TEAM: The Slimsons (March)



  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Daily Post: Monday 3/19
    Track: Absolutely
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: The weather in Missouri was beautiful today. Went hiking with a friend and our dogs. Hiking and Geocaching. 5 mile hike in the woods was so much fun!
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Question of the Week:

    What do you do to reward yourself for staying on track and/or reaching a goal?

    I use to reward myself with a cheat meal but I find that is distermental to my progress so now I set mini goals I lose:

    20lbs I get a full body massage
    50lbs buy an outfit
    100lbs plan a weekend trip

    Those are my three goals so far and I just found out today cause my Aide kept bugging me to weigh myself that I lost 20lbs YAy! But we'll see what it says on Wednesday my actual weigh day.

    20 pounds, way to go. 👏🏻
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    My sons birthday today. Going to take him to an ice cream place for dessert tonight. Hopefully I can control myself. Lol.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Bm00re2u wrote: »
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes

    First day back from vacay! Got in 90 minutes of intense strength training with my husband, which we mastered pretty well!

    Welcome back hope you had a joyous time
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Question of the Week:

    What do you do to reward yourself for staying on track and/or reaching a goal?

    I'm going to save up all my milestone rewards until I reach my goal weight and then buy an awesome massage chair! :):):)

    Oooh nice👌🏾👌🏾
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    vicky2767 wrote: »
    My sons birthday today. Going to take him to an ice cream place for dessert tonight. Hopefully I can control myself. Lol.

    I know you have the will power to eat small portions. Sending birthday hugs to your son's
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    I reward myself with lottery scratch offs for every five pounds, but I have been yo-yoing up and down so much, I haven't gotten them in a while.

    Daily Post (Monday)
    Track: no
    Calories: probably over
    Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical and some weights
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    batgirl140 wrote: »
    When I have a good weighin I get ice cream. 😁

    I haven’t decided on any rewards. And food is probably not the best choice. 😋 Id love to get myself an expensive piece of jewelry every 10 lbs or so, I don’t see that happening. 😆 But for sure, I do plan to get a whole wardrobe when I reach goal!! I’ll have to come up with some smaller incentives for along the way.

    @batgirl140 I do think it's important to celebrate the successes along the way. Reward yourself for a job well done, maybe ice cream isn't the best, or maybe it is, a treat isn't so bad and can actually help some people!
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Question of the Week:

    What do you do to reward yourself for staying on track and/or reaching a goal?

    Go get a new workout outfit!

    @Fitness327wk I LOVE getting myself new workout clothes, although I tend to get black pants and then a cute top, only because sweat is real for me and I sweat in weird black pants it is....
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited March 2019
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Question of the Week:

    What do you do to reward yourself for staying on track and/or reaching a goal?

    I'm going to save up all my milestone rewards until I reach my goal weight and then buy an awesome massage chair! :):):)

    @Gadgetgirl259 That's awesome! One really big reward....keep your eye on the prize!!
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    I use to reward myself with a cheat meal but I find that is distermental to my progress so now I set mini goals I lose:

    20lbs I get a full body massage
    50lbs buy an outfit
    100lbs plan a weekend trip

    Those are my three goals so far and I just found out today cause my Aide kept bugging me to weigh myself that I lost 20lbs YAy! But we'll see what it says on Wednesday my actual weigh day.
    @gjaholy33 Massages are a GREAT treat! A new outfit is super motivating and a weekend of rest and relaxation...honestly not sure what I'd do with myself. Love these!!
    I reward myself with lottery scratch offs for every five pounds, but I have been yo-yoing up and down so much, I haven't gotten them in a while.

    @CourtneyLomonaco OMG, that's fun. I forget about scratch offs, I used to do them more often, but being that I work and workout at home most of the time and drive a hybrid, I rarely go to the gas station I forget allll about them. I find them to be a lot of fun.
    And I wouldn't say you've been yo-yoing, you've really just been maintaining, which isn't a terrible thing either. There are times that you'll maintain for a bit, I've gone through a whole 6 months maintaining, so hang in there. It's normal.
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Biggest loser challenge

    Username: Fitness327wk
    Week: March Week Three
    PW = 136.3
    CW=135 👍💃🙋‍♀️
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, OMAD
    Exercise:Yes, 60 mins walking

    Comments: Working on getting back to the swing of things, been a bit of a struggle these last couple days. Hoping that I can turn this around...just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time.

    I understand. I had a few last days that I was tired of being so focused, had some stressful things pop up and just felt off. I am back on track and feel a lot better than I did over the last few days.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily Post for Monday (I forgot to do this last night...)

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes (barely)
    Exercise: stairs at work and 100 squats
    Water: about 115 oz

    I had corned beef and cabbage again for dinner. I think that was a mistake, because the sodium is so high, I can FEEL the bloat. It's worse that TOM! And after 2 days of it, I feel "ugh"... haha
    So today and tomorrow I am trying to drink lots of water, cut my sodium intake in half, and try and flush out my system. The bloat is putting a few lbs on me and I don't want them! Hopefully it will be gone before my weigh in!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I had corned beef and cabbage again for dinner. I think that was a mistake, because the sodium is so high, I can FEEL the bloat. It's worse that TOM! And after 2 days of it, I feel "ugh"... haha
    So today and tomorrow I am trying to drink lots of water, cut my sodium intake in half, and try and flush out my system. The bloat is putting a few lbs on me and I don't want them! Hopefully it will be gone before my weigh in!

    @tinak33 I ballooned up, blaming TOM for that, I'm already back below where I was Saturday, but that in itself is frustrating.
    And if you flush your sodium bloat with water, it will help!

