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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
    @carlsoda You are doing great! Good luck with the snow. I hope it isn't as bad as they predicted. Smart idea getting your shopping done beforehand
    @kirsten11872 Amazing!! You really can do anything once you put your mind to it! What a great week you had!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member


    Last call for week 1 weigh ins
    Today is the last day!


    Sunday Weigh Ins
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
    Looks like everyone is off enjoying their weekends! I am hitting the hay early tonight. Have a good night everyone!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily log in for: Saturday March 9
    Logged: yes, i was over. not by much, but still over.
    Water: 8+
    Exercise: did an inner thigh workout and a 3 mile Leslie S boosted walking video.
    Steps: 12,397

    I woke up knowing i had so much work to do and that once I sat at my desk I’d be there for hours, so i got my workout out of the way, and took a walk, then came back home and got my work done. I’m glad i did my workout first!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Late weigh ins, please get them in today so they count:


    Today's weigh ins:

    Monday's weigh ins
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Saturday
    Did mountains of bills yesterday. I was behind doing our monthlies but finally got everything done. Did mom’s pills cleaned the fridge and most of the house.
    I have lots of relatives here this weekend. 2nd cousins I haven’t seen since I was a teenager. All here to see my parents. They are having a blast. Mom is cooking up a storm. There are 8 relatives staying at a B&B. Laughter all day floating up from downstairs. They are writing down my parents stories and doing genealogy. Very nice visit.
    I took yesterday off of working out. I desperately needed to recoup from my long work week. Planning to cook up a storm today for the week.
    @cyndiesstuff hope you feel better.

    You all are like family to me. It would be so fun to all meet in person.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
    Check in for: Saturday
    Logged food: yes and under
    Water: at least 64 oz
    Exercise and Steps: 45 min Leslie Sansone video and 10,032 steps

    A pretty good day yesterday. My weight is up about 2 lbs now. I am really hoping it is sodium as I have been doing well. Time to practice what I preach, I won't let this derail me. I know I am doing what I should be so the scale will eventually catch up. Today is a baby shower which is an hour away so I have to go work out before. Hoping to food shop after and get ready for the week. Daughter doing a bit better each day. Just nervous what will happen when she gets off this medication. We will know more on Tuesday and she will still be home on spring break so I can monitor. That's a good thing. Everything seems fine but I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Ugh! Oh well... Have a great day everyone!

    @twyla77 . Good idea to get your exercise in before you sat down to work. In my experience, I never get to it once I am sucked into the computer. You really have been doing great lately!
    @DananaNanas There is a commercial here for a university with Queen Latifia giving the commencement speech. There is a line in there that I think of when I start feeling unmotivated. She is talking about education of course but it fits for weight loss too. Actually, anything in life. "It hasn't been easy has it? There were days that you doubted yourself and there were days you wanted to quit, but you didn't" That is what is important, you haven't given up. Keep plugging away. Keep checking in. I know when you don't you are struggling and that is exactly when you should be checking in. Make small changes until you are back into the swing of things. You don't have to jump right back in. I highly recommend those phit and phat podcasts that @phoebe112476 turned us onto. You can do this! xoxo
    @cyndiesstuff Hope you have a better day today. Take care of yourself. xoxo Thanks for all your support! You are like I have a personal cheerleader Lol!
    @Mrsbell8well What a nice visit for your parents and a great idea too. Sounds like you had a productive Saturday. Keeping Molly and her mom in my prayers.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Week 2 MOD challenge! Discussion: 7 steps to never quit again!

    Come join our discussion this week!!

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member


    As a whole we lost 91.8 lbs or 0.30% !!!


    1st - WaistAways - 0.58%
    2nd - Shrinking Assets - 0.48%
    3rd - Mission Slimpossibles - 0.44%


    1st - WaistAways - 30.3
    2nd - Shrinking Assets - 26.5
    3rd - Mission Slimpossibles - 20.6


    1st - @SLIMn2016 - 4.00%
    2nd - @iLadyT - 3.32%
    3rd - @kirsten11872 - 2.82%


    1st - @SLIMn2016 - 6.6
    2nd - @iLadyT - 6.4
    3rd - @19shmoo69 - 6


    @AustinRuadhain @19shmoo69 @digger61
    @Bear479 @reflectionofme
    @h2dorsey @martinesther88
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    saturday check in

    food on target
    water on target
    exercise 9888 steps

    fancied some chinese yesterday so I had some and took it out of my calorie budget. I don't have high hopes for my weight in tomorrow as I have come on my period and I am usually a bit heavier. Although if I don't lose I will get a bumper loss next week so that will be something to look forward to.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    Saturday check in

    Food calorie wise was good but low on protein
    Water - good for a weekend
    Steps - 10,000 ish but no yoga

    Yesterday was a fun day - we waited and waited for the snow to start but it rained pretty heavy until 4:00 pm then the snow finally came. What a blessing we only ended up with like 5 inches of snow! Today is super windy but at least not freezing cold. Planning to just hang around the house and let the road crew do their work!

