Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 Are you sure he's not his son?!? LOL I want to watch the Seattle episode. I guess he talks serial killers in it. Mixes almost all my hobbies. Food, travel, true crime. All that's missing is running.

    lporter229 GF left over pasta is pretty bad. We've found if you slightly undercook it the leftovers are a bit better. And some bands are better than others.

    Oh i havent seen that episode yet! If you find out which season and episode it is, let me know. Exciting! I wish Alex was Bourdain's! They do appear to be cut from the same cloth. Maybe in some cosmic (wtf is up with my phone? Cosmic Brownies? Is that a thing? Auto suggest is just flippin' nutz today)... Alright, some cosmic link...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited June 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 Are you sure he's not his son?!? LOL I want to watch the Seattle episode. I guess he talks serial killers in it. Mixes almost all my hobbies. Food, travel, true crime. All that's missing is running.

    lporter229 GF left over pasta is pretty bad. We've found if you slightly undercook it the leftovers are a bit better. And some bands are better than others.

    Oh i havent seen that episode yet! If you find out which season and episode it is, let me know. Exciting! I wish Alex was Bourdain's! They do appear to be cut from the same cloth. Maybe in some cosmic (wtf is up with my phone? Cosmic Brownies? Is that a thing? Auto suggest is just flippin' nutz today)... Alright, some cosmic link...

    It's a recent one. It aired in Dec 2017 if I remember correctly.

    Cosmic brownies are little Debbie's. Now I want a seiss cake roll.

    Ugh SWISS cake roll
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 Are you sure he's not his son?!? LOL I want to watch the Seattle episode. I guess he talks serial killers in it. Mixes almost all my hobbies. Food, travel, true crime. All that's missing is running.

    lporter229 GF left over pasta is pretty bad. We've found if you slightly undercook it the leftovers are a bit better. And some bands are better than others.

    Oh i havent seen that episode yet! If you find out which season and episode it is, let me know. Exciting! I wish Alex was Bourdain's! They do appear to be cut from the same cloth. Maybe in some cosmic (wtf is up with my phone? Cosmic Brownies? Is that a thing? Auto suggest is just flippin' nutz today)... Alright, some cosmic link...

    It's a recent one. It aired in Dec 2017 if I remember correctly.

    Cosmic brownies are little Debbie's. Now I want a seiss cake roll.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Well yesterday was not good but not bad either. I bought a bag of that licorice with the promise I would have 1 serving only....I ate the whole bag sitting in traffic on the way home. We also had pizza for hubby's dinner so I was so full by the end of the day.

    Today is my office going away and they have catered from a local restaurant that specializes in coronary blockers LOL. I have my shake for breakfast and then a fattening lunch, and I told hubby I would bring him a plate so I can skip dinner.

    My run was low energy this morning. I really thought about skipping it, but ended up just doing 3 very slow miles. My legs felt dead.

    I am also tired. I am sure it is stress from the move. The house is stressing me b/c the rental agency is trying to nickel and dime us for everything...They told us yesterday if we forget to cover the dryer vent they would charge us $25 to have someone come out. They want the whole house flea and tick treated. And the carpets cleaned, even though the lady alluded that the carpet needed to come out. I will feel a lot better at least when the movers are gone.

    But just taking it one day at a time and luckily so far I have not buried my stress in junk food. Still have a couple more going away dinners though.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @Elise4270 Are you sure he's not his son?!? LOL I want to watch the Seattle episode. I guess he talks serial killers in it. Mixes almost all my hobbies. Food, travel, true crime. All that's missing is running.

    @lporter229 GF left over pasta is pretty bad. We've found if you slightly undercook it the leftovers are a bit better. And some bands are better than others.

    Yes, I like the pastas that are made with corn and quinoa. The rice based ones are disgusting mush and the bean ones (chickpeas or lentils) are too gritty.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @CMorning99 My work vending area has a new display of Twizzlers packs - 16 oz. / 1 lb. packs, to be specific. When I saw them put it up earlier this week, I chuckled. It was laughable to me that anybody is buying a 1 lb. pack of Twizzlers from vending... a place normally for convenience items to be consumed during a single break period. To my surprise, nearly half the display has already been sold!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I used to buy the red vines at Costco. I am not a fan of Twizzlers but like the Costco ones... actually my fav is black licorice but no one else in the family likes it. I keep a small bag of black licorice bears in my car. They and/or ginger drops settle my stomach.

