

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    Check in for Thursday
    Food-logged but overate and didn't log
    Water-a lot, lost count
    Exercise and steps- Bike 30 min and walk 20 min Steps around 7800

    I am losing my mind on this computer Lol! I posted my weight and it isn't there now. Then I refreshed the page and lost the entire post I was writing...Ugh!! Oh well...Weight I did lose .4 which is actually good since I did go up in weight after the weekend. I was looking back on my week and it was pretty good but could be better. I am over eating on "healthy" things but that still is an awful habit AND those calories add up. I am going to get a notebook and journal when I want to do this. I usually journal on my computer but for these type of things I need a notebook. I also am going to look at my journal and what I am eating. I need to start going down again. Danny's wedding is in November and I would like to be a little smaller. I hated the way I looked at Nicole's wedding. I was so self conscious. I have a lot to think about over the weekend and set up for the week ahead. I also have to call and set up an appointment for this MRI. The only way I can function is taking high does of ibuprofen which is hard on the liver. I do my PT exercises, ice 3 times a day, watch my walking (that seems to bother it the most), and take the ibuprofen every 8 hours. I am back to doing everything I usually do but the walking. I am done with 2 floors with my "spring" cleaning here. I am at the top floor but will probably just get the kitchen done today. I have a lot of other things to do. The rest will have to wait until next week.
    This weekends exercise plan-Bike 30 min (need to get out early, it is busy out here), walk with Daisy and hopefully kayak. It is supposed to be a nice weekend.
    Have an awesome day everyone!

    @GingerPwr What a beautiful setting to renew your vows! What an awesome feeling to get rid of all those big clothes and fit into the smaller ones! Your hard work has paid off!
    @Mrsbell8well Sounds like you have a fun Friday evening and weekend planned! Enjoy!
    @cyndiesstuff Welcome back!! I am glad to hear you had an awesome Honeymoon! I loved all the pics! The one by the waterfall is beautiful! I agree with you about the coffee statement! Unless there is a coffee shop called Nobodies...Lol! Lots of positive changes are happening for you! I know that there are a lot of unknowns with this new job but anything is going to be better than where you are now. Glad you are back, we missed you!!
    @Julie8468 It is not bad maintaining, especially if you didn't have the greatest week. No worries just get right back on track. We look forward to you checking in more however we also understand that life gets busy and sometimes you can't. Just know we are here if you need us!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday weigh in
    pw 164.2
    cw 165.1

    I am down about .5 pound from earlier this week Yay! But that means I have been overindulging too much. I need to eat smaller portions of the sweets, especially ice cream!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 3
    PW 155.2
    CW 154.6

    I will take that little loss. Went for a nice continuous run yesterday which was just amazing. Only 3 km but tried to push on speed as advised by my physio. This weekend, we will have a bday sleepover for my son, so a bunch of 12 & 13 year olds will be here. I have to make about a million pancakes for their breakfast. Wish me luck!

    @nstephenson01 - what a nice garden!!

    @sleepymom5 - I really hope that you resolve your hip issue soon. I know that the ibuprofen is not great for your liver, but you need to function in your daily life. I recommend having water with a lot of lemon juice daily as that can help your liver.

    @cyndiesstuff - you look so lovely & happy on your honeymoon! Best of luck in the new job!!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Omg!!!! i forgot to log my weigh in on Sunday! i am so sorry!
    sorry i’ve been missing in action,
    i am in full swing of my busiest time at work - summer festivals & events so i’m working 15 hour days and basically just coming home, sleeping, waking up and heading back to work! Even weekends!

    i DID weigh in, i just forgot to come record, i was 126.6lbs, which was exactly the same as the week before.

    I have not been going to the gym, but i have managed to keep up with food prep for the most part, but I’ve found myself working straight through lunch the last few days - i look up from my computer and suddenly it’s 6pm and I haven’t eaten since breakfast. ugh.

    sorry again, and i will not miss this Sunday’s weigh in!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,425 Member
    Thursday Check in.

    It was a perfect day..beyond perfect! Did not over eat on my 24 hour plan, drank a ton of water and walked 14,000 steps and a little yoga too!

    Today's 24 hour plan is done and I'm making enough supper for possible left overs during the weekend. Our niece is getting married tomorrow so no clue on food and I'm not worried about it. I will have a piece of cake - they ordered cakes galore from Costco and they are pretty darn yummy. But...I will have only 1 piece and eat it slowly and enjoy every bite! I plan to get steps if we go to the dance after the reception. Haven't decided if we'll go or just get home for some sleep as Sunday we have family from out east in and want to spend the day with them.

    @cyndiesstuff - cute pics!! Where did you go? I figure it was somewhere in Michigan :) I do love the sand dunes around Lake Michigan up north of where you live.

    Have a great day and weekend everyone!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Thursday
    Food: Pre-logged, ate as planned
    Water: Good
    Exercise & Steps: 2 dog walks; 10,444 steps

    Happy First Day of Summer!! Its 43 degrees and there is fresh snow on the mountain behind the house. :neutral: Rained most of the day yesterday so didn't get to my outside chores as planned. Spent some time reading and finally finished Dr. Greger's "How not to Die". The first half was a slog to get through... a wee bit too draconian for my taste but the title should have tipped me off LOL. Downloaded his daily dozen app and will give it a try. The book did give me some things to keep in mind. Cleaned the house which it needed and took the dogs for a quick after dinner walk to get my steps over 10,000. Today's food is pre-logged. This afternoon I'm putting a tri tip on the smoker. Not exactly summer bbq weather but oh well.

    Dog walk, yoga class then grocery shopping is today's plan... gotta get moving. Tomorrow is Farmer's Market day. Meals are planned so I am set up for a good weekend. Just need a little sunshine :smiley:

    Great pictures @cyndiesstuff. What a fun way to spend your honeymoon!!

    Wishing everyone a great weekend!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 141.8
    Today's weight: 141.6
    Weekly Steps: 76,783
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Great pictures @cyndiesstuff. It sure looks like you had a great time! I’m very happy for you!!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Username: hope002
    Weigh in Week: week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 214.9
    Today's weight: 215.4
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @lenka1 You look amazing and happy! Glad you had a great vacation!

    Friday Check in
    Logged all my food today and it's amazing how quickly you can convince yourself that you're not eating that much when you stop logging. Holy cow. No wonder the scale isn't moving.

    Breakfast: poached egg on toast with a smear of guacamole
    Lunch: a ready-made chef salad from Aldi
    Dinner (planned): grilled tuna steak, roasted asparagus, and linguine with garlic white wine sauce

    Exercise: push-ups & sit-ups; might do a little yoga before bed
    Water: about 40 oz so far

    Definitely my healthiest choices in a while. No snacking today. No chips, no fried food.
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    Week 3
    PW 239.8
    CW 239.0

    Almost forgot to post, my days got mixed up.
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