TEAM: The Slimsons (March)



  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    Week 3
    P.W. 237
    C.W. 238
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Daily Post: Saturday , March 23rd
    Username: SLIMn2016

    ✅ Track: Yes
    ✅ Calories: Yes, under
    ✅ Exercise: Yes, Body Combat, Arc Trainer & Rowing
    ✅ Water: 190 oz.
    ✅ Steps: 15,358 / 7.8 miles

    🗣Comments: Busy day shopping and had to eat on the go—- stayed under and tried to make decent choices. Tomorrow’s a new day!

    Happy Saturday 🤗
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Week 3
    PW: 278.4
    CW: 284.0
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post: March 23rd

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 10,100 steps (part of which was a long hill), 5 squats (my legs no longer creak and groan when I do the squats now)

    I think I figured out why my legs got so rubbery after my walk yesterday. I haven't been drinking enough water the last few days.
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Daily check in: March 23

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No

    My son had a Tae Kwon Do tournament today so that had us busy most of the day. We ate lunch out and had a great meal well under calories BUT there was so much salt in it, imma probably gonna be a balloon tomorrow! 😁 Trying to get water in tonight and help alleviate some of that. Good weekend so far, hope everyone is having a good one!!
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Daily check in
    Apps acting crazy. Won’t let me log all my food. Once I log a second item in my meal the first item disappears.
    Tracked tried.
    Calories probably over
    Exercise no
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily post for Saturday

    Track: no
    Calories: nope
    Exercise: 100 squats, cleaning, but of outdoor walking
    Water: about 120 oz

    I ate too much. Way too much. I am uncomfortably full....
    I did fairly decent during the day, but dinner was a birthday dinner. And I didn't realize how filling it would be! Homemade corn tortillas for steak tacos! Plus rice and beans.... and then dessert happened. I had a small dessert, but that's only because I was already uncomfortably full. So I added to it.
    And now I am in bed with a stomachache. Ugh....
  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Daily Post: Saturday 3/23
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Treadmill jogging 5mph for 30 minutes, Treadmill walk 3.5 mph for 10 minutes. Plank Challenge total of 15 mins through out the day.
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Happy Saturday Team!!

    Just popped in while fasting to try to drum up the willpower to keep doing it and you guys didn't disappoint!! You guys are crushing it!! WTG guys!

    Awesome Leader!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    Daily Post (Friday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Aqua size 120
  • BougeeBrat
    BougeeBrat Posts: 107 Member
    Daily Post (Saturday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Total 907, Net -437, Goal 2000. Under by 2437 (calories adjust according to activity level)
    Exercise: Yes, HIIT
    Steps: 26,493
    Water: 74.4 oz

    No appetite again. This sucks......
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    @Fitness327wk @SLIMn2016 Thank you both! My goal was to get out of the 130s by my birthday which is on the 27th.
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    Daily Post (Saturday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, outside play

    My son's first soccer game was today! ⚽🥅🎉
    We practiced dribbling and scoring in the field after the game was over, so I got some cardio in.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Daily Post Saturday

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise yes 10 minutes walking
    Water 198.5oz

    So due to antibiotics I was up all Friday night going into Saturday so I went to bed mad early a0fter my last meal yesterday and got 9 hours of sleep.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Daily Post: March 23rd

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 10,100 steps (part of which was a long hill), 5 squats (my legs no longer creak and groan when I do the squats now)

    I think I figured out why my legs got so rubbery after my walk yesterday. I haven't been drinking enough water the last few days.

    I glad you know the issue as you don't want to get too dehydrated. It's important to continue to replenish your water while exercising as you lose so much of it.

  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Hi! I checked to see our teams progress and it shows my weight missing for week three. Here is my week three weight. 👍💃
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Biggest loser challenge

    Username: Fitness327wk
    Week: March Week Three
    PW = 136.3
    CW=135 👍💃🙋‍♀️

    Go team! 🥰👍💃❤️
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    vicky2767 wrote: »
    Daily check in
    Apps acting crazy. Won’t let me log all my food. Once I log a second item in my meal the first item disappears.
    Tracked tried.
    Calories probably over
    Exercise no

    I've had trouble with the website. I get messages that I need to enable Java in order to have permissions to "like" a post. I also see ads telling me I need to upgrade to premium membership when I already have it. Finally, I get logged out mid-session. They need to hire better programmers.
  • lateseg
    lateseg Posts: 10 Member
    Username: Lateseg
    Week: March Week Three
    PW = 140
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