Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have -28 calories left with lunch over and done so that means I have to run tonight after the storms pass.

    We had taco salad last night and I have leftover taco meat so we are having tacos for supper tonight. And watermelon.

    Just hoping the wind from the storms doesn't kill my patio garden again. Currently the wind is going in the opposite direction and my plants are sheltered but that should change in the next 1-2 hours.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    DH isnt buying that its medically necessary to have ALL these right now.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    edited June 2018
    Now I’m craving all those things. :(

    A picture the boyfriend took this weekend... ummm let’s just say I knew I had fallen off the wagon- I just didn’t realize the wagon had ran me over that badly, or gotten that far away.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    Now I’m craving all those things. :(

    A picture the boyfriend took this weekend... ummm let’s just say I knew I had fallen off the wagon- I just didn’t realize the wagon had ran me over that badly, or gotten that far away.

    Ohhhh! My sympathies!

    Sorry for making you want PMS food. I had half warmed up left over roast and taters.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    You guys have me wanting pizza, merlot, and s'mores too :frowning: I might treat myself to one of the three (wine) tonight to celebrate having a great run. It's always risky for me to have wine with/after dinner because being buzzed gives me a serious case of the munchies
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    We had pizza the other night - actually found pizza (no sauce) that did not upset my stomach! We had it with a Syrah but unfortunately no s'mores :( though...

    I had a little victory yesterday getting ready for the concert. My skinny sz 6 jeans fit! Have to admit though that they were tight on my calves - tighter than they have been. I don't think I have big calves or that they have gotten bigger but then I can't really see them.
    The concert was great - lots of walking as it is an outdoor facility and parking is not up close. We took Panera salads, got wine there and had a picnic before the show. Saw Rod Stewart with Cyndi Lauper. Went to see Sir Rod and ended up really liking Cyndi too. I have never been much of her fan but she put on an awesome show.

    Taking today as a rest day with strength training this afternoon and then leftovers for dinner.

    @sarahthes - your garden looks wonderful. I am not great at growing gardens and am a bit envious of those who do it so easily. How did it fair in the storm/wind?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2018
    @shanaber Pizza sauce upsets your stomach? Tomatos use to bother me in chili or stews. Shame, it seemes everything i really like i can't have. I found the san marzano tomatos dont bother me. It's what i use for caccatorie.

    I haven't given in to pms. This lower carb (been allowing quite a bit to accommodate training ~100g/day), really has the cravings controlled. I can feel that i want junk, but that craving is muted where i can rationalize not acting on it. Last night i had a banana, almond butter (no sugar), unsweetened coconut, and a dash of coco powder. It definitely worked. It was enough sugar to shut the pms monster up.

    No food plans here today, yet. I watched an episode of Bourdain's Parts Unknown where he went to the greek islands. I thought my do better was better. But wow. I'm missing a componet where food is grown and harvested locally. I may be some sort of self sustaining hippie at heart.... This do better may be
    never-ending. Canned food seems so wrong now. Life seems so confining. Wheres my ocean breeze? :smiley:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @shanaber Thankfully the storms that went thru missed my house! We must have had some wind though because last night my strawberry planter was knocked off its lofty perch and was on top of my peppers, which now look quite unhappy. We will see if they recover. It almost looks like a bird got into the strawberries.

    As for me I am plodding along. I ran last night and was pretty happy with my pace once I was warmed up. Did 5K, could have gone longer but it was 10 PM and I wasn't wearing anything reflective. So I went home.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Hi folks!

    Where has the time gone! I went on vacation for the last 2 weeks of May and didn't want to adult when I got back.

    The vacation was great, lots of walking and got in some good runs. I ended up only gaining 2-3lbs for 15 days of eating whatever. But I have to admit, my tastes have changed and I don't go for the junk that much.

    So for the last 27 days I have been trying to lose those 2-3 lbs. Some days the scale says I did, some day it says I didn't. My running has been going well, getting in 5-6 runs a week with 2x a week speed work. I am still not wicked fast :wink: But the speed I do have, I am able to carry out longer.

    We are in full fledge move mode. I shipped my car this week and next week the house movers come and it will be hotel living for a month. We were offered a house on base so that will be nice to have that done, we just wont have furniture until end of July to mid Aug! I bought a couple plastic trunks to put house stuff in to take on the plane (coffee pot, rice cooker, ninja bullet, protein canisters, pot/utensils) to try and make sure we have options other than In-and-Out LOL.

