Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 Do the blonde roast instead of Pikes. Lighter roasts have more caffeine than medium and medium more than dark.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 Do the blonde roast instead of Pikes. Lighter roasts have more caffeine than medium and medium more than dark.

    I'll remember that. Thanks!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I am not eating to what the nutritionist wanted me to - still 3-500 calories too low... Today was bad as it was pretty much all carbs and very little protein. Even with the 'low' calories I am losing nothing. Not gaining either but I want to be losing. Will be going back to see her in June.

    Have you tried making a protein smoothie or even Ensure or something like that ?
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Did an online grocery order this morning so I will pick that up after work. Planned out dinners (and other meals) for all next week. Long run tomorrow. I forgot to set my alarm last night, so missed the short run I wanted to do today, but making up for it with walking during lunch at work. It's really a cross training day, but since my class at the Y was cancelled on Fridays, I've been struggling with how to fill it.

    Emailed a trainer at a powerlifting gym for me and the fam to give that a go. Looking at that combined with Hal Higdon HM3 program to train for my next trail HM in Sept.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Ok I decided on a calorie goal and macro set up. Now just to follow it. And add in weight training again. I need to focus on losing body fat. :/
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I am not eating to what the nutritionist wanted me to - still 3-500 calories too low... Today was bad as it was pretty much all carbs and very little protein. Even with the 'low' calories I am losing nothing. Not gaining either but I want to be losing. Will be going back to see her in June.

    Have you tried making a protein smoothie or even Ensure or something like that ?

    @fitoverfortymom - I typically make smoothies for after my runs when we are home - not every day but typically 2-3/week. May need to do it more often though. I also find that when I do that I am not hungry and it ends up being both breakfast and lunch and I really need to be getting in both. Lately I have been trying to have more of a chocolate milk drink with some coffee, the Tera's dark chocolate protein powder and milk after my run as well as having breakfast and lunch.

    @RunsOnEspresso - I did not know that about the different coffees. I love Starbucks dark roasts because I like the flavor though. I have also found that the Refreshers (in the cans) have a tone of caffeine in them from the green tea - they always taste so good (yah refreshing) especially after a hot run but then I am wired!
    I also want to lose body fat. Much more important to me than the number on the scale. If I could just figure out how to do it. The nutritionist said the best thing was HIIT or Tabata workouts along with good eating. I am thinking of looking into carb cycling but I am not really sure what it even means.

    @elise4270 - why is your Starbucks closing for 2 weeks? I have never heard of them not having any of it through, walk up window, something.

    Since we have a full kitchen in our hotel room I decided to do some shopping and got eggs, greek yogurt, peanut butter, cheese and crackers and lots of veggies. My husband goes to the free breakfast and today got me a waffle and some bacon. I had part of the waffle with PB and half a banana before we went for our walk/run and yogurt with granola and the bacon on the side for breakfast when we got back. Sounds strange but it actually went well together.
    I am not sure what dinner will be but will likely have leftover Panera salad with chicken for lunch.
    We are sitting outside on the patio waiting for our room to be cleaned and I am hungry! Heading into Hangry! Need them to be finished - NOW
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @fitoverfortymom I used to do protein smoothies after long runs. I need to do that again.

    I learned about the coffee on one of our coffee tours in Hawaii.

    Body fat I need to clean up my diet more and lift weights more consistently I think. I don't know. It seems to be stubborn.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I don't know why the Starbucks is closed. I read the post twice to try to understand. They are closing the 29th and reopening the 11th... Oh I bet its the one day racial training thing. I wonder if it's the 1st not 11th. Typo or I wasn't awake or it was dyslexia.

    I still need to curb my Starbucks purchases :smiley:
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    National wine day anyone?

    Today’s nutrition kind of was crummy all day. Was trying to get house arranged Incase my property management folks decide they want me out. I think coffee and a protein bar was the nutritional highlight of the day....

    But somehow despite that, the moving, and not having lifted in 3 weeks I seem to have fueled a darn good random lifting day.
    I wonder if I can fuel a run day tomorrow just as nicely as running buddy wants my company while I’m home.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @hanlonsk - we celebrated National Wine Day! :)
    @Elise4270 - I have a Starbucks addiction! I love their coffee - no sweetness, no Frappuccino, no syrups or whipped cream... just espresso and maybe milk.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @hanlonsk moving is the worst. I keep thinking about a new house but don't actually want to sprouce up the current one, pack, move, unpack, and rearrange things for months until everything is just right.

    @Elise4270 @shanaber typically starbucks is a treat for me so I get something fun, like the current seasonal flavor. But if I'm watching calories that day I will get an americano or coffee (hot or iced) and never leave room because I apparently add way less milk/cream than most.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I always have an Americano with almond milk. Sometimes I get the blonde Americano. Mmm! Best coffee I've ever had.

