TEAM: Run Track Minds (May)



  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    @johicks thanks for the encouragement. Yes, today is a new day...I've got this. You're doing fantastic yourself.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited May 2019
    #TUESLAY aqwjjkq0v1hn.jpg
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member

    @skullsandskeletons ~ 30 min🏃 💣BOOM!!💥 Excellent. I’m glad @LuluLovinLife shared also.

    I’m glad that everyone here can find someone to relate to. It makes our journeys that much more real and sustainable. We are not alone. We are in this together. We are not giving up. We are plowing through!! We got this!! 👊

    @MaelynMayhem~ Another great day and more squats!! 💣BOOM!!💥 I hope you feel better soon. It’s no fun being sick or in pain. I too had a near mishap when I went for a morning walk a while back. I’m like a dog… lol… a little walking gets things flowing. I had to cut through two neighbors yard to make it home just in time! Yikes!! Thank you for sharing your day and likes. Your ability to write and your intelligence are making you very relatable and make me think a little more, too. Thank you for sharing. I wondered about the bottles or sizes you use! LOL 🚰🥤 Sounds like we do the same thing.

    @ajaia2001~ Another good day!! Hope you and your daughter have a fun, fun time. We will miss your posts. I’ve noted that this week you will weigh on Sat. Thanks for the heads up. You got this! Enjoy!! 👊

    @klilev~ Awesome day! Yum.. shrimp! It’s nice when hubby is on board and helps. You’re doing great!

    @jupdyke~ Thanks. 😍 I’m off the TOM roller coaster ride, that helps! LOL I hope you’re feeling better today! Go get ‘em!

    I’m working on changing my a.m. routine a little bit to get UP and OUT to walk at daybreak, or shortly thereafter. So it’s time to scoot! Then I will come back and work on my resistance! Tonight is movie night with mom. :D Have a great day everyone!
    It’s a great day to have a great day!!

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    This week as our team members weigh-in for week #3 of our May challenge, I want to set ourselves up for a little extra challenge to strive during week #3 to achieve on week #4 weigh-in. The challenge is to have a NO GAIN week #4! 🤯 I know right!!? I would love to have 100% participation, but I know that is unrealistic since there are only a few of us posting daily for the mini-challenge. So, instead, let’s have a 100% commitment. If YOU ARE willing to challenge yourself and commit to working extra hard during week #3 for a NO GAIN on week #4 weigh-in, then please respond…. “Challenge Accepted.” And if you are accepting the challenge, what are you going to work on “extra” to help push yourself to have that NO GAIN!?

    It's not too late to join the challenge! So far 9 of us has committed to having a NO GAIN weigh-in week #4! We would love to have you join us.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    This one isn't really inspirational, but I thought it was amusing.

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    This one isn't really inspirational, but I thought it was amusing.

    😂 funny!! If you like this... that's what that one blog of memes was... just funny!! It's a nice break sometimes. Laughing does the body good!

  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under, 1301/1390
    Exercise: No
    Water: Getting better
    Day: Have some stress going on with house maintenance and issues with our landlord, so really trying to not deal with that by stress eating. I was successful last night. The issues came up around 9 pm, so I took a long hot shower and went to bed instead of finishing off the Halo Top I have in the freezer! Most likely will be moving within the next 6 months, so not only do I need to find a balance with my social life for health reasons but now also for financial reasons. We will need to save up for moving expenses and a bit of an increase in rent.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309 ~ outstanding not stressing eating. 👊 Yeah!!! Do your best to stay focused.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    The pain
    you feel today
    Will be your
    Strength tomorrow
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Wednesday May 15
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: over
    Exercise: no

    😞 well I guess not every day is perfect but the important thing for me to do is forgive myself, accept myself, and start anew tomorrow
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Strength training-leg day, walked the dog
    Water: Never a problem, all day, everyday.
    Day: Feeling just a smigid better today, but still run down and sore throat. Hopefully tomorrow is even better. I stayed un control today. I'm happy about that.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @MaelynMayhem ~ I knew I needed to do a quick check in. Watching TV (Survivor) in bed, yet the kitchen is calling. I needed extra strength. Thanks for the reminder.

    @jupdyke ~ Glad you are feeling a little better. Good day!!!!

    @skullsandskeletons ~ HUGS. Yes forgive yourself and move forward. Tomorrow is a new day. If you are able to figure out the trigger, great! If not, the journey has side steps, no going back... Just to the side and going forward.

