

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Monday Check In

    Food -logged & on target
    Water - 1.5 l
    Exercise - 12170 steps including 24 minute continuous run

    My average steps are up over 8000 these past few weeks, so I am really happy about that! I am going to physio tomorrow and will take a break the rest of the summer. I am motoring through all of my administrative clean up before I take my time off. It is really boring, but has to be done as I can get audited. Am listening to music & podcasts to get through it.

    @GingerPwr - That is the most touching and lovely photo! Hugs to you and your boys!

    @phoebe112476 - Thanks for sharing your lovely family vacation photos! You look so slim!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 Love your photos! And it was great to hear that we are on the same journey. It is so rewarding!
    @lennoncpa I had to laugh at your angry description. My wife is the nicest calmest person imaginable. When we were first dating I thought she was such a mild person. Then we took a road trip to her mom's house 2 1/2 hours away. OMG!!!...my wife turned into a monster behind the wheel. I could not believe it was the same person. LOL...we have had many discussions about this. Especially if I am in the car to please watch out for those 4 letter words and other angry actions. I had no idea. It's definitely a trigger for some people.
    @cyndiesstuff glad your session went well. How fun to do a rock garden. You were most certainly missed. glad you are back.
    @twyla77 I want those tacos so badly!

    I usually do cleansing fasts several times a year. Now that I am in between trainings I think it is time for me to bring out my juicer. I am thinking of a one week cleanse before we go on vacation mid July. That should also be a slam dunk for these last few pounds. Trying to find the best time in my calendar. Maybe start it on Friday.

    We decided to take a pause on our weekly focus. This week is a "rest" focus. It was supposed to be "social" but we both kind of froze. We are not the most social individuals. We decided we would both go out to lunch with a friend. How sad...I can't think of a single person I would like to lunch with unless it is family. Now if I could schedule a lunch date with my team members here I would do it in a heart beat.
    Our mortgage officer stopped by our branch and invited us to play dominoes and hang out with them at the local pool hall. That could be fun. We can dip our toes in the "social" scene. maybe.

    @sleepymom5 you are so right on all the many ways we can define success. I am not generally a social person nor do I do Facebook as a rule...so for me it was kind of mind boggling in the beginning of my journey here why so many people would post week after week or year after year without achieving their goals. But I follow what I need to do to reach my target and allow others to do what they need to do to move through their journey. All I know is that it has worked for me and I am grateful.
    As I have said many times it is all about my health. I am so gleeful when I look in the mirror and see a fit size 6 woman looking back at me. I am strong and I can run up hills. I can touch my toes and do crow poses. I can run 6 miles without stopping. But mostly, I can eat amazing delicious food without being sick. That is such a true blessing for a foodie like me. Mom was scolded by the nurses yesterday that her potassium levels are high again. They can cause her heart to stop instantly. Mom has been shopping like crazy. I have been on her to start wearing those cute clothes for herself and to look good for my dad while they are both still alive. I see my mom contemplating on the sadness of modifying or giving up the foods she loves so much. I realize that it is hard to break that perception. If you all could see me eat you would be blown away. I eat massive amounts of the most delicious nutritious foods. I see others around me eating and drinking the things that meant so much to me before. But I honestly don't miss any of it. And I feel great! My mom saw me trying on clothes and said "wow, you don't have a belly". Lol...no I do not. Nor do I have a butt for that matter. But I have breasts! My chiro was so amazed at how much I have lost. She said I needed to put some meat on my bones. haha...when does anyone ever tell us things like that? Yes lots of changes.

    One last little note...I was writing a cookbook 5 years ago. It was a story with each recipe. I was reading it out loud to Skylynn last night. The recipe was raspberry chocolate fudge cakes for Valentines day. Skylynn was wearing her pink apron and had a face full of raspberry and chocolate flecks. At one point she gleefully looked up at me (she was 4 years old back then) and said "Grandma you are my bestfriend...am I yours"? Ahhhh my heart just melted all over again.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @sleepymom5 ohhh no... not a leak already. boy, being a business owner is tough. always have to be on!! and professional cleaners sound like the answer, then you can come to my house and do spring cleaning! lol. Please? lol. I know all the engine and mechanical stuff because I grew up on a farm and was a tom boy. I lived in a neighborhood full of boys, so I tried my best to fit it. I became a very tough little girl! the neighbor boys thought I was a boy for a long time until I matured, if you know what I mean. lol and as a nurse you should probably no better than to look up the possibilities. don't worry until you have too and even then, if it won't change things why bother?

    @DananaNanas good job joining the gym. now get going girl. this will be soooo good for your heart and soul! wonderful NSV for sure.

    @Cafelelia yayayay schools out!!

    @jedaschultz Chinese will do it. get right back on track. you can do this.

    @amsandos yes. straight away get back to it. how are you doing? sometimes it's good to spend some time and reanalyze your plan. especially since you are so close to goal.

    @GingerPwr you boys are soooo sticking cute. I can see the sadness in your son's eyes. he will be fine momma! you have raised a strong man. love your july plan, building muscle will definitely help sculpt your body.

    @lennoncpa I am soooo happy you made it thru the weekend and it was a success. mark that up as a nsv!! wooo whoo.

    @Mrsbell8well I have totally fallen asleep with needles in my back. they play that music and you have a warm bed. and have the infuser running. mmmmm. maybe I should schedule one too!! sounds like some lovely self care. and children certainly can make your heart sing. your lucky to have such a beautiful relationship with your granddaughter. now come over and help me build this rock garden. you would love my neighbor. she is feisty!!

    @phoebe112476 omgosh.... you are so slender. what great work you have done. I am sooo proud of you. we stayed in Ludington. and drove to the dunes. when we went home we drove the shore line. it was breath taking. enjoy your vacation. you are building a fantastic new you!!

