TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (February)



  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    I have those EXACT shoes! I got them last July when we went to the US. They are so good for my feet!

    Looks like the salesperson was right then! They were so comfy when I tried them on in the store. I can't wait to put them to work.
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    Feb 18
    Tracking Y
    Calories Y
    Exercise N (rest day)
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Sun Feb 18
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- no
    Exercise- no

    Username: thedestar
    Weigh in week: Feb Week 3
    Weigh in day: Mon
    Previous Week's weight: 165.5
    Todays Weight: 166.5

    I was afraid going over my calories yesterday would affect my weight today and it did :( I think it's mostly water weight. My sister is in town and staying with my parents so my mom and grandma have been cooking lots of big meals for her. I had been OK with my portions but I wasn't too active just sitting around visiting. I have my exercise planned out for the week, now I need to plan my meals. "A goal without a plan is just a wish!"
  • katevt78
    katevt78 Posts: 248 Member
    username: katevt78
    Weigh in Week: February week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 191.8
    This week: 190.4
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    Username: GardenMama129
    Weigh in week: February Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 160.9
    Todays Weight: 160.8
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    My goals for the week of February 19:
    1. A minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night
    2. Check & update my daily calendar/to do list each morning & evening.
    3. Daily cardio activity at least 30 minutes
    4. Strength training at least 10 minutes (6 days)

    Last week was a bit frazzled. I do better when my days are more orderly. To reach my goals this year, I must be more disciplined in a number of areas in my life. So, this week I will continue to log daily and stay within my calorie range, but in addition to that my goals for the week will focus on the habits that need to be more engrained as I move forward. :smile:
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: MelsLeanDream
    Weigh in week: February Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 227
    Current Weight: 227

    No change...but I just got my monthly which I know makes me go up a bit. Hopefully I have a decent loss after that.

    Feb 17
    Calories - No
    Tracking - Yes
    Exercise - Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD - 3 Mile Power Walk
    Steps - 13,172 (I need this line for accountability for myself)

    Feb 18
    Calories - Yes
    Tracking - Yes
    Exercise - Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD - 3 Mile Power Walk
    Steps - 10,550

    You're doing the right things....the scales will catch up eventually. Nice walking!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    thedestar wrote: »
    Sun Feb 18
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- no
    Exercise- no

    Username: thedestar
    Weigh in week: Feb Week 3
    Weigh in day: Mon
    Previous Week's weight: 165.5
    Todays Weight: 166.5

    I was afraid going over my calories yesterday would affect my weight today and it did :( I think it's mostly water weight. My sister is in town and staying with my parents so my mom and grandma have been cooking lots of big meals for her. I had been OK with my portions but I wasn't too active just sitting around visiting. I have my exercise planned out for the week, now I need to plan my meals. "A goal without a plan is just a wish!"

    Family sometimes gets in the way of our daily progress, but not our overall progress. Good for you to have a plan for the week, and not just a wish for the week!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited February 2018
    katevt78 wrote: »
    username: katevt78
    Weigh in Week: February week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 191.8
    This week: 190.4

    Another solid loss...way to go!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: GardenMama129
    Weigh in week: February Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 160.9
    Todays Weight: 160.8

    It'll move for you next week....I have faith!! You're doing all the right things!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    The winners for February Week #2 are posted. The top three Big Butts are @katevt78: 1.54%, @ladyj22: 1.44%, @mari_moulin: 1.37%. Well done, ladies!! Unfortunately we are still not making any inroads with the team competition.
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    Feb 19
    Tracking Yes
    Calories Yes
    Exercise Yes, hit my step goal

    Spoke to fracture clinic today, 3 weeks of strapping my finger to its buddy, then some physio. So not too bad for healing times as far as breaks go.