    Instead of GF pasta have you all tried spaghetti squash? I love to make it with my normal pasta sauce over it - we make it with ground turkey and Italian sausage... mmmm

    I find it SO interesting that Anthony Bourdain's passion hit us all so hard. Even my husband was pretty shaken by it. I don't know what that connection was but it sure felt real... @elise4270 - I watched the CNN reports and memoirs about him and just cried. We taped all the shows that they replayed but I haven't sat down to watch them yet. I loved the episode on Appalachia too. Just so good. I think every episode I watched though I thought 'oh this is my favorite' and then there would be another one. Really going to miss him :(
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    We ordered in Vietnamese tonight to celebrate the last day of school. Yummy, but I'm going to be so bloated tomorrow from the salt. Worth it, haha.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I haven't had good Vietnamese food in years. Hmmm may have to find some soon!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I had the best gluten free pho in Moab. It's hard to find. I could have also done a bahn mi as gf.

    Ok... so I'm currently doing strong curves. But I'm wondering if there is a better plan for strength when training for a marathon? I want to get faster and lighter. I want a program to follow not workouts. Like runner's world will be like heres a workout but not a plan. I am so all over the place. Lol
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Aloha Friday folks.

    I am not worrying too much about food choices today. Yesterday the lunch was huge and I didn't eat dinner. I woke up this morning wanting to chew my arm off and a very sore Achilles? It is a pain on the inside of my heel...I am trying to google what is even there and not much. I also randomly woke up at 4am. So I drank coffee and had a whole wheat English muffin for breakfast...well to hold me over to breakfast. I noticed about 30 min after eating it, the roof of my mouth was sore, like I had eaten something really rough and scrapped my mouth. I took a food sensitivity test by Everwell and it came back with a mild intolerance to wheat, yeast, gluten. I have had a lot of that lately...and sugar. It is no wonder I feel lethargic.

    I got a lot done for the move and for checking out of my Unit. RIMPAC is going on so that means there are approx. 25K additional military personnel on base for the next month...makes everything take 10x longer.

    Not sure about my run tomorrow. Supposed to be an easy 4 miles but this ankle thing has been iffy for a few weeks so I might just skip it and work on getting ready for the packers.

    I will sure look forward to getting back to my normal foods.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - I can’t vouch for marathons... but I did stronglifts 5x5 while half marathon training. I did NOT go up the prescribed 5lbs per workout when running that much, but i think it helped. And it’s easy. Only have to perfect form on 5 lifts. It’s quick- even if you dawdle like I do, it doesn’t take long. When running lots, I gain strength slower, but I do think it helps with the running, and my diet is more forgiving.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @hanlonsk I started stronglifts a few years back and never finished. I couldn't get into it.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Hey all, I just realized this group exists, hurray! I've been feeling pretty disconnected from the main MFP forums recently but could use some support on the nutrition side, so this is perfect! So long story short, I gained somewhere in the 50-70 pound range after meeting my husband in 2010 through a combo of too much drinking, too much eating out, and a lot of stress/anxiety/depression around law school and trying to get a career going. At the end of 2016 I weighed just over 200 pounds for the first time in my life and basically had nothing to show for the previous two years except for weight gain. My spouse and I decided it was time to make a change and so, one little bit at a time, we did and still are.

    Fast forward and I've lost 50 pounds, taken up running, weight lifting, listening to hip-hop music, and gardening, and have a reasonably satisfying job that isn't what I wanted to be doing with my life but is an improvement on where I was the last few years. I am still 25-30 pounds over a normal BMI, but I stopped losing weight in mid-May. I think running more has been part of this, as well as quitting smoking. My big weakness is drinking and the snacking that (for me) goes with it. I've always enjoyed a good glass or three of wine and a bag of popcorn at the end of the day, but I let this get out of control the last few years and am still working on dialing it back.

