TEAM: The Slimsons (May)



  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    aadubb wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    aadubb wrote: »
    🗣Comments/ goals:
    Weight loss is slowing....
    I assume, though, that whatever I lose now is fat as opposed to water weight so that's encouraging. I'm also exercising more than I probably should for a low carb plan so if the weight loss continues to stall I will dial it back. Will reassess in 2 weeks. On a side note, when you see me do extra workouts (more than one), it's because I'm a workout buddy to more than one person and I'm trying to be helpful and accommodating! Hopefully being helpful doesn't have an effect on my own goals.
    I went for my first run for the season, yesterday. It was a beautiful day!

    @aadubb I eat low carb (less than 20g a day) and I lift weights an hour 5 days a week and walk for at least 6 days a week for an hour, low carb won't hinder exercise, maybe in the beginning, you'll feel sluggish until your body gets used to low carbs, but your body will adapt...believe me.

    In my low carb plan I'm SUPPOSED to lose 4 to 5lbs per week and the workouts might hinder that. So my attempt to reduce my workouts is mainly to keep that 4 to 5lb loss consistent.

    Good to know that the sluggishness I feel from my workouts MAY improve. I have energy issues anyway so I wouldn't hold my breath until those issues improve anyway.

    4 to 5 lbs a week is a LOT of weight to lose in one week. I hope you are working with a licensed medical professional. You aren't supposed to lose more than 1% of your total body weight per week. For someone under 200 lbs that is less than 2 lbs per week. Also, as we all learn the hard way, weight loss isn't linear. You might lose 6 lbs one week and not lose a pound for the next three weeks. That recently happened to me. I'm not really trying to be critical, but I don't want you to set yourself up for failure either.

    Thanks:) I'm always happy with any loss so there is no failure even if it is only 1lb. But trying to see if I'm able to do what they say is possible on the plan I'm doing (Dr
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone. Sorry I was MIA all weekend. My son made his confirmation this past weekend and I had family in from out of town. They’ve all gone home now 😒. It was a great weekend. Lots of fun. Lots of food and lots of drinks. Back to reality today. Been pretty good so far.

    I did go through all the posts. Lots of fantastic losses- Keep up the good work.
    Some struggles- hang in there.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    ⭐️Daily Post: Tuesday 7 May

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    👎🏻Exercise: None today
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    digger61 wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    aadubb wrote: »
    @aadubb I eat low carb (less than 20g a day) and I lift weights an hour 5 days a week and walk for at least 6 days a week for an hour, low carb won't hinder exercise, maybe in the beginning, you'll feel sluggish until your body gets used to low carbs, but your body will adapt...believe me.

    In my low carb plan I'm SUPPOSED to lose 4 to 5lbs per week and the workouts might hinder that. So my attempt to reduce my workouts is mainly to keep that 4 to 5lb loss consistent.

    Good to know that the sluggishness I feel from my workouts MAY improve. I have energy issues anyway so I wouldn't hold my breath until those issues improve anyway.

    @aadubb If I may, are you following the instructions of a professional? And what type of low carb diet are you doing? (The reason I ask is if you're working with a professional, it's probably best to follow their advice, but I can speak from experience, low carb is hard at first but gets better in the energy department)
    Most low carb diets aim at getting you to burn fat for fuel instead of carbs, and that process can take a few weeks to ramp up, but and it's worth it, it's solved all my energy issues to date, I used to suffer from low energy and I don't any longer. When I went low carb, I was a bit sluggish for about 6 weeks and now I workout fasted with no issues.

    I like the low carb lifestyle Do you count carbs from veggies? [/quote]

    Yes I count the carbs of EVERYTHING including veggies☺ and I've always worked out fasted even before low carb. My workouts haven't changed since starting, if anything I workout more. This is week 4 and really don't expect my energy to improve and I'd be surprised if it did since that is an on going issue I've been working on since September with a naturopath.

    It is the beginning of week 4 and I've lost 17.8lbs to date. I lost 9.5 week 1, 4.9lbs week 2, and 3.4 week 3. I assume very little this week because of my period this week but next week will see how it goes. So I don't think it will ramp up.

    Im following Dr. Bernstein's plan.
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    aadubb wrote: »
    Username: @aadubb
    Week: May Week 2
    SW= 172.6
    PW =168.8

    Daily Post
    ⚡Track: Yes (EVERYTHING)
    ⚡Calories: over - I allow myself to go over since I exercise and my calories are already low.
    ⚡ Exercise:
    -20 min of upper body (weights) before work
    -30 min of cardio during lunch with a coworker
    -30 body weight /dumbbell resistance and cardio activites after work with a friend
    ⚡Water: approx 84oz

    🗣Comments/ goals:
    Weight loss is slowing....
    I assume, though, that whatever I lose now is fat as opposed to water weight so that's encouraging. I'm also exercising more than I probably should for a low carb plan so if the weight loss continues to stall I will dial it back. Will reassess in 2 weeks. On a side note, when you see me do extra workouts (more than one), it's because I'm a workout buddy to more than one person and I'm trying to be helpful and accommodating! Hopefully being helpful doesn't have an effect on my own goals.
    I went for my first run for the season, yesterday. It was a beautiful day!

