

  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Spreadsheet FYI

    Every month I do a Spreadsheet clean up and then add the new rows for the new month. For anyone who doesn't log for a long time, I move them over the the "Inactive Spreadsheet". I do this so that if anyone wants to join back in, or even just see what their weight looked like months ago, they can easily find that info. Also, if anyone comes back to our challenge, and I've moved their column, just give me a shout out here or in the Spreadsheet thread, and I'll move it back. :#
  • kathyniavarani
    kathyniavarani Posts: 8 Member
    jrmie333 wrote: »
    Hello here,
    So I lost 1 pound this week and gained it back. Does Keto make you discovered some sensitivities and allergies that you may have? I have discovered this week that I have a sensitivity to provolone cheese: it makes my eyes burn and give me stomachache and gas. I had been suspecting that cow s milk does not necessarily agrees with me so I had been mostly drinking coconut milk but I did not know about cheese (in general, I am no big cheese eater neither). So yeah. I am glad to have started Keto thjs month, for all the resources, the support from this community and ready to take on July.
    Also changes this starting week will be on trying to eat more fat, more fish and less meat.

    SW (06/04/2018): 247.8
    CW (06/29/2018): 240.5
    JULY GW: 232-228
    DEC GW: 199
    OGW (06/03/2019): 150

    I have found that I have a gluten allergy. I used to suffer from heartburn and acid reflux almost daily. Since starting Keto, I don't have either, unless we drift off and having something with gluten, then they are both back by the end of the day, and usually the next few until I am back in Ketosis.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Hi All
    Holiday time for most people and holidays are made to be enjoyed so if you break out so what? The important thing is getting back to 'normal' (now how many people think Keto is normal!!) as soon as you can. It's all an attitude of mind so don't think: 'I failed it's not worth going on'. That way weight gain lurks! Or if you are like me, leaps on you from a great height! So enjoy your holidays one and all and get back to it as soon as you can. We still have 5 months until Christmas!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    So, this month I would like to declare to our group that I’m in the difficult ten-pound zone again. I would like to solicit advice, help or encouragement to deliver an attack on these last few pounds. Once again, I’m leaning hard on my friends on this forum for help. If you would like to form a maintenance and/or the last ten pounds alliance to keep your head in the game or if you just have good advice I’m open to suggestions.

    Hi @stormywxs288 - Congratulations on being so close to goal!

    Are you suggesting a "Last Ten Pounds Alliance" challenge/support thread/group? Where folks could call out when feeling tempted? And support each other? I love that idea.

    If that's what you mean, I'm in! Having it be a challenge might derail the automatic "reach for food" reflex. And writing about it might stall a bit until time can help the temptation fade. And feedback from friends can help strengthen resolve.

    I know what you mean about that last daemon who says "you deserve a reward" - devious insidious little lying saboteur. Acknowledging its existence is the first step.

    "Hello, my name is Paula, and I succumb to temptation."
  • Taker316
    Taker316 Posts: 4 Member
    Has anyone tried or use Keto bars? I ordered some and was wandering if anyone had experience with them.
  • Uneeknitter
    Uneeknitter Posts: 134 Member
    My goal is to lose 5 lbs this month.

    Sunday 07/01 196
    Sunday 07/08
    Sunday 07/15
    Sunday 07/22
    Sunday 07/29

  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    @PaulaKro Wrote:

    "Are you suggesting a "Last Ten Pounds Alliance" challenge/support thread/group? Where folks could call out when feeling tempted? And support each other? I love that idea.

    If that's what you mean, I'm in! Having it be a challenge might derail the automatic "reach for food" reflex. And writing about it might stall a bit until time can help the temptation fade. And feedback from friends can help strengthen resolve."

    Ya! That’s what I’m talking about. I know there are there are MFP members on this thread who have reached maintenance status, are on the fringe of set goals or plateaued after significant weight loss and are struggling with demons of sabotage.

