Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I haven't made the tzatziki yet either but it is definitely on my list. We had Mediterranean out on Thursday night and I had kabobs like the tzatziki recipe but one chicken and one steak. They were good... well honestly the chicken was delicious and the steak was inedible. Both my BIL and I had the same experience and the manager tried the steak and couldn't believe how bad it was. She ended up comping both our dinners. Next time I will just ask for chicken :)

    Saturday the niece asked for Panera so that was dinner after doughnuts in the morning and not much lunch. I wasn't feeling well and pretty much slept all afternoon. Sunday my husband decided to finally try out the smoker he got for his birthday and smoked the turkey roast and all kinds of veggies. The asparagus was my favorite - it came out just perfect. The corn on the cob was good too but the potatoes had too much smoke flavor for me. He also did sweet potatoes that I didn't try but my niece said were delicious. I think we will be trying out lots of things in the smoker over the summer!

    So for the smoking event my husband went shopping for the veggies - I don't know what army he thought he was going to feed but he bought 6 (6!!) large peppers, 6 (6!!) zucchini and 6 (6!!) cucumbers along with the potatoes, asparagus and corn. I am going to make a big salad for dinner tonight and I think maybe stuffed peppers one night but I need some ideas to use up the zucchini and cucumbers...

    He also bought 6 huge bananas - I usually buy 2 at a time because I can't eat them fast enough before they get too ripe. I suspect some of them are destined for bread or maybe in a smoothie. I do find it interesting that he bought 6 of everything!

    I do have to say I love this time of year when all the berries and other fruits are coming into season. We stopped at the berry stand and got a half flat of strawberries and we have watermelon as well. They are my go to snacks.

    I need to go back to enforcing my nothing after 8pm rule - I have been getting into the Ben and Jerry's in the evenings. I am not sure why as it isn't my typical go to when I want something sweet.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ariceroni - are you vegetarian? I am looking for recipes for my niece that include more protein. She has recently moved to eating vegetarian. She also doesn't do dairy of any kind and doesn't really like eggs. She buys the vegetarian or vegan burgers and occasionally eats tofu but seems to get her protein from powders or bars only. She is moving to Brussels and a lot of what she uses here just won't be available there. If you have a recipe for the chickpea curry I think that is something she might really like.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I roast zucchini in the oven. Mix up the seasoning depending on how I feel. Or sprinkle with shredded parmesan. OR chocolate zucchini cake.

    Cucumbers I usually eat raw. My grandma used to do cucumber and onion in vinegar. I don't know the recipe. Or what about making pickles?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I was thinking about a cucumber salad with onion and tomato...

    Chocolate zucchini cake!! Yes - pretty sure I must have that!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @lporter229 I wish I could forget to eat. Sometimes (rarely), I will be less hungry than my calories allow, but I never forget!!

    @ariceroni What a great race! Rungries are the worst. I've been battling 10lbs for a year because of the rungries. Then I remember that after losing 100lbs, that is actually more like maintaining, and I feel less fruatrated!

    The shwarma bowls were amazing. That's definitely going into the rotation, not just for dinners, but weekly meal prep, too. I finally have hubby and son on board with quinoa, now to work on their kale consumption! I love kale!

    Overall today was a success. My run was later today, which helped, and on trail which helped double my calorie burn.
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    edited June 2018
    lporter229 wrote: »
    This weekend was a mixed bag for me. On Saturday I had a lara bar before my run then I made omelets for me and the hubs when I got home. We worked in the yard for hours and hours Saturday afternoon and I plain forgot to eat.

    Working in the yard and garden are the best! Always one more thing to do Lol. Shower, fall in bed.
    I usually have a juice from juicing in the fridge and it can even be a chore to finish that but great feeling to have the stuff done!

    Welcome @ariceroni :smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I tried not eating after a certain time. It was more miss than hit. I find I do better skipping breakfast and perhaps even pushing lunch out. I find I'm not naturally hungry until 1-3pm. Don't know if this is an option for you?

    Today's foods?

    I'm kinda wanton egg rolls... We'll see if I can do better.

    Starting another day with no lunch plans. (Other than German practice at lunch, alone in my car).
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    I'm kinda wanton egg rolls... We'll see if I can do better.

