Milestones (other than the scale)



  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Great story on the belt, Emmerin!

    I'm going with a trite and true for every one of us story.
    As I posted in the Chit-Chat thread, my mother passed. I honestly had no appropriate clothes to wear to the funeral so I had to suck it up and go shopping.

    Recently I had purchased sweats in Target, so I headed back there. Not a chance. Their largest pants were one size too small. DW couldn't find anything there either and wanted to go to Kohls to look for something for herself there. I've always had an issue with Kohls (for reminding me how fat I had gotten. Not their fault, but I had to put blame somewhere. Right???) When I took my son there and bought him clothing a couple years back; I could find nothing that would fit me. So this trip, I fought my displeasure and gave it a shot.

    This time it wasn't even an issue! Yes, I had to shop in the Big section, but I didn't have to buy the biggest size there. I found pants in the correct size, a shirt that looks great, and even bought a more fashionable necktie. I felt so great and so lousy at the same time. The emotional upheaval was tough. But, I can now shop in normal stores and one more size and I'll be out of having to live in the "Big and Tall" section. Mom would have been thrilled for me. The last time I saw her she said how happy I was making her by finally losing this weight. I can hold that memory while looking good for the ceremonies and saying goodbye.
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    So sorry to hear about your mom :( *hugs* And yes, it is certainly fitting that she would be very proud, not only for your progress but for how generous of spirit you are in helping so many people here. Thinking of you and your family.
  • hollyla9905
    Dan your post made me cry... I am so pleased for you and so sad for you... I hope that you never stop... I have said it often you are truly and inspiration and your drive is very contagious!
  • hollyla9905
    So I came here to post a I huge victory for me... I got distracted

    Yesterday my sodium wasn't red it wasn't even green it was still black... That's right I kicked sodium butt yesterday and carbs... I need these to be lower due to my health and they are always red.... I however failed at a few good ones too including potassium... How the heck does one eat enough of that when bananas are the devil food for them?
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Well, I had to go shopping because picture day was today. I needed a new pair that actually fit well. I have lots of 'make do' clothes till I pass to the next size but nothing thats really great. :). I used to be a solid 24...I tried on a 20, then an 18 and in one style actually a 16. Holy Macaroni Batman!!! I don't know whether to count that as a drop in 8 or 4 sizes, but for a 30 lb loss, I'm blown away. I actually bought a 18 because the fit and style was best but WOW! On the top, I was a 3 or sometimes 4x, but yesterday it was a 2 sometimes 1x. I like these numbers much more. I've been floundering a bit lately... this was definitely the kick in the butt I needed. :)
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    A few days ago when I went swimming at the gym I forgot my usual towel. I had a cheapo towel in my gym bag and didn't feel like turning back. For the first time in my adult life, I could wrap the normal-sized towel around my waist and close it. When I realized that I fought back tears of joy on the pool deck. It was so cool :)
  • incredibleshrinkingjackie
    yesterday i shoveled my mother's long, handicapped ramp. and then i shoveled a path between my mom's and grandparent's house and then i shoveled their ramp. holy crapamony! and i wasn't even really tired (it was light snow). last year i couldn't get through just my mom's ramp without resting. yeah me!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    These are so fun to read!

    [Dan, I'm so sorry about your Mom. Her happiness for you is so sweet. It's nice you know that as you hit each new NSV.]

    Mine is about a ring. An unemployed friend was selling something she inherited but did not want. It was a beautiful ring and I fell in love with it immediately. I never wore rings, and my wedding ring had long ago become too tight. But amazingly this one fit! As my weight dropped and it became too loose, I moved it to larger fingers. This week it became a thumb ring.

    (p.s. I also wear my wedding ring again, too.)
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I have a favorite restaurant. I take all of my friends there. The staff and owners know my name. I have have a favorite table--by the window, the correct distance from the heater--with chairs. Because the booths could not accommodate for the cuisine.

    Last week, instead of arriving as a group, I met my friends there for dinner, and they had settled themselves into a booth and somebody else was at "my" table anyway.

    My girlfriend saw my panic. She also saw the look of jubilation on my face when I slid in beside her without a fuss and with lots or room to spare. Our guests saw nothing.

    I am going to be small enough to be able to buy cheap Costco jeans before I know it!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 741 Member
    Best milestone ever! I can't wait for that one myself. I -never- fit in booths, d'oh!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Wow, a couple milestones I look forward to someday.