    For example, today on America’s birthday, there are many of us who will leave the state of ketosis for hotdogs, beer and apple pie. I get that and understand sometimes life gets in the way. What I need help with is how to deal with the aftermath. I need someone to talk me down to a quick but soft landing instead of spiraling out of control for days, crashing with a big weight gain then fighting back using extreme tactics to recover.

    What I’m suggesting is a sounding board of friends to listen to thoughts and concerns then provide support or counsel as appropriate. I need shepards to keep me close to the keto path and herd me back as quickly as possible when I stray. This does not have to be a formal declared alliance. In fact, I believe many of my MFP friends have already served in this compacity.

    So, I’m letting everyone know I have had wonderful success with keto but struggle with demons of sabotage, I need and welcome your help. And if you are of like mind, let me know. I will do what I can for you.

  • saintsphan
    saintsphan Posts: 35 Member
    Sunday 07/01
    Sunday 07/08
    Sunday 07/15
    Sunday 07/22
    Sunday 07/29

    New to this group but definitely in for July! I have my weight for the first and I think I posted it on the spreadsheet. My July 8 weigh in wont be great because I'm really JUST starting today BUT the rest of the month should be better.
    Looking forward to getting started :)
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    Keto Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 132
    July Goal: 125 (7 lbs)
    Ultimate Goal: 115

    Thursday 07/05: 132
    Sunday 07/08
    Sunday 07/15
    Sunday 07/22
    Sunday 07/29

    I did not weigh myself on Sunday. I only lost 4.5 lbs in June. I was not strict with my eating and it shows in the numbers!

    I'm frustrated that I find myself at the same weight I was in May when I was so proud of having lost 20 lbs. But that frustration is with myself because I KNOW the process works when I am diligent - I have not been diligent. (I know this story from me is familiar)

    I have found that asking friends from this forum for help and admitting I need encouragement and to be checked up on has been super helpful. Just getting a note (tap on shoulder) that someone is looking does make a difference! It can talk you out of a poor food choice, or spur you to log honestly, etc.
    Don't underestimate the difference others on here can make and the difference you can make when you choose to encourage someone! (thanks @stormywxs288 and @River_Goddess !!!!)

    On the other hand - I have really been enjoying my life (and food when I want to) and have not gained since my 20lb loss and I know I can lose the last 17 if I practice what I know to work!

    In July, we have the CA Mid-State fair and 3 concerts, along with family vacation, so it will be a little tricky. I am committed to reaching my goals this summer while still doing what I 'want', by being strict with myself, but not depriving myself. I'm hoping that if I'm "on" when possible, I won't feel bad when I go "off" for our special events! So, we'll see if 7 lbs this month is still possible. I'm hoping to ramp up my exercise to compensate a little.

    My other goal is to continue with strength training, but to add an actual program rather than just winging it, and also to make sure I am eating the right things so that the added exercise does not make me want to eat a lot more. I hope to start the new weight program this next week....
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    edited July 2018
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    Keeping convenient keto-friendly foods in the pantry at all times.
    Giving up the daily caffeine. I always go back to it, but after almost a year on keto, I know for a fact I don't lose weight while having caffeine. It's not the creamer or sweetener, because I can have decaf just fine.
    Log the darn food no matter how annoying it is. (love/hate relationship here).

    I definitely agree and identify with these 3 points you listed. I have known for a while that caffeine is a "sabotager" in my weight loss efforts. It causes cravings late in the day that I seem to have no willpower against. Years ago when I lost a bit of weight (not on Keto) I made a list titled, "What I was doing" to remind me of the good habits that were helping me. One of the habits was 1-2 cups of coffee - weekly. The other days I could have 1 cup of green tea, and 9 am was the cut off time. If I had caffeine after that I was like Golem at the refrigerator that night! Another was no less than 3 liters of water daily. I was following a low'ish carb diet at the time but it didn't last. Keto is the only way of eating that had me at, "Hello."

