Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I et the tostada.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Haha! @shanaber Hobbs thinks you might need some help with all that meat!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Ahhhh Hobbs! <3

    I didn't get my snack and dinner logged yesterday. Gonna do that this morning.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    He is the funniest do ever - sat out there pretty much the entire day 'guarding' the smoker! The meat was too spicy with the dry rub on it for him but he did get a bit of meat and fat from under all of that for his guard service! :)

    @RunsOnEspresso - GET THAT LOGGING DONE - NOW!! (caps intentional) :confounded:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I did log yesterday finally! Been a crazy day so haven't gotten to logging my lunch today. But I will!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @shanaber - I love Hobbes <3<3<3

    Yesterday morning I got up at 4:30, ran to the local school track and joined a group of fellow (waaay fast) runners for a 5AM speed session, cool down run to Starbucks for an iced Americano (to which I added a scoop of protein powder) followed by a mile and a half walk home. After my shower, I took the puppers for a walk. I had 20K steps in before I left for work. I also did an hour of strength training after work. So yesterday I was hungry. Very, very hungry. And of course I used it all as an excuse to eat loads of candy and some fake ice cream. Somebody brought a pint of blueberry cardamon So Delicious vegan soy ice cream to our party a few weeks back and it never got eaten. I took care of that. It was actually really, really good. I also drank wine. Not my best day, but I am totally going to nail today!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @lporter229 - when I run in the morning and train in the afternoon/evening (yesterday for me too) I am hungry (so hungry) the next morning but not so much that evening.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Last official run this morning before my HM on Saturday. My weight trend line is finally headed downward and not up or toward maintenance. Gonna be a nutty Saturday with race day eats and a few days next week in CA with hubby (already prelogged my In N Out Burger meal). It's been a pretty active week so I've had some hunger, but having some popcorn at bedtime has really helped. I've been eating small bits throughout the day. It's not my usual favorite way to eat, but it's working.

    @lporter229 I've made that shwarma from SkinnyTaste twice now and the family is hooked. Holy cow it is good! We're having it this week on pita bread instead of over quinoa for a change, but I'm pretty much making batches of it because it's all my teenager wants to eat! Shwarma and feta all day long for that kid.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited June 2018
    @fitoverfortymom -We really liked it too and chicken is not a favorite of mine or my husband. I think I will make it again next week. It's a great summer meal. Last night my hubby called me from work and said he had to take some out of town colleagues out for dinner, so I cancelled my planned turkey burgers and whipped up this for myself using some shrimp I had in the freezer. It was quite yummy. Shrimp is sauteed in garlic and olive oil with smoked paprika and lime juice. the veggies are zucchini, yellow squash, corn and cherry tomatoes. tonight I guess it will be turkey burgers.a4nzuktq9nb0.jpeg
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @lporter229 I would eat that all day long. Hubby doesn't eat shrimp, but I could do a chicken version for him. It's a crap shoot when it comes to seafood in Colorado. I love anything with smoked paprika and buy a big tub of it from Costco.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2018
    I resisted the temptation/thought to indulge today when i knew i had pushed myself physically. That whole thought that i deserve a treat. My legs are feeling stronger and each passing week i have less itb related pain. My pace is improving.

    I am slightly annoyed that the scale and mirror aren't where i want them to be. Work out hard for a week or two and why havent i 6 pack abs? Why do i still have chicken legs and chunky arm pits?

    Progress is so slow.

    Least my "do better" diet is paying off. I couldn't bring myself to have fast food.

    I'm hangin' tough. Sticking to my training plan too.

    ETA sometime ago we did a spreadsheet to track our measurements. Im bad about keeping up with it. But since i have a bit of frustration with the scale i thought to update it. If you wanna use it here it is:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    For the first day in ages I'm under on calories. I mean, I've got 2 hours before bed yet but I'm almost 700 calories in the green. I've eaten so much lately I'm totally cool with low net cals for one day.

    I had a coworker ask if I'd lost weight which was kind of nice since the scale has actually gone the other way. I can see the difference but it's a good reminder that others really aren't scrutinizing me that closely.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @fitoverfortymom - you should have really nice weather while you are here in So Cal! I whine about it being hot but it is not nearly as hot as the rest of the country and Santa Monica should be cool (for running) in the mornings and warm in the afternoons!
    @lporter229 - that. shrimp looks great! I like paprika too. Good thing because I married a Hungarian guy :)
    @Elise4270 - I keep thinking now that I am running consistently again I should see my weight trending down again right? Right?!?
    @sarahthes - those questions are the best compliments! I think it really takes time for a small gain (even 20 lbs) to be noticeable to someone else. We all notice it right away in how we feel and how our clothes fit but others - not so much.

