WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Steps 2/7 10,010
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Check in for: Thursday
    Logged food: yes and on track
    Water: at least 96oz
    Steps or exercise: Leslie Sansone video for 60 min and PT and 10,010 steps

    I was hoping for a little more of a loss but after how my week started I should be happy with any loss. Yesterday I planned to do some things for work from home, I haven't really heard anything since training. Got all set up and my computer wouldn't work . I was able to organize a few things but spent most of my time on the phone with IT and waiting to hear back from the office. Today I need to run and swap my computer and get the 86 pages of work printed out at Staples. I am not even sure how to get the little file on my computer to Staples. I am going to get some help at the office hopefully. I was planning on watching the 2 hour software video on the treadmill yesterday so that didn't happen. I had to do the walking video for an hour because my steps were so low. Did well eating though, and no nighttime snacking even though I wanted to. I have been eating only what I have planned for the day. Tomorrow will be a challenge. We are going to a party at neighbors from the shore house. It is about an hour away. It is a cute town so we are staying at a little Inn there and want to head out early so we can look around the town. I really need to plan out so I am not too hungry at the party. I also plan to exercise before I leave and after I get back on Sunday. I also need to do my 3 drink alcohol limit. Remember-these are the SHORE friends...I keep thinking I need to start planning the summer too. I am getting into good habits here, I need to keep them going at the shore. I am getting ahead of myself, one day at a time...Today-NO SNACKING AFTER DINNER!

    @twyla77 Hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for your steps!
    @GingerPwr Congrats on your milestone! 10 pounds! That is awesome! I am glad that you are on our team. You are very helpful and supportive!
    @kirsten11872 Those panic attacks are scary. I never had one but my daughter did at school. She didn't know what was going on.
    @Cyndiesstuff Lol! Just finished texting you so we covered it all! ;) Resisting my temptation for cereal and got my podcast ready to go! Thanks for being my biggest cheerleader! xo
    @lennoncpa . Nice loss! Hope all is well in your busy,tax season time! Glad to see you are still taking the time to get your workouts in.
    @eyesopennow Yes, sodium can do that. Glad you aren't stressing over it.
    @pacsnc6 sometimes that can happen when you have a particularly hard workout. I am glad you aren't stressing over it. I used to get all upset with gains and plateaus and would give up and that is when I would gain the weight back. I wish I powered through all those times.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 1
    PW 153.8
    CW 153.9

    I am happy to just hold steady this week. With my injury recurrence, we ordered take out for a few days. Even with being careful, home cooking is so much better for me. Slowly feeling better & got back to cooking yesterday.

    Congrats @GingerPwr & also to @lennoncpa on your new weight decade! Tax season agrees with you!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Good morning all! Today is my birthday and I am lounging in bed with coffee and my iPad. Yup no work for me today 😁 I am hoping for the roads to clear after our snow storm to go to MOA and walk laps today! I haven’t been there is months! I also get free drinks at Starbucks and Caribou Coffee today - nothing fancy or full of calories!

    Yesterday was a pretty good day, no yoga but I will do it this morning!

    @Mrsbell8well I have always had the same problem on weekends. I wear my yoga clothes and when we go out I wear my work clothes! Thank goodness I work for a company where we don’t need to dress up..it’s very business casual. Works for church and shopping!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited February 2019
    Daily log in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: 22 minutes yoga

    Great losses this week @ljdanny, @lennoncpa, and @sleepymom5!

    @carlsoda Happy Birthday on this cold day! Have fun at the Mall of America and enjoy those birthday drinks! Sounds like you are back on track today.

    @GingerPwr I’ve also found I need to log all of my food or get off track too fast. One day... Awesome job reaching a 10 pound loss!

    @Mrsbell8well So exciting you have only 15 pounds to go! Enjoy all those well-deserved rewards!

    Let's have a great Friday!!