    Weekend Food Goals?

    *Babble warning.
    No clue here. I had a massage yesterday. I want another one today. She did a great job on my neck, which wasn't bothering me, but can get rather painful. My right hamstrings, itb, tfl and low back are what needs worked. I think this is more a PT issue, not masseuse. I did sleep better. My Garmin stress score is way down, 25 from averaging 45. So it was worth it.

    I have 58 days until my next follow up with the PA (not the doc :disappointed: ). I suppose I can phone and cry about it. Or I can see the local PT for help. Maybe I can just ask the doc's office IF I can see this PT, so they can have records if they want. I suspect it's chronic tendonitis or something. I thought today I might just put a pin in running and focus on cycling as running isn't helping, but cycling causes my SI joint to hurt. *Sigh. Will I ever be well. Yep. I should phone for a visit to assess this crap.

    DH is going to stay the night with his grandmother today... Eeeeee! Means I'ma eat everything! Not sure why I love the house to my self so I can eat? I am going to clean all day and not exercise. Gah. Furry furry little animals make for a furry furry house.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Holding steady at/near 155. Not quite as low as I'd like, but steady is good. It's a higher carb day today, which also means PB&Honey before my long run (about to head out to avoid the heat). I have a black bean sweet potato Mexican casserole planned for tonight. Never made it before, so we will see how it goes!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Yesterday wound up being a maintenance day but between the pizza for lunch and the heat I am up 4 lbs overnight. Yay water retention!

    As for food goals this weekend? Not sure. We need to do groceries. Again. Temps tomorrow will be hot so any cooking should be outside, although Ian dumped sand in the BBQ so we will have to take care of that first. I'm leaning towards cold foods though.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    The best coffee I've ever had is anything from Hawaii. Kona is the absolute best. Greenwell Farms is my fav of the Konas. Although Kauai Coffee has a blend called Big Bruddah. Amazing. Nothing stateside even comes close. Starbucks is usually if I can't make my own. Otherwise, I'll go to Dutch if I happen to be near one. Or local coffee shops. I will admit I am a bit of a coffee snob.

    I need to cut up the watermelon I bought this week. And I have cherries!!! So I will be binging on cherries and watermelon this weekend. I was good and only ate one Reese's bar and let the DH have the other two. I have ice cream, which I can portion control. Unlike those damn crack candy bars.

  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    I know this will sound awful after all the yummy sugar treats you all are talking about but after working out there is nothing better than a Kale freezy shake.
    Kale/ Tomato/ apple/ celery /grapes/ cucumber. Blended then frozen into slushy or if too solid, thawed slightly with fav tea.
    You can feel your body soaking in the nutrients and feel pretty good energy-wise too.
    If you stay away from adding sugar there is a negligible insulin response.

    At first you might mix in a little sweetner if needed but a good workout makes it a treat in itself and if you are really thirsty then add more tea to hydrate.
    gatorade has nothing on this! :smile:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - my favorite coffee is from a small grower in Costa Rica... Unfortunately it is expensive and hard to get unless you go there. I brought home one package and wish I had purchased a few more.
    @teerai - I like smoothies after I work out but with just fruit and veggies I would still be so hungry. I need protein so I typically make them with greek yogurt and add protein powder along with kale and berries.

    My day got hijacked with a 3+ hour power outage and then wedding decorating duties so I didn't get any dinner. I had to make due with what we have in the hotel room as the power was out all over and all the restaurants closed.

    Tomorrow is the big day and I will be helping the bride's family make pies and other food for the reception and then we are in charge of transporting people from the hotel to the church. I think it is going to be a really long day. I am looking forward to heading home Monday evening and getting back to normal next week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I tried the Kona coffee. It was good, I don't think my coffee pallet had developed well enough to enjoy it like I probably would now. I drank preground Cain's for the longest time. I'm still too lazy to grind my own beans and find the perfect grinder, and the right brew temp. I do love the French press and the pour over coffees.

    In the summer I set the French press with cold water in the fridge overnight for the smoothest coffee.

    After everyone has had their coffee, how food plans this long weekend?

    I still have none. Living dangerously here.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am going to have to try that cold press in the fridge... sounds like a homemade version of the expensive ones they sell in cans and bottles now.

    Food plans - still traveling. Wedding Is today so we have lots of prep going on. I am going to help make pies and then we are transporting the wedding party to the church since we rented a van. Food will be whatever is available and then at the reception.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber did you ever make bbq sauce. I was talking to my daughter and she said "ma, that's not how you make bbq sauce. It has to cook", I said "nuh uh, not if you don't want too".

    She's usually right when it come to cooking, it's her thing. So I apologize if I steared you wrong.