WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 what a wonderful vacation! I’m so proud of you. Everything!!! Your cute pics, dating site adjustments, scale maintenance victories and being back on track for the real world!!! Well done
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Molly and I are thoroughly enjoying are weekend getaway. Finished reading new cookbook, put in an Amazon order for some Ayurvedic food items, went for a country run with Lula Mae and Molly, eaten fabulous fresh meals and just finished a 50 minute yoga. Oh...I also took a nap today. Sigh our time here is so lovely. Leaving tomorrow afternoon.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    This is the backyard and also where we got married.
    Molly and Lula Mae
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @GingerPwr please post a pic of your yellow pants. What will you wear them with? What size are you now? I think you and I have similar stats.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    2/17 steps 6,181
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Steps 2/17: 15348
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Sunday
    Ate to satisfied: Yes! yay me!
    Water: a lot of oz
    Steps or exercise: 13535 steps

    Good morning everyone. I don't have to work today. Yay! Days off with no Jim are hard for me because i like to eat crap alone. So this day is going to test my new resolve of, "if it is not on the plan, we don't do it". I did well yesterday. I am going to take the weekend as a win because i use to have two days of eating like crap all weekend long. i have gotten it down to one day. the last two weekends have been only one day of not following my plan. i did all my prep work yesterday, made some amazing Cajun shrimp potato chowder, cleaned the frig, got my steps in, drank my water, didn't eat when i wasn't hungry. i had two nsv's yesterday. the first one. on sunday morning we ALWAYS go out to breakfast after grocery shopping. After the s*** show saturday night, sunday morning i was not hungry at all. So like a brave soldier, I just got a glass of water. The waitress ask, are you sure? no i wasnt sure but it was what i was going to do. i sat with the discomfort for about 5 minutes and then said, i am going to enjoy the company of the ole boy. i dont have to have food to do that. Then the second one was, it was late and i had planned a snack, there was one brownie left from the saturday binge. i decided that would be my snack. that then sent my mind reeling. my brain kept saying you need more, that was so good, you can have more, its the weekend, i talked myself out of it. i did not let the binge start! just saying, but my day yesterday was full of yay me's!!!

    Your right @phoebe112476 i am getting there for sure. i was impressed with my plan too. i will have it for next time i go out to eat somewhere special. i saved it in my email so i can just pull it up at the restaraunt. now i just need to execute the plan. practice practice practice. love the nsv about the dating site. you are looking great! great job on your hard work. 2019 is going to be our year!!

    @GingerPwr lol pizza is my nemesis. and i am not sorry. i am glad i made the mistake that is how we learn how to do it. i am gonna get there. you as well are making great strides in changing into the new you. small steps lead to big progress. if you take the skin off the fried chicken it is less calories. you, my friend, are strong, happy and beautiful!!

    @sleepymom5 you gave me the best weekend present ever. that is wonderful. i am so happy that the changes you started to make led to satisfying results. you are proving to yourself that you can stay on track. it is your choice. you made a plan and you did it. WIN. and you already paid me back for picking up the slack by have a great weekend and staying on track. good job. and did you see the note in the captains thread? they are gonna tally totals on monday from now on. boy that solves a lot of headache!!

    @Shirin_K yes. i had a great day sunday. i am done beating myself up over mistakes. i now look at them as valuable learning experiences. look at you go girl. got your planning all done and the shopping done. the new you is looking great.

    @Cafelelia omgosh. you got it all done. that is wonderful. i am glad you made it thru the emotional stuff. it's freeing once you get started. mmmm peanut butter pie. that looks soooo yummoo

    @CassieGetsFit2013 that is just a small gain. you can do this. i know it's tough but you are tougher. how are you doing? you seem to do much better on your weight loss when you check in more often. we miss your input.

    @bmaison2014 phew. glad your back i was worried that we lost you. congrats on the new job. be patient with yourself. this is going to be a new routine. one step at a time. you will get in the grove. change is hard but you are strong! great idea about setting out the work out clothes. that way you just have to say "No Choice" yeah i tried making them before too. wasn't good. i don't know what the trick is. and your right steamed veggies was probably a better choice. so it was meant to happen. fate had your back!

    @twyla77 you got this girl. thats just a half pound. you have prepped for a successful week. you can do this for sure.

    @Mrsbell8well i knew you would enjoy that vacation once you got there. and look at all the self care you did. so important to nourish you mental state as well as your physical state. mmmmmm. you food looks yummmmo

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia congrats on your major organizing accomplishment. That is such a wonderful achievement. Especially before Spring time. Your set for a fresh start. And I love your skinny pie. Your doing great!
    @cyndiesstuff love the photos. Lots of great posts. Very inspiring. Love the breakfast decision. And Jim’s splurge and farmers market to please you. Lovely
    @sleepymom5 very exciting that you could have such a successful enjoyable weekend. Good for you!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    Check in for: Sunday
    Logged food: Yes and on target
    Water: 80 oz
    Steps or exercise: 45 min walk and 11,188 steps

    Heading home so have to clean up and get out. Very pleased with how the weekend went, not perfect but still a success.

    @bmaison2014 Sounds like a good day! I can relate to recipes not turning out Lol! I like how you turned it into a healthy meal!
    @cyndiesstuff . HUGE NSVs. Especially that last one. I finally have gotten better at not making one bad decision into even more. I can't tell you how many times I made one slip up and used it as an excuse to make poor choices for the rest of the day, week, month...Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. You are a great captain! Love all the fresh food pics!
    @Mrsbell8well I am glad that you can see results so quickly. You always learn and adapt so I am sure that you will have a yummy menu together soon for this new way of eating! You are lucky that Molly goes with the flow of what you are eating but she is lucky too. She gets to have all the benefits without having to research and cook! Lol! Good luck tomorrow on your first day! xoxo!
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