Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    Today's challenge is lunch with coworkers. Boss is taking us out for Mexican food.

    My weight is headed in the wrong direction. I'm hoping it's hormonal, although my body is old enough that it doesn't know what we're doing... :frowning: just bloated and crampy all the time. So Mexican food isn't going to do me any favors. Perhaps a salad will be available. But even with that, I seem to get bloated.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Still rockin' my meal prep this week, and my weight is still trending down. Anniversary dinner is tomorrow, but I've calculated conservatively about 1500 exercise calories to contribute to that meal, and will have a little more buffer from my run tomorrow. I have to have Saturday be my rest day and do my long run Sunday because we'll be out late Friday and my son has two soccer games Saturday. No biggie, but that makes Sunday super nutty with cleaning and meal prep AND running. Oh well! I didn't need sleep any way.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Today's challenge is lunch with coworkers. Boss is taking us out for Mexican food.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Today's challenge is lunch with coworkers. Boss is taking us out for Mexican food.


    I always fail at that.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    I fail too.

    Last check in before I go on vacation. My weight has been stalled for about 3 weeks now at 152(ish)lbs. I have been tracking in LoseIt and I should have a slight loss, about .5 to .75lbs a week. I haven't been an angel though. My calories are set at 1500 and I eat back 300 of my exercise calories. This is a comfortable amount of food for me. I have been wearing my apple watch and I have always been suspect of the "daily calorie" has me on average on a normal work day 1800 cals w/o exercise. I always thought that was low, but maybe not...I do sit on my butt all day at work. I make an effort to get up every hour and walk to the farthest bathroom...I park in the back of the huge lot.

    This morning was speed, didn't get the full workout in b/c I ran out of time. Burned almost 500 calories though. Lunch was out at a Ramen joint and I am probably a bit too full. Maybe I cant count calories worth a damn LOL. They say labels are off anyway...perhaps off enough to kill my small deficit. When I get back I will have to rethink this. At least it is an active vacation...lots of walking, good places to humidity :smiley:

    Keep at it everyone!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Enjoy your vacation @CMorning99 !
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm sort of trending down I think.

    We had our client open house today and so my husband and I decided to avoid the lunch room entirely because the second lunch room was reserved for client use and thus the one we normally use would be packed. We had Tim Hortons but I did not have dessert. (Yes we work together, different departments though.)

    However they did have leftover squares on the dessert tray after the clients left so I helped myself. I was grouchy. Definitely ate my emotions. I logged it as a butter tart since one of them kinda tasted like a butter tart.

    Currently at a small negative with both supper and my run yet to come so I should finish okay. Supper will be leftover pulled pork from the open house, along with something green and maybe rice. I dunno.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Today's challenge: I'm working from home which gives me access to graze. I've worked hard this week to save up calories for a fancy dinner tonight and I don't want to blow it by caving in to Trix cereal. When I work from home, I usually do my run around lunch, so I'm hoping the weather isn't a total *kitten* show (rain). It was perfect at 4:30 am, but this week has kicked my *kitten* and I wanted the extra sleep.

    Scale is still moving down with delightful leaps and bounds. Clocked in at 156 this morning, which is 2lbs from my "acceptable maintenance range." I'll enjoy my dinner tonight, but you'll be damn sure I'm keeping this *kitten* on point until I'm where I truly want to be (which is 6-8 more lbs of loss). I got home from vacation and my Monday weigh in was 170 (HOLY M'FER) so I'm pleased that I've shed the water weight and kept the diet on track (also not starving).

    I also got the Bret Contreras Strong Curves book/program. Lots of glute and core work and the warm ups are basically physical therapy exercises. Going to do those until my June HM and then get serious about the Bootyful Beginnings section when I start training for my Sept trail race after that. I figure it's a great time to incorporate strength training and race training and should fit in fairly well with the Hal Higdon Novice 2 plan. I was going to do the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 plan, but I feel that's a little more aggressive than what I want to take on while integrating the strength work. There's some mid-week 8 mile runs in the intermediate program that would be challenging for me to schedule.

    I've really struggled with getting the strength work in. None of the true heavy lifting programs like NROL and SL 5X5 were really clicking with me. Strong Curves is just what I needed, though, and the pictures showing how to do the exercises are really great. I don't have $$ for a trainer or coach, but I am a very visual learner (monkey see monkey do).

    Anyway, feeling good heading into the weekend like I got my mojo back.


    What are YOUR strategies for keeping on track for the weekend?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have been in the candy dish at work this morning because our receptionist is on vacation and I'm sitting in her chair (only for another half hour though).

    Finally I stomped to my office and grabbed a tuna thing and ate that. It seems to be working for now.

    We have no groceries (where do they all go???) so no idea what supper will be. It's a rest day so I'll go for a nice long walk in the evening, probably with kids and hubby

    Tomorrow it should be easy not to overeat as I'm doing a short run first thing, then a hair appointment probably 11:30 until 1:30 or 2.

