Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I didn't run this morning because the weather appeared to be Minor Hurricane, but the rain at least has died down. I'll run right after work before supper - only 5km and I brought an afternoon snack to work so I'm not super hungry. Wanting to eat something often derails my planned after-work runs.

    Super tired and trying to get to bed earlier but so far it's not happening. I'm on plan for food so far today.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Oof. Life has not made it easy to slip into a routine.

    This weekend I was doing OK, and then we had a dinner out at a fancy shancy steak place and well, I figured if I was paying $75 for a steak, I was damn well going to enjoy it. Even had a glass of wine.

    This morning I was feeling the gluttony and wine in full effect and my "run" turned out to me sitting in my recliner at 5 am playing Candy Crush for an hour as I sipped coffee in a full food/booze hangover. I just couldn't adult.

    I vowed I would have just my shakes and a light lean dinner today and then remembered I had a lunch date at a food-court. So now I am just trying to not eat again till I am hungry. I was going to try and make up for my run, but I think if I did, I would not be happy during or care after. I don't get paid to run so if ain't fun, nope.

    I am trying to get into one of those weight loss accountability groups...where for like 2 weeks you are up in each others business all day reminding and encouraging. Always seems that they want you to buy or sell something though.

    Oh well, it too shall pass...I admit I am just in a "mood".
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @CMorning99 You got this. Steak and wine should be enjoyed. I am slightly jealous. No wine here, it gives me a headache. So i get to live through all y'all that can indulge a bit. I like beer, but dh is in recovery and i try not to keep it in the house. Once in a Blue Moon (Belgium white draft) :yum: I'll hide something out of sight. Or have some when were out.

    You can always share everything here about your food choices. And we won't sell you anything. Theres a little bit of accountability having to say it in a public forum.

    How did the lunch date go? Did you just have water and lemon? Claim you had a rumbly tummy? :wink:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hey - I have a glass of wine pretty much every night... May be why I haven't lost my remaining 15 lbs or not, (I happen to think not) but I promised myself I wasn't giving up wine, chocolate or coffee... and I lost 60 lbs so still planning to enjoy. @CMorning99 - I know you'll get back out there for those runs - because you want to and not because you feel you have to.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @Cmorning99- I had to laugh at the image of you in your recliner at 5AM playing Candy crush. I can relate. I have had to cut more than one AM run short because I got sucked into that game. But hey, at least you got up!

    @shanaber- I used to have a glass of wine every night too. And then it turned into two. And sometimes three. So now I am trying to eliminate those nightly glasses of wine. But never coffee or chocolate!

    Speaking of wine, this weekend was a disaster on the food and alcohol front. Two grad parties on Saturday. I did not eat enough before I went and of course there wasn't much food there that I could eat, which resulted in me drinking most of my calories on Saturday, which then resulted in me feeling like crap and eating like crap on Sunday. I am promising better for myself this week. I have got to do a better job of moderating my alcohol consumption. It's my biggest pitfall when it comes to my health. I hate to think that I have to give it up entirely, but it might come to that...
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Good morning everyone. Thanks for all the comments!

    My mood rolled through the day and so did I. The food court lunch was pretty gross so other than 2 pitas, it wasn't all that unhealthy (chicken and salad). I somehow managed to not eat all the sweet treats someone brought in from Taiwan too. I didn't push myself in the afternoon, skipped out of work early and resumed my "crushing" on my throne (aka recliner). Dinner was not healthy but small.

    This morning I made it out for my run and added a mile for my 2 day hiatus for 4 miles. The 1st day was b/c I got my eyebrows tattooed and they recommended no major sweating. The pace was good and I felt good...and my eyebrows were on fleck ;)...i think that is what kids say these days LOL

    As we are getting ready for the move I was going through the pantry since we cant take food with us. I have a bunch of Isagenix canisters of their shakes and I actually really like them...but a lot of mornings after my run, I like salt not sweet. But I figured I better start working on them so had a shake today for breakfast and it was pretty good. I have another canister at work for emergency rations and so that will be lunch today. I brought snacks too b/c I get hungry with just those shakes.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    My weekend was not stellar for eating either. After I had a chick fil a sandwich and fruit on Friday night, I ordered pizza! It was definitely the TOM food thing again. Sunday was over calories also, but that was planned as we were going to a concert and out to eat before. All in all, not my worst overeating episode, but it still happened. Back on track with prep and eating for the week, though. My next HM is 11 days out. I was hoping to be leaner, but it is what it is.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2018
    @fitoverfortymom Well think of it as pre race fuel. I run so much better on ice cream and pizza :wink:
    I was proud of my dinner yesterday. Mushrooms, Klamata olives, these awesome green olives with the pits, olive oil, and fresh mozzarella.

    Breakfast today i had a leftover taco from yesterday's lunch. If you like cold food, tacos from taco casa definitely hit the spot. Coffee and protein shake too.

    Lunch was watermelon. And i managed an afternoon snack of local pecans.

