Leslie Sansone January 2019 Walk Challenge



  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    geniebear4 wrote: »
    Is it too late to start?

    Welcome geniebear4! No, it's not too late at all. Glad you joined us. :)
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @knjstolt, I like that 3 mile Heart Assoc Walk, it is one continuous strong walk! Prepping and painting trim work is just that.... WORK. (just another word for more exercise :D ) Well done!

    @geniebear4, This is from the introduction post way back on the first page of January's challenge:

    If you find this challenge in the middle of the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you want to walk for the remaining days in the month. You are always welcome :) !
    So, if you are new to the group please feel free to start today so that by the end of the month you will be that much closer to your health goals. It is never too late to join in :) .

    Welcome to the group and we look forward to you walking with us.

    My January goal: to exercise 5 days a week.

    January 1: 35 minute neighborhood walk, brrrrr :o
    January 2: 4 miles: 4 Miracle Miles
    January 3: Tone Every Zone: Upper Body Circuit and Fast walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters
    January 4: 4 miles: 5 Day Slim Down, plus gazelle
    January 5: 3 miles: 5K with a Twist

    January 6: Rest Day
    January 7: 3 miles: Walk Your Belly Flat plus gazelle
    January 8: 2 miles: Belly Blasting Walk, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 9: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 10: 60 minutes gazelle with higher intensity/ power surges during all commercials
    January 11: 3 miles: Slim & Sleek, 2 Mix Match Walk Blasters (Trim Tummy & Flexibility)
    January 12: 3 miles: Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles, 2 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (Dance & Flexibility)

    January 13: Rest Day
    January 14: 6 Mix & Match Walk Blasters (60 minutes)
    January 15: 2 miles: WAP Express series -Walk Strong, with Firm Band intervals.
    January 16: 3 miles: 5K with a Twist. today was such a dreary, drizzly, cold, wet day that I barely wanted to walk :s
    January 17: 3 miles: Slim & Sleek, 1 Mix Match Walk Blasters (Flexibility Walk)

    Walk Happy :)


  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: A strength workout 3 times a week.
    1/1.... 62 minutes of aerobics with Leslie.
    1/2....26 minutes of Strength and Stamina by Kelly Coffee-Meyer
    1/3.... rest day
    1/4.... 46 minute strength workout and a 12 minute mile (total 18 with the cool down) with Leslie
    1/5... 31 minutes of aerobics with Jessica Smith
    1/6....32 minute yoga workout with Ellen Barrett
    1/7.... 32 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/8.... 25 minute HIIT workout, 20 minute workout by Jessica Smith
    1/9.... 31 minutes of Strength and Stamina, and 30 minutes WOFF
    1/10....39 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    1/11....rest day
    1/12....34 minutes strength workout with weights and 21 minutes of Burn to the Beat.
    1/13....20 minutes of Total Body Tuneup with a band by Jessica Smith and 21 minutes of 1 Fast Mile
    1/14....33 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/15....33 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    1/16....31 minutes of Yoga with Ellen Barret and 28 minutes of Miracle Miles
    1/17....58 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    January goal 5 days a week to exercise and get to 195 lbs.
    1/1 1.5 miles with Leslie
    1/2 2 miles with weights
    1/3 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/4 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/7 2 mile burn body fat and 30 mins yard work
    1/8 2 12 min miles and grocery shopping
    1/9 3 burn and tone miles
    1/10 Nick's 15 min mile TWICE... 1 mile is not enough for me I need more
    1/11 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/12 5k with a twist

    1/13 Day of rest

    1/14 3 Strong mile with firm band in mile 2
    1/15 3 burn and tone 12th workout for 2019 3 more miles for 27.6 miles this year
    1/16 2 miles first mile is 1 miracle mile!
    1/17 THURSDAY! We are over the hump! This week is flying by! And YOU are WALKING your way to a healthier you! Let’s WALK STRONG today!
    1/18 Friday... was only suppose to do Wake Up ans Walk wk 11 but did 3 miles and ended with week 11 Work out #15 3 strong fast miles....35.6 miles for the year
    Mile 1
    Mile 2
    Mile 3

