Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    Well I had successfully made it 5 days without any snacking, only eating at meals, and my weight was finally starting to trend down again. And then last night I ruined my streak by having a late night snack fest- 1 piece of roti (270 cal), 3 frozen waffles (270) with maple syrup (300? cal), a serving of the caribbean beans and rice that was supposed to be for lunches (420 cal), and half a bar of dark chocolate (140 cal). I elected not to weight myself this morning since I knew it would be bad. I will say that the evening snacking was 100% stress related- we just found out that my boyfriend's sister has been getting beat up by her boyfriend. He stopped by their apartment yesterday and threatened to hurt her family if she didn't leave with him. She stayed inside and the police were called, but CPD could only issue a restraining order. Manny thinks this guy will come back around anyway so he went to the north side to stay with his family for a few days. I am of course worried what will happen if the guy does come back, so yeh stress levels are at an all-time high.

    My goal for today is to do the next right thing, and not let one bad evening turn into days or weeks of overeating. Breakfast was chocolate PB overnight oats and strawberry lemonade kombucha post-run. I have lunch packed (more of the caribbean beans and rice, plus spicy steamed cabbage) and intentionally left my money at home (no vending machine trips...) so things should be fine until I get home from the lab. I do have a bottle of turmeric ginger kombucha stashed in the work fridge just in case I get some afternoon cravings. I'm planning to make refried beans, fajita veggies, homemade tortillas, tomatillo salsa, and avo for dinner. I love refried beans so hopefully having one of my all-time favorite meals planned will help keep me from snacking or ordering take out instead! What do the rest of you have on the menu for today?
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    @girlinahat I'm also tapering right now (very short taper for a 10K this weekend), and have been enjoying it more than I should! Like @fitoverfortymom I'm enjoying being able to sleep in a bit more. And having a good reason to skip strength training!

    @RunsOnEspresso nice job getting back into the logging! I like the idea of posting it to your insta story, sounds like a good way to hold yourself accountable :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @girlinahat - I have motivation issues too sometimes and then I have an amazing run and it fixes it. This morning I didn't want to run and I woke up feeling like what the heck am I doing this for, I'm not even losing any weight? I sat and talked to myself about all the reasons I run and why I should get out and run today, especially so I can finish respectably my SF HM with my daughter in July. I ended up having an amazing run all in all. As far as the food is concerned, you are supposed to be carb loading for at least a week leading up to your marathon so I think you are doing well with that!
    Maybe after the marathon a change of running location/scenery would help? Some new trails?
    @Elise4270 - I do gain with exercise (strength training primarily or a long run) but more from inflammation I think and it usually it comes right back down after a day or two. I am hoping sticking to being consistent with my runs and getting in tempos and intervals will help and hopefully will help with the HM too!
    @fitoverfortymom - In N Out has your order ready :lol: You will have to look for whales and dolphins when you are running. We have been seeing lots of dolphins when we are at the dog beach, they seem to enjoy hanging out with the surfers.
    @ariceroni - yikes! I would be stress eating too! Stay safe and I hope the entire family is safe too, especially your BF's sister!
    @RunsOnEspresso - I saw this on FB and thought of you!

    So what's for dinner? I am making the last of the stuffed peppers tonight and tomorrow I think will be pasta night (fresh sausage and spinach ravioli from Costco).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My dinner tonight is ice cold Halo s'mores ice cream. Mmm!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Cold sandwiches for dinner since it's currently 30C, we face west and there's no air conditioning. Watermelon and ice cream later (not together).

    I intend to go for a walk later and maybe do some really light strength training.

    Goal is to have a 250-500 cal deficit for the day.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber That is so me! Especially when places say they have gf options and it's just salads.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    We made it another week.

    I want to do a version of the duathlon tomorrow to gain some confidence. I want to add some calories today, but cant decide on what in particular would be the best choices. My first thought is pizza. But i havent been doing bread/wheat or any grains. So i dont want to tempt myself in to undoing the progress I've made with the do better choices.


    So far I'm leaning towards a loaded baked potato. I can not eat as much in one sitting anymore. I use to be able to eat a whole big *kitten* tater, or even 2/3 a pizza. So i guess itd be lunch and dinner.

    I do have roast and taters at home. No meat Friday might just not get observed today.

    @sarahthes 30c and no AC. I'd die. A few summers as a teenager in Dallas Texas we didnt have AC. Couldn't afford it. I spent a lot of time at a friend's house.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @sarahthes - we used to eat cantaloupe and ice cream together in the summer! The cantaloupe makes a nice little bowl for the ice cream :)
    I also would die in that heat with no air conditioning... In Idaho growing up we didn't have air conditioning either (it's a dry heat my mom would say). I would just move into the basement. Put a sleeping bag on the floor at night.

