TEAM: The Slimsons (March)



  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    edited March 2019
    AB0215 wrote: »

    I guess I'm a fuddy duddy but I've never understood the desire for tattoos, especially tons and tons of them. One or two is ok as long as they can be hidden at work. But what I REALLY can't understand are those face piercings...yuck. Even worse are those things that make your ear lobes gigantic. I take it back.....I AM a fuddy duddy. :)
    @CindyJNC1963 I apparently was for a long time.
    I was super against them, thought they were ugly and couldn't understand why anyone would want to ruin perfectly good skin...and in some respects, I still think that, I'm not sure I love full sleeves and would probably not do that on myself, but I don't really see anything wrong with tattoos for the most part. I don't think that you should have to hide every single tattoo you have in the workplace if they're not obscene or anything like that.
    I think the thing is, I've come to the realization that it's my body and my decision, and therefore, that same thing applies to others...

    I agree in that it is your body and your decision. But I think that people need to realize that you are going to be discriminated against when it comes to job interviews for some jobs if you have that kind of stuff that is outwardly visible. There is absolutely no one where I work that has sleeves of tats, nose rings or pink hair. There may be other sorts of discrimination too. We are judged by our appearance, whether we like it or not.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    I agree in that it is your body and your decision. But I think that people need to realize that you are going to be discriminated against when it comes to job interviews for some jobs if you have that kind of stuff that is outwardly visible. There is absolutely no one where I work that has sleeves of tats, nose rings or pink hair. There may be other sorts of discrimination too. We are judged by our appearance, whether we like it or not.

    @CindyJNC1963 That's a culture thing, and frankly a culture that needs to change. Discrimination of any kind is really unacceptable, it's really not any different than discriminating against someone for being a different color/race and it's just not acceptable. And while I agree it's going to happen, I tend to gravitate away from businesses that don't have workers that are diverse at this point, and that includes tattoos and piercings and pink hair...and honestly, I believe a lot of my generation does the same. I refuse to spend my money at a place that isn't actively working towards being inclusive....and honestly, I hope more people do the same. I think that voting with your wallet sends a pretty clear message when it's done with enough people....

    And most of the places I have worked over the years have changed their policies on tattoos and piercings..many of which WHILE I worked's getting harder and harder for companies to find workers that don't have tattoos or piercings and that trend is going to continue as most people my age have at least one and we're filling out the workforce for the future so if companies want to have a younger crowd, they are likely going to have to compromise at some point....just saying. Companies won't survive without younger workers as aging workers retire and leave the workforce, etc....
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    vicky2767 wrote: »
    So I’m determined to keep on track this week!!!! So far so good. I’m also determined to check in daily. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Spring is around the corner!!!

    I've come to the conclusion that spring can't get here fast enough.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    Week #3

    Original starting weight: 273

    PW: 216.6
    CW: 216.6

    I lost over 3 lbs last week so I'm ok with this. That's just how I roll. On to next week.

    I was able to buy a shirt at a regular store last week. I've only bought clothes online at Woman Within for the last several years. That was kind of cool.

    That's pretty we all know weight loss isn't just isn't.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited March 2019
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Trying to stay positive here.. my morning was bent out of shape by 2 evil people this morning. Ugh - why is it so hard to shake off when someone is rude or totally fake? My brain says shake it off - this isn’t healthy and it’s totally worthless to give these things a second thought- the other party of me has been annoyed all day.

    How do you guys let things go? Does it take you awhile or are you one of the gifted ones that can put it aside and go about your day?


    @mg07030 You have to realize that you can't control what others do, you can only control what you do and how you react. I take IT phone calls for a living, and people are just buttheads over the phone and I'm not sure what part of them thinks it's okay to treat people on the other end of the line the way they do, but they do. Somehow they think that if they're more pissed off more than someone else, they will somehow get better service, and I can promise you it does not work like that.

    The bottom line is, I just decide that I will fix their problem and then move on to the next thing, whatever that is. I can't control them, but I can control me. And at the end of the day, only I matter...or at least that's what I tell myself. And it doesn't necessarily make it easier, it just takes time to get to the point where you can put things like that into little boxes and lock them just takes time and practice...
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    I agree in that it is your body and your decision. But I think that people need to realize that you are going to be discriminated against when it comes to job interviews for some jobs if you have that kind of stuff that is outwardly visible. There is absolutely no one where I work that has sleeves of tats, nose rings or pink hair. There may be other sorts of discrimination too. We are judged by our appearance, whether we like it or not.