    Now on to more trim painting
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Great work this month, knjstolt! There is no stopping you!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: A strength workout 3 times a week.
    1/1.... 62 minutes of aerobics with Leslie.
    1/2....26 minutes of Strength and Stamina by Kelly Coffee-Meyer
    1/3.... rest day
    1/4.... 46 minute strength workout and a 12 minute mile (total 18 with the cool down) with Leslie
    1/5... 31 minutes of aerobics with Jessica Smith
    1/6....32 minute yoga workout with Ellen Barrett
    1/7.... 32 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/8.... 25 minute HIIT workout, 20 minute workout by Jessica Smith
    1/9.... 31 minutes of Strength and Stamina, and 30 minutes WOFF
    1/10....39 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    1/11....rest day
    1/12....34 minutes strength workout with weights and 21 minutes of Burn to the Beat.
    1/13....20 minutes of Total Body Tuneup with a band by Jessica Smith and 21 minutes of 1 Fast Mile
    1/14....33 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/15....33 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    1/16....31 minutes of Yoga with Ellen Barret and 28 minutes of Miracle Miles
    1/17....58 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    1/18....31.30 minutes of Strength and Stamina and 33 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles.

    Keep going everyone!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    January Goal: Beat January 2018-90.5 miles

    Oh my gosh!!! There are so many new walkers! How exciting to have 8 pages of inspiration to read! You are all off to a great start!!!! I am way behind as I have been putting away Christmas decorations and getting my classes up and running.

    I was kind of down at the end of December. My family went back to Netherlands and I gained 1.2 pounds last year :grumble: That was the bad news I discovered as I was closing out my 2018 files. But the exciting news was that I walked 155 miles in December-a record high for me!!! When I added them to the rest of the year, I found that I walked more miles in 2018 than I have since I started this challenge in 2014!!!! 1,218 total miles in 2018 beat 2015's 1212 total miles!!! Those 6 miles have totally fired me up and I have decided that my monthly goal this year will be to exceed 2018's miles for each month! Beating December's 155 miles will be tough, but I have a whole year to "train." :laugh: I am going to get on the Move it Mondays Challenge also to make sure I am ready!!!! Hopefully, this will scare that 1.2 pounds to death and they will head for the hills!!!! :smirk:

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 5.1 miles=5.1 miles total
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=8.8 miles total
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 3,7 miles=12.5 miles total
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=15.5 miles total
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 4.3 miles=19.8 miles total
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 3.9 miles=23.7 miles total
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=25.2 miles total
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=29.3 miles total
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=32.2 miles total
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 2.8 miles=35 miles total
    1/11-Vivofit tracked 2.1 miles=37.1 miles total
    1/12-Vivofit tracked 2.8 miles=39.9 miles total
    1/13-Vivofit tracked 5.0 miles=44.9 miles total
    1/14-Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles=46.6 miles total
    1/15-Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=50.4 miles total
    1/16-Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=52.2 miles total
    1/17-Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=55.9 miles total

    Thanks for the head's up in the Move it Monday Challenge texasgardnr! I am ON IT!!!

    I loved the photo of your walk in the woods Pinky. We had to "find snow" for my granddaughter and that meant a trip to Traverse City since we only had a dusting of snow here :explode: Shoveling it not great, but it is better than no snow at all.

    WOW AnnofB-you are seriously into your strength training this month! Good for you and I KNOW I need to get on that as well, but *sigh* I just do not like it as much as aerobics.

    Happy New Year and Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    155 miles in one month! That is amazing. And then to find that your total for the year turned out to be a record breaker too. No wonder you are on fire! Great work!

    I admit Brenda, I do not like strength training. Aerobic workouts are just way more fun. This month continues to be a challenge for me, but I'm not backing down. I am learning to grin and bear it. After a strength session, I always get in at least one mile with Leslie or Jessica or somebody, just to celebrate that it's over, ha-ha.

    Have a great weekend!
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Jan 17: 4 mile walk
    Jan 18: 3 Miles Walk to the Hits: Radio Remixes

    75 out of 100
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    lolomama_ wrote: »
    My goal was is 10000 steps per day so the first week I walked 73000 and the second week I walked 83000! But this week I think I overdid last week and my arthritic knee is throbbing so I am only doing 7000-8000 steps per day. I'm slowly working back up to the 10000.

