Pictures from outdoor exercise.



  • 927caryo
    927caryo Posts: 121 Member
    edited December 2018
    This photo was taken on a walk in my town a few weeks ago. Connecticut foliage!
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    The exciting life you lead Farback 👍
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    I went out for my first day telemarking for the season. Hoodoo Butte is basically a cinder cone, so it doesn't need that much snow to open, at least for the on-piste groomies. The weather was hovering right above freezing. Yuck. There was some stuff falling from the sky that wanted to pretend like it was frozen. Yuck. The light was very flat; very hard to see terrain. Yuck.


    But.... I managed to sneak in a dozen runs, and I didn't even get there until noon. I figured I'd just go for a few hours. About 10,000 feet of descent.

    And then, all of the sudden.... Well, not all of the sudden. I stopped to tighten a buckle on my boot, and the ladder strap broke in two. The boots are older Scarpa T2 boots with two buckles. The easiest way back was to go ahead and take another lift ride and ski down to the lodge. I hoped that maybe they would have some old parts. I was out of luck as they are getting out of telemark. They actually said they just went through and threw out a bunch of stuff last week. Bummer.

    But I was IN luck!

    They had some Scott Synergy boots that had never been on the mountain, and they loaned me a pair in my size so I could get a few more runs in. THANK YOU HOODOO!!!! I totally loved them! I would have bought them if (a) they were for sale and (b) I hadn't already ordered some newer boots from Gear Exchange. The new boots I ordered are four-buckle Scarpa T1 boots, similar to the Scott boots I borrowed yesterday. They allegedly have less than ten days on them. They should arrive at my PO box today so I can go back to the mountain tomorrow morning.

    I had some trouble with a strap on my old boots last year, and I went by the ski shop a few weeks ago to see if they maybe still had parts. They actually do. I have a lot of faith in the shop as a whole and especially the tech I was working with. He said the shells were in fine shape, and the buckles were actually in good shape, so I didn't replace them. The ratchets that hold them also seemed to be fine, and he said that's what goes first. I was going to order a new liner. I am glad I didn't now that the buckle is broken! Depending on the cost of the parts, I may fix them anyway and keep them for touring or sell 'em cheap.

    Anybody need a set of size 26.5 Scarpa T2 boots with a broken buckle?

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Weather today was SO much better.

  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,165 Member
    Looks like fun!! I've never done downhill skiing but my kids loved it.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Hoodoo is a cinder cone. It can have decent conditions with less snow than places with more things that need to get covered up. I'm hoping we get a bunch of snow and they open up the back side and the Hodag lift.

    I tried to focus on my telemark turns. It's kind of like doing lunges over and over. I had one pretty good fall going down hill pretty fast. Not sure what grabbed my ski. It could have been my other ski. I had enough inertia that I launched. It was steep enough that it wasn't a hard impact, even with the kind of hard snow. Nice few hours playing with gravity. Logged about 12,000 feet in a little less than three hours.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Absolutely beautiful. But cold weather fun is so not my thing.

    If I can't have warm Carribean salt water, I'll take a hot forge in 110 degree (F) heat anyday before I'd bundle up for snow.

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    It really wasn't that cold. I took my gloves OFF when I got on the lift so they would stay drier. Modern high-tech fabrics really help dump water vapor and keep you warm but not TOO hot. Well, just don't wear too much or.... whew. It's WAY too hot. It's just when the lift stops and you're only a few hundred feet from the top and the wind is blowing and a cloud comes over.... Yeah, that can be cold :smile:

    I bought a season pass last spring when they were having a great deal. I plan to get up there quite a lot this year. Y'all might get bored of seeing the images, so I'll keep it to a minimum. Or not and you can just be bored :grin:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Went back to Hoodoo yesterday. Much worse conditions. It rained the day before, so it was steel corduroy on top. Hard to make telemark turns. It was softer down lower. Parking lot was more than full, but not much lift lines. Nice! Still did 14 laps. They were shorter because I wasn’t going to the top. About 11,000 feet of vertical in 8.2 miles.

    Highway was closed for a short time on the way home.


    Then when I got home, I had 7cbhpptwwncg.jpeg
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Today’s outdoor activity was actually inside. It was my volunteer dive shift at the aquarium. I spent the first dive as deck manager.


    Then a walk by the piers to see the crab boats waiting to FINALLY get to go set Dungeness pots a month late,

    then some pan fried local oysters.


  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,165 Member
    Today's outdoor exercise for me was not photo-worthy. Overnight, we had snow followed by freezing rain. It took more than 30 min to get my truck mostly cleared of frozen gack... then another 90 min to clear the walkway & driveway...

    The snow removal company I have a contract with sent an email saying the accumulation was too little for them to bother dealing with... Between my shovels, ice scraper and snowblower, I cleared the worst of it... After I got back inside and had supper, the company sent a second email saying, due to overwhelming response from clients, they were coming out after all. Ugh!!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Lots of new snow on Sunday made for a nice, soft day on Monday. Being Monday after the holidays, there were no lift lines. Like none.


    It was pretty tracked out when I got there late morning, but I found some stashes on the back side. Nice day with just some overcast here and there; we even saw the sun some. The new wet heavy snow burned my legs after only a dozen runs.


    I should stop posting these. They are going to get boring.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Please don't stop sharing!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited January 2019
    Not really anything to do with exercise (yet) but woke up to this...




    with more of the same this morning, changing to snow after lunch. At least its not sticking to the ground... yet.

    Sure making me look forward to that Cozumel Scuba Trip late next month. (And there is the link to outside exercise.)
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    Damn, that's unpleasant. We're in Jamaica in March. I should get 10 dives or so under my weight belt.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    @d_thomas02, that's beautiful: One of the variants of what I call "waking up in a Christmas card". Unless/until it causes real damage, it's lovely and magical.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    Oh yuck. Ice is such a pain. I hope you don't have too much tree damage. And yeah, Cozumel will be great. Good thing this happened before you went so you can make sure to keep after anything that needs kept after before you go. Yuck.

    Out here where it's not nearly so cold, we had a great day on the river. I finally found a victim, er, passenger last night. He had a great time. Weather was fabulous. We had eight boats. Three inflatable kayaks, four catarafts, and my 15' raft.

    I charged my camera last night, but the battery died as I took my third picture. Oh well. I pulled a snapshot off a video I shot after I pulled into an eddy below Mill City Falls. It's a friend rowing his NRS cat.


    I'd attach the video, but it's probably too big of a file.

  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,165 Member
    Freezing rain is lovely to look at... particularly when there's bright sun reflecting through it... but it can be so destructive...