

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @nstephen01 thanks for posting that recipe. Cauliflower is my favorite recipe and farro one of my favorite grains. I can’t wait to try it. I have all the ingredients.

    I hope you enjoy it. It hit all the right notes for me. Leftovers held up great. I'll definitely make it again.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for: Friday
    Logged: Yes, over by the end of the day
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 30 minutes strength training, 4 mile walk; 16,443 steps

    Exercised a little extra because I knew it would be a high calorie day. I think my husband's birthday dinner was a success. I made Skinnytaste's roasted brussels sprouts & butternut squash again as its hubby approved to accompany his requested steak dinner. For desert I made white chocolate dipped strawberries. I logged one but ended up eating 3 or 4. They were just too yummy. Ugh... big fail at restraint. That and the wine I'm sure put me over on calories. He enjoyed it so that's what counts. Tonight is sushi then back on track tomorrow!

    My hiking days are over until the snow melts so I created a walking route around the neighborhood. Its 4 miles and the walk back home is a steady grade uphill. Its rather boring and routine but it really gets my heart pumping so I guess that's a good thing. I 'm already over winter... bring on spring LOL

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Above photos:
    My “fairy” room, Skylynn’s room, tonight’s vegan meatloaf, and my very organized spices. Used the repurposed “spatula” drawer. My favorite project of this cleaning frenzy.

    All of these pictures are the best. My mom always made “meatless loaf” and it’s one of my favorites. And I think if my spice drawer looked like yours I would always be happy lol <3

  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Anyone else snowed in this weekend?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @DananaNanas awwww thanks for your sweet words Dana! My spices were a mess before. Now they are alphabetized and a joy to have on hand for cooking. We made “meatloaf” sandwiches today. Yummmm
    @nstephenson01 hey Nancy...Lula Mae is still messing with her paw. Exactly how do you soak Willows paw in Epsom salts? Do you use a bowl? Does she fidget?
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily log in for: Sat Jan 19
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 5 cups
    Exercise: did my 28-Day Challenge and went on a really long walk.
    Steps: 23,579

    Woke up feeling a little less bummed out. Went on a long walk and randomly ran into three different friends i haven’t seen in a long time, and met up with a different friend for lunch. Feeling much better this evening after spending time outside and catching up with friends!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @nstephenson01 Sounds like a delicious BD dinner for your hubs! Enjoy Sushi night! I know you like your hikes but 4 miles around your neighborhood is awesome! Wasn’t one of the pics you took from a walk? The scenery must be beautiful!
    @dananaNanas Philly got rain. We are supposed to get a flash freeze tomorrow afternoon so concerns about ice. I just need to get this kid back to college before that happens lol!
    @lovemickeymouse. Nice loss and amazing steps! Enjoy Disney!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    @carlsoda it’s definitely not for everyone but I skip breakfast completely. I just drink coffee and tea.

    If you want to give it a try maybe start with couple of days - 13-14h window and then. Push off an hour next day and another hour then etc

    I didn’t jump to fasting right away. I pushed off breakfast til 10, later on til 11 and now Its usually 12-1230 before I eat. But yes first maybe 7-10 days weren’t too easy.

    I used to be a snacking queen. Constantly shoving food down my throat. Every hour something. I just always felt the need to eat bc I was “hungry”

    IF helped me amazingly with this issue. I don’t get to snack at all anymore bc my body simply knows it’s gonna get it’s calories now at certain time so I don’t really feel the need to eat outside of my window. But when I eat I eat a big meal 600-800 cal to fill me up.

    If you gonna try, good luck! I don’t think it’s that hard to get used to it but it may take at least a week or two of tough mornings or nights if you’d skip dinner instead of breakfast.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @twyla77 I am glad your day turned out better than it started! Fresh air and Friends are always a good thing!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Wow! Already week 4

    Sunday's weigh ins

    Monday's weigh ins

    Late Weigh ins...hurry or you will be considered a NWI
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephen01 Nancy can you also post the strength training site you recommend? Looking at adding that this week.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @czvanut You did great and it sounds like it was a good time too! Great job!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @czvanut what a successful day. Do you feel good about it? Deprived? Just wondering. You still have a few days to get that scale down too. Great job!!!
    @sleepymom5 it sounds like you had such a wonderful day with your family. And I think it’s great you ate what you wanted to eat. It’s about choices. In the past we didn’t think about these things. Now you get to choose. And your right sometimes the answer is yes I am going to have that and thoroughly enjoy it! No guilt. And that’s amazing you got your steps in. You will soon be through the other side of this ordeal with your mothers. I’m glad you get to see her even if it is stressful. And good for you for choosing a beach condo. It will help to have something beautiful and calming.
    @cyndiesstuff I have changed course about 5 times on my journey. We keep finding what works for us. Good luck.
    Great yoga and junk food challenges captains!!!
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    To help motivate me even more, this morning I made a list of "rewards" for each mini goal I meet. I am going to work hard to reach those goals. And to start off this week I'm going to go shovel the ton of snow we got. Itll probably take me an hour or more!
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