    I see what you did there ;)

    @shanaber- It must be a man thing. My husband always over buys everything. In fact, I was looking in the meat compartment of the fridge today and realized that we have 2 packs of kielbasa that my husband bought the last time he did a shrimp boil. He only needed one, but of course he had to buy 3. They are about a week from expiration, so they need to be used or frozen. I also have some cabbage that I need to use, so traditional Polish fare would be a no brainer. The only problem I have with kielbasa is that I can't stop eating it. I was pretty much raised on the stuff and that salty goodness just takes me back to childhood. if there is a pound of it, I will eat a pound. For the sake of not consuming my entire days calorie allotment on kielbasa, I will likely just make a Trader Joe's chicken sausage *sigh*. The saddest part of it is, I know that if I freeze the kielbasa, it will never get used, so it will probably end up in the trash. Aside from his need to perpetually over buy everything, my husband also has an aversion to taking things from the freezer. The next time he needs a package of kielbasa, I am sure he will go to the store and buy 3 more. The cycle is never-ending.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - I can't skip breakfast. I have to eat something as soon as I can after I get up which was really really difficult for me initially and is typically just a protein bar. Then I have some toast or oatmeal before I run (per the nutritionist) and breakfast when I get back... pretty much my morning is all about eating and running. Sometimes I skip lunch especially when I get back from a run and it is already 11... or I call my pre-run snack breakfast and then eat lunch... whatever you label them I don't end up with enough calories. The nutritionist keeps telling me just add more to breakfast and lunch and "gag" I just can't.

    @lporter229 - yep mine did the same the other day with Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream - it was on special 4 for something and of course he couldn't just buy the one he wanted. He HAD to but 4! Every time I open the freezer it is staring at me and calls to me after dinner. I am not even a big ice cream fan and I find myself eating it. So last night I had a piece of dark chocolate instead and was much happier.
    I love kielbasa too and actually like having it in the freezer for a quick meal on the grill and one usually lasts us thru 2 meals or at least I try to work it out that way.
    The freezer aversion is interesting - my MIL was that way. Her freezer was basically always empty. Fortunately my DH isn't that way but his brother definitely is. Living in Dubai though has taught him they have to buy (and freeze) things when they are available because next time you want something it may very well not be.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    @shanaber I am vegan so definitely have some of the same struggles as you niece! It definitely makes it a little harder to get sufficient protein, but I'm able to do alright by ensuring I have a protein source with every meal. My basic "protein strategy" is to have at least one serving of tofu, tempeh, or seitan each day and at least one serving of beans or lentils. I always include a protein source with breakfast too, usually in the form of PB powder in oats, soy milk in cereal, or pea protein powder in a smoothie. I also try to opt for whole grains over refined ones as they contain more protein, and usually choose higher-protein grains like farro, quinoa, or amaranth over rice or wheat. I like a lot of the "fake meat" options, and they tend to be high in protein, but I limit them to ~once a week for financial reasons. Anyway, this was probably a much longer winded response than you wanted haha, I've included the chickpea curry recipe below

    Amy's Easy Chickpea Curry

    1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
    1 can diced tomatoes
    1 can coconut milk
    1 onion, diced
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    Curry powder, to taste
    Optional add in veggies (I like frozen cauliflower or pea/carrot mix)

    1. Saute the onion and garlic until fragrant and tender. Add the curry powder and continue cooking for 1-2 minutes. Optional- add a few chunks of jalapeno or serrano peppers at this step to increase the heat
    2. Add the can of chickpeas, tomatoes (with juice), and coconut milk to the mixture and simmer for 10-15 minutes. If including frozen veggies, add them in the last 5 minutes so that they get warm but not too mushy.
    3. Serve! Tastes great served over rice or with naan/paratha. I usually add a little cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime juice on top.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ariceroni - Thanks! The curry looks easy and amazing. I may just make it for us too as an alternative one night.