    Awesome keep it up and being a buddy hold you accountable as well so it works both way.

    You're right! I like that if I don't workout in the morning (which is rare) that someone is asking me to workout.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday Team!

    Let's take it one day at a time, if Monday wasn't your day, make Tuesday your day! And also if Monday WAS your day, rinse and repeat, make Tuesday your day too!!

    Let's be AWESOME!!


    Love this post--- this was my week so far-- Monday was supposed to be a fasting day--and I ate under but above fasted calories AND ate it in chocolate (per my usual problem🤦🏻‍♀️).... so today I tweaked my diet in order to stay under--- and tomorrow💪🏻 rinse and repeat😆🤞🏻😬
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    Good evening Slimsons 🤗

    I was just looking through some photos of myself from just before I changed my eating habits and it got me thinking 💡

    💬How many of you have taken “before” photos?

    💬When you reach your goal weight, do you plan on posting your before/after pics in the Success Stories thread to inspire others? Maybe even your social media page if you have one? Or will you just keep them to yourself?

    ⭐️For me, I did take some “before” pics and have been taking progress photos. I like to look through these photos now and again to motivate myself and remind myself why I started, and how far I have came. Also, when I look in the mirror, I can’t really see that I’ve lost just over 27lbs but from the “before” pics, I can definitely see a difference.

    I’ve always loved reading through the Success Stories and I do love seeing before/after pics. I always notice how much happier everyone looks in their “after” pics too, and that makes me happy 😊 I think I probably will share my story and photos on the Success Stories thread when I reach my goal weight.

    How about you?

    I wish I had documented my journey from the beginning with photos!😖😫 It's my biggest mistake--- I was so in avoidance of having my pict taken back then. The success pages are extremely motivating to me--- and so I did post my success story when I had hit my first goal at around 80 lbs lost and made a lot of MFP friends who have asked for support or advice---it's such a great community here-- I owe my life change to MFP---I tried to lose weight for years, up and down and it didn't stick until I joined the community forum here in 2015---and now for the most part I have kept the grunt of 80lbs off me---though I would like to get that 10lbs+ back off!!!🤪
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily post for Tuesday

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes, under
    Exercise: stairs at work and 250 squats
    Water: 155 oz and counting

    Bought a peach iced tea drink mix that is zero calories. I use a lot less then they say to use, but I like it! Gives me some variety from just plain water. Haha
    Still keeping it low cal, since tomorrow I am going out to a Mexican place for dinner!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    What day, week, time frame has been the toughest for you?

    What are you currently struggling with?

    My toughest so far was day 2. By far. I wanted to give up right away. Buy now I have so many people cheering me on I feel like I can do this.

    Currently struggling with how unfair it takes so long to lose weight. Whyyyyy isn't it easy

    I am struggling with holidays/celebrations and weekends🤪🤦🏻‍♀️ It is really a mind game to lose weight--- it's a numbers game and a mind game--- and to win for yourself, you need to find the right numbers (food calories/macros/exercise)and the right mind set to overcome your own inner voice that hinders your progress--- we all have that voice that says"I'll never get there"--- YOU WILL though.... once you start to see progress, it becomes addictive. BUT that being said ---once you hit goal or near goal it can become frustrating to plateau or not see further progress and I have hit those feelings of wanting to give up MANY times---or thinking Iwill never get there (most recently). That's when I focus on what I have accomplished--NSVs-- and think how better off my body/health is NOW than if I was back at the 'drawing board".

    Keep going Cyndee!! You will see the changes!🙌💫
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday, May 7th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    ✅ Track: Yes
    ✅ Calories: Yes, under/
    ✅ Exercise: Yes, 60 min. Strength training, Elliptical HIIT, & a couple of walks today
    ✅ Water: 200 oz. +
    ✅ Steps: 19,011

    🗣Comments/Goals: Feeling super wiped out this week and it’s only Tuesday😫😣... I had to take a nap when got home tonight, short one since my son's track meet was cancelled. On the flip side--- NSV!! I was able to do all of the CXworks exercises without mods for my back this week!! My core seems to be getting much stronger which has been a BIG goal for me due to my previous back/leg injuries. 😀😊

    Sending out positive vibes for Wednesday!!!💫🎶 Keep up the great work my friends---so proud of you!!!👏👏👏😅❤️
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »

    💬How many of you have taken “before” photos?

    💬When you reach your goal weight, do you plan on posting your before/after pics in the Success Stories thread to inspire others? Maybe even your social media page if you have one? Or will you just keep them to yourself?

    @o0kody0o I take pictures periodically, and when I do, I also post them in the thread, just did that, back in march I think...but I'll repost... I'm down 90 lbs to date, and working on getting the last little bit off, not really sure how much that is, but I'm determined to finish it now.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    4 to 5 lbs a week is a LOT of weight to lose in one week. I hope you are working with a licensed medical professional. You aren't supposed to lose more than 1% of your total body weight per week. For someone under 200 lbs that is less than 2 lbs per week. Also, as we all learn the hard way, weight loss isn't linear. You might lose 6 lbs one week and not lose a pound for the next three weeks. That recently happened to me. I'm not really trying to be critical, but I don't want you to set yourself up for failure either.

