be endulgences.

    Breakfast: cottage cheese, strawberries, coconut flour pancakes

    Lunch: rotisserie chicken, sweet potato, English cucumber

    Snacks: string cheese, boiled egg, Spanish olives, pickles

    Dinner: Didn't meal prep, but we will have salmon burgers, Chick fil A, BBQ chicken thighs, tacos, and whatever else I throw together.

    Hubby is traveling three days this week and we have busy week getting ready for vacation.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Gonna boil some eggs tonight to save time in the mornings. But other than that not much prep planned as tomorrow is date night and we have a giant cake in the fridge that the kids didn't like. Sending some to daycare on Tuesday and taking the rest to work I think.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - for your 50k do you have foods you have used before for fueling that you know you are ok with (PB and jelly sandwich, dried fruits and nuts, etc. comes to mind)... or do the race organizers to provide food? I never eat/drink what the race provides unless it is something I have had previously on a run. My stomach is too sensitive and I learned it the hard way.

    @shanaber I have a pretty strong gut so I have no qualms during a race that I haven't had while running before. At Zumbro I had many foods I hadn't had on a run before....grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, pancakes, pizza, cheese burgers. Along with that I had foods I'm used to running with such as a few gels, stroopwafels, bananas, oranges, chips, bacon. Yeah, I ate well. One of these days I want to stop at Jimmy Johns and get a big sandwich to take with me on a long run.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @sarahthes that cake looks like a giant, frosted macaron!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Didn't like cake?

    Could someone tell me what that even FEELS like? I can't imagine just being like, "Oh, I didn't like that cake..." I ALWAYS LIKE CAKE.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Didn't like cake?

    Could someone tell me what that even FEELS like? I can't imagine just being like, "Oh, I didn't like that cake..." I ALWAYS LIKE CAKE.

    Well I've had some that I didn't like the icing, but I agree! @sarahthes what kind of kids are you raising? LOL!!!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Didn't like cake?

    Could someone tell me what that even FEELS like? I can't imagine just being like, "Oh, I didn't like that cake..." I ALWAYS LIKE CAKE.

    Well I've had some that I didn't like the icing, but I agree! @sarahthes what kind of kids are you raising? LOL!!!!

    I know right? It's a grasshopper cake and it was really good. But I guess they don't like mint chocolate?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I like chocolate mint. It's my favorite. Silly kids.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    Aloha Monday folks!

    Well this weekend, being the last 2 days of my birthday week, I gave up on my deficit for the week and didn't even bother tracking for 1.5 days. No idea what the scale did, didn't want to face it this morning. I also have a Garmin scale and it seems to register pretty closely with my calipers. I have noticed that the BF goes up and down with my weight, even if it is b/c I drank more water than another day. As long as there is a downward trend I am OK. I used to do the BodPod every couple months, we had one at the gym we could sign up for. But now they turned it over to the nutritionist and you have to be a client of hers to get it done.

    Went to Costco over the weekend (I really wanted their pizza), and also bought a ton of healthyish low cal snacks. I love their Kirklands beef jerky. Meal planned for the week too. We are trying to clean out our pantry to prep for the move.

    Ran on Saturday morning and definitely felt some fatigue in the legs. Sunday I was just tired from all the fun on Saturday night and never made it out the door. This morning though I got up and ran in the freezing cold (it was 61) and ran for 60 min and made it 5 miles. I have 1 more speed session tomorrow and then I dial back a bit for the rest of the week for my time trial on Saturday to set the paces for the next round of training. Fingers crossed it is a good day and I can recalibrate a bit faster!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    I am not a big cake fan either and I can just pass on it - eh.. no thanks, unless it is like warm chocolate lava cake. Also cookies - those I am all over and will eat pretty much any kind... I am not a big chocolate mint fan either unless it is mint icing on dark chocolate brownies... mmmm

    On the scale question - I have an Omron that measures %BF among other things. It is wildly inaccurate though as I found out when measured by my nutritionist on the InBody scan which gives an amazing amount of information. She has a professional version (770) that I think sells for somewhere over $20k though. They do make cheaper ones but I think they are all still outside my price range although I would love to have one :) here is an article I found that does a comparison between the Omron I have and one of the lower cost InBody scanners -

    My husband found ham hocks when he was out doing some shopping for dinner last night (steaks!) so I am planning to make soup tomorrow. I need to get some onions and other veggies for it though. May also pick up a roast and veggies for that too.

    I have done no specific meal planning to speak of - have no idea what dinner will be tonight. I had my leftover Thai salad from lunch out on Saturday and added more chicken to it.
    Our friends on Saturday were talking about how much they love their IP, I think my husband is now convinced we should get one.

    @Elise4270 - bed bug!! UGH!! I can't imagine. I am OCD when it comes to stuff like that. I don't even open/empty my suitcase near the bedrooms or on any furniture. All clothes, worn or not, go in the wash immediately when I get home, etc.
    Thanks for setting up the Google Doc! I will be sure to add a 'PIE' recipe :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I'm so neurotic, everyday will be bed bug prevention for 5 50daysweeks now. I baby powdered my bed room (were all tile). DH is gonna be "wtf crazy woman".

    I'm not sure what a ham hock is? Glad you have some though! I think you'd love the IP. It's relatively cheap.

    (I just wanna be lazy and eat pie. Allergens are mad here, again.)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    I just want to be lazy, curl up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a book! Cool and cloudy with a chance of rain makes want to pretend it is winterish/springish... Supposed to be close to 90 on Saturday for my 5k :(
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'm back! Vacation was awesome and I think I did enough elevation change to last the rest of the year. ;)

    I've set up my new calorie goal (TDEE - 250 cals) with 1 g of protein per body weight and the rest split between carbs and fats. Goal: get back to 80/20 eating. I got this!