Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    @RunsOnEspresso @shanaber Wow maybe Edmonton just loves to run! I have not one, but two running stores within running distance: The Running Room (which, while a national chain, started in my city) and MEC (more an outdoorsy type store but they seem to have a lot of trail running expertise, organize road & trail races, and do gait analysis).

    Maybe that's why we have so many events - two major sponsors in the city.

    I just live in the wrong part of the valley. I'm on the south-west side and most runs are east and north areas.
    And well - I live in So Cal and there are lots of runners... but I guess they don't shop in running stores or run in races...

    Food prep - none for me since we are traveling. We get home late tomorrow night and leave again on Wednesday. I am just trying to eat normally, not get out of control and get some running in wherever, whenever I can. I am planning some snacks - nuts, dried fruit, etc.. for next week.

    Looking forward to cooking in the IP when we get home in a week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Food prep for the week?

    Snacks. Eggs, black olive, Siggis, macadamia nuts, pecans, baby bell wheels and watermelon.

    The challenge this week... Hmm, can I not eat out.

    7AM Monday and I already wanted to give up.. haha!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Same meal prep as usual.

    Breakfast: Cottage cheese, strawberries, waffles
    AM Snack: String cheese, English cucumbers
    Lunch: Grilled chicken, Caesar salad w/ Bolthouse Caesar, Sweet potatoes
    PM Snack: Greek yogurt, sugar snap peas
    Dinner: Turkey burgers, cheese, peas/carrots

    Tacos and Italian sausage are on the dinner menu for the week. Hubby is travelling, so usually my son and I will sneak in some gluten pasta. The Barillo ready-made pastas are great for this since I can microwave them without gluten-contaminating my pots and pans. It's a tiny serving, but hits the spot. Soccer is done for the season so no more crazy rushing to eat dinner and get out the door by 5:30 pm (it also means less trail running, but that's ok because my upcoming HM is road anyway).

    Feeling good about where I am with food at the moment. Still haven't scheduled the Mirena removal. I'm gutting it out one more month to see if I can't beat those cravings/binging.

    My weight is down to 155.8 and I'm aiming for 145-150. I'd love to be solidly there by end of summer. There's lots of not eating exercise calories happening right now.

    Good food find: I tried plain 2% Greek yogurt with fresh berries last night. It was quite good! I was worried the plain yogurt would be too tart. It could have been a hair sweeter. I might put a spritz of honey or stevia in next time. It's a great calorie saver and I felt quite satisfied after. Great protein/carb profile, too.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @fitoverfortymom I much prefer honey in my yogurt than stevia. Maybe if it was a liquid? Otherwise I don't feel sugar or sugar substitutes blend in well.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Spent some time in the Strong Curves book this week and worked out a calorie goal macro split I think I can live with. I had to rework some of my meal planning, but I kind of like it better.

    Breakfast: Greek yogurt, protein powder, frozen mango, chocolate almond milk (unsweetened), ice. It's super thick and takes like 20 minutes to drink so a strong sense of satisfaction.

    AM Snack: Toaster waffle, boiled egg.

    Lunch: Spinach with cucumbers, parmesan, and Italian dressing. Grilled chicken. Boiled egg.

    PM Snack: Cottage cheese, strawberries.

    Dinner: Barilla ready pasta with spaghetti sauce, Italian-style meatballs, cauliflower.

    Dessert: Chobani banana yogurt.

    It's a little over 1700 calories but feels like a ton of food.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Had a maintenance long weekend. Weight is holding steady (no loss, no gain).

    Yesterday I was at a net of ~1350 calories according to Garmin and MFP's crosstalk. I seem to do okay eating back activity tracker calories as long as I actually stick to the plan.

    Today's menu:

    Breakfast: crustless mini-quiche, and a plain Greek yogurt with All Bran Buds and mixed berries. Plus coffee. Always coffee.

    Lunch: Caesar salad (pre-bagged) plus rotisserie chicken, a small yogurt of some flavour, and probably fruit?

    Dinner: cheddar smokie (smoked sausage) on a bun, fresh cut veggies and the last of the kinda terrible homemade avocado hummus I made in the weekend.

    I'm also planning on an Ice Capp or a slushy as a treat after my workout, and maybe a protein bar if I get too hungry. And of course at least one more cup of coffee.

    Exercise plan today is speedwork on the treadmill at the gym on the way home. Too hot to run outside during the only time I have available to run.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Well. I once again let my calories creep up... Luckily I seem to have stalled the gain.

    So my goal is to watch the excess calories from eating out and try so hard to add more veggies.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited May 2018
    I started a new position after vacation and today was a happy hour after work. I was planning on just getting iced tea, but went with a vodka and soda instead. I had to adjust slightly, but still nailed my calories exactly and was just shy on my macro split. Weight is holding steady now around 155, so still gonna have to grind out the last 5-7 lbs, but I feel like I've found my strides.

    Hopefully I've rounded a corner and my peraeverence can win out over the Mirena munchies.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Not enough coffee today. Ugh. I need more coffee. No I don't want work coffee. Yuck.