    3 weeks at maintenance will be a nice little change of pace, and hopefully help me transition to full-time maintenance once I reach my target weight.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge - February Week #2 (Sun. the 11th to Sat. the 17th)

    Winner's Circle - 7 or 6 days:
    @GardenMama129 (6)

    Notable Effort - 5, 4 or 3 days:

    @thedestar (5)
    @karynclarke (4)
    @primekayprime (4)
    @holly2e (3)


    @Coheednkimbria (1)
    @enyagoboom (1)
    @Mariec1978 (1)
    @SAHNinja (1)
    @HASWLRS (1)

    We only had 10 participate this week, down from 13 last week. And we only had one winner! Congratulations @GardenMama129! This is a few weeks in a row now!! We had an injury to @karynclarke and illnesses to @Mariec1978 and @holly2e which derailed their progress. I am anticipating that next week will be better.

  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Feb 19
    Calories - Yes
    Tracking - Yes
    Exercise - Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD - 4 really big Miles
    Steps - 25.393
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    Monday, Feb 19
    Calories: Yes
    Tracking: Yes
    Exercise: Yes (30 minutes cardio, 10 minutes strength training)

    Today wouldn't have happened a few months ago. I worked in my home office all day and then just wanted to eat and go chill in bed and watch TV. But then I remembered that I had tracked and was within my calories. 20 minutes of exercise isn't that much and I could find something to do for cardio that wouldn't kill me. That way I could log yeses here and in another similar challenge. But then I thought that 10 more minutes wouldn't be much more and that's the cardio goal I set for myself.

    By the time that was done, I thought that 10 minutes of strength training isn't that much. I could do that. It's only 10 minutes and I would be able to get credit for meeting my personal daily exercise goal. About a month ago, I decided to just put a gym in our sunroom. Like why not? You may not see something like that in a home magazine, but it works. Anyway, my sons had been working out. My eldest is starting to work out (26 year old) and his younger brother (24) was happy to help him. The younger had done his workout earlier in the day. And I thought, well, they did their workouts. I can certainly do something for 10 minutes (trying to create the habit).

    So, it may not seem like much to some. But to me it's huge that I saw it through and did it. Some days are easy. Today was a do it anyway day. :smiley:
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    February 19
    Exercise- no
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    Feb 18
    Track y
    Calories y
    Excercise n

    Feb 19
    Track y
    Calories y
    Exercise y
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    Monday, Feb 19
    Calories: Yes
    Tracking: Yes
    Exercise: Yes (30 minutes cardio, 10 minutes strength training)

    Today wouldn't have happened a few months ago. I worked in my home office all day and then just wanted to eat and go chill in bed and watch TV. But then I remembered that I had tracked and was within my calories. 20 minutes of exercise isn't that much and I could find something to do for cardio that wouldn't kill me. That way I could log yeses here and in another similar challenge. But then I thought that 10 more minutes wouldn't be much more and that's the cardio goal I set for myself.

    By the time that was done, I thought that 10 minutes of strength training isn't that much. I could do that. It's only 10 minutes and I would be able to get credit for meeting my personal daily exercise goal. About a month ago, I decided to just put a gym in our sunroom. Like why not? You may not see something like that in a home magazine, but it works. Anyway, my sons had been working out. My eldest is starting to work out (26 year old) and his younger brother (24) was happy to help him. The younger had done his workout earlier in the day. And I thought, well, they did their workouts. I can certainly do something for 10 minutes (trying to create the habit).

    So, it may not seem like much to some. But to me it's huge that I saw it through and did it. Some days are easy. Today was a do it anyway day. :smiley:

    This is awesome and resonates with me so much! Not every work out is going to be stellar. And we may not even be excited about doing it. But sometimes you just gotta do what you can muster up the motivation to do. And that is something! As compared to doing nothing. Thank you for sharing! And high five to you for reaching your goal for today!
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    Feb 19
    Tracking Y
    Calories Y
    Exercise Y, 30min walk
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    Week 3 Weigh-in
    Previous weight: 185.3 lbs
    This week: 185.3 lbs
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