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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    I am coming up on the one year anniversary of my divorce and the things associated with it. In looking back it is incredible to me how much my life has changed for the better since that time. If I could go back and tell myself last March (when I had to get a friend to drive 5 hours to come pick me and my kids up to get away from my verbally abusive and physically threatening husband) that this March would be so lovely - the old me would not have believed how good it would be this year. I am feeling some anxiety as I process the things that happened last spring with this new perspective ("traumaversary"). In feeling this anxiety I realize how very different I am choosing to deal with it. I recognize it / name it. I give it some time and then move on. I do not eat or drink to numb the feeling. This is so HUGE for me. I can't wait to see what next spring brings. Yay!

    My weight loss / eating / exercise has changed the same and (mid-month check in) I am on track will all and meeting my goals. I wanted to slow my weight loss down to 0.5 to 1 pound a week this month (had been closer to 1.5 pounds a week for much of my loss) and have done that. This has caused some scale anxiety since it is not moving as I had been used to - but again I have been able to focus on the feeling, give it some time and then move on. So far this week Yoga classes on Sunday (extra class since I had the day off and had the urge), Monday, and getting ready to go today. Planning my Thursday class as well. Eating to my goals each day and enjoying what I eat/ not feeling restricted or on a diet.

    @jedaschultz - ONEderland!!! Yay yay yay! Such a fun and huge milestone.

    @carlsoda - I sure hope you feel better soon and are not coming down with this viral illness so many have this time of year. How do you get the extra Vit C? Supplements? Which brand do you like?

    @gottagetthisdown - That meeting with the dietician seems like it was a great help to you. Please keep us updated. Your plan looks yummy and has made me add watermelon to my grocery list this morning. Reminds me of summer!

    @sleepymom5 - I took my dog for a walk the last few days too. Colder than I wish but so much better than the freezing intolerable weather of the last several months. Improves my mood in a matter of minutes to be outside with my happy little beagle. The chicken was not spicy. Maybe the honey offset any spice? But I do not find curry a spicy (hot) spice. I love the taste. That chicken was so simple - brown the thighs, add some chicken broth and honey and curry to the crock pot and cook for 6 hours. Yum!

    @cyndiesstuff - You do hard things so well. I find it inspiring. Putting up with a difficult boss is definitely not something I can do well. I have been cutting back in my job (I have three part time) with the difficult boss as I find it intolerable! The dressing for my spinach salad was 2 tablespoons of oil, 1.5 tablespoons of red wine vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard (though I love and added closer to 1.5 for my taste) plus a bit of salt and pepper. Was so yummy. I was not looking forward to that salad as I don't prefer spinach salads (love spring mix) - it was so good!! And my girls loved it too.

    @mrsbell8well - Awesome results on your race. Just having run it (and with your family too) was such a win. To come in 4th place - wow! I would love to hear more about your decision to move back towards logging. I have been inspired by your weight loss using the "eat healthy foods till satisfied" plan. I am on the fence about trying it after a few months of successful maintenance. Would benefit from your thoughts as you move between the two.

    @twyla77 - I love your "Vegas plan". Impressed you have been able to make such a detailed plan for the week in a new/unfamiliar city. Have a great week!

    @kristen11872 - Thanks for sharing your struggles with the group. Hard to do and so helpful for us all (since we can relate). I wonder if you have discovered the Phit-N-Phat (PNP) podcast? I have found her very motivating with good advice about weight loss in the moments when I have been struggling. I often listen when I am in the shower (sometimes the only quiet part of my days). She does use some curse words (in case that would bother you).

    Summary of episode 97 - about sticking to your eating plan. "Today’s podcast I give you more of the good stuff. Robin Sharma writes about five things you must do to make habits stick. He probably worded it way more eloquently, but I’m a redneck from God’s country and I took what he had to say and talked about it in the only way I know how. Sassy, southern and swearing just how my Momma raised me. The podcast will teach you the THREE things I want you to know to STICK to your diet.
    1 - How to build determination becausewe ain’t born with it!
    2 - What creating disruption is and how it builds discipline. We aren’t born with that either.
    3 - The one thing you have to know when it comes to overeating."

