TEAM: The Slimsons (May)



  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    jmitts2 wrote: »

    Back to working out. It feels good. I stared at a bag of chips in the pantry last night for longer than I would like to admit at 930pm last night. I held out and went to bed without them. No snack food regrets for me on Wednesday!

    I had to laugh at the bolded. I've done this many times! Great job on holding out!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @DeshotelK Awesome job!! Great job making eating out fit in to your day!!

    @jmitts2 Awesome day, great job staying under, and great job not eating the chips, lol.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    ⭐️Daily Post: Wednesday 8 May

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    ⬛️Exercise: Nothing much today apart from some walking

    Walking is good exersize
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    jmitts2 wrote: »
    Daily post for Wednesday

    Track - Yes
    Calories - Under
    Exercise - 30 mins eliptical

    Back to working out. It feels good. I stared at a bag of chips in the pantry last night for longer than I would like to admit at 930pm last night. I held out and went to bed without them. No snack food regrets for me on Wednesday!

    Great workout and will power
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Daily post for Wednesday

    Track: yes
    Calories: no, over
    Exercise: stairs at work plus 200 squats
    Water: about 135 oz

    I went out for Mexican last night (date night) and I didn't do too bad.....and I had a cookie after, and was still ok for calories. Although this is just a guess as I have no idea how many calories were in a cookie.... But I was good. I was comfortable, I ate enough, I didn't over do it....
    And then I ate a second cookie. That was my mistake. Then I was uncomfortably full! And it put me over in calories.... Not by much. Roughly 130 calories, I think. I threw in 100 calories quick add for anything that I underestimated....
    But yeah. So I am kicking myself for that cookie. I was taking it home, too. So it's not like I could have just waited and eaten it today instead! Stupid....

    Oh well. At least it was delicious!

    Great workout I would not feel to guilty over a extra cookie
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday, May 8
    Tracked: No
    Calories: Honestly, no idea.
    Exercise: Yes, cleaning.

    Another long day. I think once school is over, I will be able to make some changes. Right now I get up at 6:30am to start getting people up and take my oldest to school. I don't have to be at work until 9a. So, if I continue getting up at the normal time, I can do my walks in the morning, come home, shower, and then head out.

    I agree with @o0kody0o and @AB0215. Right now I should probably focus on my food. Then once school is out, add the walking/exercise component. @CindyJNC1963, I appreciate the encouragement.

    Prior, I did intermittent fasting. I have been trying this time as well, but am finding it super hard. Almost like I am famished all the time. I know it's all in my head, but for some reason this go around, I can't find that groove. Perhaps I should go back to eating 3 meals a day, just less calories each meal. I really liked IF, but if it's not working, I don't want to keep torturing myself.

    Anywho, have a wonderful day people. Sorry my posts are a day behind, lol. I am just so worn out when I get home. May you accomplish all your goals today my friends!

    You have a great day too. Nice to walk in the morning I find that it clears my head. About IF I find that if I do not have something sweet after supper like suger free jello and whipping cream I get realy hunger before my frist meal at noon
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 60 mins weight training--Snatches, Cleans/Front Squats/Jerks, and OH press on today's workout menu, and 60 mins walking, 30 mins elliptical

    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 60 mins weight training--Power Clean, muscle snatches, single bent over rows with dumbbells, and straight leg toe reaches for today's workout, 60 mins walking, 30 mins elliptical

    Comments: I've been working on increasing my height on box jumps and today I hit 30 inches, and that sort of shocks me considering I'm 58 inches tall....that's more than half my height...
    Keep pushing, you WILL hit your goals!!

    Wow great workouts. That is great height on the box jumps. I hope to get my doctors permission to go back to weight training in June but until then i have to do more walking
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Steps 12160
    Water 120 oz
    Calories under
    track yes
    Goals today: more walking Clean garage and get trailer ready for camping
    Weather has turned nice so I can get out and walk more
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    Week #2 Weigh In
    Date: Wednesday May 8, 2019
    Username: genajonas
    PW: 208
    CW: 204.8

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    @AB0215 I'm still at 5 days a week but my energy level is horrible. Had some blood work done to make sure all is well. Hopefully this will pass and I can get back on track and feel good again. I walk to and from the gym (5 miles) to get some of my cardio in. I hate the treadmill!!! It makes me feel like a zoo exhibit, for some reason they always put them in the front window of the gym. I know it will get better so I am going to keep pushing. This will be well worth all of the sacrifice and hard work we are putting in. I am looking forward to the new, improved, healthy, future me. Let me know how your workouts are going. What body parts do you least like to train? For me it is shoulders. I hate hate hate shoulders. And whomever invented burpees is a complete idiot!!!!! 😤

    The hard work shows in your loss this week
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Weekly Weigh In
    Username: tinak33
    May Week 2
    Previous Weight: 153.2
    Current Weight: 151.3

    Ok, so I know I have a loss from last week... but its funny because yesterday morning I was 150.1. And then Mexican food plus cookies happened. :D:D

    I love that it's a loss, but still I was SOOOO CLOSE to the 140s!!!
    I really should just stop having a date night on Wednesdays.... lol
  • jmitts2
    jmitts2 Posts: 29 Member
    @DeshotelK - haha Thank you, I lose that battle often. I say to myself I am still under my calories with it or some other excuse. I am trying to eliminate excuses and continue my downward trend.