    Fantastic job! And yes, we have to listen to our bodies and not overdo it. Hope your knee is feeling better soon.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: A strength workout 3 times a week.
    1/1.... 62 minutes of aerobics with Leslie.
    1/2....26 minutes of Strength and Stamina by Kelly Coffee-Meyer
    1/3.... rest day
    1/4.... 46 minute strength workout and a 12 minute mile (total 18 with the cool down) with Leslie
    1/5... 31 minutes of aerobics with Jessica Smith
    1/6....32 minute yoga workout with Ellen Barrett
    1/7.... 32 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/8.... 25 minute HIIT workout, 20 minute workout by Jessica Smith
    1/9.... 31 minutes of Strength and Stamina, and 30 minutes WOFF
    1/10....39 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    1/11....rest day
    1/12....34 minutes strength workout with weights and 21 minutes of Burn to the Beat.
    1/13....20 minutes of Total Body Tuneup with a band by Jessica Smith and 21 minutes of 1 Fast Mile
    1/14....33 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/15....33 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    1/16....31 minutes of Yoga with Ellen Barret and 28 minutes of Miracle Miles
    1/17....58 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    1/18....31.30 minutes of Strength and Stamina and 33 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    1/19....43 minutes of Walk Your Belly Flat
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    January goal 5 days a week to exercise and get to 195 lbs.
    1/1 1.5 miles with Leslie
    1/2 2 miles with weights
    1/3 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/4 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/7 2 mile burn body fat and 30 mins yard work
    1/8 2 12 min miles and grocery shopping
    1/9 3 burn and tone miles
    1/10 Nick's 15 min mile TWICE... 1 mile is not enough for me I need more
    1/11 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/12 5k with a twist

    1/13 Day of rest

    1/14 3 Strong mile with firm band in mile 2
    1/15 3 burn and tone 12th workout for 2019 3 more miles for 27.6 miles this year
    1/16 2 miles first mile is 1 miracle mile!
    1/17 THURSDAY! We are over the hump! This week is flying by! And YOU are WALKING your way to a healthier you! Let’s WALK STRONG today!
    1/18 Friday... was only suppose to do Wake Up ans Walk wk 11 but did 3 miles and ended with week 11 Work out #15 3 strong fast miles....35.6 miles for the year.

    1/19 burned 1,354 calories doing 270 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Cleaning, light, moderate effort" Will definitely feel it tonight and tomorrow. This is cleaning and putting my Mbdrm back together after remodel and cleaning guest bdrm
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @AnnofB what is the website you use for your strength workout? I would like to find one I can do. I have a metal knee so some of them I am not able to do, and my 60 year old body is just getting back into shape..... LOL. Great job with following the Strength up with a mile walk.

    @lolomama_ Great job on the steps but ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! That is what my daddy always tells me..... Keep up the great walking.

    @VeggieGirlforLife are the radio remix miles on YouTube? I only have one of Leslie's DVD's and have just been doing the ones on YouTube..... If they are on there will you please post the link. Great job in keeping up the active walks.

    @zichab Great walking with the fitbit.... I have a Withings and it doesn't track the miles just the steps.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    edited January 2019
    @knjstolt No, sorry, that workout isn't on YouTube. I bought the DVD. I checked out all of her Walk to the Hits DVDs from my library and I liked the Radio Remixes the best, so I decided to buy it. I have purchased several of her DVDs used from a local resale shop, too. I don't know if you have any place like that around you, but I got the idea from someone else on here, so I thought I'd mention it to you.

    I saw you asked someone else, but for strength have you tried HasFit on YouTube? They have a beginner playlist and they always show modifications.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Hi knjstolt, All of my workouts are on DVD's. Though I have used HasFit.com before. I got most of DVD's from Amazon, but Wal-Mart and Target carry some too. And VeggieGirl mentioned a great source being resale shops.