    I woke up to swelling under my eye and sort of a light bruise. Oddness. Google says it's cancer. Hahahaha! Probably allergies.

    Today's plans?

    Find coffee. Pray about why it's so dang hot and why we don't have good fast food that fits my lazy lifestyle. Outside that, I'm just trudging through. Oh I get a hair cut today, always a treat. I may fall asleep during said hair cut if I don't get more coffee.

    Almost Friday. Then Saturday is all you can drink coffee. :smile:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Oh coffee. I can't even have any yet (just took my Synthroid). I'm so tired... My three year old was congested last night which meant waking up hourly to screams all night long (both my kids are prone to night terrors when they have a cold).
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I started a new position after vacation and today was a happy hour after work. I was planning on just getting iced tea, but went with a vodka and soda instead. I had to adjust slightly, but still nailed my calories exactly and was just shy on my macro split. Weight is holding steady now around 155, so still gonna have to grind out the last 5-7 lbs, but I feel like I've found my strides.

    Hopefully I've rounded a corner and my peraeverence can win out over the Mirena munchies.

    And hopefully my spelling will improve, also. That's what coffee is for!

    No run today. It's a rest day on the schedule, but I'll do some stretching and mobility exercises along with dog walking.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I forgot to mention that the scale is still trending down. I wonder how much lower it would be if I could get more sleep. I suspect I would have fewer cravings and late night calorie indulgences if I was sleeping more.

    Tomorrow is my scheduled rest day. I'm really, really looking forward to it.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @sarahthes YES to the sleep. I know it's hard with little ones, but not getting 6-8 each night for me just stalls everything out until I can catch up. I know it's just retention and it comes off eventually, but boy...I for sure am a human who needs sleep. I'm in bed by 8:30-9pm every night if I can!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @sarahthes and @fitoverfortymom - YES to sleep here too. I don't have any little ones any more and don't miss those sleepless nights. When I was working I found it difficult to sleep more than 6-7 hours even though I tried to get 8. I think it was anxiety and stress. Now when we are home I tend to sleep 8 at a minimum. I am in the process of moving my bedtime earlier but I am definitely more a night person than a morning person. I need to be up and out running earlier though or it is soon going to be too hot.

    We are traveling again - now in Portland Oregon, so no meal planning really. I did pick up some bananas for the room and my husband got me a plain waffle and some peanut butter from the free breakfast and that was my breakfast/pre and post run fuel. I had a protein bar and a section of the waffle before my run and still got hungry on the last 1.5 mile back to the hotel. My stomach was growling and my energy level dropped to almost 0. I guess maybe I need to eat more before or take something with me - didn't feel like I was out long enough to need anything though.
    Lunch was leftover from our Panera dinner last night. Not sure what dinner will be. Our daughter is driving down from Seattle this evening so it will likely depend on what she wants to do. We were going to have some mom/daughter time (belated Mother's Day) today but she was delayed by newborns that needed to be seen this morning.
    My goal on this trip is to just eat as healthy as possible and track what I can.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'm currently not tracking calories because I can't decide how many I should eat. I keep reading stuff and using different calculators. I have myself all confuzzled. LOL
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm currently not tracking calories because I can't decide how many I should eat. I keep reading stuff and using different calculators. I have myself all confuzzled. LOL

    You not alone there. I backed mine down a bit since I can't seem to stop eating at my set goal. Then I got thinking about doing the 21 day fix portions and skip the calorie counting. I don't know what I'm doing. "Better" is being evaluated.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 I basically eat the same thing every day so it's not a huge deal. I'm watching what I eat and trying to only eat when hungry and until full. I'm gonna see what the scale says Monday. HAH
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am not eating to what the nutritionist wanted me to - still 3-500 calories too low... Today was bad as it was pretty much all carbs and very little protein. Even with the 'low' calories I am losing nothing. Not gaining either but I want to be losing. Will be going back to see her in June.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I am so tired. So tired I slept through my "baby" cat chasing a field rat half the night in the bathroom. I got up to pp and she was playing with it, I said "too dang tired to chase your rat" and went back to bed. Still there, still playing with it this morning. Of course, with human intervention, I somehow got it to run from the bathroom to under my bed. **kitten*. She'll get it. Eventually.

    Love that I'm sleeping better. Just still so dang tired when I wake up. So I've now developed a Starbucks habit, mygah, 3 espresso shots of caffeine is way better than one home cup of pikes peak. I notice that it looks like they will be closed for 2 weeks end of this month. How can they do that to this caffeine junkie?

    Food plans?

    Breakfast. I had egg bites today.

    I plan on swimming at lunch, unless I just get lazy... Which is a real possibility. Then I have a massage later. So I'll definitely not do anything after that.

    So.. no idea what I should eat later today.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Breakfast today was a crustless quiche and yogurt with blueberries.

    We are going out for lunch but there's lots of reasonable places near work as far as calories go.

    No idea about supper, probably have to do groceries first.

    Rest day today so of course I slept less than recent nights. So tired. But it's not going to be super hot tomorrow so I can still sleep in a bit before my long run.

    Scale is still trending down. Very, very slowly.