    I have really been trying to give Isagenix a good go but my membership expires next month and I think I am going to let it go. I have a bunch of their shakes which I love and I need to use them up. They have a stupid rule that you cant "re-enroll" for 6 months...stupid MLM companies. But I think I have enough to last me if I want to go back.

    I have been HUNGRY lately! Like feeling hungry and thinking a salad sounds good...Or if someone gave me a bowl of tomatos I would eat it. That is real hunger right? Not I am bored half to death at work hunger. I haven't been tracking calories, no idea how much I am eating but it seems like I am snacking constantly. I must be getting enough with the scale staying where it is. I need to measure my butt...I saw a picture in our Isagenix group of a lady who lost 40 overall inches...and her weight dropped 2lbs.

    So I will be back in this forum reading your motivating posts!

    Exercise: 3 mile easy run

    Food today:
    Protein shake with peaches
    Beef Jerky (2 servings)
    Fig Newtons (2 bars)
    Coffee w/ creamer x2
    Protein shake
    (mumbling) Australian strawberry licorice 2 servings ...300 cals WTF!
    Dinner is pizza for hubby's birthday
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @sarahthes - so glad the winds didn't hit! But boo on the birds getting into the strawberries! Hope the peppers recover. Actually that reminds me I need to get netting for my nectarine tree before the fruit gets much bigger. I am hoping to find something that will not only keep the birds and beetles out but also the squirrels - if it exists.

    @elise4270 - for whatever reason pizza does upset my stomach. It didn't used too and I have surmised it was the combination of cheese, sauce and maybe crust? I can eat tomatoes raw and cooked in other things and make my own sauce that I have no issues with. I don't dare eat pizza and run the next day unless it is just running to the bathroom!
    My daughter is very much one of the buy, eat sustainably and locally... belongs to the local CSA, etc., etc. She even grows her own lettuce and other veggies in large metal tubs in front of her house along with peas and beans on her front fence. Neighbors can come by and help themselves to whatever veggies they want. I would love to grow stuff like that but like I told @sarahthes, it just doesn't work for me. I did try to grow a garden a couple of years ago but the only thing that really grew were the tomatoes. Now I try to find local in the grocery store or go to the farmers market but often we are just too lazy to go there.

    I love(ed) Anthony Bourdain - man I am going to miss his shows! We have many of them recorded and hopefully they will continue to show them even though he is gone (still can't believe it!).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @CMorning99 - what kind of a hotel are you staying in? We have been in Residence Inns that have pretty complete kitchens (coffee maker, blender, toaster, all the bowls, plates, silverware, etc...) with normal size appliances. I love them even for a weekend trip because you can fix meals if you want to. Some of them you can even leave a grocery list and they will shop for you. I have never done that so I don't know how it works.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    @shanaber That hotel sounds like a dream! Unfortunately we are in military billeting is pretty hit or miss. We have heard though that in Cali they have a few condo like facilities for temporary lodging with most amenities, hoping we are going to get one of those. We also have to live in our empty house for about 3 weeks and I am not looking forward to that!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I think I'm terrible about growing veggies. I just have yet learned to how. Bugs are always an issue, like with squash and tomatoes. Okra, you just can't kill, but no one eats that much okra! Its kind of late in the year to plant... But i might keep an eye out for plants that didnt sell and take a chance. I do have a few tubs i could make use of.

    Some pizza bothers DH's asthma. Soy bothers my stomach, idk if itd be in pizza crusts or if that could be the culprit.

    I'm watching season 7 now. There's rumor he'll be replaced in the return of season 12. I will not watch it. Couldn't ever be a replacement for him.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Some years I have luck with my container gardening and some years I do not. I'm hoping I have luck this year...

    What I desperately want is to sell our condo and buy a house but I don't think that is happening this year.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @CMorning99 - how can they expect you to stay in a house with no furnishings for 3 months? That is crazy!
    @Elise4270 - I hadn't heard that rumor but I wouldn't watch it either. It just wouldn't be the same... :cry:
    @sarathes - I hear you on the condo especially with kids! But honestly at this point in my life a condo actually sounds great. I don't think I could ever wedge my DH or Hobbes out of this house though so we are investing in bringing it out of the 80's and into something more current (yay!)!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I haven't been able to bring myself to watch Parts Unknown since he died. It hit me really hard. I was kind of in shock at how upset I was. I think I always thought he'd be there. And I didn't realize how much I admired his ability to travel and tell a story. I never consistently watched but would put it on when I caught it.

