Bringing our A-Game in April!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Swam 1000 meters
    Walk 5 miles.
    Bike 12 miles
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Yay Donna!!! Congratulations! I bet one after the other like that is a whole different ball game.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    It took most of the day...walking dogs, driving to pool, swim, home, get bikes out and then the 2nd walk which was a run walk.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Ugh I just lost my post. Oh well I was just griping about work anyway lol. I have been a little down and went crazy on pretzels for 2 days which made my weight bounce up. Going back to full on 6 week plan starting today. I have another 25 pounds to go and I can't start slacking now.

    Woohoo Donna!!! That is amazing!

    Carla, when is surgery? Poor pupper. :(
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    edited April 2018
    Actually took a little time to cook a real dinner tonight. Made the Indian Lentil-Cauliflower Soup from the first OSG cookbook. Just left out the oil to make it ETL and added a whole 6 oz container of baby spinach rather than just 2 handfuls. It's really good! Similar in flavor to the cauliflower curry that Carla introduced me to. Going to make a batch of the cashew caesar dressing tonight too, and chop lettuce for salads.

    B - oatmeal with oat milk, cinnamon, fresh blueberries, chia seeds
    D - the soup, mixed in about 1/4 cup of cooked brown rice to serve, big ol' salad with homemade oil-free hummus and grape tomatoes, a pear and a few walnuts

    Also got stuff to make the OSG tortilla soup this week. Looking forward to that, one of my favorites.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Guess my misadventures with pretzels didn't hurt me, although I know better than to think that it would be fine to keep doing that. Week 8 results 2.2 total 20.4. My goal this week is to drink a lot more water. I haven't been drinking as much lately and need to get back to that.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    Mihani - that is awesome weight loss! You are doing great. I have been lazy about water lately until I bought Brooks and I new water bottles that were on sale at the BX. I love the taste of cold water from a stainless steel bottle. They are called Hydro Flasks. The ones on sale were the smaller mouth lids that I like better. I am making a concerned effort to cut down on all things plastic and buy less bottled water. I have a filter on my new refrigerator plus I have a water filter my water can be double filtered which is a little OCD. No reason to buy water in plastic containers (I have to keep telling myself this). I did not drink enough water the day of our mini tri and I was up 2 lbs next day. Today I am down 3 lbs after drinking water all day.

    Brooks and I went on a beautiful walk yesterday morning in the "mist" ...not really raining. We walked on the river walk 2 miles one direction and back. Stopped at an outdoor restaurant that had a dog patio. Brooks had this big mango smoothie drink while I had my favorite sports drink, coffee. For lunch I had a delicious black bean, avocado, lettuce tostado. I asked how they did the beans and they said they just simmer the beans with onions, peppers, and spices.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    I have the "TEST" on Tuesday. Suppose to avoid high fiber foods (nuts, beans, etc...two days before and clear liquids on Monday. On Wednesday I am going to start the 6 wk program. Will buy food Tuesday after test and prep Wednesday. Saturday we have the big bike ride. I thought this sign was funny:djod8twwdgz7.jpg
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Great pictures Donna, what beautiful places to walk and ride. Good luck with the test! I will keep you company on the 6 week plan since I am going to do another round. I haven't really stopped but was having a bit more starches here and there. I plan to stick with strict until I am down another 20 pounds. I do have a couple things coming up that will tempt me with alcohol, and I will decide at the time if I want to have a glass of wine or not. I really haven't wanted alcohol since getting through the first couple weeks, which is kind of unusual for me. >:) I have a brita pitcher at home and we have filtered water at work.

    B - leftover sauteed chard, a few walnuts
    D - big salad (spring mix, tomato, homemade oil-free hummus), leftover cauliflower curry soup with a little brown rice, an apple, a couple brazil nuts
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Nice loss for the week, Mihani! I will follow your lead and up my water this week, too. I'm going to start filling my water bottle again instead of having it in a glass. It is easier to track.

