TEAM: Run Track Minds (May)



  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Back and Biceps and walked the dog for a bit tonight.
    Goal/Day: It was tough getting back in the groove, but I did and survived the 1st day back with 18 first graders :) Went grocery shopping tonight and picked up fresh fruits and veggies.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Monday May 13
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 30 min walk

    This will be a great week! Yay team!
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post - Monday (5/13)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: under; Limit: 1500/Actual: 1290
    Water: 26 cups
    Exercise: Walk home from therapy appointment 26 minutes, little over a mile; short walk with CSS through park and around community room; Zombies, Run! (Electric Dreams - 38 minutes, walked additional to reach 60 minutes; The Object is a Hungry Wolf - 35 minutes, walked additional to reach 60 minutes); Les Mills Pump - Pump Challenge - 25 minutes (5 pounds on squats, 10 pounds on chest and triceps, 5 pounds on butt and back, tripod option for lunges, and 5 pounds for shoulders)
    Day: It has been a productive day. I woke up early enough to eat breakfast at an early hour which allowed me to do the first episode of Zombies, Run by walking through the neighborhood. I walked up to MSU and explored the campus remembering my days of attending there. I had forgotten a lot of the names of the buildings. I walked around to the edge of campus and then back home. I met with my CSS and we talked, then went for a walk. It was nice showing her around where I usually walk. I saw my therapist, and she advised me to each day write down three things I liked about the day and three things I liked about myself. I enjoyed my walk home and relaxed for awhile. I think I did good for adding a touch more exercise to my day, at least for today. I also thought I would share my therapy assignment with all of you.

    My day
    1) I liked showing my CSS my stomping grounds
    2) I was excited to see that the store in the health center had diet cherry Dr. Pepper.
    3) I woke up early enough to really enjoy my breakfast

    1) I like my hair even though it frizzes easily
    2) I like that I am fairly intelligent
    3) I like that I smile at almost everyone I see, because I never know when it was the last time someone smiled at them.
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Ran a mile on the treadmill then lifted upper body. I did my assisted chinups with 80 lbs of assist instead of 90 this morning!
    Day: I didn't have a hard time waking up this morning, and I was able to complete my workout without rushing to get back before it was time to take kids to school. I've kept up my water all day and had a planned sweet treat while I studied tonight. Looking forward to going to bed at a good time tonight so I can wake up with energy again tomorrow.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited May 2019
    Challengers it's #TueSLAY!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Good morning my @RunTrackMinds teammates!! 👋 It’s a great day to have a great day! I noticed that the week I lost the most, I exercised 3x/day; but in short periods 10-20mins due to my knees. So that plus resistance is on the agenda for me this week. Finally! The day starts here with a clear blue sky and some sunshine. 😎 aaaahhhhhh!!! That means I WILL get a 🏃 walk in before work! Yes!! ✅

    Question: What MFP tools (or other apps?) do you utilize besides this thread and the diary? I love the recipes and my meals features of the diary/food app. I try to utilize all that is available: the blog, threads of success stories and found this gem the other day. Give yourself some time to read because once you start, you won't want to stop. This thread is hilarious if you need a break from the routine and a good laugh! Remember it’s just for a laugh, please do not use these memes as affirmations. LOL 😂 You will understand when you read some.

    @jupdyke ~ Great! Glad you accepted the challenge! It’s going to be a great week #4! You have a solid plan. 👊 And look at you coming back from vacation; getting right back into it!! Awesome! So excited for you and our team!
    @skullsandskeletons~ 👏 You got your walk in. All right! That encourages me to get off my rump! ;) YES! It’s going to be a great week!
    @MaelynMayhem~ I look at your 🚰 🥤 intake and think...Wow!! I am shooting for more, as I know it helps fill me up. In the morning I drink coffee but have been filling up a second mug with water to get in water and coffee in the morning. That helps me get in two extra cups, so far. I love all that extra exercise! 💪 Dang!! 💣 You are going to melt off the pounds and inches. 💥 So excited for the next couple monthly pictures!! MSU as in Go, Green! Go, White!? Thank you so so much for sharing the therapy assignment. 🤗 😍 Thank you for sharing your day, too! I might steal a version of that idea for the June mini-challenge! Loved your day and that you smile at everyone!