    Other than the taco casa (which is awesome). My do better is starting to look like I am doing better. Seriously, gonna get a big *kitten* tostada or 2 after work today... Just to keep the good and bad balanced. Haha!
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Ummmm I am in the bad food/drink/TOMcamp for the weekend... and really still.... Friday was Mexican for dinner... then Celtic festival (which means beer), and then drinks and Netflix with the bf... Saturday I actually was probably good on calories due to what I was blaming on a hangover.... and turned out to be probable food poisoning exasperated by overindulgence .... yesterday was driving, and too many driving snacks... and today I just wanted ALL the foods.... but my do better was that I stuck with my salad lunch rather than ordering pizza like I wanted to. We shall not talk about the rest of the food I ate. I then bribed myself into following through with my short run with scotch for dessert.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Diet is not terribly dialed in.

    I'm kinda afraid to weigh myself as none of my pants fit.

    Today's do better was getting out and running this morning and then again tonight (~2km each time). It sucked big time this morning, was a bit better tonight. Hopefully tomorrow the super stiff and tight calves will be gone. Lot easier to eat well when I'm also exercising regularly.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm off today and had in my head that i should be out running or biking by 9 am. Its 845 I'm only onto half a cup of coffee. I question weather i ahould rest today with the tired, noticably sore legs. Normally I'd have a rest but since I'd like to do the DU without crying, I'm trying to lean in to as much training as possible. This also gives me the opportunity to eat a little more.

    What are we eating today?

    You girls hang in there. I know we all have bad weeks. @sarahthes other than the calf issue, the extra physical rest (not running) has allowed you to recover to a greater degree and you havent lost any cardio fitness in such a short time. When you get out there consistently for a week, i suspect you'll feel stronger. Gaining weight always messes with my head. I keep telling myself "so what, I'll run it off eventually" when it creeps in to my thoughts. I will take about 2000mg of vitiman c to get the over eaten bloat out. Just wouldn't say make a habit of it. Just fyi if a good bm helps clear your head.

    I had a friend ages ago that'd do a 3 day fruit diet when her weight crept up. She played soccer. Thats where i get the "eat all the watermelon".

    Anyhow, you got this. Its a journey.

    @hanlonsk Ugh food poisoning. I have yet to have it. Love the scotch bribe!!!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Thanks @Elise4270. I got in a good run (6 miles) this morning and definitely feel better about things.

    Breakfast was instant oatmeal with frozen berries that I made when I got to work because aside from getting in a run I was not terribly organized this morning and was almost late.

    I have no idea what lunch is because my husband packed it for me. I will hazard a guess that there is yogurt, string cheese, a pear, a quinoa salad thing from Costco and a soup of some kind or possibly a frozen entree. My husband isn't super creative when it comes to lunches.

    Supper we were talking about grilled cheese on rye with salad.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ha! Scotch for dessert @hanlonsk! Mine was a glass of wine on Monday after agility class!

    @elise4270 - remember to take some of your own advice to not push too hard and over train. Take it slow and get some rest in there. You want to hit that duo healthy and able to finish and not have another injury to set you back!
    I love watermelon too and have a bowl of it cut up in the fridge for snacking whenever I feel like it and especially after a run - it is SO refreshing! I also like the watermelon juice they have at Costco but it takes up too much room in the refrigerator and is kind of expensive.

    @sarahthes - so happy you are feeling better about things and got a good run in! I actually think your husband isn't bad with lunches. Mine made bologna and American cheese sandwiches on plain white bread (no condiments, no veggies ever) everyday for years when I first met him (OMG!). He hasn't branched out much further than that these days and usually has soup and pretzels or a sandwich with salami or turkey. I think this is mostly because I refuse to buy any of the other ingredients although if he really wanted them he could go get them himself :)

    Between my run on Monday and class I ended up with over 20k steps! Too bad I woke up at 2 am coughing and so congested again... so no run yesterday but I ate pretty well. I just slept and watched TV all day and got mostly no steps or movement in. I was still going to make the stuffed peppers in the IP for dinner but discovered I needed a pot to fit inside the IP to cook them in. Of course I have nothing that will fit so I ordered it on Amazon but it won't be here until tomorrow. DH went to Panera for salads which were perfect for dinner last night and tonight I will have to find something in the freezer to cook. I think I will have a salad with leftover chicken for lunch today. Wondering if the pot will arrive in time to still make the peppers tomorrow.

    I'm going to call the doctor and see if I can get in today or tomorrow and have this cough/congestion checked since it has been going on almost 2 weeks now. Either way I will get outside today even if just for a walk.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    Currently having the same TOM issues as many of you -_- yesterday I gave in to the cravings and ate a bunch of sugary cereal and chocolate after dinner, but I'm determined to make today better! My goal for today is to not eat any snacks, just to stick to the three meals I have planned. I already got my run and XT in this morning, so I just have strength training left to do once I get home from the lab. Other goal for the day is to finally do the damn strength training instead of skipping it like always

    Breakfast was wheat biscuit cereal with almond milk and berries, a chocolate PB banana smoothie, and lavender lemonade kombucha. For lunch I packed a TLT sandwich (tempeh "bacon", lettuce, tomato, sprouts, mayo), grilled asparagus, and a mango. I really really want to dig in to my lunch now, but it's only 11:30 so I'm going to make myself wait until 12 to get it.