    And looking at your 100 squats, was thinking that sounded like a lot...good for you!
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    ... I just found out today cause my Aide kept bugging me to weigh myself that I lost 20lbs YAy! But we'll see what it says on Wednesday my actual weigh day.

    Congratulations!!!! That is an awesome loss!!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I had corned beef and cabbage again for dinner. I think that was a mistake, because the sodium is so high, I can FEEL the bloat. It's worse that TOM! And after 2 days of it, I feel "ugh"... haha
    So today and tomorrow I am trying to drink lots of water, cut my sodium intake in half, and try and flush out my system. The bloat is putting a few lbs on me and I don't want them! Hopefully it will be gone before my weigh in!

    @tinak33 I ballooned up, blaming TOM for that, I'm already back below where I was Saturday, but that in itself is frustrating.
    And if you flush your sodium bloat with water, it will help!

    And looking at your 100 squats, was thinking that sounded like a lot...good for you!

    I worked my way up, starting at 30 a day for a week, then adding 15 or so. Once I got to 100, I figured I could easily maintain that daily!
    I do 30 at a time, and then the last 10. I already finished my 100 for the today.
    Definitely working on that water intake! Making today a fasting day, as well.... after all the cookies I ate yesterday and Sunday... on top of the sodium! UGH. I feel gross. haha
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I worked my way up, starting at 30 a day for a week, then adding 15 or so. Once I got to 100, I figured I could easily maintain that daily!
    I do 30 at a time, and then the last 10. I already finished my 100 for the today.
    Definitely working on that water intake! Making today a fasting day, as well.... after all the cookies I ate yesterday and Sunday... on top of the sodium! UGH. I feel gross. haha

    @tinak33 I keep telling my mom she needs to do that, adding a little at a time, but she is trying to be me and just go for it, but that's not necessarily how everyone should do it, it's how I do everything, literally everything. She needs to build up to it like you did.

    You crack me up, you always own your food, and I need to be more like you and own it when I eat more than I should lol but I like to blame things like TOM or my tattoo healing, lol, but you just own it. Love it.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I worked my way up, starting at 30 a day for a week, then adding 15 or so. Once I got to 100, I figured I could easily maintain that daily!
    I do 30 at a time, and then the last 10. I already finished my 100 for the today.
    Definitely working on that water intake! Making today a fasting day, as well.... after all the cookies I ate yesterday and Sunday... on top of the sodium! UGH. I feel gross. haha

    @tinak33 I keep telling my mom she needs to do that, adding a little at a time, but she is trying to be me and just go for it, but that's not necessarily how everyone should do it, it's how I do everything, literally everything. She needs to build up to it like you did.

    You crack me up, you always own your food, and I need to be more like you and own it when I eat more than I should lol but I like to blame things like TOM or my tattoo healing, lol, but you just own it. Love it.

    I have kind of a dumb question for you two. Are squats the same thing as deep knee bends? We used to call squats the exercise you do with a barbell across your shoulder and you do a deep knee bend with the weight. A deep knee bend was a squat without the weight added. I can't do either because of my knees/back and my excess weight...but I'm just curious if the terminology has changed over the years.

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,842 Member
    Monday check in
    Calories: under
    water ; over
    Exercise: 90 mins aqua size 30 body weight workout
    Goals today: went to swimming early 150 mins aquq size and walking outdoors this afternoon
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I worked my way up, starting at 30 a day for a week, then adding 15 or so. Once I got to 100, I figured I could easily maintain that daily!
    I do 30 at a time, and then the last 10. I already finished my 100 for the today.
    Definitely working on that water intake! Making today a fasting day, as well.... after all the cookies I ate yesterday and Sunday... on top of the sodium! UGH. I feel gross. haha

    @tinak33 I keep telling my mom she needs to do that, adding a little at a time, but she is trying to be me and just go for it, but that's not necessarily how everyone should do it, it's how I do everything, literally everything. She needs to build up to it like you did.

    You crack me up, you always own your food, and I need to be more like you and own it when I eat more than I should lol but I like to blame things like TOM or my tattoo healing, lol, but you just own it. Love it.

    I went from zero squats to 30, and I was super sore for 4 days. After that, it was easy. Now I can do 30-40 at a time! Gradual is definitely better because your body needs to adjust. If you start big, you will get discouraged REALLY fast.

    You know..... owning your food intake was something I had to learn to do... for a while it was more "if I don't log it, it never happened." :D:D But the only person I was cheating was myself. I wasn't fooling myself, because I know very well what I wasn't logging. If I really want to hit goals and I really want to be honest about what I am eating... and if I REALLY want those cookies.... log it all and make it work. I ate 4 cookies last night. Still under my calories by like 30. And if I wasn't, I still would have logged it and just been over.

    And I also find that by owning what I ate, regardless of how bad it was, made it more relatable for other people. Other people can be like, "oh I did that too! It's not just me!"

    I can no longer buy the Coconut Dreams cookies because I will eat the entire pack. No lie. I bought a pack, and ate 1.5 rows just on the 15 minute drive home!!! Ate 2 more before going into the house, and ate another 2 inside, and yelled at everyone to eat the rest before I destroyed it. haha However.... I logged EVERY SINGLE COOKIE. I was surprised it wasn't as bad as I had thought. Still not good, but not 156346843 calories. haha
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    I had a big victory over food today. Our main software was down today so I decided to take a quick walk through our IT department that has a mezzanine with stairs. Don't you know they were having a bake sale up there with my favorite (banana pudding). I was able to stop and chat with my friends without getting any goodies. It was right before lunch and I was really hungry so I was proud of myself of resisting that. I also felt good walking up that steep set of stairs. They used to kill my knees. I was able to walk down like a normal person too....not half step at a time like I did before.
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