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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 202.2
    Cw 203.2
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Check in for: Thursday
    Logged: no but pretty sure I was on track
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise and Steps: 30min walking tape and 6,731 steps

    I am bummed I am up in weight but I am not concerned. I don't think I gained. Warning-TMI-I am having trouble pooping this week and my rings are super tight so I am sure it has something to do with that. I will keep doing what I have been doing, the scale will catch up at some point.
    Yesterday was ok with eating, I just didn't log. I just wasn't very active and was so tired. I think if I got up and moved, I probably would have helped. Oh well, new day. I have my workout gear on and my sneakers so once I am done here, I am doing my walking tape. One thing I didn't do was plan by day for today! I do it at night and I was so bummed out I didn't even think of it. Luckily I don't have much going on so it wont be hard. I also will make a weekend plan, staying home except for a baby shower on Sunday. I am going to do the eat until satisfied there. Should be easy as have teeny tiny sister in laws that don't eat much so as you all know I am conscious of how much I eat with others. I also like to drink but am a fussy drinker, I drink prosecco or reisling so most parties don't have those so I probably won't drink at all. If they do happen to have one, I will only have one glass. If I can drive, I won't have any.
    My daughter is getting a little better each day, seems like when it is close to having her medicine is when she starts feeling anxious. She hasn't needed any additional medicine which we have if she needs it so that is good. She also will stay by herself and the past two nights I didn't need to sleep with her. So although I don't think it is good, she is improving.
    Also, I had told you all about my friend who had the stroke a few weeks back. She is doing better. She is in rehab now, she is talking a little, can't walk but is getting PT, OT and ST, she is eating soft food and breathing without oxygen, she also can open her eyes. She couldn't open them on her own until a few days ago. So she is doing better but still has a ways to go.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    @twyla77 You really have gotten into a good routine. You will have a good weekend! You're right, you can have fun with your friends without drinking. Have a plan too, what you are going to have instead, what you are going to say if someone asks etc. You got this!
    @amsandos . Way to turn it around! You took a bad situation that probably would have kept eating at you at the gym and made it a positive. Still worked out and able to be home with your daughter! Love it!
    @GingerPwr Wow! Sounds like you have an amazing weekend planned! I love hearing your change of attitude, I would have felt the same way in the past. Have a plan ready. You can enjoy and not go off the rails. AND it feels so good when you are able to do that. You got this girl!!
    @cyndiesstuff Maybe he will make jean Friday a new thing Lol! I know you look amazing! You are right, positive talk. I did do well this week, I normally would turn to food and I didn't . One bad day, and it was more activity than food, isn't a reflection of what I have done all week.
    I almost forgot about you and your garden! I loved how you actually could get what you needed from your garden and not have to run to the store!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Week 1
    PW 164.9
    CW 166.4

    Back to my starting weight, don't know why. But I did make a pie this week.
    steps for the week - 40467 for 13 miles
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    amsandos wrote: »
    I had quite a good day yesterday I was ready to go to the gym. then I got snarled up in the most hideous traffic jam. As I was sitting there getting annoyed i was thinking to myself. I am running out of time. I won't be able to go to the gym and spend time with my daughter. When the traffic came to a standstill I put on a pnp podcast and it was really timely. It talked about owning your descisions instead of saying I don't have time say I choose to prioritise. So I choose to prioritise my daughter and do a home work out instead.

    What a way to turn things around! I think it's important we realize that a lot of things are out of our control - yes bad traffic is SO annoying but what can we do? I love the idea of just listening to a podcast and learning something as you sit and wait. Great job!!!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    yay! I got my new fitbit bands in the mail! I got 10 of them, all different colors. when I first bought my fitbit, I bought a large. and the large had become WAY to big. so I ordered smalls. yesssss.....

    @sleepymom5 that is just a baby gain. don't be bummed. use it as a learning tool. every time you feel bummed turn your thoughts around to something positive instead. like the scale measures more than fat, the scale can be a fickle b****, I am doing what it takes to lose weight. and so on and so forth. you get my drift!! ohhh and let me tell you, after having a 3 day and counting flair in my pain level, I am now exhausted. so I feel ya sister. oh yea, and finish strong!! this is our year!

    @pacsnc6 sometimes the scale just isn't nice. but you say you made a pie, did you eat a pie? have you been making a food plan and drinking your water? I wouldn't let it bum you out. just use it as a tool that it is and figure out what you can or can't do and move on. this is not easy. but it will be worth it.

    @carlsoda wooooo whooooo happy dancing all around my office. this is very nice. good job on that loss. good job on managing your mind too. you have made some great changes in your life. yes! and it helps that I think I look amazing in my jeans!! and yuck on the 13 inches of that snow. I am thinking spring even if it don't look it out my window!!

  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Holding on by my fingernails. I had a great morning got up and went for a swim. Then when I was droping LO off at school one of the other parents drove on the pavement (sidewalk) in front of the school narrowly missing my daughter. This happened in the an exclusion area in front of school where cars aren't even supposed to park. They could have killed her, I was absolutely livid. I called the school to report it as it is a near miss. They pretty much shrugged and said if you are bothered call the police. the police probably won't do anything because no-one was hurt, plus stirring up trouble doesn't always go well. I was shocked by the liazzez faire attitude, so I callled back and said I would like the contact details for the board of governors. After that, the head (principle) then said OK I will have a word with the parent. I am fuming. I really want to sit down and nail a box of chocolate biscuits. I feel a bit like I have no way of managing my emotions without food. I am still feeling upset about it and it was like 5 hours ago. I am telling myself I won't feel better about it until I have had some biscuits. I am not having biscuits just toughing it out. Really could use some coping strategies. What do thin people do when dealing with other people's dickitude?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @amsandos well first I would agree, quite a dick head move. everyone is soooo self centered these days. but what thin people do, I am learning (LOL), is just experience the feeling. It's not going to kill you and your not going to get pregnant so just sit with it, feel it, and then move on. I know it is not what we are use to but what we are used to does not work for us any more. feeling the emotion instead of eating the feeling is hard but we will learn that as we sit with it we learn to self sooth with positive self talk. imagine a 3 year old having a temper tantrum, would you give that three year old biscuits to calm them down? if you did, that 3 year old would be more likely to have a temper tantrum again. instead as a responsible parent, we console the child and teach the child how to control their feelings. now I am not calling you a 3 year old, I am saying that some of our behavior is very primitive. easy to say but harder to put in practice. but with practice we can relearn how to respond in a more productive way.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Weekend plan

    tuna and veggies on tortilla
    grilled chicken, rice, roasted brussel sprouts, broccoli, and mushrooms
    outshine popcicle

    out to eat breakfast
    veggies and cheese tortilla
    dinner to be determined when I make the meal plan for the week
    3 girl scout cookies
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    of course I ate some pie - less than half a pie in five days and stayed under calorie goal every day. It was my treat for the day instead of kisses or nuts. And yes it was Mm mm good! It's gone now but I don't think it was the cause of my gain truly. Maybe too much salt this week.

    I had a better week this week than last week.
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