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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited March 2019
    Check in for Monday
    Food logged & on target
    Water 1 l
    Exercise 6813 steps & physio

    I worked on a stressful case yesterday & had a potato chip lapse. I stayed within calories but that was stress eating which I have not done in months. Potato chips are definitely my stress drug of choice! Well, it is good to recognize it for what it was and move in. Today was much better.

    Am very inspired by all of the before and after photos! Amazing!!!
  • hkfleming
    hkfleming Posts: 146 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Thanks! I sleep like a log, average 8 hours and 24 minutes each night per my fitbit and drink tons of water. I'm feeling good!

    @kirsten11872 Thanks! I'm glad to be here!

    I did not make it to the new gym today. It was bitterly cold and I just could not face the walk there and back at that temp. It's ok though, the rec center I have been going to still has cardio equipment and dumbbells available, so I did my Strong lifts workout with dumbbells instead. It was a fine workout, kind of nice to change it up for a day. On Thursday, I'll be able to drive to the new gym, so I'll get back on the barbell track then.

    I was under my calorie goals today, but hit my protein, so that's fine. I haven't hit my 10,000 steps yet, but I definitely will before bedtime, only 450 left to go.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I love your pics @lenka1 and @cyndiesstuff. I miss posting but need to put it off till I have a bit more time. Got my run in today and yoga. Slept almost 9 hours last night. Work is very bz w all the training. Hopefully can post more soon.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @cyndiesstuff and @lenka1 your pictures are so inspiring! Keep up the great work!

    Today was a bit of a struggle. I am feeling tired and grades are due this week. Still ate mostly healthy today, but TOM is about 4 days away and this is the time when I crave salty snacks. Had a few chips here and there in the day, but I didn't go over.

    Still rocking on the 100 ab challenge. Today is sit up day and I'm dying but I'll get through it. Just paused halfway through to post this.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday March 5
    Logged: tracked during the day, but didn’t track dinner - pretty sure i’m still under though!
    Water: 6 and a bit
    Exercise: did a ‘cardio for small apartments’ video
    Steps: 13,208

    all of your transformation pictures are so inspiring! all i can say is wow!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Tuesday check in
    food on target.
    water on target
    exercise 40 min run weight 15395 steps

    Yesterday was pancake day in the UK. We had pancakes for dessert it is always a bit of a lottery as to how they turn out but they were good but enormous and thick. My daughter didn't eat all of her pancake and there was one left over. Rather than eat them I put them in a tube and had them for breakfast. This small action siginfies important progress for me as in the past I would have just eaten them. I have done this a couple of times and it is a revalation and I have learnt something useful. In the past I would have eaten up all the delicious food in one go loved it then afterwards felt fat bloated and disgusted and shameful. Eating a bit and stopping when I ahve had enough I get to really enjoy my food and then really enjoy the left overs the next day. This is going to sound stupid but I didn't know it was possible.

    Today I am feeling really tired I know I tend to eat when I am tired. I have swim training tonight so I know that I am at least 24 hours away from my next early night. I will make sure I drink lots and stick to my food plan. I have already had my mid morning snack and it is just 10am.

    @cyndiesstuff your transformation pictures are amazing. Well done what an inspiration. I used to work in Poland and the boss brough in donuts for Tlusty Czwartek which is the Thrusday before lent start. I love Polish donuts. I think I like them better than Krispy Kreme's shh don't tell anyone.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Total pounds loss 49 :)
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Tuesday
    Ate to satisfied: Yes! success
    Water: 68 oz
    Steps: 16505 steps

    Credit worth acts!!! ate when hungry, stopped when satisfied, sat thru evening food urges and did not act, created my 24 hour plan, filled my water bottles and drank my water, made my breakfast and lunch for work, did 30 minutes of exercise and got lots of steps in, listened to podcasts for support, made an AMAZING garlic ginger chicken stirfry for dinner. wow! nice! my pain is really high today. but i have learned other coping skills instead of eating. i really wish i could just crawl back in bed tho. oh well, this is just what i do. it is a wonderful transformation in progress.

    @Cafelelia ohhh no. did you fall face first into a bag of potato chip? Try rewording the statement. When we tell our brains that stress caused me to eat chips and we say it out loud. our brain believes it. so next time your stressed your brain will say, time for chips. you have unintentionally taught it what to do. instead, take ownership. i overate chips because of a habit that i am changing. next time i will...... and then fill in the blank. say that outloud and write it down. rewire you brain to put yourself back in control, not your stress. there will always be stress. we need to be really careful about what we tell ourselves.

    @hkfleming good job at getting your workout in anyway. in spite of your situation. you didn't use its to cold to not work out. you adjusted your plan to make it work anyway. sounds like you are doing well. keep it up.

    @Mrsbell8well you have to do what you have to do. remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life. make it the best one ever and we will chat and catch up soon. omgosh!!! woooo whooo. dancing all around the office in my pj's!! two pounds. and a total of almost 50!! yay you. i am so happy for you. now get to work girl. you got stuff to do.

    @GingerPwr note what i said above. you will have those cravings again, work on what you will say to yourself instead of i can have chips because it is TOM. and if you want those chips, thats fine. just say i want a few chips. cravings and TOM didn't make you do it, lol, putting your had in the bag and then putting deciding to put them in your mouth did it! good job at sticking with the ab challenge. you are gonna have a gut made out of steel and then there will be no room for chips!

