

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Zumba_Luvah nice loss this week. how are you doing?

    @GingerPwr discipline is a great word to have in your arsenal. Also, moderation!! your doing great. tell your son, thank you. i remember when my son left for basic. it is going to be a tough time for you. be prepared. what will you do to cope?

    @sleepymom5 your word seem very contradictory. food not good but no too bad. where is that Pam commitment? you remember, the new pam you are creating? what would she do? trust me, i know that it is easier said than done. but don't accept not to bad as your answer. it's not. you and i both know we can't live like this. today is the day.

    @kirsten11872 woooo whoo. that is a very nice loss. good job at your success this week.

    @Cafelelia wow you got all the garage shed and backyard done. that is a lot of work. mystery boxes are fun, to bad it was empty.

    @DananaNanas lets celebrate! a loss. that is awesome. good job. and your dogs are soo cute. their faces look almost the same. i hope they get along. they are certainly adorable.

    @nstephenson01 that is great that you are enjoying your yoga. i did yoga outside yesterday. all by myself. it was a blast. and that is awesome that you didn't buy ice cream. stay out of that isle girl. its not for you.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Today is food prep day. we also have to get the low boy out and go pick up our excavator. i have today and tomorrow off. then it is back to work, i am excited to find out the next step for my new job. hopefully tuesday i will have a better idea of the next steps that have to be done to facilitate the move.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

    TEAM % Shrinking Assets 0.42%
    TEAM % WaistAways 0.42%
    INDIVIDUAL % shockvalue07 3.23%
    TEAM LBS LOST Shrinking Assets 20.2
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST buniphuphu 08.6

    1st Shrinking Assets 0.42%
    1ST WaistAways 0.42%
    2ND WEIGHT NO MORE 0.17%
    3RD Trimstones 0.15%

    1st Shrinking Assets 20.2
    2nd WaistAways 19.3
    3rd Trimstones 7.7

    1st shockvalue07 3.23%
    2nd buniphuphu 2.73%
    3rd Burningskies2018 2.23%

    As a whole we lost 54.9 LBS
    OR 0.19% .....!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Saturday
    Food: Logged, over. No excuses just ate too much
    Water: Good
    Exercise & Steps: dog walk, yard work; 12,504 steps

    Last week was a dumpster fire of letting stress take over and make one bad decision after another. Today marks the start of my birthday week. Wednesday is the big Five O! While I won't see 165 as I had hoped, 167 or 168 would be great!

    Today will be a full day of yard work. Gotta get the overgrowth of grasses and weeds knocked down. Other than yoga and short dog walks, all other forms of exercise have been on the sidelines while I get outside chores done. If I can get quite a bit accomplished today hopefully I can take the dogs on a nice long hike tomorrow.

    @cyndiesstuff My garden seemed to survive the last few days of cold weather but my plants aren't any bigger either. I may need to replace a few plants that don't look so well.

    Wishing everyone a nice Sunday!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    We are on our way to the Shenandoah for a lovely day of hiking. I was up early baking blackberry handpies for our picnic. I also made curry chickpea sandwiches on chiabotta bread with fresh spinach and a ripe summer tomato, hot spicy pickes, red grapes, blue organic corn chips, popcorn and dark chocolate almond kind bars with iced peppermint tea. Want to join us?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily Check In: Saturday
    Food: Not logged, food good but drank more than I should have.
    Water: over 64 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 30 minute walk and 5,567 steps

    Yesterday wasn't too bad. I didn't get on the bike, I waited too long. It just gets too crowded and it isn't worth going out. I did take a longer walk by myself so my pace was quicker than it has been. Eating actually was good. I ate what I planned to. I didn't eat at the benefit but did drink. I wasn't planning to drink but did have one more than my usual plan. Today I am pre-logged already, not sure about the bike but if I don't ride my bike, I am going to take a walk on the beach. It will be longer than I have been going. Walking seems to aggravate my hip the most so I am trying to advance slowly.

    Yesterday I also was thinking about how I am basically staying at the same weight. I gain a few and lose a few but not making any real progress. I need to get my head back in the game so I decided to do the 4 circle method using my son's wedding at the end of November as my ultimate goal. I think 25 lbs at this point is reasonable. It should make a difference in my appearance and another plus is I only would have about 25 more pounds to lose to my goal. I actually have lost about 1/3 of the weight I want to lose, 25lbs would be about another 1/3 and then I would have my last 1/3 to get off.