    I hope you all read @MaelynMayhem’s therapy assignment. It not only will help us get to know her a little more but so also could help each of us focus on the positives on a bad day. We ALL need that!! And the junk food meme… 😂 hahahaha … Reminded me of shopping with mom yesterday. The store had all kinds of pre-packaged sweets in the center aisles of where the meats were located. I could 👃 the sugary sweetness. 😝 And it didn’t smell good. It gave me a headache. Whoa!!

    @klilev~ Awesome #Monslay! You had a great day and it will rub off on the rest of us. Thanks for posting and inspiring.

    💗💖💝 all the enthusiasm ooozing from you!! 💃 Thank you. 👏 RTM enthusiasm + the sun + the spring air= I’m ready for my day!! Have a great one! :D
    Remember we are . . .
    The three elements of what it takes to be successful at weight-loss and keeping it off are:
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under 1375/1390
    Exercise: No
    Water: Getting better after a weekend of just diet soda
    Day: A decent Monday and had a few NSV that I'm pretty proud of! We have a new intern at work, so did an impromptu team welcome lunch. I agreed to go even though I packed and figured I would get a salad and save my packed lunch for the next day. Welp....we let the intern pick the location so we ended up at Five Guys..... :neutral: I panicked a little in line trying to figure out what the heck I was gonna eat. Well it turns out they now do lettuce wraps in place of buns if you ask, so I got a simple cheeseburger with a lettuce wrap and it fit well within my calorie budget for lunch! I then had my yogurt from my packed lunch when we got back to supplement it! Proud that when it was going to be so much easier to just have a giant cheeseburger, I still stuck to my journey and made it work for me! Of course I got the inevitable "are you doing keto?" "are you on a diet?" questions, but oh well, I'm proud I'm taking steps to better my health and life!

    Also had a very light dinner of shrimp and veggies, so had so many extra calories for some snacks while watching The Bachelorette with friends! I only recently started eating shrimp and it is such a low calorie protein! I can't believe I never utilized it before!

    @johicks I also use the recipe tool and read some of the message boards when I need a mental break at work! It's always so encouraging and helpful to read about other people's tools, successes, and struggles! I also found an excel spreadsheet posted in the thread that uses specific calculations to help figure out your TDEE based on data you enter each day! It really helps me to go back and see a visual representation on one page of how many calories a day I average. I also use the Happy Scale app! Since I still have been weighing-in every day it helps me to see the trending weight despite daily fluctuations! (I mentioned awhile ago I was going to cut back on how often I weigh myself, but turns out I've done it consistently for so long that it is now a habit! I weigh myself in the morning without even thinking about it! So I'm going to just go with it for now and reevaluate at a later date)
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    @johicks - I might occasionally read a blog on MFP, but mostly I use outside apps. I use Zombies, Run! I was using and hope to resume using Zombies, Run! C25K, MapMyWalk, and the music app on phone.

    And no MSU (Missouri State University) is more of a Maroon and White. It's emblem is the bear, and it has a large statue of one in front of the student union that no one can figure out in the back if it is the tail or if it is taking a dump on the lawn. LOL
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week:Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 206
    Today's Weight: 206
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday 5/14)
    Track: Yes! All day.
    Calories: Under!
    Exercise: Yes
    8+ water: 16
    Daily Goals:
    • Morning Affirmations
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise goals 30-60 min/day, add resistance: 45min total= 20m am walk (1 loop), 10m mid-day walk, 15m biking before dinner
    • One post dinner snack: None
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 206
    Today's Weight: 206