    We went out to dinner with my niece tonight to a burger place of all things for her last 'American' meal before she heads off to Europe for the next year at least. She chose a place that she knew we would like and they had a fake meat option that was really good. It is called the Impossible burger and honestly I don't think I would have been able to tell that it wasn't beef. It just wasn't as thick as our burgers but from a visual, taste and texture perspective it could have been meat. She doesn't think they will have it in Europe so she was pleased to have it before taking off.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I am looking forward to dinner tonight. A while back I asked my butcher what the best meat was for cheesesteaks and he told me to give him at least two hours notice and he would put a round steak in the freezer so that it can be shaved thin for cheesesteaks. Let me tell you, it makes the most incredible cheesesteaks. I had my husband pick some up last night, so I am making cheesesteaks with sauteed onions, mushrooms, peppers and homemade pickled banana pepper rings. I usually eat mine on a baked potato or grilled portabello mushroom since I am gluten free (and don't really like crumbly GF bread), but tonight I think I will just eat it on a salad. I will likely be thinking about it all day...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited June 2018
    We made our carne asada from Costco last night so we will have leftovers for a few days. I was surprised how good this carne is for being a prepackaged and what I assume is not a Mexican or Latin company. I believe the same brand does the corned beef we bought this year. But it's gluten free which I never know about at restaurants or carnicerias.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I was supposed to pull out a London broil for the freezer to make barbacoa tacos, but I forgot so it will either be: Zucchini "lasagna" or some frozen but cooked chuck have in the freezer than can be heated with BBQ sauce.

    Those cheese steaks sound amazing, though. Another one of my favorites.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Busy morning this morning so I didn't get any breakfast... I did meet a friend for lunch at a New Mexican place where I had Al Pastor tacos that were some of the best I have had. Fresh homemade corn tortillas and the pork topped with a pineapple avocado salsa! mmmmmm

    Dinner will be leftover smoked turkey and taters (regular for my husband and a sweet potato for me) and a big salad.

    Tomorrow - chicken and rice in the IP if I don't screw it up! Feeling a bit intimidated after reading so much about it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber i don't think you can screw up the ip meals. Let us know how it turns out. I haven't put rice in mine yet. I did throw in some lentil rotini's after it was all cooked and let them sop up some liquid. Workes great. Not mushy even after days in the fridge.

    I did better today. Drove to Dallas (2 hours one way), cracked my windshield, yay! :tired_face: . I wanted to stop for a burger and a beer but realized it was a do better moment... Then i wanted Taco Casa, again another do better opportunity... So Panera salad it was. Yay me!

    Now if i could only do better with some house work...
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Hello folks, I am back from my vacation. Well actually I was back last Friday and have been in denial (even at work LOL). The trip was great and I got in good running the first week and then then I didn't run for 10 days. Food was ok, I worked on not over eating but I still over did it at the potluck each night. I wore my apple watch and I burned 2,000-2,500 cals a day. When I got home, the weekend was a food fest and so when I got on the scale Monday morning I was up 6lbs. I dropped 1.5lb by Tuesday and forgot today. I suspect tomorrow will be the most accurate weight for weight gain.

    I started a new training plan with my coach. 12 weeks to get down to a 25min 5K. I love the first week of a training plan...nothing but shorter easy runs LOL.

    Working on my food also. Started tracking calories and I have been starving with my 1700 limit. I am not sure if it is from just eating what I want when I went for 2 weeks...or if I have really been under eating.

    We are in full move mode...38 days till we fly out!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yesterday I could have eaten a clydsdale. Today I was 150 calories short of goal. Go figure.

    I had a BOGO free coupon for Noodles & Company, so I got a Med Salad with chicken. One of my favorites and very filling. We have some cabbage left from the cauliflower stir fry from last weekend, so I think I will make it again with ground chicken I stead of pork for tomorrow.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Today meals?

    I have nothing planned. I need to run by and have a star chip filled in my windshield at lunch, so food wise that leave me limited unless i grant myself and executive lunch. I do have a protein shake and a bag of cheese whisps. Thats 460 calories, so probably good enough. No carbs though and i plan on an hour road bike ride today. Carbs are easy to find so i can probably mitigate that with fried cheese sticks. Maybe a banana if the quick store has some good ones.

    Now comes the juggling act. Training and calories. I wanted to hold on to the slow loss/plateau for another month. But since I'm signed up for a duathlon next month and concerned that I'll just fall over on a hill, I'm not sure i should continue on the deficit and expect my training to pay off.

    Upside is i need to build some strength and that warrants a few more calories. I think ill start with adding a few calories one day a week.