    @CindyJNC1963 That's a culture thing, and frankly a culture that needs to change. Discrimination of any kind is really unacceptable, it's really not any different than discriminating against someone for being a different color/race and it's just not acceptable. And while I agree it's going to happen, I tend to gravitate away from businesses that don't have workers that are diverse at this point, and that includes tattoos and piercings and pink hair...and honestly, I believe a lot of my generation does the same. I refuse to spend my money at a place that isn't actively working towards being inclusive....and honestly, I hope more people do the same. I think that voting with your wallet sends a pretty clear message when it's done with enough people....

    And most of the places I have worked over the years have changed their policies on tattoos and piercings..many of which WHILE I worked's getting harder and harder for companies to find workers that don't have tattoos or piercings and that trend is going to continue as most people my age have at least one and we're filling out the workforce for the future so if companies want to have a younger crowd, they are likely going to have to compromise at some point....just saying. Companies won't survive without younger workers as aging workers retire and leave the workforce, etc....

    We just need to agree to disagree on this one. I don't see this as being like race or color at all. You can't do a thing about your race, color, gender, sexual preference, etc. You can do something about appearing professional at work. We have plenty of young people here, believe me. They are replacing us dinosaurs right and left. We are extremely diverse here, we just have a strict dress code that everyone must follow. In some professions this is not going to change any time soon.

    I know I'm probably across as a right wing conservative who discriminates against everyone....I'm really not. Actually, far from it. I am just very conservative at work...that's about it.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    I agree in that it is your body and your decision. But I think that people need to realize that you are going to be discriminated against when it comes to job interviews for some jobs if you have that kind of stuff that is outwardly visible. There is absolutely no one where I work that has sleeves of tats, nose rings or pink hair. There may be other sorts of discrimination too. We are judged by our appearance, whether we like it or not.

    @CindyJNC1963 That's a culture thing, and frankly a culture that needs to change. Discrimination of any kind is really unacceptable, it's really not any different than discriminating against someone for being a different color/race and it's just not acceptable. And while I agree it's going to happen, I tend to gravitate away from businesses that don't have workers that are diverse at this point, and that includes tattoos and piercings and pink hair...and honestly, I believe a lot of my generation does the same. I refuse to spend my money at a place that isn't actively working towards being inclusive....and honestly, I hope more people do the same. I think that voting with your wallet sends a pretty clear message when it's done with enough people....

    And most of the places I have worked over the years have changed their policies on tattoos and piercings..many of which WHILE I worked's getting harder and harder for companies to find workers that don't have tattoos or piercings and that trend is going to continue as most people my age have at least one and we're filling out the workforce for the future so if companies want to have a younger crowd, they are likely going to have to compromise at some point....just saying. Companies won't survive without younger workers as aging workers retire and leave the workforce, etc....

    We just need to agree to disagree on this one. I don't see this as being like race or color at all. You can't do a thing about your race, color, gender, sexual preference, etc. You can do something about appearing professional at work. We have plenty of young people here, believe me. They are replacing us dinosaurs right and left. We are extremely diverse here, we just have a strict dress code that everyone must follow. In some professions this is not going to change any time soon.

    I know I'm probably across as a right wing conservative who discriminates against everyone....I'm really not. Actually, far from it. I am just very conservative at work...that's about it.
    You're probably right we will be have to agree to disagree. And I wouldn't say that I feel like you're coming across as right wing or conservative and I think to a degree, you're 100% correct. It's just a culture I believe we in general need to change, judging on appearance, and I believe that as a society we should be able to accept things like that regardless of choice or no choice, which on average we don't. I also believe that you probably believe that as well, but you also see the practical side and companies can make their own policies and choose their workforce as they desire and to work for an organization is to conform to their rules and regulations and choosing to look a certain way can bring discrimination upon yourself and that's something to account for when you decide to do something like that and you are right about that. I honestly just believe the practice is wrong is all and I hope it can change.

    I just really hope as a society we can get past appearance some day, heavy, skinny, skin color, tattoos, etc. I guess I am probably just dreaming though if I think I will see it in my lifetime.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    edited March 2019
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Daily check in
    Mon, March 18

    Tracked - yes
    Cals - under
    Exercise - rest day , working like crazy

    Trying to stay positive here.. my morning was bent out of shape by 2 evil people this morning. Ugh - why is it so hard to shake off when someone is rude or totally fake? My brain says shake it off - this isn’t healthy and it’s totally worthless to give these things a second thought- the other party of me has been annoyed all day.

    How do you guys let things go? Does it take you awhile or are you one of the gifted ones that can put it aside and go about your day?