    Ok. Brushing teeth. Saying out loud... THE KITCHEN IS CLOSED!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited May 2019
    Daily Post (Wednesday 5/15)
    Track: Yes! All day.
    Calories: Under!
    Exercise: Yes
    8+ water: 16
    Daily Goals:
    • Morning Affirmations
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise goals 30-60 min/day, add resistance: 35min total= 20m am walk (1 loop), 15m resistance exercises, testing to make a workout plan.
    • One post dinner snack: Yes!
    I'm learning to save calories for when I get home after a night with mom. I have tried so hard to not eat before and it hasn't worked. I end up over indulging. So something small is worth it. And it worked, plus new chai tea. Win!!
    Good night.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday 5/15)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under, Limit: 1500/Actual: 1340
    Water: 26 cups
    Exercise: 4 flights of Stairs, Yoga (30 minutes), Pump Challenge (25 minutes, 5 pounds squats, 10 pounds triceps and chest, five pounds butt and back, tripod option for lunges, five pounds for shoulders), 15 minute walk to the store, Zombies, Run! (Galvanize - Total Time: 60 minutes; Con Te Partiro - Total Time: 61 minutes)
    Day: I found my cucumber and box of Kashi Go Lean at the store and they fit in my small bag I carry when I walk. Usually in my bag are just my idea, debit card, couple of bus passes and 30 oz water bottle, in case needed; I fill the bottle up before I leave. My phone is strapped to my left arm. I then continued on down the street enjoying the mission and music. It was a long loop to get home. I got home and told people in a couple of my fitness groups that I was counting the walk to the store as part of my total walk as I didn't spend a lot of time in the store. Well in one, a guy said I shouldn't count going to the store for a Butterfinger as fitness. I told him what I bought. That illicited the response of yeah, surrrrre you diiiid. And another guy chimed in with "we don't want to hear about your sex life." It didn't get any better. A couple of admins stepped in and there were words exchanged and they were banned. But what they said just made me feel fat and gross. I felt like that girl again who believed she needed to starve herself to lose weight, and for a moment I considered skipping my lunch. To them it was a joke to me it was a serious trigger of all the pain I keep inside regarding my weight and how I feel about it. It was a reminder of the crap that I take from strangers and took growing up, especially in high school. I did eat my lunch, and I didn't emotionally eat either. I had a normal meal.

    My day:
    1) The stream I ran across at Bennett. It was such a beautiful and peaceful scene to see this flowing stream with rocks in it, and flowers surrounding it in the middle of the city.
    2) Even though I was hurt today, I didn't let my feelings control my actions.
    3) My order from Amazon finally arrived today and for the first time in my life an article of clothing I ordered online actually fit!

    1) I'm stronger than I really know
    2) I'm really try new things
    3) I have a sense of adventure that guides me on my journeys
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Hey guys - sorry I've been off this week, I've been quite busy getting out and about at long last!!

    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Closed the ring on my apple watch.
    Water: Plenty
    Day: Feeling great. Much healthier and on my feet. I stayed within my calories (1550) and even had a lemon muffin which was really, really good. I'm using the "Health Unlocked" site and going on the Couch to 5k forum which has been really helpful in my preparation to start running again. i'm planning on starting the couch to 5k app again next week which is really brilliant in building you up. I got to week 6 last time. I think I'm going to start from scratch and see how I go. If you're not really a runner but would like to give it a go, have a look at the NHS couch to 5k app, its free and I think its brilliant.
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    For Wednesday:
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 3 mile run and kettlebells
    Day: It was a very long work day. I did not snack after dinner! I left my water bottle in the car and didn't drink as much as I should have.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited May 2019
    @MaelynMayhem~ :trollface: I’m so glad that you were able to find joy in your day despite those bullies. You did great! Another day filled with nature, exercise, and water. Love the variety of exercises!! Your posts are encouraging. Thanks for sharing. 🤗 Keep it going!
    @Gustaaf85 - Drats! Keep working at it! It will come off.
    @j0d13mcc~ Yeah!! Can’t say I’d blame you! Being upright and out the door is where I’d be too! LOL I know you will be smart about starting to run again. Go for it!!
    @klilev~ Awesome workout!! I have water bottles everywhere like I do chewing gum. LOL Other than the long work hours... good day!! 👍 You're doing great!
    .... my reminder for ME TO GET MOVING!! I'm going to walk and then do some resistance exercises.

    It's #Thurslay - Challenge accepted! No gain Week #4 weigh-in!!

    It's another great day to have a great day!!
    Let's do this!

  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Name: Jod13
    Weigh in Week: May week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous week’s weight: can’t find it sorry
    Current weight: 82.9kg
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    j0d13mcc wrote: »
    Name: Jod13
    Weigh in Week: May week 3
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous week’s weight: can’t find it sorry
    Current weight: 82.9kg

    Thank you. I posted in the spreadsheet & now current:
    PW = 186.3 lbs (84.5kg)
    CW = 182.8 lbs (82.9kg)
    WHOA!! What a loss!! :mrgreen:

  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Username Jamied328
    Tuesday weigh in (sorry I am late)
    Week 3
    PW: 164
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