  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    @eggfooyamyam See, I thought I was the only one who had the issues with caffeine. Luckily I have a decaf espresso that I LOVE! I'm behaving myself this week so far. Let's see what happens.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Keto Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 132
    July Goal: 125 (7 lbs)
    Ultimate Goal: 115

    Thursday 07/05: 132
    Sunday 07/08
    Sunday 07/15
    Sunday 07/22
    Sunday 07/29

    I did not weigh myself on Sunday. I only lost 4.5 lbs in June. I was not strict with my eating and it shows in the numbers!

    I'm frustrated that I find myself at the same weight I was in May when I was so proud of having lost 20 lbs. But that frustration is with myself because I KNOW the process works when I am diligent - I have not been diligent. (I know this story from me is familiar)

    I have found that asking friends from this forum for help and admitting I need encouragement and to be checked up on has been super helpful. Just getting a note (tap on shoulder) that someone is looking does make a difference! It can talk you out of a poor food choice, or spur you to log honestly, etc.
    Don't underestimate the difference others on here can make and the difference you can make when you choose to encourage someone! (thanks @stormywxs288 and @River_Goddess !!!!)

    On the other hand - I have really been enjoying my life (and food when I want to) and have not gained since my 20lb loss and I know I can lose the last 17 if I practice what I know to work!

    In July, we have the CA Mid-State fair and 3 concerts, along with family vacation, so it will be a little tricky. I am committed to reaching my goals this summer while still doing what I 'want', by being strict with myself, but not depriving myself. I'm hoping that if I'm "on" when possible, I won't feel bad when I go "off" for our special events! So, we'll see if 7 lbs this month is still possible. I'm hoping to ramp up my exercise to compensate a little.

    My other goal is to continue with strength training, but to add an actual program rather than just winging it, and also to make sure I am eating the right things so that the added exercise does not make me want to eat a lot more. I hope to start the new weight program this next week....

    I'm just saying that with the events you have this month why not enjoy them and set yourself a goal that is less severe? 7lbs in a month is a lot, especially at your current weight. Why not set a goal that is much less, like 3 or 4 pounds or even if it's a holiday month just not gaining weight through July might be enough. There's no point (IMO) of setting yourself up to feel like you may 'fail' when you've already had success. If you look to remain the same or loose just a couple of pounds then if you do loose more it's a bonus!! Enjoy your events and holidays!
  • aduhmads
    aduhmads Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone.. I did keto last year and lost over 25 kg but then work pressure and some personal issues, I went back to my old ways and gained 20 kg back. Now I want to make it a way of life. So here I am starting again.

    SW : 105 kg
    CW : 98.3 kg
    Age : 34
    Height : 170cm

    Here goes...
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member

    I'm just saying that with the events you have this month why not enjoy them and set yourself a goal that is less severe? 7lbs in a month is a lot, especially at your current weight. Why not set a goal that is much less, like 3 or 4 pounds or even if it's a holiday month just not gaining weight through July might be enough. There's no point (IMO) of setting yourself up to feel like you may 'fail' when you've already had success. If you look to remain the same or loose just a couple of pounds then if you do loose more it's a bonus!! Enjoy your events and holidays!

    @chinatowninchina I think you are exactly right. I have been setting goals based on the rate I was able to lose when I first started. I feel that my weight loss has slowed down as I get closer to my goal and also since I am feeling 'okay' about how I look, I choose to indulge more when I feel like it.
    I agree that continuing to set unrealistic goals may stop motivating me and end up discouraging me when I continue to not meet them. I am going to re-set my goals, and then as you said if I lose more, it's a bonus! Thanks for really looking at what I was doing and speaking up!
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    Revised July Goals ;)

    Keto Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 132
    July Goal: 128 (4 lbs)
    Ultimate Goal: 115

    Thursday 07/05: 132
    Sunday 07/08
    Sunday 07/15
    Sunday 07/22
    Sunday 07/29
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Yup, it seems a lot of people struggle with weekends, myself included. The kids are home, we make them delicious carby breakfasts and since I'm home all day there are snacks constantly in my face.

    I'm going to sit down this afternoon and come up with my meals for this weekend so I'm not left trying to figure out what to eat after I've made breakfast, then wind up shoving a buttermilk pancake into my mouth after deciding I'm not cooking 2 breakfasts. :D