    Mary, Feel for ya on this. I am someone who can take things to heart sometimes--- and as a result I tend to be reserved and keep to myself or at least I am friendly, but keep people at arms length as a result of being a bit sensitive. So, evil peeps bother me badly--- and I sometimes get caught up in the WHY and HOW they can possible act that way--- which there isn't a good answer for. I think Ashley is right--- you cannot control anyone's reaction or treatment of you. That is on them. Tell yourself that-- THAT IS THEM--- and -THAT IS NOT HOW I AM-- so you take the high road and teach them how to behave by reacting properly. Unfortunately, some people are not teachable.😒😏😡🤯🤨

    Don't let it ruin your day/week--- You are to good for that girl!🙌💫❤️🤘🏻😉
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Daily Post: Monday, March 18th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, Zumba & Treadmill walk
    Water: 201.8 oz.
    Steps: 17,103

    Comments: Well hello TOM😒😣 ---and thank you for jacking up my cravings today--<sigh> so between that and my soreness (and my left knee might be injured--feels swollen and tight) diet wasn't good today . My workout was mild, but adequate. I may have to tone down my week's workouts to prevent injury. Tomorrow is my fasting day, so restart tomorrow morning.🤞🏻😣

    Hope your Monday was much better than mine my friends!
    KEEP GOING!!❤️🙌💫✨✨🤗
  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Username: Gadgetgirl259
    March: Week 3 (Monday)
    PW: 197.8
    CW: 194.8
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited March 2019
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »

    Comments: Well hello TOM😒😣 ---and thank you for jacking up my cravings today--<sigh> so between that and my soreness (and my left knee might be injured--feels swollen and tight) diet wasn't good today . My workout was mild, but adequate. I may have to tone down my week's workouts to prevent injury. Tomorrow is my fasting day, so restart tomorrow morning.🤞🏻😣

    Hope your Monday was much better than mine my friends!
    KEEP GOING!!❤️🙌💫✨✨🤗

    TOM is a jerk and got the better of me all weekend, we will have to forgive ourselves and try to do better next time.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Question of the Week:

    What do you do to reward yourself for staying on track and/or reaching a goal?
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @CindyJNC1963 Here's another recipe for your instant pot. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe. I will say I did modify it and add more ground beef so there was more protein for me, and I didn't added the cream cheese in until after I'd cooked it, not sure how well it would cook with adding in the cream cheese during cooking as I have never done that, but the recipe was really good and you can choose your level of spice, I didn't put a lot of chili powder in because I don't do super spicy myself and if my memory serves me, you don't either.
    Instant pot directions are below the slow cooker ones.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    User ID: NuggetBrain
    Week Number: Week 3 (Monday)
    Previous weight: 262.6
    Current weight: 257.4

    @NuggetBrain Awesome loss!! Woot woot!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    I lost over 3 lbs last week so I'm ok with this. That's just how I roll. On to next week.

    I was able to buy a shirt at a regular store last week. I've only bought clothes online at Woman Within for the last several years. That was kind of cool.
    @CindyJNC1963 It's really exciting when you're able to get clothes at regular stores, congrats! You're doing an amazing job!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    paula3311 wrote: »
    Username: paula3311
    Week: March Week 3
    PW =213.6

    @paula3311 You're rocking it!! Way to go!!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Username: Gadgetgirl259
    March: Week 3 (Monday)
    PW: 197.8
    CW: 194.8

    @Gadgetgirl259 AWESOME LOSS!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited March 2019
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I have 7, and the last tattoo was a coverup that now takes the lower third of my back. I actually want to get my whole back done eventually... haha I am totally addicted to tattoos....
    Its surprising though, because my first one got infected, because they didn't tell me what kind of lotion to use. You would think that would have scared me off. But no..... Now I just get whatever tattoo butter or tattoo goo they have, which works very well. My last one took 5 sessions and was finished at the end of 2014. I have been itching to get more ever since...

    @tinak33 One of these days you're going to have to show us, I'm particularly interested in the cover up one, my hubby is having one fixed soon, he's actually going today to have the guy look at it and see what can be done to fix it, the person who originally did it, did not do a good job and it just doesn't look good which is a bit sad because that one means so much to him. So I'm anxiously waiting for him to get home to tell me how the plans are going.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Username: Gadgetgirl259
    March: Week 3 (Monday)
    PW: 197.8
    CW: 194.8

    WOW!! That is a fantastic loss--WTG!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Question of the Week:

    What do you do to reward yourself for staying on track and/or reaching a goal?

    Buy clothing/shoes/accessories --mostly workout clothing!🙌😝👏✨👟👟👖👜👡👡👠👠🧥👗
This discussion has been closed.