    @Elise4270 - baked potato sounds great! Or even just a bunch of different lightly steamed veggies with a bit of cheese on top.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Hmmm. So yesterday's lunch with coworkers spiraled into a very snacky afternoon. Many calories over, but not feeling super hungry today, so we'll ride the wave I guess. HM tomorrow, so it's maintenance eating anyway. Actually having a teeny-tiny TOM at the moment, even with Mirena, so that explains a bit. Today's weight up a bit, but still trending down.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I ate the giant potato. I'm now struggling to stay awake. Must have caffeine.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I've done okay yesterday & today for calories. Planning on ice cream in a bit.

    I wish we had a basement. I live in a second floor condo. The heat isn't supposed to break until Monday or Tuesday. Today was a tiny bit cooler but the humidity was ridiculous. They're calling for storms all night and most of tomorrow. Supposed to be a break in the active weather so I'll probably run to package pickup for my Sunday trail race
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Race day, so I eat what I want. Pre race was a PB& honey English muffin, string cheese, and applesauce. Race fuel was a chocolate Gu and some sport beans with caffeine. Post race was a hot dog, bagel, cre cheese, and yogurt (and 8oz of REAL Pepsi which tasted way too sweet!).

    We have a Scout party this afternoon so I will get sheet cake and other goodies. Not sure of dinner will actually happen because I am so tired!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Race day, so I eat what I want. Pre race was a PB& honey English muffin, string cheese, and applesauce. Race fuel was a chocolate Gu and some sport beans with caffeine. Post race was a hot dog, bagel, cre cheese, and yogurt (and 8oz of REAL Pepsi which tasted way too sweet!).

    We have a Scout party this afternoon so I will get sheet cake and other goodies. Not sure of dinner will actually happen because I am so tired!

    (So envious). :wink:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I didn't even attempt to log today. I went to a gluten-free expo so had a lot of little samples. I will be back tomorrow! Give myself the grace to miss one day.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I did my long run this morning and now I want to eat everything, things I don't ever typically eat sound delicious! It also doesn't help that my husband went to our favorite donut place this morning... I am moderating though I had a bite (about a quarter) of a cake donut (Saigon Cinnamon) before my run and about the same after with my recovery chocolate milk.

    I think we are having leftover ribs tonight but not sure on tomorrow's dinner.
    We are going to the dog beach in the morning for a meet up and I am looking forward to a walk on the beach. It also means organic strawberries from my favorite berry stand! Yum!
    Monday we are going to a concert at the Hollywood Bowl and will pick up Panera to have there. We have to leave ridiculously early to get there in traffic and hopefully find parking. They let us know that there are 3 events in the area Monday evening and that it is going to be a mess.
    That's about as far as my planning has taken me for the week... need to think about dinners. Maybe some chicken and rice in the IP :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My calories have crept upwards the last week. So has my weight, but its also PMS week and ive added time training.

    Next week i want to cut my calories back a bit... Maybe pass on the tostada's even though the calories fit, they shouldnt be a do better food.

    DH bought cherries. I said i wasnt going to eat any of them. I cant exactly remember why they are on my no-no list. i know they cause GI issues, so I'll likely be tootie at work tomorrow. I've had at least 2 cups, so whatever the reason ill soon remember.

    We made chicken cacciatore in the IP and added pearled cauliflower. Twas good. I add a few klamata olives to mine. There's leftover for later in the week.
    I also have a roast, watermelon, avocados, bananas, fresh eggs, Swiss cheese, maybe some pecans for the rest of the week.

    I still haven't made that tzatziki @lporter229 shared. I think i need to make a list and keep it in the car so i wont forget to pick everything up for it. I think dh may have a sams trip planned. I could make it with lamb. .
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Got my strawberries and some organic cherries today!
    Tonight ended up being pizza and salad from a new place near us with hand fired pizzas all the same price no matter what toppings you add. It was pretty good and no sauce on mine to upset my stomach.
    I am still not sure what the rest of the week will be... I guess we will figure it out! It is my husband's last week at work so I suspect it will be somewhat crazy and celebratory!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yesterday was food heaven after the race. Enjoyed the party food with Scouts, ran some errands, then went out for Mexican food and cleared an enchilada plate. Today, back on plan. I have crazy DOMS from the race. I wake up at 2:45 to fly to California. I'm debating on how much I really want In N Out burger. It might be a game time decision, or at least scale back and get a single Patty and maybe skip the fries. I'm going to think about what I really WANT to eat, and give that a whirl.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm debating on how much I really want In N Out burger. It might be a game time decision, or at least scale back and get a single Patty and maybe skip the fries. I'm going to think about what I really WANT to eat, and give that a whirl.
    @fitoverfortymom - my first reaction to this was to tell you all the ways you 'could' make your In-N-Out healthier but then I thought who wants to do that? If you're going to eat it, eat it and enjoy it! It doesn't happen all that often!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @fitoverfortymom I actually really like my double lettuce wrap at in and out. I mean I have to do it now but it's a nice alternative when you want more protein/cheese but cut some calories. Plus it's so hot now it's more refreshing. Lol