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Steps 2/7 - 11,662
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily log in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes, over
    Water: 84 oz
    Exercise: Bowflex intervals, 1 hr walk

    It was 1 degree when I got up so I wasn't expecting a very productive day but it turned out well. Baked some bread (homemade bread isn't the scale bomb for me that store bought is) and deep cleaned the kitchen cabinets and appliances while the bread baked. Bundled up and was able to get outside for a while. I'm so sick of shoveling snow each day! Stop snowing already LOL!!! The dogs had fun playing in the snow. This weekend I'm going to reevaluate my calorie settings in MFP. They may be set too low based on my activity. My plan is to eat more intuitively the next few days, listen to my body and see where that gets me.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @lennoncps wooo whooo tax time!! nice loss. you keep that up. you are doing great.

    @eyesopennow yup sodium will do that so does TOM. I am assuming tho that that is not your problem. lol.

    @pacsnc6 you just keep working at it. tweek your plan. you can do this. When you hit a plateau it is time to reevaluate your whole plan. pick over it with a fine tooth comb. every bite counts when you get closer to goal.

    @sleepymom5 after the week you had, I am very pleased with that loss. the stress alone could have really messed with the scale. and that's right. you just work on today. its just one day. you can do this.

    @Cafelelia your right. eating at home is so much better. but sometimes you have to deal with your circumstances. you got this. did you work on some upper body exercises?

    @carlsoda well happy birthday. I hope today is the best day for you.

    @Shirin_K hey girl! thanks for checking in.

    @nstephenson ohhhh I am a confirmed bread a holic. homemade bread, omgosh I would eat the whole loaf. I love fresh bread. good job cleaning the kitchen. I am sick of the snow too. it was snowing sideways today!! lol.

  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Week 1
    PW 209.9
    CW 211.4
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    LOL @cyndiesstuff No, that is certainly not it. While I used to suffer collateral damage from that (when Wyfe ain't happy ain't nobody happy) it is not an issue these days. No this is a combo of last night's dinner and stress eating at the office this week (my boss and two other high ups are in the national headlines, and not for good things....) And when the boss ain't happy ain't nobody...... hey wait a second, I just realized I am collateral damage again!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Steps 2/7 - 10,112
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda happy birthday girl! Have fun...but not too much fun lol
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @hope002 man thats tough. The scale can be mean. Dont worry about it. Right back on track. You can do this.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Week 2
    Previous: 139.6
    Current; 140

  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Friday Feb 8th - STEPS

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    I think I may hit the hay early tonight for a change. I would like to pack and have things ready for our little trip but I am just not feeling it. Hope everyone has a great night! I will check in again in the morning!
    @Cafelelia Yes, you had a rough week with your injury. I think it is good that you maintained.
    @carlsoda Hope you had a Happy Birthday! You certainly had a nice day planned. My brother stayed in MOA when he was on a business trip. I was so jealous! I may sneak on his trip next time so I can see it!
    @Shirin_K Looks like you have another successful day under your belt! Thanks for always being so supportive!
    @nstephenson01 We hardly had any snow this winter, send some our way! Lol! You are very active so you may need to increase your calories. Have a great weekend hopefully with no shoveling!
    @hope002 How are things going?
    @DananaNanas That is just maintaining really. Not bad at all. Keep going!
    @phoebe112476 I am so happy to hear that your eating habits are so solid that they are habits that you keep, even with your stressful week! The same with the exercise, it seems like it is just part of your routine now. That is what I am striving for! How exciting you will be going to Florida! Hopefully you will get through your weekend and get packed up so you can relax and enjoy your vacation! I love that you are so close to a milestone too! Thanks for your kind words too. I feel like I may be a little much sometimes lol! I also have to tell you I just finished podcast #3-I love them! I could go on and on! They have said so much that have rang true with me.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member

    Friday weigh-Ins still due
    Saturday Weigh-Ins
    Sunday Weigh-ins
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member

    Feb 7: 15 412

    Feb 8: 12 760

    Sorry I have been busy and really need to catch up on all posts soon.

    Everyone have a great weekend and don’t forget to eat well and move your butts :sunglasses:

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