    Yesterday let’s see, I organized most of my closet Marie Kondo style, cooked and cooked and cooked, had a cat sleeping on me for about an hour. Yeah - fun day!

    Today I need to do some sewing - retrofitting a dress I bought at a consignment shops (Talbots 100% wool long dress) for 2 bucks but there is a strange bow tie thingy around the neck I am going to shorten and make into a draped scarf instead. It will be super warm for next winter! Oh and I need to do yoga, my body is telling me so!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited March 2019
    I haven't had much time to chat. The barn project has taken priority over all other things. I've been really active, good on steps and logging as much as I can. Mostly I'm trying to listen to my body and feed it nutritious foods as much as possible. Nonetheless my weight is up 2 pounds this morning. My husband and father in law are putting in really long days so dinners are heartier than usual. FIL doesn't have the adventurous palate my husband does so I'm cooking a lot of basic, manly meat and potato type stuff. Friday I made my mother's spaghetti recipe... I know I went a bit overboard that night but it was such nice comfort food. Although FIL has mellowed in his old age he has very definite opinions about certain things. I learned a long time ago not to engage in his vitriol. I may have turned on the exhaust fan over the stove a couple of times to tune him out... I'm very grateful for the help he can provide my husband... I sure can't do that type of stuff. They hope to have a roof on the barn at the end of the week and I'll be glad when FIL can return home.

    Exercise is scheduled in my calendar for the week and I'm planning dinners. Gotta head out and take some water to the guys. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. Get those plans in place for the week!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Well, yesterday was a pretty good day. I am almost finished with the cross stitch kit - just have back stitches to outline everything. I walked around the house A LOT as it was still cold and gray outside. Watched UNC beat Duke in basketball last night (yay!)
    I woke up way too early - 5 AM - and couldn't go back to sleep so I read for an hour or so. I ate too much but it didn't really fill me up too much - maybe just higher calorie than I usually eat. I was feeling sleepy by 9:30 so I lay in bed reading for a while, asleep by 10. Must have been really tired as I slept until 8 this morning.
    Today is warmer but still gray outside. Took a walk to check out the new house being built nearby. It is three stories with a garage and storage on bottom. Would not want to have to climb all those stairs several times a day!
    Here's to a great Sunday and a new week.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    sunday daily checkin

    food on target
    water on target
    exercise 90min run

    Listening to PNP as I did my food prep and I was reevaluating my list of changes that I am willing to do. Not eating the LO's leftover has gone really well as has drinking my water apart from that blip on the one day but I caught up. So I have set myself some new goals. Goals that I felt were too difficult last week are seeming more possible. 1. leave at least fork full of food from every meal to get me used to not clearing my plate. 2 have a 15 minute break after class before going back to the office or if I am on an office day taking at least 15 minutes to have a lunch break. It should really be an hour but let's see if I can build up to it. The plan is to do a short vinyasa after the school have gone so that I don't need my afternoon snack. I think on reflection I have this snack because I am tired rather than hungry. If I can find other ways to boost my energy than that would be great.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 way to go great loss.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited March 2019
    Nice weekend. I didn't get as much done as I planned but I caught up with the things I fell behind with last week and I got what I needed to get done to be ready for this weekend so it was a success in my book. The shower went well. I ate until I was satisfied. I threw out 1/2 of my cake! And it was good cake too! That is big for me! I drove to the shower so after I dropped everyone off I went food shopping for the week. I really like having a plan for the week and getting stuff ready so the week is a little easier. Since Shannon is gone and no one is interested in my healthy cooking, I got some frozen Atkins dinners and will have them with a salad or over spinach. Not sure how that will go but it will be easy and quick clean up. Off to bed, I am going to continue getting up early to get my Leslie video in before work.

    Congratulations to @kirsten11872 @hkfleming and @carlsoda Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place "losers" last week

    @amsandos I am going to join you with leaving some food on my plate this week. I need to work on that too. I think you have a great plan for the week. Little changes add up.
    @carlsoda I am so glad that you didn't get the snow predicted. Still sounds like a lot to me Lol! Sounds like you had a great weekend!
    @nstephenson01 It is pretty cool your husband can do that kind of project! Hopefully the project goes on schedule and your guest will be on his way home soon. It is tough to have guests so long, especially when they have strong personalities. You will be back to your normal routines before you know it. Hugs!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Nice loss! Hope all is well .
    @pacsnc6 Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Hope the sun is out for you tomorrow!
    @Twyla77 Nice loss! I need to expand my leslie videos . I never saw the one with the fitness bands!
This discussion has been closed.