TEAM: The Slimsons (June)



  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    Rough week...I travel weekly for work and it generally allows me to be very regimented in my eating but this week feels off...I'm sticking to my calories but feel like I'm gaining weight. Fingers crossed for Saturday weigh in lol.
  • Keri8680
    Keri8680 Posts: 115 Member
    Weight in Thursday
    Week 3
    PW 193.3
    CW 192.2
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I have finally hit the official 60lb loss mark!! I'm so happy!!! I started my weight loss journey on MFP at 215 lbs in April 2017. I joined Team Slimsons in December at around 180 lbs.
    19-20 more till I hit goal!

    When I see my weight go up and get discouraged, I just need to remind myself of how far I have come. How much better I feel... more energetic.

    Keep it up, Slimsons!! One day at a time!

    @tinak33 Congrats!! It's extremely important to look at your success, especially when you're having a harder time getting the weight to come off. It's also important to remember that you didn't gain it all at once and you're not going to lose it all at once.
    Seriously though, you've done an amazing job and you should be proud of yourself!!
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Username: tinak33
    Weigh in week: June Week 3
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 156.9
    Current Weight: 154.4

    I have finally hit the official 60lb loss mark!! I'm so happy!!! I started my weight loss journey on MFP at 215 lbs in April 2017. I joined Team Slimsons in December at around 180 lbs.
    19-20 more till I hit goal!

    When I see my weight go up and get discouraged, I just need to remind myself of how far I have come. How much better I feel... more energetic.

    Keep it up, Slimsons!! One day at a time!

    CONGRATULATIONS! You're such an inspiration!
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    June 14 th Thursday
    Tracking: yes
    Calorie Scale: no
    Exercise: no
    Carbs: over
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member

    Good morning, Slimsons! Happy Friday!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @tinak33 Great post!

    I have been struggling to be motivating, especially since I have lacked the motivation myself, but I did something this morning that inadvertently helped my motivation. I need to get back on track. I've been in vacation mode for a long time and I think it's because I just hit the 1 year mark and I realize how hard I've been working this year to get to this point and it feels like I should be further along than I am, but I really needed to look at where I had been before I started and I can't minimize the progress I've made because I've made so much. I'm down 50lbs and 30+ inches and that's not really anything to be upset about. In another year I could be where I want to be if I work hard again and do it. But the other side of that coin is I've made so much progress in other areas too. I'm lifting more weight than I ever have, my biceps and triceps look amazing, my shoulders are now big enough to hold the barbell entirely on their own, which is what I've been working towards (for months) for my front squats and clean and jerks because that's what was holding me back on lifting more in those areas, and I have a lot to be happy about, but for some reason, I'm just not....and I think that more than anything is what's bothering me. I should be happy and I'm not really...
    Anyways, long story short, just wanted to share that with you guys because I feel like I've been absent this week and it's taken me this long to figure out why. I just needed to take a little time and think about where I've been so that I can start heading in the direction of where I want to go next. But I think I'm back on track now and re-energized and looking forward to getting rid of the last 40-50 lbs :smile:

  • kearyandjessy
    kearyandjessy Posts: 43 Member
    Username: kearyandjessy
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Starting weight: 309.6 lbs
    Previous Week's weight: 306.8 lbs
    Todays Weight: 307.2
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    JJKM02 wrote: »
    Tonight though I am heading to help chaperone the grade 8 trip....50 13 years olds....what could go wrong??? Keep up the great work!

    tinak33 wrote: »
    Username: tinak33

    I have finally hit the official 60lb loss mark!! I'm so happy!!! I started my weight loss journey on MFP at 215 lbs in April 2017. I joined Team Slimsons in December at around 180 lbs.
    19-20 more till I hit goal!

    When I see my weight go up and get discouraged, I just need to remind myself of how far I have come. How much better I feel... more energetic.

    Keep it up, Slimsons!! One day at a time!