    The DVD's I am using now are "The Yogini Workout" by Ellen Barrett, Strength and Stamina by Kelly Coffee-Meyer and Cathe Freidrich's "Basic Step and Body Fusion". I don't do the Step portion any more, but this DVD has a beginner Strength workout too that I have been using for a while.

    Ellen Barretts workouts are on youtube. I looked at Cathe and Kelly's stuff and you can get an idea from what's on youtube, but there full workouts are not there.

    Great job on your workouts!
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @VeggieGirlforLife Thank You I will check out local resale shops... I am in Lufkin S.E. TX so not a big town. But it never hurts too look. @AnnofB also told me about HasFit so will check that out too.

    @AnnofB Thanks for the info. I have the names written down and will look at local resale shops as @VeggieGirlforLife suggested.

    I appreciate both of you helping with the information.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: A strength workout 3 times a week.
    1/1.... 62 minutes of aerobics with Leslie.
    1/2....26 minutes of Strength and Stamina by Kelly Coffee-Meyer
    1/3.... rest day
    1/4.... 46 minute strength workout and a 12 minute mile (total 18 with the cool down) with Leslie
    1/5... 31 minutes of aerobics with Jessica Smith
    1/6....32 minute yoga workout with Ellen Barrett
    1/7.... 32 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/8.... 25 minute HIIT workout, 20 minute workout by Jessica Smith
    1/9.... 31 minutes of Strength and Stamina, and 30 minutes WOFF
    1/10....39 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    1/11....rest day
    1/12....34 minutes strength workout with weights and 21 minutes of Burn to the Beat.
    1/13....20 minutes of Total Body Tuneup with a band by Jessica Smith and 21 minutes of 1 Fast Mile
    1/14....33 minutes of 4 Miracle Miles

    1/15....33 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    1/16....31 minutes of Yoga with Ellen Barret and 28 minutes of Miracle Miles
    1/17....58 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    1/18....31.30 minutes of Strength and Stamina and 33 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    1/19....43 minutes of Walk Your Belly Flat
    1/20....rest day
    1/21....34 minutes of Cathe Freidrich add on strength workout and 20 minutes of Jessica Smith 5 Mix and Match
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,033 Member
    17.53 Miles tracked last week. that Brings me to about 52 Miles so far this month.

    I haven't been posting much b/c we are in the middle of finalizing our LLC paperwork. State just came back OK and now we can send in the federal paperwork. All that plus quarterly taxes and property taxes are coming due. My focus has been elsewhere.
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    January goal 5 days a week to exercise and get to 195 lbs.
    1/1 1.5 miles with Leslie
    1/2 2 miles with weights
    1/3 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/4 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/7 2 mile burn body fat and 30 mins yard work
    1/8 2 12 min miles and grocery shopping
    1/9 3 burn and tone miles
    1/10 Nick's 15 min mile TWICE... 1 mile is not enough for me I need more
    1/11 2 multi-muscle fast miles
    1/12 5k with a twist

    1/13 Day of rest

    1/14 3 Strong mile with firm band in mile 2
    1/15 3 burn and tone 12th workout for 2019 3 more miles for 27.6 miles this year
    1/16 2 miles first mile is 1 miracle mile!
    1/17 THURSDAY! We are over the hump! This week is flying by! And YOU are WALKING your way to a healthier you! Let’s WALK STRONG today!
    1/18 Friday... was only suppose to do Wake Up ans Walk wk 11 but did 3 miles and ended with week 11 Work out #15 3 strong fast miles....35.6 miles for the year.

    1/19 burned 1,354 calories doing 270 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Cleaning, light, moderate effort" Will definitely feel it tonight and tomorrow. This is cleaning and putting my Mbdrm back together after remodel and cleaning guest bdrm

    1-20 Rest day

    1/21 Workout #16 4 fast and tone miles. Total of 39.6 mile for 2019
    Mile 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAnL1nwnHX8&list=PLfa5AGmnIw7EJRTZuNTdQjCTEU1dHzBSW&index=20
    Mile 2-4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z99XgLamg4&index=13&list=PLfa5AGmnIw7EJRTZuNTdQjCTEU1dHzBSW