    I am going through the sh$t nothing fits mode and not because they are too big... it is getting warm and I want to wear my summer tops and they are all too tight. Even my jeans, while I can get them on and buttoned I have to admit are too tight too. I am going through old pictures to make a photo collage for my daughter and looking back at pictures from a long time ago (5-6 years) and I think 'damn I look SO much better'... until I see pictures from 2 years ago and I think 'damn what happened? I need to get back to there!'

    I ate well yesterday, was starving today but did ok... I am still holding at down just 1lb ... it is NOT enough! I did make another appointment with the nutritionist for July. We'll see if she has any new thoughts or approaches. I have also been using popcorn as a snack. I did make oatmeal raisin cookies over the weekend and there may have been an incident or two. I managed to stuff one bag into the freezer now need to find a way to fit the other one in too (out of sight out of mind)!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Clothes that are too tight put me in the worst mood. I have a pair of work pants that fit fine last week, this week I'd like to burn them. I suspect PMS with my added exercise is the culprit. I have added a a few calories back... It could be partly irresponsible eating.

    I gain weight with exercise. You're adding more miles, does that happen with you?

    Good luck with the oatmeal cookies. Haha! I dont like the things!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    me again.

    Still having MASSIVE running motivation issues. Didn't get out even for a short run this morning, my last before my marathon on Saturday, because I thought, why risk injury? I really hope that at 8.30am or soon after on Saturday morning I find that missing mojo. Otherwise i'ts going to be a LONG day....

    I'm eating a ton however. Last night I sat there with yet another pack of chocolate biscuits, before cooking dinner. BUT, I had a revelation. Part of why I've been feeling a bit stodgy and lethargic recently, is probably down to me eating all of the wrong stuff. I remembered that when I stuff myself with fresh fruit and yoghurt, I feel WAY better and full of energy than when I stuff myself full of bad things or loads of starchy carby things.

    So I went and ate ALL the fruit.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2018
    girlinahat wrote: »
    me again.

    Still having MASSIVE running motivation issues. Didn't get out even for a short run this morning, my last before my marathon on Saturday, because I thought, why risk injury? I really hope that at 8.30am or soon after on Saturday morning I find that missing mojo. Otherwise i'ts going to be a LONG day....

    I'm eating a ton however. Last night I sat there with yet another pack of chocolate biscuits, before cooking dinner. BUT, I had a revelation. Part of why I've been feeling a bit stodgy and lethargic recently, is probably down to me eating all of the wrong stuff. I remembered that when I stuff myself with fresh fruit and yoghurt, I feel WAY better and full of energy than when I stuff myself full of bad things or loads of starchy carby things.

    So I went and ate ALL the fruit.

    LOL! Least the fruit didnt go bad!

    As to the lack of motivation, 1. Maybe you need the added down time. 2. Maybe its a bit of anxiety/nervousness with the up coming race?

    Or both. I always get ansy before a race, no matter the distance. You could always have a nice walk to clear your head, and give those running muscles a bit of exercise.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    yeah @Elise4270 I have held off any long runs because I kept feeling nigggles everywhere and didn't want to push it, but I think most of my lack of motivation is due to wondering what's the point in a short run if I'm saving myself for a long run? There's also a bit of feeling like I've already achieved my goal by completing the long-run-before-marathon-day bit.

    Other people have issues going into taper. Me? Loving it.

    now to just not mess up my diet/nutrition, and find the biggest can of bug killer as there are swarms of evil biting flies that leave burn-like buboes on the flesh at the marathon venue. I kid you not, google 'Blandford Fly'. Mozzies have nothing on these beasties.)
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited June 2018
    @shanaber I am really excited for the trip. I also visited back in December I think and it was in the lower 60's as a high (which actually was about the same as it was here in Denver). I'll run early and I think I'm going to run from Santa Monica to Venice Beach and back rather than running aimlessly toward Malibu. I have a HM on Saturday so it will be my first run (on Tuesday) post-race so I intend to take it easy and just enjoy being by ocean, stop to take pictures, etc.

    @girlinahat I am in a small taper before my Saturday race and I'm enjoying it more than I usually do. I have a lot to get done the next few days, so not having to wake up so early is doing me some favors. I do, however, have to foam roll and do some psoas work because I'm pretty knotty at the moment.

    I have a lunch with some coworkers today which I think I can keep under 1000 calories. I'll probably eat close to maintenance today, but I have a little buffer with exercise calories, plus with the race this week, too much deficit is not a great idea.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been logging! I am holding myself accountable by posting a screen shot to my insta story of my finished log. Lol