May 2018 Move Your @$$ Challenge



  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 934 Member
    ... can’t remember the last time I posted (my bad) but I have been moving ...


  • future_rockstar
    future_rockstar Posts: 711 Member
    Been a rough couple of weeks around here. MTD so far.23.2/75. Time to try to play catch up.
  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,851 Member
    26.86 miles
    313.94 miles MTD
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Starting the month with 29 miles.
    adding 29 miles for 29 out of 300.

    Adding 7 miles for 36 out of 300.

    Adding 32 miles for 68 out of 300.

    Adding 10 miles for 79 out of 300.

    Adding 7 miles for 86 out of 300.

    Adding 11 miles for 97 out of 300.

    Adding 13 miles for 110 out of 300.

    Adding 15 miles for 125 out of 300

    Adding 7 miles for 132 out of 300.

    Adding 37 miles for 169 out of 300.

    Adding 29 miles for 198 out of 300.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Well Dave, after reading your key adventure, I don't feel too bad about my afternoon. I parked about a mile away from my doctor's appointment so I could walk along the riverfront first, but when I got back to the car, the battery was dead. So, I added one mile walking to the doctor and another mile walking back to the car. Then a call to my dear hubby to stop by and jump start the car before he went home too.

    Added 6.25 miles for a May total of 64.75 miles


  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,408 Member
    edited May 2018
    May 16: Adding 10.8 miles of walking and running
    TTD: 192 miles


    @taxmom; Sure looks like you got your share of walking in yesterday along with a bit of aggravation.
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    05/15 - 01.0 miles river walk
    05/15 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer (Giro d'Italia Cycling Challenge Stage 10)
    05/16 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer (Giro d'Italia Cycling Challenge Stage 11)

    Total: 325.0 miles


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Thanks, @Dave!!

    05/14 - 6.91 miles
    05/15 - 5.70 miles
    05/16 - 5.13 miles


    Hope everyone is doing okay.


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    16th May
    5.14 miles walked
    Total walked to date 95.79
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
    edited May 2018
    5/12 6 miles
    5/13 1.25 miles
    5/14 10.50 miles
    5/15 7.75 miles
    5/16 7.75 miles

    As of 5/16 116 miles of 200 miles


  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

    @SUFFERLANDRIAN - Spectacular pictures, Dean! Thank you for sharing!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Did the treadmill again. 3.5 miles


  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,947 Member
    After reading all the posts about hectic days, I found sufferlandrian's photos to be particularly soothing. I guess I have had some hectic days myself. I'm now in New York City. Went for a run in Central Park this morning, followed by miles of walking. Tuesday, while still in California, I went to Disneyland with an old friend and we walked miles and miles and miles. So this is going to be a big week for steps in spite of spending one day on a plane. I'm now at 56/75 for purposeful exercise miles. Hope everyone is well!
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    05/15 - 01.0 miles river walk
    05/15 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer (Giro d'Italia Cycling Challenge Stage 10)
    05/16 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer (Giro d'Italia Cycling Challenge Stage 11)
    05/17 - 23.0 miles turbo trainer (Giro d'Italia Cycling Challenge Stage 12)

    Total: 348.0 miles


  • clp212
    clp212 Posts: 202 Member
    5/14 - 3.6 miles
    5/15 - 4.33 miles
    5/16 - 1.25 miles
    5/17 - 4.46 miles whew!
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,408 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Dean: If only I could drop in and out of this scenery at will. Love the pics!

    Some good news today, my fur baby’s cancer has showed signs of lymph node shrinkage. Good for now. At least a bit more of quality time with him as long as he is tolerating his treatment.

    May 17: Adding 11.5 miles of walking, running
    TTD 203.5 miles


  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    I’ve finally found time to catch up with the posts - I do miss you all when I don’t get chance to log in.

    @Dave - I sometimes worry that there are symptoms that their 3 year old has symptoms of being on the ASD spectrum ..... he is a really sweet little boy and as bright as a button who try as he might is struggling to move beyond parallel play. Possibly a slow developer.?

    @kar328 - LOL, gyms have generally to work very hard to prove that Exercise Is Money is NOT their mantra.

    @clepant - your history reflects how you come across, warm and giving. It is inspiring, and I hope the last 15 years have been filled with joy.

    @Janet - what a totally awesome Mother’s Day card. <3

    @taxmom9093 - fab that you managed to get some walking in .... the beauty of this group is .... it’s always here when we eventually find keyboard time.

    @ vhuber - My Word, you work hard. I hope your kids appreciate your love and energy.

    @Dave - that puts a totally new spin on the ‘find the keys’ ‘game’

    WoW @Clepant - that’s every day, roll on retirement ..... but I think the gap in your day created by retirement will VERY quickly fill up based on how each day starts. You are indeed an inspiring warrior. Great news about your fur baby too.

    @sufferlandrian - your landscape is soooo amazing, breathtaking, thank you for sharing them Dean.
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited May 2018


    11th: 6 miles - MTD 64.03
    12th: 11 miles - MTD 75.03
    13th: 2 miles - MTD 77.03
    14th: 5 miles - MTD 82.03
    15th: 8 miles, 3.34 club run, 4.66 purposeful walking - MTD 90.03
    16th: 5 miles - MTD 95.03
    17th: 7 miles, 5.02 m pyramid run and beach run, 1.98 purposeful walking - MTD 102

    So, you would think, wedding over, time for some peace and quiet. But (confirmed by reading your posts) we know that is never going to happen- because that’s not how life works!! On our 5th twelve hour day with our eldest grandson (aged 3 1/2 Years, almost) with Chicken Pox as, obviously, he’s not allowed in pre-school.
    ETA a missing few words.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Starting the month with 29 miles.
    adding 29 miles for 29 out of 300.

    Adding 7 miles for 36 out of 300.

    Adding 32 miles for 68 out of 300.

    Adding 10 miles for 79 out of 300.

    Adding 7 miles for 86 out of 300.

    Adding 11 miles for 97 out of 300.

    Adding 13 miles for 110 out of 300.

    Adding 15 miles for 125 out of 300

    Adding 7 miles for 132 out of 300.

    Adding 37 miles for 169 out of 300.

    Adding 29 miles for 198 out of 300.

    Adding 10 miles for 208 out of 300.
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