WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Hey @Ashleigh1178 I got you excused till next week. good luck. depression is hard. don't go it alone. convince him that his brain is just as important as any other part of his body that doesn't feel well. no shame just help. take care if you need to vent, you know where I am at. Depression runs in my family. I get it.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member

    17/2 -9,359
    19/2 - 10,020
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited February 2019
    @Shirin_K It is so funny to hear swimming lessons this time of year! Lol! Have fun with the kids, you seem to be doing well.
    @phoebe112476 Wow! A loss with a vacation! Nice job! Hope you enjoyed getting back into your exercise routine. Your dinner looks amazing! I am loving the phit and Phat podcast. Thanks for recommending.
    @eyesopennow You have been doing amazing with your steps! Great job! And your lunch sounds amazing!
    @cyndiesstuff That stinks about pushing your honeymoon back. It isn't right that your sick days and vacation days have to be used. The apple tree looks pretty, we are supposed to get snow tonight. I would like one real snowy day without the rain coming in at the end and washing it away. Schools have already been closed for tomorrow so maybe this is the one Lol!
    @gottagetthisdown . You are doing great! We have the delivery service for groceries but not one that you can order on line and pick up. I need to check it out to see if they have it in Philly.
    @nstephenson01 Good luck with your guest and your project. Hope the father in law visiting frees you from the project a bit. Lol!
    @NuggetBrain Amazing loss! You have been doing great!
    @Ashleigh1178 Hang in there. I hope you can convince him to get help. Hugs.
    @lennoncpa You really have been doing great with your no sweets, I can't believe it has been since Oct! You should be proud. I could totally see me doing the same thing if I lived alone, not having trigger foods in the house. Wish I had a tip for the nuts. I buy the individual serving packs since it is so hard to judge a serving.
    @mrsbell8well Thinking of you today. Hope your first day went well!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    2/19 steps 10,912
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday Feb 19
    Logged: yes
    Water: 8+
    Exercise: did a lower body home workout and took a walk at lunch because it finally warmed up a bit!
    Steps: 13, 235

    @cyndiesstuff i am so sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery! sending you hugs.

    i think after my successful january i thought i didn’t need to plan my workouts so much, and that’s why i fell off track...so tonight i took an hour to figure out my workouts for the week, and copied them into my journal, so i know what I’m doing & when!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I’m hoping we get called off work for snow day. Hopefully will get to write more later.
    Stay safe and warm everyone
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    2/19 Steps: 15108
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @ihp2015 Way to go!!!! Way to listen to your body!!! Awesome loss for the week!

    @Mrsbell8well Look at that we ARE right there at the same weight! Awesome job as well!

    Wednesday Weigh In

    username: GingerPwr
    PW 155

    No loss this week but I'm proud I got back to this weight after the weekend shenanigans. Goals for the week: Drink LOTS of water and do a couple of fat burning walk / jogs
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Tuesday
    Ate to satisfied: YES!!!
    Water: 66 oz
    Steps or exercise: 14931 steps

    Had a good day yesterday. here are my credit worthy acts. i packed my breakfast and lunch, drank my water, got my steps in, exercised, listened to my podcasts, made my 24 hour plan, fought off the urge to overeat last night, ate when i was hungry and stopped when i was satisfied (not full), started planning my leave of absence from work. last nite it was hard, my mind was racing, it wanted my to eat, but i had made a decision, i was not going to snack. i wasn't hungry, i had just had an amazing dinner an hour before. i sat with the thoughts. was it uncomfortable, yes. but breaking any bad habit is. i remember when i quit smoking. omg. now that was physically painful at first, once the physical addiction stopped, i was left with sooooo much emotional stuff. i was very uncomfortable for a long time but eventually it became easier and then i never thought about it at all. this is the same way. it is easier now than it was. and someday soon i won't think of it at all. practice practice people!!

    @lennoncpa i am so glad you were successful quiting sweets. that is a tough one and you did it. lol you need to get your nuts under control. over eating is over eating tho whether its sweets or something healthy. the habit is still there, only the substance has changes. that is insane but it is working for you. so start where you are, you can do one day right? ok. well this next week get 2 days worth of food and practice being successful at that. small baby steps. you don't have to beat this all at once. break it up into small manageable steps that your able to say i have not choice. i will go to the grocery store tomorrow, it is my choice to put this food in my mouth, i am just not going to do it, i have no choice. practice practice

    @phoebe112476 mmmmm that looks yummy. what is the noodles? i love diet food! lol

    @sleepymom5 yes it it a winter wonderland here in michigan. come on spring. my spring will be different this year. i will be recovering. i have to work on a plan now. i will have free access to the frig 24 hours a day 7 days a week. this is going to test my resolve for sure.

    @twyla77 preplanning is your best friend. i plan everything. i am in control. it takes the decision out of it. and thanks, i am praying i will be fine. and omg that is awesome 34 days alcohol free. you have learned how to have happy occasions without alcohol. that is an awesome feat.

    @ihp2015 wooooo whoooo girl. look at that weight loss. awesome work my friend. good job at starting to listening to your body and trusting it to make the decision. what is the worst thing that could happen, you get hungry before your next meal? being hungry is not an emergency. we can wait. trust me, we won't starve to death!! lol i am proud of you for figuring it out.

    @Mrsbell8well vacation and weight loss?? is that even possible? lol i am so happy for you, great loss. i bet you are just giddy.

    @GingerPwr good job on your maintain. learn and move on. this is a life long commitment. and we need to learn to live it every day. good job at sticking with it girl. i am proud of you.

    Off to work, i will check in later!!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    We have a delayed opening hurrah! Might even close but won’t know until 10:30.
    @cyndiesstuff yes I am giddy! Vacation and weight loss yes!
    My new eating plan is working great! I know we often talk about the last few pounds being hard and slow This week I decided I would not let that be my reality. I have decided my body will keep losing at a pound a week average. Less than a pound to go to meet my February goal. I earned a lipstick and a nail polish this week.
    Part of the Ayurvedic program is to establish a daily routine. I woke the last 2 days at 4:15 am. My morning includes oil pulling, meditation, spiritual studies, yoga, and workouts. Yesterday I started abs and strength training. This morning I ran huge figure 8’s around the dining room, living room and kitchen and finished my C25k training. Lots of beautiful snow outside but that doesn’t stop my workouts.
    My tongue was nice and pink this morning and intestines working great. I think all my previous efforts have made my body more receptive to these adjustments.
    Even though it was cold this morning I couldn’t resist pulling out those size 12 Levi’s that were so small. Finally they fit. Super cute. Fits more like a small 8. I tried on a cute skirt that I have saved for years that never fit. Yup it fits too!

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