    I do also hope that is with a licensed medical professional, but 1% on average is just that, an average and is deemed safe as it is pretty much safe for everyone, but in some cases, it's completely safe for someone to lose more than that per week, and over time, the average will likely come out to about 1% a week.
    It's also normal for people to lose more than 2 lbs a week at the beginning of their weight loss journey...
    I also am not trying to be critical, there are risks included with extreme weight loss for a prolonged period of time, and that's just something to be mindful of.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @303lissy Great day!! Way to sneak some exercise in during lunch!!

    @CourtneyLomonaco Great days, you're doing great!!

    @melodyis4reals I've had MFP premium before, and there's really only a couple of features that I felt like really made it worth it, I don't have it now, the ability to set your macros by grams and not % and the ability to turn off exercise calories if you have like a fitbit connected, those features really made it worth it for me, for a while, I don't track with MFP at the moment, so that doesn't matter to me right now, so currently I don't have it.

    @vicky2767 Congrats on your son's confirmation, now that family's gone and things are slowing down, you can get back into your normal routine :smile: You got this.

    @CindyJNC1963 Omg, you have no idea just how bad my yard looks, like so bad, I had pretty much given up on it, all of these houses have these perfect green yards, deep green and mine, is mostly weeds that I cut like they're grass, but I've started killing the weeds and planting grass seed and it's starting to get here's to hoping that I can do this...

    @tinak33 great day staying under and finding options to make it work!

    @SLIMn2016 hang in there, you got this! I have been pretty wiped out myself, trying to get past the tiredness, but I am super tired!
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    4 to 5 lbs a week is a LOT of weight to lose in one week. I hope you are working with a licensed medical professional. You aren't supposed to lose more than 1% of your total body weight per week. For someone under 200 lbs that is less than 2 lbs per week. Also, as we all learn the hard way, weight loss isn't linear. You might lose 6 lbs one week and not lose a pound for the next three weeks. That recently happened to me. I'm not really trying to be critical, but I don't want you to set yourself up for failure either.

    I do also hope that is with a licensed medical professional, but 1% on average is just that, an average and is deemed safe as it is pretty much safe for everyone, but in some cases, it's completely safe for someone to lose more than that per week, and over time, the average will likely come out to about 1% a week.
    It's also normal for people to lose more than 2 lbs a week at the beginning of their weight loss journey...
    I also am not trying to be critical, there are risks included with extreme weight loss for a prolonged period of time, and that's just something to be mindful of.

    You are correct. I should have said "on average". You are also right about it being easier in the beginning. I was just a bit concerned about a goal that high.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post: May 7th

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 14,650 steps

    I was able to walk 11K steps at work today and then did another mile on the treadmill when I got home.
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    @Bm00re2u Great job getting back into your normal routine!! and on a side note--when do you move into your new house? Or did you already?

    The house was available May 1st, but we move on the 18th after the kids get out of school. Can't wait! 😁
  • cydneebauman
    cydneebauman Posts: 122 Member
    Tracked yes
    Calories 50 over
    Exercise nope

    Today sucked. I felt like crap all day. Saw my doctor and she said im drinking too much water for my body and going into Hyponatremia(low blood sodium) she only wants me to drink at most 70oz a day. She's running more tests to see the reason this is happening.

    And I thought water was good for me? 😩😩😩
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: No

    Had a crazy hectic day. Ready for hump day!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Tracked yes
    Calories 50 over
    Exercise nope

    Today sucked. I felt like crap all day. Saw my doctor and she said im drinking too much water for my body and going into Hyponatremia(low blood sodium) she only wants me to drink at most 70oz a day. She's running more tests to see the reason this is happening.

    And I thought water was good for me? 😩😩😩

    @cydneebauman It is good for you. Sodium is also necessary, there's probably a reason you're having these issues and barring a medical condition underlying, it's possible you may just need to increase your sodium intake. I had to. I don't consume carbs which help you retain water and also sodium so in my case it's as simple as increasing my intake. And I can tell when I haven't had enough, I feel like crap.
  • cydneebauman
    cydneebauman Posts: 122 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Tracked yes
    Calories 50 over
    Exercise nope

    Today sucked. I felt like crap all day. Saw my doctor and she said im drinking too much water for my body and going into Hyponatremia(low blood sodium) she only wants me to drink at most 70oz a day. She's running more tests to see the reason this is happening.

    And I thought water was good for me? 😩😩😩

    @cydneebauman It is good for you. Sodium is also necessary, there's probably a reason you're having these issues and barring a medical condition underlying, it's possible you may just need to increase your sodium intake. I had to. I don't consume carbs which help you retain water and also sodium so in my case it's as simple as increasing my intake. And I can tell when I haven't had enough, I feel like crap.

    My sodium intake is over mfp daily recommendation everyday. So we shall see what they find.
This discussion has been closed.