    @gottagetthisdown ohhhhh no, what happened? are you doing ok? what can we do to help? we are here for you, you got this girl, shake it off. and make a 24 hour plan. what is the next best step?

    @CassieGetsFit2013 I am so glad you are ok. I thought we had lost you. you mean so much to our team. come check in with us more. we can do this together. one day at a time. lets do this

    @carlsoda phew, glad your back. we have missed you.

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Food: on plan
    Water: great
    Exercise & steps: 6 mile hike; 21,050 steps

    First hike in over a month. Felt good to be out again. Tried for an artsy photo of wildflowers and the Sapphire Mountains but I was in a rush.

    Food wise... I’m trying to incorporate Dr. Greger’s daily dozen, its a work in progress and... making two nights dinners vegetarian. Made butternut squash and black bean enchiladas again last night... really loving them! Having some trouble again with MFP so am behind on posts. Wishing everyone well!


  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephenson01 your photo is lovely. I would really love that recipe. Sounds wonderful. I like Dr McGregors app too. It feels like a lot of food doesn’t it?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Back at the shore...I am pooped! Lol! I shopped, cleaned the bathrooms and our bedroom. I did a quick vacuum and dusting but didn't spend too much time. Everyone got to their doctor's appointments, even Daisy Lol! MRI is over so now just waiting to see what is the next step. Tomorrow hope to get a lot of cleaning done. Our new washer and dryer comes between 8:30 to 12:30 so hopefully get some exercise in after that depending on the heat. Hope everyone has a good night.

    @phoebe112476 You have been such an inspiration to me. I have really learned a lot from you and appreciate all that you share. I love the pictures! You look fantastic! What a beautiful family! Enjoy!
    @cyndiestuff You must have a green thumb! It is so cool you can just transplant a tree like that! The rock garden sounds like a fun project with your neighbor too. I am glad that the counseling went well too. And the leak was at our house, not at the business. Ugh! Always something!
    @gottagetthisdown I was hoping that you would have checked in. Hope everything is going ok.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I was worried that you left us! I am glad you are back and weighed in. I think going back to keeping track of your food would be a good place to start. Have you been able to get any exercise in? I know things weren't going very well in the past month or so. I hope things are better. Hugs!
    @lennoncpa I do like that HALT and I do like how you have taken the time to really think it all through and have solutions.
    @carlsoda I hope you can get everything straightened out! Hope all is going well otherwise!
    @mrsbell8well I just can not believe you aren't a social person! Lol! I think you had mentioned it another time too. Loved the little story about Skylynn. She is a cutie!
    @nstephenson01 What a beautiful pic! I am sure your dogs were loving getting out on such a long hike. That butternut squash dish sounds delicious!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    58 pounds down 2 to go. I’m happy dancing all over the house!
    2 weeks to go.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in Tuesday
    Food logged and under
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise none
    Steps 8,212

    I was out of my normal routine yesterday with going home, I forgot to bring my vitamins and thought it was no big deal. For some reason, that made me forget to take my ibuprofen as I take them together. I didn't think of it until I was in pain and having trouble moving around in the afternoon. It was bad the rest of the night, even after taking it. I have to stay on top of the pain and not let it get that bad. Today I am feeling better thank goodness. At least I know the I really do need to take the ibuprofen. I don't know when I will hear about the MRI. Hopefully today. It is a beautiful morning. I wish I could go ride my bike but unfortunately have a washer/dryer I need to wait for. If it gets too hot out, I will go after dinner. I love these longer days! Have a great day everyone!

    @Mrsbell8well Whoo hoo! You got this!
    @cyndiesstuff I am just tired thinking about your day yesterday! Lol! Prepping and planning make such a difference! I never thought how the rain would make it difficult to plant but it makes total sense. Extra prayers for the farmers. All the stuff I take for granted.... Glad you had an on track day for food too!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @nstephenson01 love the pic! that is really beautiful. you are very lucky to be in a place that you can hike in such beauty. remember keep working your plan. it is not about perfection it is about persistence.

    @sleepymom5 I hope your new washer and drier are exactly what you want! you are definitely right about staying in front of the pain. pain is not only physical but mental too. if it gets to bad it is hard to stop the mental anguish which continues the physical pain. vicious cycle that is best stop before it starts to circle.

    @Mrsbell8well oooooohhhh girl. cyndie is doing the happy dance all around her office this morning 2 more pounds to goal! your going to make it. have you started making your plan for maintenance? it probably won't look a whole lot different. remember the mental aspect of maintenance. you have been building this new Angelina for a while now. what does she look like in maintenance? how does she act?

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Tuesday Check in:

    Food - I didn't do my 24 hour plan but I made great choices
    Water - great
    Exercise - got in my 10,000 steps somehow plus about 10 minutes of yoga

    Even though yesterday was crazy (only break I got was a 20 minute walk around the lake), we got things under control and questions answered on case labelling, pallet labelling etc. Our customer (very large retailer) has a huge manual and it's difficult to navigate. But, we're on track for our first shipment to go out on Friday and will hit the store shelves mid-July! So excited and this is an amazing product - so tasty and pretty darn healthy too!

    @cyndiesstuff - good luck with the planting. The farm fields here in Minnesota are just about planted now and the corn will definitely not be knee high by the 4th of july. Maybe ankle high. I hope we have a long fall so they can get the crops off. I hope you don't have anymore breakdowns!

    @sleepymom5 - hope the MRI results come back soon and then you can start healing.

    OK - back to work! Have a successful day everyone!
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Weigh in day!
    Username GingerPwr

    PW 144
    CW 144

    Still in a holding pattern. Going to the cheer squad for July and will be doing lots of strength training.
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