Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I was planning on having left over pork chop and sweet potato from last night's dinner, but I ate all of my pork chop and did not make an extra sweet potato, so I had to rummage through my freezer for lunch. Leftover chicken tikki masala it is. I am going to eat it with what's left of the mashed potatoes and cabbage I made few nights ago. Should be an interesting combo.

    For dinner I am making salmon with some Asian vegetables and rice. Breakfast was a banana with peanut butter for lack of a better option. I really need to go grocery shopping.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am making chicken in the IP for dinner tonight - not sure what kind of chicken dish but I have taken the chicken out of the freezer. Good 1st step I think :)
    I also have ground beef out to make the stuffed peppers (in the IP) over the weekend. Do you all put rice in yours? I don't really want rice in them and was thinking of maybe adding some corn instead. Every recipe I looked at though has rice in it so maybe there is a reason for it to be there?

    I haven't eaten breakfast yet but it will be something with strawberries. We bought a half flat over the weekend and they are delicious!

    Also I finally had to admit that I am sick. I haven't run since Tuesday, planned for a run yesterday (didn't) and a long run today (not happening). I blame it on being on planes and my husband since he got it first and then gave it to me... now I just want it to be over with. Hobbes and I are both getting antsy!
    So do you feed a cold or starve a cold?? I can never remember which.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @shanaber- I either put rice or quinoa in mine. Hope you feel better!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I think the rice sops up some if the liquid, so maybe use oatmeal or quinoa? Unless you're okay with the potential for extral liquid. Use a leaner meat maybe?

    I cant remember about the cold/fever. When in doubt have some chicken soup!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @shanaber I've made stuffed peppers with and without a starch. Anything you like such as rice, corn, quinoa would all fit the bill. I usually cut the peppers length wise and stuff them "halvsies" so don't run into liquid issues too much.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Lately, I've been doing well in terms of eating the right foods - foods that make BG management easiest - but not so good with quantity. I have been eating zero carb / carnivore for several months except glucose tablets and Ucan for managing low BG. Plus some sauces occasionally, and those can add a lot of carbs fast such as 14g of carbs in some BBQ sauce today except I needed the BG boost from that anyway so it worked out.

    However, I keep having low BG's when I run. There are 2 solutions to this: I could decrease my intensity to where I'm primarily oxidizing fat for energy, or I could continue to supplement carbs for exercise. I've been trying to do a bit of both and targeting the 2nd option for higher intensity / faster runs. I'm still experimenting with exactly what it takes for carbs and timing for those faster runs. I haven't got it quite right.

    In the meantime, I've now cut out dairy and eggs, and hope to be switched to primarily beef and water within the next 1-2 weeks. I want to see how that goes for a month. I have trouble with eating at a calorie deficit as I run. I'm not convinced that the beef / water approach will help with hunger, but I want to give it a legitimate effort.

    As I ramp up mileage, I am hoping to reach a point where my exercise calories are enough to reach a calorie deficit again without being hungry. I'm hoping that is what will happen and I'll start losing excess fat again. I'm at about 25-30 miles per week now, so fairly low mileage.

    If I follow a plan to increase mileage at a reasonable rate - no more than 10% per week, and less most weeks while decreasing slightly in the weeks around a race - I can reach 100+ miles per week by spring 2019. At that point, I want to re-evaluate if I have reached my desired body fat % and whether / how to add carbs on running days (and still eating few or no carbs on non-running days... basically eating only what I'm using for exercise or less).
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    There has been a lot of take out this week. Sigh. Pants are tight. TOM is late (most likely Mirena doing its thing). I am cranky and haven't been running.

    So for the rest of the month I want to Do Better. One day at a time, right?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @sarahthes Or one meal at a time.

    You've done a lot these last few weeks. Might be that your body is forcing you to have a break. And hormones just wreak havoc on us. Suuuuucks!

    Hang in there!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @midwesterner85 Love that you have a plan that you can work with!

    I suppose the glycogenesis of the protein is more predictable than sugars?

    So glad you're making progress with a very difficult situation.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @midwesterner85 Love that you have a plan that you can work with!

    I suppose the glycogenesis of the protein is more predictable than sugars?

    So glad you're making progress with a very difficult situation.

    It is gluconeogenesis, and it can be avoided if I dose and time insulin properly. Unlike "normal" people, I have to manage that manually. So most keto-ers will tell you that you do not just spontaneously turn protein into glucose just because you ate protein. That's mostly true for most people. For me, if the protein does not have the hormones necessary for protein synthesis (leucine and insulin), then it goes through gluconeogenesis and becomes glucose. The difference is that most "normal" people do not have to think about dosing and timing insulin for this. Most diabetics do not either because most diabetics are eating protein alongside carbs and the small amount of insulin for protein synthesis just comes out of what they bolused for their carbs.

