

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday daily check in
    Food – logged and on track
    Water - 1.5 L
    Exercise – 10041 steps

    Had my last physio appointment until August. It went well. Ankle is acting up a bit but leg is taped and feeling good after some acupuncture. We started talking about a race goakpl for next year which was nice considering I had to drop out of everything this year. I am very pleased with my progress and happy then I’m going to be able to do a lot of walking for my July vacation.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 good luck girl. My prayers are with you.

    Daily check in Wednesday
    Spent the day in Richmond at a lunch for leaders with the COO. 4 hours in the car round trip. Difficult on my body. I was able to request a vegan lunch. Mine was so much prettier and healthier than anyone else’s. Came home with headache took a nap. Had a headache since the Sunday hike but it’s finally gone.
    Planning to run at some point today.
    It’s almost the weekend! Have a good day everyone.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in Wednesday
    Food yup yup
    Water 60 oz
    Exercise rest day
    Steps 13521

    was a long boring day yesterday. i didn't do the best but i am learning new habits. i have to go to the secretary of state and social security administration this morning and then go to work after that. i am hoping if i get to the secretary of state first thing there won't be a line. but in michigan, you never know. so i plan for a line and then hope for the best. my weight was up a half pound but that was over two weeks and i was on my honey moon. no excuses! the upward trend stops today. i have to catch back up to @Mrsbell8well lol

    @carlsoda ohhh i love it when the day just works out perfectly! take a mental picture of it. really feel what it feels like. commit that feeling to memory. and then pull it back up and feel it every time you do positive things to create the new you. positive reinforcement works on adults too!! and yes... heres to hoping and praying we have a long mild fall.

    @GingerPwr yes! maintains are good. still check in in july, and remember this is not a diet it is a life style. i cant wait to watch you thru this next phase of your journey. make sure to take measurements and pictures before, so you can show what a difference weight training makes.

    @lennoncpa yea and you work in a rather busy part of town with farm fields on the out skirts. farmers seem to always be in a hurry.

    @eyesopennow i think that is a very good plan. don't give up on it. did you do it yesterday? and as for portions, my suggestion is to put less on your plate than you want, then eat in the dining room. when you finish your plate, give it 5 minutes and if your still hungry go back and get a little more. this is a whole lot easier than trying to leave food on your plate when your full. keep working it. you need to find the will to make this mandatory. let us know how you are doing.

    @Cafelelia ohhh yea! self care at its finest. look how good self care has helped you heal your body. what a wonderful gift you gave yourself.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 ohhh cassie sweety! i am glad you went to the gym. that is a very big step for you. be proud of that. and gyms can be full of very supportive people. ok so when you go to rehab make sure to let us know so we can excuse you from your weigh in. cassie i know you know how to do this, it is just making yourself do it. we are all here cheering you on. you have never given up. and that says a lot about who you are!! so i know, you will do this, in cassie time!!

    @Mrsbell8well it is almost the weekend. and you are doing fantastic!! keep that S*** up!! and smile lady!! it looks good on you!!

  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    User ID: Shirin_K
    Week: 4
    Previous weight: 157.6
    Current weight: 157.6
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Ugh the scale didn’t budge, but I did the same things that worked the 3 weeks before! I’m happy with how the month turned out overall though.

    The past week was busy and included kids’ baseball/golf/dance classes, cleaning and organizing, prepping for my husband’s family visit next week (which I’m stressed out about even though they are great), a kid with an ear infection, and a weekend trip away to see family and a zoo. I stuck to my calorie goal the whole week – I’m now at day 24 in a row. I’m sorry I haven’t been commenting on here. I had good intentions this week, but just haven’t been on long enough.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 190
    Cw 190
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in Wednesday
    Food logged and on track
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise 30 min bike ride
    Steps 10,073

    Good day yesterday. Stayed on track with food, water and steps. Got a bike ride in and walked a lot with Daisy but didn't count it, it was so broken up. The poor ol girl is sick. The past two nights she woke me up a few times too. We did see the vet when we were home so hopefully this is over soon. Very productive around the house too. Today we get spikes put in the rafters(not sure what it is called) so pigeons don't nest there. It sounds a little mean but they are loud and poop a lot so we needed to do something. I also hope to finish up cleaning today too. I am so tired with getting up with Daisy. I hope it doesn't slow me down. I am still waiting to hear back about my MRI results. I am also hoping I will be able to do PT at the shore. I am not sure how insurance works since I am in a different state. The orthopedic practice I go to has an office down here and they do PT. It would be perfect if I can work it out.