    Congratulations!!! Hard work and perseverance pay off!

    AB0215 wrote: »
    @tinak33 Great post!

    I have been struggling to be motivating, especially since I have lacked the motivation myself, but I did something this morning that inadvertently helped my motivation. I need to get back on track. I've been in vacation mode for a long time and I think it's because I just hit the 1 year mark and I realize how hard I've been working this year to get to this point and it feels like I should be further along than I am, but I really needed to look at where I had been before I started and I can't minimize the progress I've made because I've made so much. I'm down 50lbs and 30+ inches and that's not really anything to be upset about. In another year I could be where I want to be if I work hard again and do it. But the other side of that coin is I've made so much progress in other areas too. I'm lifting more weight than I ever have, my biceps and triceps look amazing, my shoulders are now big enough to hold the barbell entirely on their own, which is what I've been working towards (for months) for my front squats and clean and jerks because that's what was holding me back on lifting more in those areas, and I have a lot to be happy about, but for some reason, I'm just not....and I think that more than anything is what's bothering me. I should be happy and I'm not really...
    Anyways, long story short, just wanted to share that with you guys because I feel like I've been absent this week and it's taken me this long to figure out why. I just needed to take a little time and think about where I've been so that I can start heading in the direction of where I want to go next. But I think I'm back on track now and re-energized and looking forward to getting rid of the last 40-50 lbs :smile:

    You do such a great job supporting and motivating all of us! So glad that you can take a step back and acknowledge your own successes and progress! :)

    Daily Post - Friday
    Well, I forgot to weigh this morning, so I'll have to do that tomorrow.
    I didn't get up early enough to run this morning, but I did run after work, so I'm still on track with mileage for the week. I am sooooo ready for the weekend!
  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    Going out to buy a bike tommorow..finally adding some cardio though I'll only have access on the weekends it can't hurt.

  • KT4everFree
    KT4everFree Posts: 206 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    @tinak33 Great post!

    I have been struggling to be motivating, especially since I have lacked the motivation myself, but I did something this morning that inadvertently helped my motivation. I need to get back on track. I've been in vacation mode for a long time and I think it's because I just hit the 1 year mark and I realize how hard I've been working this year to get to this point and it feels like I should be further along than I am, but I really needed to look at where I had been before I started and I can't minimize the progress I've made because I've made so much. I'm down 50lbs and 30+ inches and that's not really anything to be upset about. In another year I could be where I want to be if I work hard again and do it. But the other side of that coin is I've made so much progress in other areas too. I'm lifting more weight than I ever have, my biceps and triceps look amazing, my shoulders are now big enough to hold the barbell entirely on their own, which is what I've been working towards (for months) for my front squats and clean and jerks because that's what was holding me back on lifting more in those areas, and I have a lot to be happy about, but for some reason, I'm just not....and I think that more than anything is what's bothering me. I should be happy and I'm not really...
    Anyways, long story short, just wanted to share that with you guys because I feel like I've been absent this week and it's taken me this long to figure out why. I just needed to take a little time and think about where I've been so that I can start heading in the direction of where I want to go next. But I think I'm back on track now and re-energized and looking forward to getting rid of the last 40-50 lbs :smile:

    I totally get what you are saying. I told myself I would be happy if I meant my current weight and still I’m not happy. I keep telling myself remember where you were last year, but something mentally doesn’t connect. “Still fat” OMG never content! Physiologically we are our own worst enemies. You should be SO proud of yourself for you achievements-kudos to you AB2015
  • IanMoone30
    IanMoone30 Posts: 276 Member
    Track yes
    Calories under
    Carbs. Over can’t think of a day I was at or under.
    Exercise yes
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Mexiconona, June 15, 2018
    Tracking : yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise : yes , shopping walking over 20 min
    Carbs over
  • colinmcp
    colinmcp Posts: 88 Member
    Username: ColinMcP
    Week: June Week 3
    Check in Day: Saturdays
    PW = 248.2
    CW= 245.7
    Total lost 6.6 lbs for challenge.
  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    @AB0215 I hear you loud and clear. I am going through a mental plateau as well. I have no joy in the classes that I am doing. It seems more work than fun. Even with volleyball. I look in the mirror and I still see the 240lb girl. I have so much further to go but I feel defeated. Mental plateaus are so much harder than physical plateaus.
  • KT4everFree
    KT4everFree Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2018
    Username: KatieWW
    June week 3
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 175.2
    CW: 176.8
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited June 2018
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    colinmcp wrote: »
    Going out to buy a bike tommorow..finally adding some cardio though I'll only have access on the weekends it can't hurt.