    Here is a link to the iTunes list of her episodes. You can find episode 97 if the above might be helpful. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/losing-100-pounds-phit-n-phat-com-real-diet-talk-from/id1233384453

    @nstephenson01 - Would love to see some photos of this barn when it is done. Such a project! Your comment about mud wrestling made me laugh out loud! I hope you find a way to keep out of the mud.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Monday
    Logged: Pre-logged but then went off the rails
    Water: Lots
    Exercise: 30 minute dog walk; 10,570 steps

    Stayed on track most of the day but then started snacking before dinner again on tortilla chips and salsa. Dinner was reuben sandwiches from Sunday's leftover corned beef, french fries and Marilu Henner's Super Smart Salad that I first made last week with great success. I had a sandwich and filled my plate with the salad but no fries. After dinner I finished off ALL the remaining fries. THIS STOPS NOW NANCY! Weight was way up this morning... hoping its all the sodium. Tried all day long to get my head out of the cranky place it was in but was in full on witch mode when the guys finished last night. Thankfully hubby is fantastic at diffusing my anger (when its not directed at him LOL). He thinks they may finish in the next couple days. Feeling better today... off to do my strength training then walk the dogs and soak up some of this gorgeous sunshine. I may go for two walks today.

    @kirsten11872 Thanks for sharing your struggles. We've all been there. It helps to know each of us is not alone in the journey. You know what you need to do. Hang in there.

    @pacsnc6 Love chicken pot pies! My fave is Marie Callender's.

    @sleepymom5 He leaves next month sometime, headed to Jonestown area. I'll fly out to see him every so often. just not going along to stay for an extended period. You're doing so well and staying consistent. And you're right, success is finding things that just become a lifestyle, not a diet.

    @twyla77 I don't know his back story... I'll have to read it! Thanks!!

    Thanks @cyndiesstuff for the good advice. Got derailed again last night but determined to get back on track today. Not going to let my frustration with FIL ruin all my progress. Not sure how long hubby will be gone, never know, but yes, I'll fly out to visit him occasionally. I'm looking forward to staying home and really focusing on the new Nancy.

    @gottagetthisdown Sounds like quite a worthwhile appointment with your dietitian. Please share your journey with us!

    @carlsoda hope you feel better soon and not coming down with anything serious.

    @phoebe112476 Your posts are always so thoughtful and inspiring. I look forward to them. Take care during your "traumaversary". I will post a picture of the barn when this phase is done... hopefully in the next few days.

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @phoebe112476 First off, yay to you for having the strength to get out of a horrible relationship last year, and tripple yay for facing and processing that trauma in a healthy way!!! My best friend is currently going through a tense divorce with a horrible, emotionally abusive person, and it's taking a toll on her. She's getting stronger every day, though, as I'm sure you are.

    @eyesopennow CONGRATULATIONS on 37 years!!! Enjoy yourself!!!

    @nstephenson01 Oh dear, I'm a bad afternoon snacker myself and there's hardly ever a time when I won't turn down fries. Forgive yourself and drink that water!!!

    So I noticed something the other day. I've been working on positive self-talk, kind of in the form of dialogue. So if I start in with negative thoughts about myself, then I try to counter them with positive responses. (Not just for weight loss, but also for dealing with depression).

    The thing I noticed is that, when I'm being negative, I say "I" as in "I am out of control"; "I am being unproductive"; "I am making bad decisions." When I try to be positive, I say "You." "You've already had a lot of success"; "You need to trust the process"; "You can do this." It's like I can't internalize positive talk - I have to talk to myself as if I'm encouraging someone else.

    I think this means I have a lot more growing to do mentally. Just wondering if anyone else does this, or how you were able to turn those tables to cultivate more confidence.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you for all the supportive feedback! I am feeling much better today! I felt so drained yesterday, not sure why. I went home after work and literally did nothing other than lay on my couch, watch tv and eat dinner. I needed that. I woke up today feeling refreshed, ready to get back on track. I planned most of my food for today, trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. Either back to the gym tonight or working out at home, but I think going to the gym will be better, I need that intense elliptical burn!

    @cyndiesstuff IF is definitely something that works for me, but when I am off-track, everything goes down the drain. I do not know if I will ever figure out my relationship with food, it is complicated, lol, but I am always working on it!

    @sleepymom5 thanks, I am trying to get things back on track!

