TEAM: Flab-U-Less (September)



    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Djou11 wrote: »
    Omg I'm so sorry everyone .. with the little one returning to school last week I completely forgot to post my weigh in and was totally MIA from the group ...

    First I have to say a huge thank you to @BEASTFIELD314 for coming to help us out here :) truly appreciate you switching group to lead us here :)

    starting weight 179.1
    week 1 monday sept 3- 183.8
    week 2 Monday Sept 10 - 185.6

    So sorry for letting you guys down with this weight gain I have to be honest that I have been totally derailed my nutrition plan for a good month now.

    I confess that emotions have been a little raw over here lately hence why I had to take some time away to refocus.

    I started a new online challenge today with my coach and I've been having a good day so far... let's see that number go down again.

    I promise I will find time to read through the feed and get back on track cheering you guys on... <3<3

    Hey there!!!

    No worries at all. There are always going to be times in our lives where we can't weigh or watch what we eat. There are a lot of things life throws at us, and as humans and adults, we have to prioritize. For me, family will ALWAYS come first. If that means I would have to stop watching what I eat and walking, for my family, consider it done. We are all here, thinking of you.

    Congrats on the new online challenge. What is the name of the program? My healthcare provider offers a no cost online training program with a live coach, nutritionist, and counselor. Its a program call Real Appeal. I want to do it so much, but they have limited sessions and they are all during the week in the evening. With my crazy schedule its just not possible right now. :-(

    Glad you are back with us. Let us know if you need anything. I will get your weights added to the spreadsheet. Have a good one!!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning and Happy Tuesday Team Flab-U-Less!

    The challengers that are scheduled to weigh in today are:


    Thanks everyone!!!!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    edited September 2018
    Daily Post: Monday, Sept 10
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Played on the jungle gym with my son while the other 2 were at soccer practice.

    Man - that was exhausting. Although a few months ago, I would not have been able to do anything. We played follow leader. I had to do everything he did - there was a lot of climbing up ladders, going down fireman poles - monkey bars, up and down slides... phew, lol. So glad I was able to do it. We both had fun and loved it. He was laughing the whole time...
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    Week 2- 11 Sept. 2018
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    mram3582 wrote: »
    Week 2- 11 Sept. 2018

  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    Daily Post: Monday (I'm posting Tuesday morning)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Right on target
    Exercise: Walked 11, 834 steps
    Goals/day: I still struggle with my water. Goal is to get 64 oz in today.
  • gholderby1234
    gholderby1234 Posts: 73 Member
    Week: September Week 2
    PW: 208
    CW: 207

    It seems like I am forever struggling with the same 5 lbs. I go down during the week then up on the weekend. I lost a pound which is good but I went off course Fri and Sat and cant help but think how much more I would be down had I not fallen into my weekend trap...
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @BEASTFIELD314 your son looks just like you!!! Sweet
  • mfclingan
    mfclingan Posts: 158 Member
    Daily Post Tuesday 9/11
    Track: Yes
    Calories: right in line
    Exercise: no...darn overcast dreary day
    Goals/Day: today at work was crazy busy!!! Evening came and I was just wiped out!!!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Daily Post: September 11th
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes- 35 minute walk this morning and 20 minutes of zumba this evening.
    Goals/day: Stayed under again, but was one of those days that I was hungry all day. Got past it though 😊. Now to get past the late night snacking. Lol.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Daily Post. Sept/11
    Exercise..Yes Water aerobics x60 mins and swimming 25 mins
    Goal Continues
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Weigh Day. Tuesday
    Last weight. 193.0lbs
    Today’s weight 193.0lbs
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    DP: 09/11 Tuesday
    Track: yes
    Calories: over-planned
    Exercise: no-also planned
    Daily goal: Eat more Gagh, Less Racht. Recuperate from today...lots of water.
  • lar25473
    lar25473 Posts: 183 Member
    Week 1 (September 4th): 184.8
    Week 2 (September 11th): 182.4
    Week 3 (September 18th):
    Week 4 (September 25th):

    I'm getting closer to my september goal of being in the 170s :) If at all possible and safe to do so I wonder if I can even break into the 160s. I am working really hard because I want to accomplish this for my health.
  • lar25473
    lar25473 Posts: 183 Member
    Daily Post (I don't remember to do these enough) September 11

    I was only 4 when 9/11 happened, but it profoundly affected me. Though I didn't understand it as a child, when I was 11 I found a book about the attacks at the library and ever since I have been terrified of flying. Before then I loved riding planes, but even to this day I am rapt with anxiety when I fly anywhere.