    @carlsoda It is awesome that your only break was 20 min and you chose to walk around the lake! Great job! I am glad that you got everything sorted out and ready to go at work. Sounds like that was challenging. Great job also staying on plan with all the stress!
    @GingerPwr Maintaining isn't unusual, especially being so close to your goal. I like the strength training idea for July. I hope you still check in with us even though you will be on the cheer squad.
    @lennoncpa I am glad you were ok with the accident. I hope you get that all sorted out soon. Hope you were able to enjoy the concert at least.
    @eyesopennow I did Lol when I read that, I could see myself doing the same thing. Give yourself credit, you made a plan and you did well with food choices through the day. You're right, today is another day. You can do this!
    @Cafelelia What great progress you have made! It must be exciting to actually be planning races again. I hope the ankle isn't anything to worry about. Is it just something that has to be strengthened?
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I am glad you checked in and let us know what is going on. I know there is a lot going on but it sounds like it is a good path that you are on. Hang in there and work hard. You deserve a wonderful life and you can have it! So if I understand correctly, you will weigh in this Sunday and then should we do an excused weigh in for the next?
    @Mrsbell8well Just curious if you think the headaches could be linked with dehydration? I know when I have car trips planned I can't drink as much as I usually do? I was thinking between the hike and the trip maybe that could be a possibility.
    @cyndiesstuff I agree, between the honeymoon and trying to get back on plan, that is an awesome weigh in! Good luck on all of your errands today.
    @Shirin_K Sometimes that happens when you lose. You lost almost 4 lbs this month. You had a great month. Of course we love when you check in but we understand that life gets busy. Staying on plan and exercising is the important thing! Sounds like you have a lot going on! Hang in there!
    @ljdanny Wow! Things have been crazy for you! Congratulations on your promotion! That is awesome! I agree with you, I would take the paid vacation time and extra time off until the pay kicks in. Let's make July our month!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited June 2019
    Sorry I missed last night, I was so tired...
    Thursday's Weigh Ins still due-
    Friday's Weigh Ins
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Just a quick HI! Another crazy day at work - getting tired of it :)
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited June 2019
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Food - logged & 150 over
    Water 1.5 l
    Exercise - 10191 steps

    The last day of school, hurray! I had to rush today to get everybody ready for the family cottage and then grandparents out of town. I will stay back as I have a bit of work still to finish and one of my best friends is visiting next week. Just got my husband and kids in the packed car, and I am worn out! Cannot believe another school year is gone. Kids did great in school and my older boy is improving with his therapy. I am going to take a break tonight & watch a movie, as I don’t have energy for much else!

    @lennoncpa - glad that you were not hurt in the accident, and hey, at least you get a new car! That doggie is so cute! It is so nice that you foster dogs!

    @sleepymom5 - hope that Daisy is ok and that you get your MRI results very soon. In Canada, it is usually a big wait for MRIs in the public health system (not criticizing the system, as it is generally great). When I had bursitis several years ago, I paid to get an MRI in Buffalo, NY to speed up the diagnosis. Yes, my ankle pain is a compensating issue, same as the left back. I just need to keep doing my PT exercises and have my leg taped until my right leg strength catches up with my left leg. It may take several months still, but it is so much better than before!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    I got a lot done today. Taking a break and thought I would catch up!

    @carlsoda Hang in there! Hope things settle down soon!
    @lennoncpa What a cutie! I can see why she was adopted right away! Is that a dinner sized plate behind her? She is so tiny!
    @Cafelelia So will you be able to catch up with your family or will you be home the week. I know you have July off. It is hard to believe the school year is over. Time goes by so quick!
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Back at it!
    Daily check in for Thursday June 27
    Logged: yes! Over
    Water: not much, at about 1L. Still drinking coffee to keep me going.
    Exercise: zero, had to bring son to lessons. Missed usual gym time.
    Steps: sadly, 5,439.
    Vitamins: not today :(

    Tomorrow is a new week, starts with weight in and I know I’ve been off track. Need to get refocused and put more energy in taking care of me.
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Hi, team!

    I've been a little busy these days. As usually at the end of the month I have to catch up with work. Wednesday was not my best day. I had some quarrel with my husband and was a little depressed. It's hard staying angry at someone and it mostly affects yourself than him. As a result I gave up to emotional eating and had a decent amount of chocolate and gummy candies. My plan for the day totally failed as I didn't log my food and did almost no exercises (just some walking and a little more housework than usually). Thursday and Friday were much better. I still didn't log my food, yet I ate mindfully and I'm sure that was at least near calorie goal, if not under. I also stayed hydrated and sneaked some exercise - 60 min walking, 20 min running, 35 min stretching and 40 min strength. I've also made up with hubby. It's a brand new day today that started with my scale showing a good weight loss :)

    My plan for today:
    try to eat mindfully without logging food
    stay hydrated
    50 min yoga
    60 min strength
    40 min walking
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