    @phoebe112476 so glad you were able to get out of that abusive relationship! No one deserves to be treated badly, you deserve so much more!
    Thanks for sharing the podcast with me, I will try to check it out. :smile:

    Hope you are all having a good day and week! :smiley:
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Pintos, brown rice, Swiss chard, salsa, avocado and parsley (surprise...thought I had used cilantro), and a cutie. Very yummy from leftovers last night
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff is tomorrow your surgery? I’m praying for you
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,114 Member
    Yesterday I had a teacher workshop and they ordered olive garden. I haven't eaten there in so long. We also ate the leftovers today. I had 2 bowls of salad because I just love theirs. I had a little pasta and bread stick. I think we will have fish for dinner today. My son has finally been cleared by both doctors to go back to work. He doesn't have to go back to see the stomach surgeon unless he has a problem. The orthopedic only wants a couple more sessions of physical therapy because they are getting him a brace to stretch out his wrist. Then we should hopefully be done with him also. He's going to Florida on Sunday because he had this trip planned for months then he is getting a job. Thank God. He's not going back to where he was because it was just part time delivery driving and he wants something full time. We have come a long way. I'm off to Zumba now, hopefully the scale goes the right way this week.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss! I didn't realize how newly divorced you were, I just assumed more time had passed. I am so happy that you got out of that situation and turned your life around. Look how far you have come.
    @Carlsoda I hope you aren't coming down with anything. Feel better. Beside that, it sounds like you are doing awesome!!
    @nstephenson01 Don't beat yourself up, just dust yourself off and get back on track. Don't let your frustration derail you. You have been working so hard and doing so well. I know you can do this. Hang in there, looks like the end is in sight for the barn project. I agree with @phoebe112476 You have to post a pic once the barn is finished.
    @eyesopennow Lol! That is so funny! At least you are going away to celebrate and have fun! Happy Anniversary!
    @GingerPwr That is an interesting observation, I do the same thing! I never even noticed until you wrote that...
    @kirsten11872 I think you would like that podcast too. I am not a podcast person but I am hooked and she makes so much sense.
    @Mrsbell8well That salad looks so good! I am not a bean person but I swear I am starting to think about trying them. But I would like to start with your Dad's lol! Do you think he'd make some for me ;)
    @ljdanny I love the salad at Olive Garden (among other things Lol!). Between the yummy food and the huge portions, sounds like you were able to make good choices. I am so happy to hear all the progress your son has made. He really has gone through so much. Hope he has a great time when he goes away, he deserves it. Fish for dinner and zumba-sounds like a good evening!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I know I need to get some new memes... Now that I get up so early, I get really tired at night lol!
    Tuesday's Weigh Ins still due

    Wednesday's Weigh Ins

    Thursday's Weigh Ins
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Good morning I am posting from the motorway there is a massive traffic jam and I'm probably going to be in to work really really late so I'm just sitting here in a massive traffic jam so I thought I'd use my Google Voice to type a wee message and do my daily check in so daily check in for Tuesday food on target water on target exercise weights 60 minutes run
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Tuesday Check in
    Food: logged and under
    Water: 112 oz
    Exercise and Steps . Walking video 45 min and 11,004 steps

    I am happy with the way things have been going. I have been in a good routine and have been hitting my daily goals with water, logging, exercise and steps. I have been reading my book and listening to my podcasts. I am still working on this hunger and eating mindfully. I do it most of the time but sometimes I do catch myself eating past being satisfied. I don't even realize it because I start eating mindfully and then I just forget. Last night was one of those times. I didn't take seconds even though I wanted to so I am giving myself credit for that. I am going to keep working on this as I really think this is key for me. Hope everyone is having a great week!

    @amsandos Thanks for checking in from the freeway! Lol! You have had a great week so far!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Week 3
    PW 153.2
    CW 153.2
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    In training
    Will check in this afternoon
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Happy Spring everyone!!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    No pictures of yesterday's lunch because I basically skipped it. Had a meeting at 1:00 where a snack is always served. We had cheesecake with a choice of blueberry or cherry topping. Of course we all had a little of both! Mmmm good stuff. The rest of my day was good. Went to see my grandson play lacrosse at his school - they won 19 - 1 :o
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Tuesday
    Ate to satisified
    Water: 60 oz
    Steps: 14922 steps

    Wow, what a good day yesterday. I had my intake at the hospital. the call took about 25 minutes. they went over EVERYTHING!! lol. I was kind of surprised at all the information they had. not sure why that suprises me. I had to stop after work and have a blood draw so they could know my blood type. then I went to cvs to get the rest of the stuff I needed to prepare for the surgery. when i got home i packed a change of clothes. i am as ready as i will ever be! Surgery is next friday, bowel prep and fasting is next thursday. dinner last night was amazing. we made one of our favorites, Vietnamese chicken bowls.