    @colinmcp I had that same thought last summer, I thought it would be fun to ride a bike again, didn't really have the funds to buy one at the time, so my mom lent me hers, which ironically is still sitting in my garage. Her thought was they were in the middle of a move and if I liked it, we could look for a bike at a garage sale or something while I was using hers. So long story short, it's a LOT harder to get back into riding a bike than one might think...I made it like 15 minutes a couple of times....also I don't like heat, or outside or any of those things so I decided that riding a bike was ok, but it was going to be a stationary bike at the gym instead.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    You do such a great job supporting and motivating all of us! So glad that you can take a step back and acknowledge your own successes and progress! :)
    @ka97 It's always my goal to help others, usually more than myself, and usually that helps me stay on track, but lately, I've fallen so far off the wagon, like I'm feeling like I fell off the wagon and then the wagon ran over me...but am getting there, I think that I'm going to use today as one last day before I start going back on a strict track everything regimen again, because I think I need structure...
    KatieWW wrote: »
    I totally get what you are saying. I told myself I would be happy if I meant my current weight and still I’m not happy. I keep telling myself remember where you were last year, but something mentally doesn’t connect. “Still fat” OMG never content! Physiologically we are our own worst enemies. You should be SO proud of yourself for you achievements-kudos to you AB2015
    @KatieWW It's weird because I am proud and happy about what I have already achieved, but at the same time I'm not's entirely mental and I think I tend to go through cycles of self-sabotage, and just when I think I've finally conquered it, it comes back around again. But at any rate, I just need to take my own advice, make some small changes and take one day at a time.
    @AB0215 I hear you loud and clear. I am going through a mental plateau as well. I have no joy in the classes that I am doing. It seems more work than fun. Even with volleyball. I look in the mirror and I still see the 240lb girl. I have so much further to go but I feel defeated. Mental plateaus are so much harder than physical plateaus.
    @jennfalzon1979 I agree 100%, I think that for me, a physical plateau on the scale triggered a mental plateau and now I feel a bit stuck in a rut and I'm struggling more than I imagined I would. And what's weird is I know that my scale plateau isn't really a plateau either, it's because I've been so focused on gaining muscle and actually achieving this goal as my fat% is down quite a bit so my muscle is way up, which is what I wanted, but the scale...the scale is what's killing my mental game and I'm thinking that after my current training cycle ends (2 more weeks) I will take a break and maintain my muscle but focus more on the weight loss and see if that helps me break through the mental aspect as I think that seeing the scale move will be what breaks my mental barrier.
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    @AB0215 I can definitely relate to what your saying. My motivation has been MIA lately. Don’t know why, maybe just frustration with myself. Anyways congratulations on the accomplishments so far and looking forward to see you reach your goals.
    @gemwolf110 I do think that we're harder on ourselves than we are on others and others on us. I think I've been so focused on one thing and that one thing has been a success, but I sort of lost sight of what I originally set out to do, thinking that my goals had changed, but they've really just expanded, my original goal is still there and I need to think about that for a little bit and I'll get there.

    Thanks for all the kind words and support, I really think I just needed to say my feelings out loud to help re-commit myself to my goals, which is what I've spent the majority of my day doing today. Thanks again!!
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