    Track: most of it
    Calories: barely under thanks to exercise
    Exercise: I only managed 30 minutes of elliptical because I was at school all day today.
    Daily goal: Today's goal was mainly just to not eat junk food...I definitely met that one at least!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning and Happy Wednesday, team Flab-U-Less!!!

    Here are the challengers that have scheduled weigh-ins for today:

    @missparisfaye (Traveling - no access to scale. Will use last weeks results.)

    Thank you everyone! Happy Hump Day!!!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday, September 11th
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Worked my second job tonight - commercial cleaning

    I woke up sore from playing on the playground yesterday, lol. I am amazed at my loss thus far. Today I have my 2nd job again, so no time for walking. Tomorrow I don't - will try to fit in some walking time then.
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    edited September 2018
    Week: September Week 2
    PW: 208
    CW: 207

    It seems like I am forever struggling with the same 5 lbs. I go down during the week then up on the weekend. I lost a pound which is good but I went off course Fri and Sat and cant help but think how much more I would be down had I not fallen into my weekend trap...

    It's a constant struggle! The main thing to focus on is staying the course. I have seen people in the other forums here that are dealing with the same thing. Then, after a bit, BOOM! They start losing. Just a matter of time - keep following your plan. WE are all here supporting you!!!

    cdavisdeva wrote: »
    @BEASTFIELD314 your son looks just like you!!! Sweet

    Awww... thank you! He is one of my many moons in my world!

    12774 wrote: »
    !7 years ago, I was the Charge RN in the ICU of my hospital which was located in Upper
    Manhattan. Around 9am,it was announced over the PA system that Disaster Phase 4 was in progress, which means immediate preparations must be made for the admission of patients with the highest level of life- threatening injuries and trauma. All personnel are required to remain in their units further directions. Anyone who leaves can be subjected to permanent dismissal.As a result of this,an enormous amount of additional critical care personnel, ,emergency drugs, life- saving equipment, etc were readily made available. We waited and waited and waited, and as the time went by, and it was now 12 midnight no one was admitted. Few people survived and were admitted to area hospitals which were closer to the site of World Trader Center. All the staff members from the previous 12 hr shift were directed by their Supervisors to leave .
    Even though, I did not know anyone who perished, this day brings back such vivid memories and I can definitely say , it has been one of the saddest days in my entire Nursing Career.

    I can only imagine what you went through. All I can say is thank you. Thank you for being there, ready to support everyone. Thank you 100 times over. I am sure it is not a memory you will ever forget. Again, THANK YOU.

    mfclingan wrote: »
    Daily Post Tuesday 9/11
    Track: Yes
    Calories: right in line
    Exercise: no...darn overcast dreary day
    Goals/Day: today at work was crazy busy!!! Evening came and I was just wiped out!!!

    Definitely been there, lol!!!! Sometimes I come home and it seems like it's already time for bed!!!! LOLOLOL

    lar25473 wrote: »
    Week 1 (September 4th): 184.8
    Week 2 (September 11th): 182.4
    Week 3 (September 18th):
    Week 4 (September 25th):

    I'm getting closer to my september goal of being in the 170s :) If at all possible and safe to do so I wonder if I can even break into the 160s. I am working really hard because I want to accomplish this for my health.

    Super excited that you are closing in on your Sept. Goal... and we still have over half the month!!! Getting to 160 would be awesome! How do you feel????
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    It's only Wednesday and already reminded just how tiering the normal school weeks are.
    I like it at the same time. Midday naps are needed but not likely to happen.
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