    I weighed myself this morning weight and body fat were up a bit. I want to be better because I know my running will be better with less fat on me. Focusing on fueling workouts and making sure I get weight lifting in too. Good choices.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I so wish I could grow veggies, but I'm basically too lazy, plus only have a tiny paved back garden (underneath the paving is a riot of Japanese Knotweed......). I once grew some beautiful lettuce, and spent all day designing a salad to incorporate it, then got home to find rabbits had eaten the lot.

    Now the marathon is done, I'm back to wanting a tonne of veggies and fruit. This week I haven't actually eaten as much bad stuff as I could have done - I haven't held back but I haven't craved it either. Mostly I've been volume eating - loads of fresh fruit, went for tapas the other night, lots of protein. I'm not logging either. No point in weighing myself, as given how tight my jeans were around my thighs on Monday, there's still a lot of water weight hanging around.

    I think I'm going to pick up @Elise4270 'Do Better' thing as my mantra. Mostly my choices ARE good, but I need to either eat less, or volume eat stuff that fills me without wasting calories. As it's pretty warm here at the moment I am craving salads so that's great.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Losing Anthony Bourdain hit usall hard too. It comes up on Netflix since we watch it so much. I was just so sad to see it in my list. I refused to watch it too. I braved through mot of one episode, and all i thought about was his passing. It took another few days and DS sending me quotes from him to brave another episode. I think ive made 3 episodes now. DS claimes to be Bourdain's long lost son... Hes not of course. Just we all miss him. My DD said her soul was so so sad. I surely understand.

    @girlinahat I like your plan! I planted garlic that had sprouted last night, nothing gets to it. I've done that a few times. And onion ends will grow too. I havent tried growing lettuce. I'm sure the deer would just love if i did. Share your food ideas with us! I love hearing what other have. You have a go to recipe? Something of a favorite?

    I throw out organics to a area in the tree line. So I've already invited them up. Bucket 'round back with the dogs might work. But my dumb dogs let birds come upand eat drink on the porch... So i may be fighting the birds, that found my plum tree.. i still have figs and pears yet to ripen and get stolen!

    I made tzatziki sauce, IP chicken, and cut up some onion, tomato and English cucumber last night. If, i get motivated (i still need to get ready for work, load my bike up, i may remember to grab lunch. How great would that be to not have to fiddle fart around figuring out which fast food choice fits my do better plan!

    I have a headache. Theres a chance it'll be a migraine.
    Ibuprofen for Breakfast, probably a rizatriptan (migraine abortive). Its been lingering for a few days now with tom looming.

    I realized the green olives i like so much are in brine, not pickled. So so good. Dh found me two jars. Haha!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @sarahthes- Beautiful garden! When I lived in an apartment I always did herbs, tomatoes and peppers in containers. like you said, it was always very hit or miss. My hubby and I plant a small garden in our yard every year. We always do tomatoes and a variety of peppers and then rotate something else. Last year we did cantaloupe and zucchini. I had a hard time figuring out what to do with all of the cantaloupes. This year we did bussel sprouts and beets. At least I can can and/or freeze those.

    I have been doing fairly well with my eating. Yesterday I was down a few pounds but I think it was just from summer heat/dehydration. I drank a ton of water yesterday, but I did not weigh myself this morning. Yesterday I made some pasta sauce with ground turkey. I added shredded zucchini, some eggplant, mushrooms and onions. It was super good. I don't do pasta often because I am not a big fan of gluten free pasta and I don't like having to make separate batches for myself and my husband, but he loves pasta, so I do it every once in a while. For the record, left over gluten free pasta is even worse, but that is what I have for lunch today. My afternoon snack is also lame, blueberries and cottage cheese, but I only had a tiny bit of cottage cheese left, so it's pretty much just blueberries. Tonight I am making the tzatziki chicken bowls again. Looking forward to those!

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 Are you sure he's not his son?!? LOL I want to watch the Seattle episode. I guess he talks serial killers in it. Mixes almost all my hobbies. Food, travel, true crime. All that's missing is running.

    @lporter229 GF left over pasta is pretty bad. We've found if you slightly undercook it the leftovers are a bit better. And some bands are better than others.