    @twyla77 lol what is cardio for small apartments? thanks for checking in!!!

    @amsandos and you don't sound stupid. i agree. i would eat the whole pizza like i would never have pizza again. i say outloud when i am satisfied with my food, i am satisfied as i push my plate away. and then i say, that was delicious, we need to have that again. just the act of telling my brain, i can have it again makes it easier. it was the same with the girl scout cookies. i had three. i am fine. i can have them again. and i am the same when it comes to being tired. look out. i know this tho so i will write it down, i am just tired. i am not hungry. it will pass. it is just a bad habit. when you are tired your body looks for food, this is it's instinct. tell yourself that you got this. you know your tired. and rest is coming. ohhhh and i love those donuts. but i don't have them any more. they really do hurt my tummy. good thing. wish pizza hurt my tummy! lol

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Oh yea, and @hope002 you have been added back to the spreadsheet.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Team Weight No More's 7 Days of Positive Self Talk

    Self Improvement Activity
    Control Your Thinking

    Have you ever noticed that your mind has a mind of its own? You and I were created this way on purpose. Our minds take the path of least resistance. So if we have thought it before, it will be the go to thought in the future. The way we change this automatic thinking is to first be very mindful of our thoughts as they are happening. Once we start doing this, we will notice how many negative thoughts we get daily. Write them down to help really become aware of how you are talking to yourself and
    then write a replacement in the form of a positive thought. Next, as you observe your negative self talk happening inside your head, replace it with the positive statement. It takes some time to unlearn those old bad habits but it is so worth the work. It will be some of the most rewarding work you have ever done.

    Now go to your team thread and let them know your positive self talk. The more you say it the more you will believe

    I am worth all the work I am putting into this over eating habit.
    I am proud of the small daily activities I do to further me to my goal.
    I am ending over eating for the last time.

    What is your positive self talk?
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    Total pounds loss 49 :)

    Almost there....one...more...pound :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    Tuesday Check In

    Food - great!!
    Water - great!!
    Steps - 12,000+ got extra steps walking & cuddling 2 month old grandbaby. He even feel asleep in my arms which is a feat!

    Today is Day 6 of Whole30 - I was hungry this morning and it felt great to have breakfast - 2 eggs, some complaint sausage, zucchini, mushrooms and sweet potato. So yummy! Pretty soon I should switch over from being constantly hungry to a more normal hungriness for me. If I'm starving I just grab a small handful of almonds and it helps!

    @sleepymom5 - your poor daughter. My daughter deals with the same thing and sometimes she says she can't feel her body. The mind is an amazing but strange thing. She's in counselling and it's been helping but things just keep happening to her. We're trying to get her to simplify her life and just learn to relax more and not be so frantic. She trying to run away from her feelings instead of accepting them and letting them pass. So...just so you know...your not alone. I completely understand the worry and stress you are going through.

    I have loved looking at the before and after pics! I never took any - not a me thing to do. I was thinking of taking one when I started Whole30, but I haven't got around to it yet. Maybe this weekend?
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone! I am so happy, I am keeping up with everyone's posts. I am really trying to check in every day!

    Yesterday was another successful day! I am feeling so good! The scale is moving in the right direction! :smiley: I have planned for another successful day. I prepped all my food last night. I will get my workout in when I get home. IF has been going well, really sticking to 16:8, the last hour or so before I can eat is the hardest, but I am sticking to it. Today is day 4 of my streak!

    3/5 Steps: 20,724

    @Mrsbell8well great job, nice loss! The pounds are dropping off quickly! Good for you! :smile:

    @sleepymom5 I am so sorry about your daughter! I suffer from anxiety and have had 2 panic attacked in my life, it is so scary! It is so hard to explain how this mental thing affects us physically. I hope she feels better! xo

    @cyndiesstuff feel better! Sounds like you are sticking to your plan despite the horrible pain!

    Have a great day! Happy Ash Wednesday! :smiley:
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    I thought I did my weigh-in this morning but it doesn't look like it went through.

    Username: GingerPwr
    PW 154
    CW 153

    So this weekend I prepped for today and Friday (Lent has begun, so no meat those two days). Set up some garlic shrimp and Mediterranean quinoa. It was good and I made sure to think about @cyndiesstuff and to eat slowly. I didn't eat all of it, and felt very satisfied anyway. Tonight is a meatless Santa Fe salad with black beans, roasted corn, avocadoes, and seasoned ranch dressing. Can't wait.
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 125 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, my weekend was the same as usual. I did not plan my meals like I planned I met a friend for lunch on Friday I didn't eat horrible but I believe my water intake was my downfall. I am going to keep trying as long as I don't give up I will be fine :) . Does anyone else have beachbodyondemand?
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Oh yea, and @hope002 you have been added back to the spreadsheet.

    I will post my Thursday weight, as we are going skiing tomorrow and will not be back until Monday

    @kirsten11872 that's a lot of steps :)

    @Mrsbell8well hard work pays off

    @sleepymom5 sorry about your daughter! I hope she gets well

    @GingerPwr nice loss

    @carlsoda breakfast sounds delicious

    @cyndiesstuff I admire your commitment

    @amsandos I should do the same with leftover pancakes, normally I just eat them :neutral:
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Come on Team! No one wants to do positive self talk? Who do you want to be when this is all done? what does she look like? lets start building her in our heads. Come on.....

This discussion has been closed.