    Good luck with your test and with the bike ride, Donna! Nice pic. Your walk in the mist sounds wonderful! On my ocean-side walk, I walk past a dog (and human!) club called "Paws for a Beer." They have a huge fenced area with toys and tunnels etc. for dogs to play with and indoor and outdoor seating to have a beer while the dogs play.

    I am down .7 of a lb for the week. I'll take it! It has been beautiful weather here, and it is supposed to be nice all this week, with highs in the upper 70s. That's about as warm as I like it to get. Yesterday, I power washed the paved portion of our driveway, the garage door, and our front stoop. Today I'm getting in some gardening. I might fit in a walk on the new treadmill too, but I don't want to overdo it with my hip. My mom is coming over to spend a night or two this week and we'll be out so I don't want to be sore.

    My first day at spinning class was fun, but I could be teaching it myself! It's funny because the instructor has been spinning for 40 years, but I think she has always spun using the same few methods, and always with wool. She is going away on a retreat and taking some classes on dyeing and is excited to come back with lots of new info to share. I haven't done any dyeing yet so I'm looking forward to that. I'm definitely back in the spinning groove!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    Carla you doing great. I have been up and down the same 2-3 lbs for a week. I feel I did better at losing weight with my 2-3 mile walks and ETL than I am doing right now with all this exercise. I have added a lot of starchy carbs this last month.

    That Paws for a Beer club would be fun! I wish we could bring our dogs for the trip this summer.

    Mihani - I need to try that cauliflower curry soup. Sounds delicious. Funny how not having beans, vegetables and fruit for two days makes me crave them more!

    Played a little tennis and then swam. High 80's. On this clear liquid diet today so having Green tea with lemon slushes! So good. Start the prep an hour from now. :#:#:#
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hope prep isn't too bad Donna! The soup is really good. I liked it even better the second day. Starches are always my biggest temptation. I have trouble with portion control.

    Sounds like the class is fun Carla. You've been a busy bee today! Congrats on another loss! I know my losses are going to slow down again. Adding salads to dinner the past two weeks seems to have made the scale move more for a bit.

    B - fresh blueberries and a few walnuts
    L - big ol' salad with romaine, arugula, tomato, cashew caesar
    D - small salad with same stuff as lunch, sauteed chard, stir-fry broccoli, cup of soup with a little brown rice, pear and a few raisins with chia seeds, couple brazil nuts

    There is a TON of soup still left and I made it Saturday so I'm going to freeze whatever is left tomorrow. I have plans with a friend on Wednesday, tacos and margaritas. I will have one margarita and they have a vegan taco. I'll skip the fried chips. I'm usually pretty good about nursing a drink if I don't want to drink much but want to be social. I make sure I have water and I drink more of that.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    I was just given an electric pressure cooker (not an Instant Pot brand) by my 91 year old father-in-law. He'd had it for 2 years and had never tried using it. It was still in it's packaging. So far, we can't get it to work right. My husband's very savvy mechanically so if he can't get it to work, no one could. We've only tried the test run recommended in the instructions. It's heating up but not engaging the timer as it should. I'm going to try cooking some brown rice in it and see what happens. I'm a bit disappointed! I was all ready to batch cook food for the week!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    B - fresh blueberries and a few walnut halves, leftover steamed chard
    L - big ol' salad, 2 wasa crackers, 3 mini pretzels
    D - rest of the leftover chard, salad of spring mix and steamed broccoli with cashew caesar dressing, small bowl of the lentil curry soup (froze two more servings for another time)

    I've been doing better about drinking more water this week.

    Donna, hope everything went okay today!

    Too bad about your cooker C&P.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Hi -

    C&P - maybe you can look online to find help with your cooker.

    Mihani - good job today!

    The prep for the colonoscopy went fine. One day of no fiber food followed by clear liquids and then the prep solution. I had two big green tea with lemon slushes for my clear liquids. Today everything went fine. Back to one more bland food diet. They did find and remove a polyp that is considered precancerous. I will get the test results from that in two weeks. Removal of the polyp at an early stage is considered a "cure" but will require more frequent colonoscopies. It all went fine. It has been tough lately. A good friend lost her husband yesterday after a 4 year battle with colon cancer. He skipped his colonoscopies despite retirement from the air force. If they had caught it in his early 60's he would have still been alive. Please don't skip your mammograms and colonoscopies as you get older. Preventive or early diagnosis can make a big difference. The one recommendation I did get was increase fiber in my diet. There are studies that high meat diets are linked to colon cancer.