    Booths are still problematic. I fit in some, not all and still tend to shy away from them. Kudo's Mark!!!

    Wedding ring. I still have at least 70 lbs to lose before I estimate mine will fit again. I weighed 120 less than I do today when I got married. That is a very sad statement, but positive is I'm doing something to get back there! Good for you Paula! (My wife wears thumb rings -- personally I think that is just to torture me by grinding my fingers between multiple rings with ridges.) :wink:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    It's amazing how those booths are stretching out, isn't it, Mark? Have you got a new favorite "table" - your NSV booth? Is the distance to the steering wheel growing too? (...One thing makes you smaller... ...just like Alice, when she's 10 feet tall...)

    I work for a City and was given a ten year plaque at the holiday breakfast a couple days ago. As a walked up to accept the award, the mayor decided to turn me around to face the room. It all happened in a single moment with no warning. He took my hand and spun my arm over my head and... I didn't just stay there anchored to the floor by my weight... I got twirled. It was so surprising and so fun! Now if I can only get my husband to dance!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Somewhere, sometime this week it happened. Another number was crossed. Is it a huge thing? Well, yes as a matter of fact it looks pretty huge to me.

    I don't know if any of you are using other online tools in this process, but a couple of our members who have now gone silent told me about the Hackers Diet. I put in weights there more often and let it graph trends for me. This morning I plugged in my number, up .5 lbs from yesterday, but still not above this month's goal and this happens often, nothing to see here.

    But along with the graphing it also gives me other figures like weekly WL and average calorie deficit, great things to watch along with the logging on MFP to really see what eating does in this game. But then there is that other number. BMI. It is always there, glaring at me and reminding me that I am still obese and will be for quite some time. It moves much more slowly than the scale, but when it gets to a good change there, it is worth knowing.

    At my heaviest my BMI was over 70. I was carrying a person and a half beyond myself! My surgery happened with a BMI of just over 60. Now, again sometime this week, it dropped below 50. 49.1 to be exact. So I have a little less than another person to lose now.

    It is still a lot, but it is so liberating to have gotten at least half a person off my back. No wonder it isn't such a pain to walk any longer. Only better from here. 30's here I come. I may never get to the "Just Overweight" BMI, if I listen to my doctor, but that is a challenge for another day, week or year.

    Today I toast the loss with half caf coffee and a packet of sugar free hot chocolate. :drinker:
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 741 Member
    Paula I'm so happy to hear about your twirl hehe! Good luck with getting your husband to dance :D

    Dward, this is a awesome milestone :D I'm so proud of this group :3 *feels the love*
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,700 Member
    30's here I come. I may never get to the "Just Overweight" BMI, if I listen to my doctor, but that is a challenge for another day, week or year.
    Saw doctor for 6 month checkup last week. He seemed to think I was about done (having lost what he predicted and within 4# of "Just Overweight").

    I was taken aback because I'd been wondering what it'd feel like to bottom out my normal BMI (sixty# togo) and am still losing 1.5#/wk.

    It really feels like we have a lot of choice in the matter. Forget "Just Overweight" - At the rate you're losing, I'm positive you will be "Normal" soon!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member

    I was taken aback because I'd been wondering what it'd feel like to bottom out my normal BMI (sixty# togo) and am still losing 1.5#/wk.

    It really feels like we have a lot of choice in the matter. Forget "Just Overweight" - At the rate you're losing, I'm positive you will be "Normal" soon!

    Exactly my personal point of view Paula! At my six month check up, my surgeon still thinks I have about a year of "easy" loss. (Funny, it has seemed like work to me. I get fuller faster, but I've been working a program none the less!) He expects me to stop loss at about 200 lbs. I want to lose at least 25 beyond that and reassess at that point. My "normal" range tops out at 156 lbs. Will I try to go that low? If I make it to 175 and have excess skin removed, I may actually be there. All these are questions for the future for all of us I think.

    But the key here is that the doctors don't have a magic mirror about us. They have statistical analysis for what the "normal" person will do. Since I've always been considered a bit "ab-normal" (ala Young Frankenstein) I see bright promise for going further than the doc expects.

    It sounds like you have that same thought process. Let's shoot for the far end of the bell curve. After all, someone has to skew the average!
  • hollyla9905
    Sounds amazing for both of you :) I hope you guys reach far beyond what the doctor predicts!!! Keep it up and you can go anywhere you want!!!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I am going to close this thread and continue with a new request.
This discussion has been closed.