    Not 100% sure about dinner yet, but I'll probably have a tofu poke bowl (brown rice, baked tofu, daikon, shredded carrot and zucchini, jalapeno, green onion, gomasio, and soy sauce) since I've had the rice and tofu in my fridge for a few days now. Also need to do a little meal prep tonight- make more rice and tofu, cook the kale I've had in my fridge for 5 days that's starting to yellow, and get a batch of kimchi (or sauerkraut, haven't decided which yet) fermenting.

    @Elise4270 3 day fruit diet sounds tasty! And a great way to ensure a BM to reduce the bloat haha
    @sarahthes grilled cheese on rye sounds delicious, rye bread is the best
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    So far so good this week on the diet front, but it is only Wednesday, and only half way through at that, so I still have plenty of time to blow it. Oh, and I should probably clarify that by diet, I mean just what I am eating. I am not currently trying to lose weight, but am more concerned about my overall health. I have not had any alcohol since Saturday and my average resting heart rate has dropped 10 bpm since then. I have definitely noticed the correlation and the little graph on my Garmin solidifies this. I told my husband that I am not going to drink any alcohol until I notice it bottom out or trend back in the opposite direction. I am really kind of curious to see how much the impact of alcohol really is.

    Today for breakfast I had some oats with a little brown sugar, unsweetened coconut flakes and some pineapple. Also iced coffee with a scoop of chocolate protein powder. It was a pretty yummy meal. A nice change from my usual lazy protein bar. Lunch was leftover spinach and quinoa cakes, avocado, tomato and cottage cheese. Surprisingly satisfying. My mid day snack will be some grapes that I was too busy to eat yesterday. For dinner I am making seafood paella using Trader Joe's frozen seafood blend. It's a mix of calamari, shrimp and scallops and is really not that bad. Not a bad day but a bit higher than normal on my carbs and pretty low on protein. I might have protein milk shake for dessert.

    @ariceroni - I always struggle with the strength training too. I found a 2 day lifting routine for runners that i am going to try to do. It is a full body workout using heavy weights and compound lifts. I did it last Tuesday and again last night at the gym. I usually hate strength training, but I actually kind of enjoyed it. It really helps me to have a pre-written workout plan when i go to the gym or else I just end up walking around aimlessly before I decide that was enough exercise for the day and leave.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @lporter229 - I would be in bad shape if I stopped having my glass of wine and my HR dropped by 10 points or more! As it was today I was questioned again about my HR at the Urgent Care I was sent to when my regular doctor couldn't see me. Everyone freaks out when they see my low HR! It was 43 then and I was freaking out at the BP reading they had for me - 205/95! WTH!! She retook it manually and it was in normal range for me in the doctor's office (140/68) so their machine was messed up.

    So I have a sinus infection that is causing all the issues. Have my antibiotics and hoping they take affect tonight so I can maybe run tomorrow. Doctor didn't rule it out but was cautious... definitely not a runner though.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    edited June 2018
    My resting heart rate is always fairly high.... it’s my blood pressure that generally causes attention. Like when I was at my fattest and out of shapest it was reading quite high for me, but no one batted an eye because it was still a fairly normal reading. One of these days I may try and get someone to take my bp when I am not at a drs office, just because I am curious how big a part my dr anxiety plays. But it causes attention because a lot of meds drop it. So, I can’t have things like codeine without dr supervision because we found out the hard way they drop my bp and I end up passed out and having a seizure.

    Most recently, I had a dr appointment early enough in the AM that I still had coffee in hand. So the little nurse gal cautions me not to “freak out” over my bp reading, because between how nervous I look, and the caffeine, my bp is probably going to read fairly high...... it came out at like 102/60. So, let’s just say I was glad I had the coffee so they didn’t drag me off somewhere for low bp.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    On resting heart rate: When I took my wilderness first aid class last year, at the point where we partnered up and took resting heart rates from each other, the instructor gave a range of "normal" and mentioned that some people will be higher or lower. When done, we went around the room and gave our partners rate and mine was 47 bpm. The low end of the "normal" range given was 60. But I pointed out that was normal for me and that I run... the instructor agreed that runners and people who are more fit will have lower RHR.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    When I drink alcohol, my RHR is always in the 50s, but it's in the 40s when I don't. I know that a RHR in the 50s is not cause for concern and is actually kind of low, I just find it interesting that alcohol has that much affect on it. The only major health issue that I have ever had to deal with is Crohn's disease, but both of my parents have (or had, my Dad is deceased) serious chronic health issues including heart disease for both of them, so I am overly paranoid about my health. Neither of my parents were ever over weight, most of it appears to be genetic. That is why it bothers me to think that I am not doing all that I can to keep myself in good health. Not that I intend to never drink alcohol again. Like I said, it was just a little eye opening and I am now just paying a bit more attention to how much I am drinking.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Wow! I'm in terrible shape. My RMR is 55-58.