    I slept all day and then went on a 3 mile walk with dogs and hubby this evening. It was quite the adventure. We saw an armadillo (we think they are very cute), deer, several bright red cardinals and fireflies.

    No prep or shopping today. Can't believe how sleepy I am. Good night.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Yay Donna, good for you for going. My Mom had the same issue (precancerous polyps that they caught early). I've been impressed that my parents have been good about getting their checkups.

    Yay for your new cooker, Jacque, but too bad it won't work properly! How did the rice experiment go? Hopefully there is a trick you can figure out?

    Mihani, how's it going in week 8?! I can't believe you're still doing it, woooooooo. So great. I'm sure it'll get easier the longer you've done it. Hope you can really savour and enjoy your marg and taco :)

    Carla, yay about the class too! Sounds awesome, and so nice to get excited about it. How is your visit with your Mom? You were on a roll the other day.

    I've been feeling burnt out lately. Work is busy and the baby is waking up at 5:50 lately... but I can only gym at night after she's in bed after 8, so it makes for a short night lol. I've been pretty good with my 1-week ETL weeks, but I keep indulging on the weekends and then that throws my progress. It's counterproductive for sure! I would like to nip that in the bud, but definitely easier said than done....

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Hope you caught up on some rest Donna, and yay for having it over with!

    Lia, I know well the pain of being "virtuous" all week and blowing all progress every weekend. The 6 weeks was hard to do! It was probably into week 3 before I kind of felt a shift where I wasn't thinking about food or wanting to drink on the weekends and fighting cravings all the time.

    B - fresh blueberries and a few walnuts
    L - big ol' salad, 2 wasa crackers
    After work 2 margaritas and 3 or 4 tortilla chips with salsa
    D - small salad topped with steamed broccoli, pear with chia seeds
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I have been struggling all week, and I've blown my progress by overeating. Pretzels are also my big weakness this week...

    I have been having bad dreams, and waking up in the morning completely exhausted. First, I was arguing with strangers. Then, I lost my son and couldn't find him for days. When I finally found him he was dirty and dejected and asked if he could please come back home like somehow it had been me who told him to leave. And last night I was being chased by a high school bully whom I haven't seen in 25+ years.

    I missed 2 mornings on the treadmill, and the one morning I did wake up with plenty of time to work out, I was too upset to do it and so I just sat on the couch and played a game on my phone to try to distract me.

    Not a good week... And the worst part is that I don't know why. I don't normally dream at all, so why am I having so many bad dreams all in a row??? Gotta be because we still haven't sold the stupid house...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    awwww Karrie *hugs* Hope the nightmares stop and you get that house sold soon! Stress does crazy things to us even subconsciously.

    I actually felt mildly hungover today, and I only had two small margaritas last night. I guess my tolerance has decreased not drinking for a few months. I didn't sleep well and was hungry today so didn't eat as well as I have been. Ugh.

    B - sprouted grain toast and a pear
    L - amy's mac and cheeze
    S - a few mini pretzels and a vegan PB cup
    D - going to make a huge salad to reset my tastebuds and get some good nutrients in my body!

    Have to do a load of laundry and I'm going to bed early tonight.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Oh no, Karrie, that's terrible. I hate it when dreams affect my days. Those are sad dreams too :( I find that I'm more stressed now than I have been in years and I find it's affecting so much, and I think that's also why I'm having so much trouble making some progress (even when I'm eating and exercising well). Have to blame something, right?! lol. But hope the house sells and you can close that chapter. Is it looking like spring in Sask yet? That will hopefully help.

    Hope you're feeling back to normal today, Mihani! Nice to have a little break but also reinforce that you're enjoying what you're doing. Thanks for the encouragement too, I hope that I am making progress mentally, even if it's slow!! I've been enjoying my salads lately though!

    Happy Friday, guys!