WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone. Sorry I haven’t been able to participate much. Everything is going well and I have still maintained my November goal of no sweets (in fact I don’t even miss it anymore!) and my January goal of 8 glasses of water a day. My December goal of portion control is an emotional roller coaster- literally! Fine some days and eating over the top on other days. My February goal has been to take deep breathing breaks at least 3 times a day and I’m still working on that one. I get so buried with my work that I forget to breathe. Isn’t that crazy!! My Christmas gift (apple Watch) reminds me to breathe all day long and some times I actually do!! I’m really busy now with tax season in full swing so I’m sure the breathing would help to keep me calm! I’m still working on it!!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Steps for 7th Feb


  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Shirin_K Love your balance routines of mixing it up. I am going to add strength too. You are motivating me. And major kudos on weight loss!!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Mrsbell8well So exciting! The job and your weight loss! You look so good and so happy too! Congrats for being so close to your goal! I love your 15 pound reward system! Your story reminded me of Steve Martin. When I was younger he was hosting an awards show and came out after a handsome actor who was known for his physique. I forget who, it was a really long time ago. Steve Martin said-I would kill to look like that! Then paused and said, not diet or exercise...Lol! People want the results and doesn't want to work. Seems to be a lot easier to eat veggies than have heart surgery..
    @cyndiesstuff . No snack tonight either...although I am going to have a late dinner so won't be as hard. I have no idea with the job! Lol! I went for training, was given a computer, a scanner, a bamboo cutlery kit and a manual and that was about it. I got a few emails and set up my email on my phone because they want me to check it frequently. Then today I decided I would set everything up, put tabs in my manual, finish my practice charts and watch a two hour training video on software. Then my computer wouldn't turn on. Spent an hour on the phone with the IT department. Tomorrow I have to run into work just to switch out my computer. And ask them why I have a bamboo cutlery set in my bag...What I think is going to happen is I am going to get a stack of work and it has to be completed by the end of April. I have to go to different sites to collect the information and have to just set up when I go in with each site. I don't know when that will happen, hopefully next week we will at least get where we are going. It is driving me crazy not knowing what my schedule will be like.
    @GingerPwr I am the same way. I need to log. I do need to get better at it but if I don't I feel like I can eat anything for some reason. I need the calories, fat, carbs etc to be staring me in the face...
    @kirsten11872 I am glad you are feeling better. Enjoy yoga!
    @lennoncpa I figured this time of year you would be super busy. I love how you have your monthly challenges and make them into habits you keep. I was thinking I should do that with my evening snacking. Thanks for checking!
    @eminater Thanks for checking in!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    2/07 - 10,389 steps
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    I’ve been under the weather the last few days, and getting in bed right after work. still not feeling the best, but a little more energy today.
    monday feb 4 - 7147
    tuesday feb 5 - 6965
    weds feb 6 - 6684
    thursday feb 7 - 6669
    hope everyone is doing well, i’ll catch up on the posts i’ve missed this weekend!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Steps 2/7: 13,705
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited February 2019
    Check in for: Thursday
    Logged food: No but on track
    Water: 68 oz
    Steps or exercise: 14999 steps

    Lol. I guess i could have taken one more step!!! Well yesterday was day 4. 4 days in my string of days. Credit worthy acts for yesterday..... didn't have an after dinner snack. ate on plan. listened to my body about when it was hungry and when i was full. got lots of steps. drank my water. listened to my podcasts, set up my journal app. set up my calendar app. and read my book. WOW. now that i write it all out, it is a lot. I am good!! This is the first weekend that i am going into that i feel like i can make it a success. i will be successful this weekend. i have my plan i will stick to it. Did everyone else make their plan for the weekend?

    @GingerPwr you are doing awesome. it can be hard sometimes. and sometimes all the time. but that is the old you. the new you makes a plan. the new you is confident that this time you will succeed. this is your year girl. and it takes a LONG time to go solo and not log your food. i logged for a year and 9 months. you have to remember you ate and behaved the old way your WHOLE life. you have only been creating the new you for a short time. give yourself praise and never give up. if you make a mistake, shake it off and learn from it. I love taco salad on a big bed of greens!! YUMMM Diet food. and omgoshhhhh 10 lbs. gone for good. happy dance all around. woooooowhoooo!

    @kirsten11872 Ohhhh noo. i have had panic attacks before. they are no joke. i am glad you are ok. and just remember. there is always going to be something that throws you off your game. the trick is to get back up and get right back at it. Hope you feel better soon. take care friend.

    @lennoncpa TAX TIME.... i do not envy you at all right now. dealing with all those people and their taxes. ughhh. i am glad there is people like you so i don't have to do it!! and you girl have learned a new habit. no sweets. practice practice practice and then it becomes easy. just something you do. The over eating is a psychological thing. you have to teach your brain to recognize when your stomach is full. takes time and practice. that is what i am trying to do now. coming from a generation where you ate what was on your plate because there was starving people in africa and we were poor. cant waist food.

    @sleepymom5 you are doing awesome with the no snacking. make sure when you go to bed you give yourself lots of praise for creating another great new habit. so are you working from home? or do you have an office?

    @twyla77 thanks for checking in. we were getting worried about you. get better soon. take care
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @lcdube01 Come on in! Introduce yourself. We really would enjoy your input. We do need your starting weight and your weigh in day too.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Steps 10,374
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,087 Member
    2/7- 11,215
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @GingerPwr I’m so proud of you! That first 10 off is so rewarding. This group is my success as well.
    @cyndiesstuff I went back and reread your “reasons”. That’s some great work there! Very inspirational. Your doing great. I would love to count down our last 15 together.
    @sleepymom5 I am so intrigued by the bamboo cutlery lol. I love your pic. My problem has always been weekend wear. I have been known too many times to come home, change into my yoga clothes, do my routine, collapse into bed then hit the ground running on Saturday morning. So then on Saturday evening I’m still wearing the same thing. I would like to wear my cute clothes on the weekend even if I’m doing chores.
    That will be my weekend plan.
    @cyndiesstuff I will keep my job but some behind the scenes people will not. During the interviews I mentioned that my strength is in mentoring. Im thinking a corporate trainer could be a possibility for future. It will be 6 months to a year till everything kicks in to gear. And I have a 5 year goal until retirement so I plan to make the most of it and have fun until then.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Week 1
    pw 166.2
    CW 166.4
    steps for week 43,594 or 14 miles

    Wondering if this small gain is due to the hard work and residual pain from all my work the other day. Maybe just water weight?
    I'm not worried, just seem to have hit a large plateau and having trouble jumping off.
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