    Here are my four circles but in lines because I do not know how to do circles on the computer Lol!
    Goal- Lose 25 lbs by November (5lbs/mo)

    Monthly- Lose 5 lbs by August

    Weekly- Lose 1-2 lbs/ week

    Daily- 1300 cals/day, 64 oz daily water, 7500k steps, exercise daily 30 min, eat only when hungry, no snacks at night and watch carbs.

    I know we have a week left in June, that is just bonus weight. The math was too easy starting with July. I also know I am including the month of November. Danny gets married at the end of the month, that is why I did that.

    @nstephenson01 Sometimes you need to listen to your body if you are hungry. Just be sure you are hungry and fill it with fuel not junk. I know you already know what to do, you have come so far. I bet you are right about the fluid retention. Just keep drinking Lol! I am glad you are enjoying yoga. Wow! The big 5-0! I find it to be a great decade so far-I am 3 years ahead of you.
    @cyndiesstuff I am sorry to hear you are struggling. Try to look at the positive things. You are having more good days than bad, you do have a counselor you can talk to and you have all of us to share your struggles with. I don't know if there are triggers to your binging? You have a lot of things going on right now, new marriage, new job, leaving the old job, your son, helping with the farm... or could a trigger be that you were super busy before the wedding and now that is all over? I am not an expect but I would think all those things would factor into it. I know you are tired of it but make your "just for today" plan. Just take one day at a time. You can do it. Don't give up on yourself. xoxo
    @Mrsbell8well Enjoy your hike! Looks like you have a beautiful day for it!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @cyndiesstuff i’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. one day at a time, and every day is a new day to try again! sending lots of love & support.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I was just saying to my husband yesterday how the gardens seem to be about a month behind. We had lots of rain in April which did delay planting a bit as it was too muddy. My tomatoes are just starting to ripen on the vines. The cucumbers and squash are still too small to pick.
    I was really looking forward to fresh picked veggies for my lunches too.

    Go ahead and get some ice cream or something to have as a cool snack when the really hot weather gets there. Add some fruit or nuts to add some nutrition, it's got calcium and other good stuff. The good thing is ice cream keeps a long time in the freezer and you can eat small or large portions if you seal it good.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    twyla77 wrote: »
    @nstephenson01 i don’t remember if i ever told you we went to the suspension bridge near Troy, MT, and you were right - it was so awesome!! i didn’t want to cross it (it was so windy that day lol) but my friend made me do it! He said, ‘we didn’t walk all the way here just to look at it! Get up there!’ lol.


    We’re heading back to Montana for the Under The Big Sky Fest in a few weeks, can’t wait!

    You did it!! Awesome @twyla77!! I just saw the line up for the Big Sky Fest the other day. I’m so jealous. Enjoy and I want a report back on how it was LOL
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Saturday check in

    Food - Logged & on target
    Water 1.5 l
    Exercise - 8227 steps

    Well we survived the teen sleepover! I made about 60 pancakes this morning & photo is below

    @cyndiesstuff - You have done a heck of a lot in this past while, so one bad day of eating is ok & you can get back on track. You are right about not minimizing my running accomplishments when I never thought that I would run again! You are going to do great in your new job!

    @twyla77 - those tacos look delicious & you look lovely too!


  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    I had a really awesome day today! I will tell you about it in the am. Hope everyone has a great night!

    @twyla77 That sounds like such a nice way to spend an afternoon! Great job bringing water with you instead of having beer. Those tacos look so yummy! I would never had thought they would use heart of palm! I love your pic on the suspension bridge! Did it sway a lot?
    @Cafelelia Those pancakes look delish! I am glad you survived the sleepover! Have a good nights sleep tonight!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sunday Weigh ins still due
    Monday's Weigh In
    Tuesday's Weigh In
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 4
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW: 208.6
    CW: 208.6

  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    I am on vacation this week. Much needed rest after the recent business of moving. We rented a house on Lake Michigan. Lots of sun today and kayaking and resting. Snacking a bit more than my normal routines - so need to watch that tomorrow. I will not be able to weigh tomorrow because I do not have a scale here. Nearest Meijer or Walmart 35 mi utes drive away. And honestly after all the stress (including scale stress) - I am making relaxing (not tasks) and connecting with family my highest priority this week. Please excuse me from this week’s weigh in. Have a great week!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Yesterday was 4 hours of strenuous hiking. A descent to the waterfalls then a very long way back up. I tore up those hills like a billie goat. 1 year of consistent training has paid off. This is the most fit I have ever been. It was a great day!

    @sleepymom5 I love your game plan! It reminds me of the saying those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
    Great job planning. You can do it!
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