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WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,091 Member
    2/10- 14,035
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,091 Member
    2/11- 11,743
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    I just did computer and paperwork all day and I am exhausted! Lol! No exercise and not close to my steps. I wanted to get 10K everyday in February. I will check in tomorrow! Have a good night everyone!

    @gottagetthisdown It sounds like you know what you have to do. I know you have done it before. Let's get back on track!
    @jedaschultz That's ok. You have been doing so well. Keep it going!
    @Shirin_K Sounds like you had a good weekend. Don't worry, the scale will cooperate soon!
    @carlsoda I am glad that your gain is just from dairy. The scale will go down and hopefully so will your puffiness! Loved all your cooking posts! Those fries looked good!
    @NuggetBrain Nice loss! Hope all is going well!
    @nstephenson01 You really get clobbered in the winter! Are your winters usually like this or is this typical for you? I can see why it could lead to eating more when you are stuck in the house. Glad you have dinners planned and food in the house so you can stay put! Stay safe and warm. Hope your shoulder feels better with some rest.
    @ihp2015 I am trying to hit my step goal of 10K each day this month although today isn't looking that good. Lol! We do miss you over at fitbit but I am glad you love your new watch.
    @ljdanny When does he get out of the hospital? Hope all the running around is over soon. We are supposed to be getting snow but it is kinda wimpering out. We always end up getting to warm or it gets warm right after. I would like one good snow storm for the season...Now that you are back on the eating plan I bet you will see a loss. You did last time and you were only a few days into it at that point (if I remember correctly)
    @eminater Nice loss! You are doing great!
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss!! Ugh! Sorry to hear about the drive. Poor girls. Hope it is just a 24 hour bug and they feel better for tomorrow's drive. Hopefully you will be there tomorrow. Hugs! And have fun!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    Monday weigh ins still due
    Tuesday's weigh ins
    @eminater (already posted)
    @Phoebe112476 (already posted)
    Wed's weigh Ins
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    @GingerPwr Ugh! What a day! And congratulate yourself, it would be easy to give in after a day like that and you didn't so definately Yay you!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    2/11 - 10,388 steps
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    @phoebe112476 ugh what a day. Poor girls, poor you. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member

    Our long drive today got off to a good start (we left the house ahead of schedule, when does that happen??), but it soon became apparent that two (and now all three) of my girls have the stomach flu. Two diarrhea accidents in the car, three girls sitting with throw up bags in their laps, lots of extra stops. Ugh!! Poor girls. They seem better this evening and all three ate small amounts for a snack after all day without eating. My calories for today were really low too due to being with them in the car for 11hours. I just ate a cookie and a small chocolate. Hoping tomorrow’s drive is much less trying. Good night all.

    No wonder you didn't eat much - it's really no fun looking after children who are sick, especially while you are travelling. Hope things improve quickly! Kids can sometimes be really resilient through these things.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Check in for: Monday

    Had an awesome day yesterday. I ate when i was hungry and stopped when i was full! Win!! I drank my water, got my steps in, listened to my podcasts, read my book, and did not eat a snack in the evening. wow. look at all the things i did yesterday creating the new me. she is awesome. i am going to be her soon.


    Love the sounds of your day yesterday! Massive win. It's when all the little things just work out!! and yes ... I am in onederland ... and I gotta say ... I am liking it ... and I am hear to stay! It won't be long til I never have to see that 2 again!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 422 Member
    Check in day: Monday
    Steps: 10,028
    Exercise: 1.1 miles on the treadmill

    Yesterday was a good day. I ate lunch and dinner and had a snack. Also walked on my treadmill. I have a goal of walking on my treadmill every day. Then I'll be ready to walk all my dogs when it warms up (I have 2 Huskies and an american eskimo. Also a shih tzu but shes too old and lazy to go for a walk lol). I also was looking back at my old food journals from around this time last year. A year ago the weight was coming off without me even trying. I was 18 pounds less. I was comparing what I was eating and its basically the same as now. Only difference I saw was that half the time I didnt have breakfast, just tea. So I'm trying that for the week and I'll see if that makes a difference.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited February 2019
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes strength/cardio workout

    Kept on track again yesterday and got more water. I was so tired though! It was tough getting myself to workout, but always feels worth it when I’m done.

    @nstephenson01 So cool you saw a moose! When we lived in Colorado, we took a camping trip just to see one. We found them...and my husband got an even more close-up view than he was hoping for!

    And I agree with @cyndiesstuff, we do have an awesome supportive team! Let's have a great Tuesday!

  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Steps 2/11: 11,731
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