    @AB0215 @digger61 - Thank you!
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    Daily Post: For Wednesday May 8

    ⚡Track: Yes ( including the piece of baskin robbins ice cream cake for my husbands birthday. I ate 49 grams
    ⚡Calories: Over
    ⚡Exercise: ( I practiced my Turbo kick routine in the morning, did 22 min of cardio at lunch and then did my 60 min fitness class in the evening. So I don't feel bad about the extra carbs I did have)
    Haven't lost much this week so far. But happy to maintain despite my period slowing things down. Hopefully I've lost since inches despite the scale. The pants Im trying to fit into have moved up my thighs and may soon slip over my hips :)
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Tracked yes
    Calories 50 over
    Exercise nope

    Today sucked. I felt like crap all day. Saw my doctor and she said im drinking too much water for my body and going into Hyponatremia(low blood sodium) she only wants me to drink at most 70oz a day. She's running more tests to see the reason this is happening.

    And I thought water was good for me? 😩😩😩

    @cydneebauman It is good for you. Sodium is also necessary, there's probably a reason you're having these issues and barring a medical condition underlying, it's possible you may just need to increase your sodium intake. I had to. I don't consume carbs which help you retain water and also sodium so in my case it's as simple as increasing my intake. And I can tell when I haven't had enough, I feel like crap.

    What are some of the things you feel when you don't have enough sodium??
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    ⭐️Daily Post: Thursday 9 May

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Walked around 1 mile and done a total of 30 mins on exercise bike (10 mins this afternoon then 20 mins this evening)
    💬Comments: Last week I set myself a mini goal of reaching 154lbs by my birthday on the 18th. I think I might hit that goal much sooner though! Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings 🤞🏻
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    I've been working on increasing my height on box jumps and today I hit 30 inches, and that sort of shocks me considering I'm 58 inches tall....that's more than half my height...
    Keep pushing, you WILL hit your goals!!

    Holy crap Ash!!😳✨🙌😝💥 that's awesome--- I watch people doing box jumping at my gym and I am in awe of their ability--it defies gravity---I could never do that without it becoming one of those "GYM FAIL" videos😂😂🤣 Not a good move for me😆🤣
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member

    .....Prior, I did intermittent fasting. I have been trying this time as well, but am finding it super hard. Almost like I am famished all the time. I know it's all in my head, but for some reason this go around, I can't find that groove. Perhaps I should go back to eating 3 meals a day, just less calories each meal. I really liked IF, but if it's not working, I don't want to keep torturing myself.

    Jason--- it took me soooo long to get into IF again after stopping, especially 5:2 (which I am now struggling with again)... I think when stressed, like you are with your super busy schedule's so hard to get control bc your schedule probably feels so out of control as you are so very busy with your jobs and your family. Have to give you major credit for maintaining where you are now during all of that---- it's very hard to juggle it all (I can imagine).

    You make me think of my son's friend---he is the oldest of 10 kids... when I first met his Mom, I said "WOW, I don't know how you do it with 10 kids, I am feeling outnumbered by my 2".... and she snapped at me "10 is no different than 2!!" 😳😳😳UMMMM--- WHAT?? I was like, lady--- you drive a bus full of children--- don't tell me that isn't harder than 2!!! 🙄😏

    Having a large family is such a major blessing❤️--- and it is the hardest job in the world as well...

    Keep going Jason--- the summer is coming and hopefully some of those kid extra circulars will slow down a bit. Hang in there my friend--- you are a spectacular parent!!🙌💫🤗
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    jmitts2 wrote: »
    I stared at a bag of chips in the pantry last night for longer than I would like to admit at 930pm last night. I held out and went to bed without them. No snack food regrets for me on Wednesday!

    😂🤣 this made me laugh--- how many times I have done the pantry stare down with foods I long for!!!😣🤦🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️😂
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member

    Daily Post: Thursday, May 9th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    ✅ Track: Yes
    ✅ Calories: Yes, under
    ✅ Exercise: Yes, 65 min. arc training HIIT, 60 min. strength training class & walking
    ✅ Water: 247.6 oz.

    🗣Comments/Goals: Weigh in tomorrow— hoping I at least maintained, as I did not fast this week on my 5:2 plan.🤦🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,973 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    Daily Post: Thursday, May 9th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    ✅ Track: Yes
    ✅ Calories: Yes, under
    ✅ Exercise: Yes, 65 min. arc training HIIT, 60 min. strength training class & walking
    ✅ Water: 247.6 oz.

    🗣Comments/Goals: Weigh in tomorrow— hoping I at least maintained, as I did not fast this week on my 5:2 plan.🤦🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

    great day
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