    No gain!! 👍

  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily post Tuesday May 14
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: over my 1250 personal allowance, but under my mfp allowance
    Exercise: pilates

    Feeling crappy today...either allergies or a cold, I don't know. Run down and yuck. I felt like I had a tapeworm today, but definitely controlled myself way more than in the past. Heading to bed early and hoping to feel awesome tomorrow.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309 ~ 👏 Nicely done at Five Guys!! Love shrimp!! Great MonSlay!! 👊 Thanks for sharing about the tools & apps. I'm intrigued by the spreadsheet; but know myself too well and that I’d get so into it and make things complicated and make my journey complex. That’s ONE thing I learned on the last good go around, I kept tweaking and it became too complicated. I’m glad you found something to help you. :) We all have the little things that keep us on track. I have to weigh daily too, only to keep me aware of my weight. If I step off for too many days, it’s easy for me to ignore. And ignoring it is not a good thing!!

    @MaelynMayhem~ LOL I didn’t think we were both in Michigan (Go Spartans!) hahahaha the bear! 🐻💩 Thanks for sharing the apps. How do you track your so many cups of water?

    @LuluLovinLife~ I’m so glad you read and also shared!! You are not alone. You have all of us! We’re a great support team, for sure!! And the part of our team name that you hit on is mind. We tend to beat ourselves up! So let your secret out here where we can help you, support you, encourage you, and cheer you through the rough days. Get out the negative thoughts, and never give up with us!! Your trailer sounds like you are making a serenity place. :D Oh! And I do have you as part of the challenge! A no gain week for next weigh-in! YES WE CAN!

    @jupdyke ~ Sorry you aren’t feeling well. You still did well and managed to exercise. Hang in there! 👍 Tomorrow will be better.

    I truly do like our team name: @RunTrackMinds, because it does give us a forever life mantra and guide for our weight loss journey…
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Tuesday May 14
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 30 min of walking. Boom.

    @LuluLovinLife your post resonated with me. I too tend to do this in secret. Thanks for sharing and I hope we can all be a good source of support for each other.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post: Tuesday (5/14)

    Track: yes
    Calories: under, Limit: 1500/Actual: 1405
    Water: 26 cups
    Exercise: 45 squats, last one held for 40 seconds; 4 flights of stairs; Zombies, Run! (Dark and Long - Total Time: 65 minutes; Toxic - Total Time: 67 minutes; No Future - Total Time: 61 minutes); Total Steps: 23,076
    Day: It was okay. I came to the conclusion I have a mild chest infection, so it's making it slightly painful to take deep breaths. I was going to do yoga tonight but my DVD missing. On my second walk of the day I stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom to find it closed for cleaning, leaving me no choice but to walk back to the nearest available bathroom, my own, over thirty minutes away. The hazards of walking in the city versus in the building. LOL I snapped a picture of some trees and the winding sidewalk on Grand as I approached the big hill. I also took a picture of a Civil War marker denoting the Battle of Springfield on Walnut St during my first walk.

    My Day
    1) I liked finding the Civil War marker
    2) I enjoyed the winding sidewalk on Grand versus a straight one due to all the traffic that passes by
    3) I liked that my groceries didn't cost as much as I thought they would

    1) I like my skin it helps me to look younger than I am.
    2) I like skill with hooking; I have managed to make a lot of different things
    3) I like my ability as a writer.

    @johicks - I track my water through MFP. I mentally track how many of the 32 oz bottles and how many of my blue water bottles I drink, then periodically throughout the day put the information into MFP.
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 30 mins on elliptical
    Goal/Day: Had a pretty busy but good day.

    @johicks I won't be back on here until Saturday morning. MY daughter will be participating in the Summer Special Olympics tomorrow thru Friday night. I'll post my weigh in Saturday instead of the normal Friday.
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 30 min treadmill + 30 min lift (lower body)
    Goal/Day: It was a very busy day at work and at home. My husband made steamed shrimp for dinner and it was amazing.
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