    This is to me from me! lol menopause has made me grow a beard!! old lady jokes.

    have to do some work really quick. get back with everyone in a bit!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & happy 1st day of Spring! I am ready for the warm weather!

    Yesterday was a success! I got back on track! I ate well & hit the gym. I got home late, ran to the mall with the hubby after work, was tempted to skip, but I went and I felt so good! I prepped my food for today, I will do my workout when I get home. the scale was down this morning, but I am still up from Saturday's weigh-in. I am hoping to break even this week.

    I forgot to complete my diary last night, it was a good day, I was excited to share on MFP!

    @ljdanny I am glad your son is doing well! Hopefully he enjoys his trip, then back to work.

    @cyndiesstuff Happy birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day! Good luck as you prepare for surgery!

    Have a great day! :smiley:
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    happy birthday to @cyndiesstuff
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @sleepymom5 wooo whoo. good job on taking that walk anyway. we don't have to always feel like it but we do have to do it!! and yes. my boss is a real tool. I am glad you like the Ice. I love it too!! and some of them are a little to koolaid like. but some are perfect. and I believe that you do need to keep working on it. how long had you been eating the other way? years and years right? well remember it is going to take a lot of time to break that old cycle. but you can and oh won't it be glorious when you do.

    @gottagetthisdown you sound like you had an amazing appointment with your dietian. I wish like crazy I had one around here. but the nearest one is 45 minutes away. you are on a good road. keep that up. never give up!

    @phoebe112476 hey nice loss this week. just as you planned. you are doing awesome. keep that S*** up!! I, like you was in a very abusive relationship. he was a narcissist. I am sorry you had to suffer thru that but it has helped make you who you are today. when we go thru these things in life we learn that bad times never last and we can change the course of our life when we choose too. you made a choice. and look what you did! you have come so far. he knocked you down but you got back up stronger! very proud of you for all the hard work that that took. oh yea, and I am having a spinach salad for lunch today with your dressing. I will let you know what I think. I tasted it when I made it and it was really good. I can't wait to try it on my salad. I will include a pic of my big a** salad in a little bit!

    @carlsoda uhhh ohh! I hope your not getting sick.

    @nstephenson01 oh my reubens are one of my loves. what did you say to yourself when you ate the rest of the fries? really think about it. you gave yourself permission for some reason. don't beat yourself up about it, just analyze it, learn from it, figure out what you will do next time (because we know there will be a next time) and move on. write it down and put it on the frig. you know when I feel that urge. that urge that feels irresistible, I say to myself, I am will to think something else right now. and then I have a montra, I am not hungry, I am satisfied. I will be able to have (insert food name here) again. and maybe just maybe, you should have included a few fries. that way you don't feel deprived. the feeling of deprivation will sabotage your diet every time. you keep working it Nancy.

    @eyesopennow oh congrats you to you your lovely lady. I love your funny storys. your view on life is amazing!

    @gingerpwr when you use you, it is very accusatory. almost like your pointing a finger at yourself and still scolding yourself and pretending its positive. I have become very aware of how I talk to myself. everything matters. I am better at it every day. it takes lots of practice. keep at it. it is worth the work.

    @kirsten11872 I am so glad you are feeling better. don't beat yourself up, this is hard and you are doing it! and thanks for the birthday wishes.

    @Mrsbell8well your lunch looks amazing! good job being in charge!! No my surgery is next Friday. maintains are good. you are doing awesome. and happy spring to you too.

    @ljdanny ohhh my that is glorious news about your son. what a comeback. he is a strong man. have fun at Zumba!! and it sounds like you did great with your school lunch!! yay you!

    @amsandos I just love your accent! you are just so cute!! keep that up!

    @pacsnc6 good job on making room in your diet for some joy food. we still need to be able to enjoy food. thanks for the birthday wishes!! I imagined that you sang that to me
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