    Sunday I have a 10K trail race that looks much harder than any trail I've done before but they're doing wave starts and I'll seed myself appropriately. I've only got the one set of trails close to home (close enough to run to anyway) so I see these trail races in further areas of the city as training for my mountain trail race in July.

    Scale wobbled up yesterday and today but my fingers and ankles are a bit puffy so I'm gonna go with water weight.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Strategies for keeping on track this weekend? Hmm....

    Keep busy. Maybe clean the house :scream: walk, run, bike, shave a dog :scream: .... catch up on sleep and make a food plan. Not sure what that plan involves... Yet.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @sarahthes You have a remarkable race schedule. I am so jealous! I also couldn't sit anywhere near a candy bowl. There are no brakes when it comes to me and candy.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @fitoverfortymom I live in a fairly big city with a river valley and several ravines that cut thru it. City size means there's tons of races to choose from (I could race every weekend between now and December if I wanted and could afford all the entry fees) with lots of varied terrain.

    The candy dish is my nemesis as well. I hate covering reception.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,414 Member
    Well we made it to DC and had decent food on the plane - hubby booked us in 1st class which was really nice since it is a long flight. The hotel has one small restaurant and while I was looking forward to breakfast in the concierge lounge it is closed and our only option in the hotel is Starbucks...It is pouring rain but I am still holding out hope to go for a run around the National Mall. Maybe I will scout out other options for breakfast... Tomorrow night is the 'graduation party dinner' at a steak house but the rest of the weekend is up in the air and dependent on the grad's parents... they are jet lagged so who knows what it will be. I am thinking I may not even bother to log my food... had lobster and squash risotto for dinner - I have no idea how I would log it so just going to go with it.
    Also heard tonight that the graduation which is outside on the Mall, will be held, outside, rain or shine. They will issue the grads 'ponchos'! Great I am gonna love sitting out in the rain for hours in my dress and nice shoes :( maybe I will wear my running shoes instead - I don't care if they get wet.

    @Elise4270 - Mexican food is my downfall...

    @sarahthes - I live in a big urban/suburban area and there are not nearly the number of races you have (and very few running stores), I struggle at times to find any races.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I think Mexican food is everyone's downfall. I had it Tuesday and I'm already jonesing for it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @sarahthes I live in Phoenix but 95% of races are about 40-60 minutes away. There's no group runs near me. No running store. I sign up for all these races and as they get closer I dread the wake-up/drive time (yay anxiety). I took the virtual option for my race tomorrow. It starts at 6:30 and is at least a 40-minute drive with no packet pick up the day before. It's also sold out so I'd have to leave probably around 5 to get there, get the packet, and take other stuff back to the car/warm up. Plus it's the same route I had issues with and threw up. So SUPER anxiety. I feel much better knowing I can wake up Sunday, run my neighborhood, and then report my time.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso @shanaber Wow maybe Edmonton just loves to run! I have not one, but two running stores within running distance: The Running Room (which, while a national chain, started in my city) and MEC (more an outdoorsy type store but they seem to have a lot of trail running expertise, organize road & trail races, and do gait analysis).

    Maybe that's why we have so many events - two major sponsors in the city.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I hope the rain holds off, you get a great run and find breakfast.

    I had an older woman (my favorite local PT) tell me once that once you hit menopause the weight battle is impossible. Of course I scoffed like a teenager. I find myself constantly battling the gain. I have a dexa scan scheduled the 20 of June. I'm hoping it's muscle gain...

    Just peeves me off. DH is loosing, my weight is a wobbling gain like a weeble.... When I cut calories to lose, I feel like I'm "starving" my body. I know exercise takes fuel and just can't/won't accept 1000 calories/day as "good". Even though I had my RMR measured, and it did suggest such a goal for loss.

    I really thought I could dial in a slow loss.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Dinner with hubby was a success. Really enjoyed it and covered all my calories with banked exercise calories. Scale was up only 2lbs this morning, which is totally water/alcohol retention. Tomorrow is my long runn. It's usually Saturday, but we have a busy soccer day today. I'll do my strength workout later instead.

    Tomorrow will be meal prep after my run. No sleeping in. :(
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    @RunsOnEspresso @shanaber Wow maybe Edmonton just loves to run! I have not one, but two running stores within running distance: The Running Room (which, while a national chain, started in my city) and MEC (more an outdoorsy type store but they seem to have a lot of trail running expertise, organize road & trail races, and do gait analysis).

    Maybe that's why we have so many events - two major sponsors in the city.

    I just live in the wrong part of the valley. I'm on the south-west side and most runs are east and north areas.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Food prep for the week?

    I made some coconut/chocolate fat boms for DH. There's chicken cacciatore in the IP. Chuck roast in the fridge (for the IP later in the week with veggies).

    I also have a back up plan of chicken pumpkin curry in the IP. No idea why I haven't made any curry dishes in the IP yet? Seems like I'm off to a better start than most weeks. It does help that DH is eating like I do.

    Snacks. Eggs, black olive, Siggis, macadamia nuts, pecans, baby bell wheels and watermelon.

    The challenge this week... Hmm, can I not eat out.