

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @czvanut I love your picture. 5 pounds really does make a difference.
    @sleepymom5 well how did the fashion show go?
    I think white or black would go well with my raspberry jeans.
    @kirsten11872 nice to have you back. We missed you.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 did you get your yoga mat? I ended up buying a new purple one when we were out shopping. Sorry your having a rough time. Hang in there.
    @twyla77 what is the 28 day challenge?
    @carlsoda there is a life app that tracks your fasting. Not sure if someone mentioned that. It’s ez to use.
    @amsandos I use to be a big snacker and a big eater. I was a follower of the 6 mini meals a day but they weren’t so many. It is freeing not to eat so often. I only eat a snack if I’m hungry. And then it’s usually fruit. But as @lenka1 mentioned I tend to eat more at a meal. I made the cauliflower farro recipe that @nstephenson01 mentioned. It was 300 calories a serving. Recipe serves 4 but we split it and ate the whole thing. Plus your working out a lot and need the extra fuel. Are you eating plenty of vegetables? That can make a difference in your appetite especially salads. And a 1 pound loss is awesome!!!
    @cafelelia I love your date night. I am almost finished with my tidying chores for January. So worth it and rewarding but oh I am ready to be done. I have laundry room, bookshelves and coat closet to finish today.
    @ljdanny what a great weekend. Sounds like you made some great choices. What do you use in your protein balls?
    @Zumba_Luvah I love reward system. What’s your first goal and reward?
    @cyndiesstuff hope you can get some rest today. Are you feeling any better?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Sunday
    Logged: no
    Water: 32oz
    Exercise & Steps: 4859 steps

    Well i got the grocery shopping done and moms pills done. that was about it for me. no prep work. really feel run down. But i am not working today, so i am up early and hope to get lots done. Still no feeling all that great but better than I was. figures, i had a 3 day weekend and was sick. ughhhh.

    @czvanut good job an managing your outing! look at the new you go! and love the progress picture. you can totally see the difference. awesome stuff girl!!!

    @sleepymom5 the challenges did actually start on sunday. but people jumped right in and got moving. that is a good thing. i wish for you that this trip to your mom's goes quickly. it is going to be difficult not matter what, but when it's over, it will be done and you can relax. Practice your mediation, i find it really helps relieve stress.

    @Mrsbell8well i love the new profile pic. you look ravishing! yay on the size 10's!! sounds like your shopping trip was a blast. i could never do colored pants. they make me to self conscious. Black and brown for work and then blue jeans for home. good job at keeping in you budget with the new clothes. you are a rock star!!

    @twyla77 yay! great job. the scale was nice to you this week. keep up the hard work.

    @Zumba_Luvah ahhh yess.... you sure do burn alot of calories shoveling snow. great job at rewarding yourself. many times on this journey our only reward is the number on the scale and the scale isn't alway nice. so incorporating nonscale reward is wonderful.

    @Cafelelia sounds like you made your snow day fun! good job sticking to your goals at the same time!!

    @nstephenson01 ughhhh the best laid plans sometimes fail. but you know how to get back on track. you can do this.

    @amsandos lol, i seen that this morning. ooopppsss. your cute tho so don't worry. and remember that no matter what the scale says you are doing great! ohhh myyy good job! awesome loss. and remember that muscle is heavier that fat, and it also burns more calories. but when you work you muscles hard they retain water temporarily to help repair them.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 ohhhhhh bummer. I feel for you so much cassie. i know exactly how your feeling. i truly do. but don't give up. this is a fight worth fighting. you can come back from this but it won't be easy, you have to work on it for some time. only your body know how long. hang in there hun... xo

    @kirsten11872 i am glad you are finding your way back. this is one of the toughest things to do. our habits are so deeply engrained in us. great job on your day 1. you can do this.

    @ljdanny i would say your outing was a success! and that storm was crazy. we got about 5 inches but the wind created some crazy drifts. and now it's like 10 below 0. burrr! and thanks for the reminder about the protein balls, i am going to make them too.

  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member

    Gotta run... today is cardio then watching football. Go Chiefs and Saints!! Have a great day everyone!!

    That's who I was rooting for too. I literally don't even want to watch the super bowl -____-

  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Username: eminater
    WI day: Tuesday
    Week :03
    Previous weight: 204.0
    Current Weight: 200.0 :sweat_smile:

    GAIN 2.2 lbs! There is no escaping the pleasures of the weekend!

    Week 00: 205.8
    Week 01: 206.6 (+0.8 lbs)
    Week 02: 204.0 (-2.6 lbs)
    Week 03: 200.0 (-4.0 lbs)
    Week 04: 202.2 (+2.2 lbs)

    It's a CRUEL WORLD! ahh ... hopefully by next week the glory of onederland shall be mine!
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