    If a "normal" person over-consumes protein, perhaps some of that will become glucose. This is if your pancreas only releases enough insulin early on for the amount of protein it thinks you need for protein synthesis. In other words, a "normal" person who understands what they are doing could increase lean tissue (including muscle) production beyond a normal amount by taking insulin - in addition to their body's normal production - in the right dose and at the right time. By the way, this is why insulin is listed as a substance banned at all times on the WADA list.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @midwesterner85 ! Sorry about the misspelling, auto correct prompted the word and i went with it :smiley:

    You're always a wealth of information!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 922 Member
    Did well this week. Still wiggling around with my calories. MFP and LoseIt have me at 1780 to lose .5lb a week...but my Apple Watch only has me burning 1825 avg a day before exercise (boo desk jobs!). So essentially I am only losing what I burn in exercise...which can be undone in 1 good weekend LOL.

    So over this nonsense!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    CMorning99 wrote: »
    Did well this week. Still wiggling around with my calories. MFP and LoseIt have me at 1780 to lose .5lb a week...but my Apple Watch only has me burning 1825 avg a day before exercise (boo desk jobs!). So essentially I am only losing what I burn in exercise...which can be undone in 1 good weekend LOL.

    So over this nonsense!

    I hear ya!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    weekend goals?

    As you guessed, since I'm terrible at food planning- okay im lazy in this department. I have no idea what I'm eating this weekend.

    I have a headache, 2nd day now and am not sure why. Could be to few carbs, heat and exercise or hormones or that i ate walnuts 2 days ago. I'm going with a combination of these. Might even be stress. Not the worrisome kind, just the kind where you try to be attentive and contribute at work. Because you don't wanna be a slacker. Anyone else sensitive to this? On the San Antonio trip, i had to engage traveling with a colleague and it was less than 3 hours i was combating a migraine. I have some antidepressants, and seemed to get fewer headaches/migraines but the doc took me off them.. i might make an appointment with him to discuss options.

    Coffee, magnesium, tylenol, and some gummie vitamins so far.

    Think I'll put some fruit back in my diet for starters.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    So it is already Sunday but I did actually do some meal planning for the weekend and beyond... We had IP chicken and salad last night. Yes, I actually put my toe in and tried it out. It was delicious and my husband loved it. Tonight we are having BBQ kielbasa with veggies and probably quinoa or rice. I wanted sauerkraut but my DH didn't seem too interested in it. Monday is going to be leftover chicken and Tuesday IP stuffed peppers which will also be leftovers for Thursday if I don't screw them up :)
    I am feeling a little better but still really congested in the morning and coughing up yucky stuff (sorry TMI) I am still taking vitamin C and also using some eucalyptus oil in steam. Planning to go for a run tomorrow to see how it feels. Not running is killing me and I just want to eat everything, every carb in the house and then some and nothing else really sounds good at all.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited June 2018
    @Elise4270 - I get headaches too, mostly when I don't eat or don't eat enough though now. I would get stress headaches and migraines when I was working but they felt completely different from my hunger headaches. I also get sinus headaches (like now) when even though I am breathing ok my sinuses are not happy. I can tell those just by bending over because my head threatens to explode!
    (exploding head emoji here)

    Running and lifting weights were my way to relieve the stress headaches. Not only did it get me away from the computer, conference calls mostly, and work in general I would get so focused on what I was doing that the stress would be relieved. Granted this didn't help with the migraines for those my only solution was to curl up in bed until the passed. Fortunately other than in college I haven't had many. I think maybe I drink enough coffee now that they don't really progress. For sure what they gave me for them before was caffeine based (Cafergot) for the most part.

    ETF - what I lost because I inserted a non-MFP emoji! I hate that it deletes everything after and that I continue to forget that it does it!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @shanaber. I hope you shake this cold soon. I hate being sick. Well, I'm sure no one enjoys it. I say eat a little bit of everything, let your body have additional nutrients while it wages war the the Intruders.

    Have you ever tried zicam? My kids swore it helped. I'm old school, oj and chicken noodle soup.

    Your food plans this week sound yummy! I'm glad you liked the IP. I think i want to tackle pinto bean in it. I want to add a fatty grass fed chuck roast to it. Mmmm mmmm Then top mine with fresh onion and lemon juice. Haha!

    gearing up for the week, any food prep or other plans
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I boiled some eggs tonight. So that's a start right? Had a nice weekend off and I intend to go against my nature and wake up early to run in the morning. Supposed to be rainy and windy so we will see how it goes.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Went to the store yesterday evening figured I'd make a move on the pinto beans and roast. Why i hate this store so much? Never fails. Plan a meal and they wont have everything needed. So no roast. Dh may have a Dr appointment Wednesday in Denton where theres a Whole Foods grocery. Thats fine universe. I'm up 1.5 pounds, i dont need the food. :tongue:

    Back up plan is to get some watermelon and more fruit seasoning.

    I'm up early, its 5am. We have had a rogue rodent and the snap woke me... No more chewed up iron water and soap in the bathroom :wink: fartin' lazy cats. So just me, coffee, you and this lazy cat the fusses at me everytime i try to love her. Shes on day 4 oral antibiotic for (hopefully) just a UTI. Not happy being held down twice a day for cotton candy flavored meds.

    May your week be filled with peace, love and comfort.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Weight went up about half a pound the last two weeks but body fat went down about 1%. I need to get better at tracking. I just don't want to! WAAAAH