    Anyhow, I stopped calorie counting/logging in mid-May and decided to take this month off as well, but I'll like to make some smarter choices around drinking and eating so I can at least maintain my current weight after gaining back about five pounds. I know that a lot of people continue to log while maintaining but I'm hoping that doesn't need to be my path. Exercise has gotten me in touch with my body in a way I don't think I've ever been, and I'd like to make intuitive eating a part of that if I can.

    So here's to a dry July, 50 running miles, and maybe hitting 100 pounds on my deadlift? Who knows!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2018
    Wow! @MegaMooseEsq Congratulations on the weight loss, and deadlifting near 100lbs!

    I have no idea how anyone doesnt log calories. I'm sure I'd undereat or over eat. I'm just too neurotic to not feel like i can anticipate where that goofy scale is going! But since I've tightened up my choices, I can see that there's possibly that I WILL get to this point someday.

    There's no set way we so this here. It's similar to the running challenge in we set our own goals and share our progress and support one another regardless of the differences in diet.

    If you have any favorite recipes to share or favorite snacks, we're interested! Keeps us from getting in a food rut.

    Good luck!

    Keep us updated regularly on your journey.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    What food prep is going on for this week?

    Dh is putting on a roast with potatos and onion.

    For snacks I have avocado, fresh eggs, brine green olives, mushrooms, an english cucumber, store bought "vine ripe" tomatoes, protien shakes and I'll have to pick up some more pecans and fresh mozzarella. I'm out of watermelon.

    I need to set a "do better" goal of taking my snacks to work so i quit eating tacos and diet coke for lunch.

    I talked to dh about growing stuff. He thought we're really past the window of planting anything. *Sadness*. Maybe next year. I'd really like to plant some watermelons (or anything really) over our lateral lines, but dh thinks that a no no. I shall google it.

    Yesterday's work out was a bust. Garmin even downgraded my vo2 max because i sucked so bad. So i thought, lets have some carbs ans hit it again today. Chose cheesecake. A piece last night and a piece with coffee. Rain/thunderstorms is upon us. Fair chancd itll pass and I'll still be able to make it out. PMS has evolved into almost TOM, so i feel crappy. Headache, crampy... Tired. Running sounds unappealing, think i could bike to day no problem, downhill.

    Lets conqured this week!
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Wow! @MegaMooseEsq Congratulations on the weight loss, and deadlifting near 100lbs!

    I have no idea how anyone doesnt log calories. I'm sure I'd undereat or over eat. I'm just too neurotic to not feel like i can anticipate where that goofy scale is going! But since I've tightened up my choices, I can see that there's possibly that I WILL get to this point someday.

    There's no set way we so this here. It's similar to the running challenge in we set our own goals and share our progress and support one another regardless of the differences in diet.

    If you have any favorite recipes to share or favorite snacks, we're interested! Keeps us from getting in a food rut.

    Good luck!

    Keep us updated regularly on your journey.

    Thanks! I was surprised when I realized I'd burned out on logging considering I'm a numbers nerd and had been logging since July 2016 without much stress. I think I should be able to do it, though - I eat a fairly limited diet by choice/habit, and never struggled with my weight until this last decade. I think that calorie counting let me get away with continuing to make unhealthy choices because I was able to bank calories and keep losing for so long. Now that I've hit an equilibrium, I think that counting needs to take a back seat to making healthy choices. We will see.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @Elise4270 Maybe you could still do some container gardening if you pick up some plants from a local greenhouse or nursery? Tomatoes anyway...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    @Elise4270 Maybe you could still do some container gardening if you pick up some plants from a local greenhouse or nursery? Tomatoes anyway...

    Yes. We have a long growing season. I think i just missed the mild weather and rain. Its likely 95F/35C for the next 2 months. I have some tubs and could try to put stuff on the porch out of the sun.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Dh put, in my opinion too much water in with the IP roast. So i pulled some of it out, added fruit seasoning, salt and the left over homemade tzatziki sauce. Mmmm. Tzatziki soup! Its kept me out of the cheesecake. And was so flavorful.

    DH isnt running or biking today. He has a hilly 10k the 4th so is tapering.

    Now what my belly has quited, and I've had some electrolytes and broth, I need to get out for a ride or brick.