

  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    @cyndiesstuff - did you check if that massive frog had a butt crack? So awesome you found a frog statue on your honeymoon! I do hope you got a chance to drive that buggy[?] in the sand as much as you wanted.

    @Mrsbell8well I hope your sister is safe. And heartwarming to hear you are shopping with your mom.

    Logging: not today, but can tell you I’m over.
    Overall, so happy that I am going through this with all of you. Still struggling with changing bad habits, being more active when someone else or life gets in the way.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member

    Saturday's Weigh Ins

    Sunday's Weigh Ins

    Late Weigh Ins

    Remember-Please have your weigh ins posted by Saturday 11:59 pm EST. If you post after that time, it will be considered a NWI.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @julie8468 we’re so happy to have you on our team. Thanks for your concern. I feel better my brother is involved and authorities have been notified.
    I’m off to the adventure race.
    Didn’t log yesterday and last night I took advantage with a mini food spree. I WILL log today.
    More later
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in Friday
    Food did ok
    Water 48 oz
    Exercise vacuumed and cleaned windows on 2 cars and the truck
    Steps 10060

    what a beautiful day it was yesterday. sunny and 78 degrees. so it was a great day to get out the shorts and tiny top and clean vehicles. they sparkle like crazy! laundry, menu plan, and grocery shopping are done too. we have a deer and her fawn living somewhere close in the woods. i have seen them 4 or 5 times now. momma deer is teaching baby how to forage for food. it is really quite beautiful. on with my day.

    @Julie8468 maintains are good. it means that you are learning to live your life the way it was intended. good job.

    @sleepymom5 hey! good job with that loss. now lets keep it going. what will you do today? write it down and stick it to your forehead. our new life style has to be top of mind!! and journaling is a good plan. i have a cute little notebook right on the end table by the couch. when i feel the impulse the urge, i start writing. it is kinda like that 90 second thing. it just really gives you time to think about it. and i missed you guys too. we will figure this out together, one day at a time!!

    @gottagetthisdown i love your exercise plan for the weekend. good job at continuing on this new life you building.

    @pacsnc6 little less than a pound, thats not real bad. lets change that this next week. what is your commitment for the week. be specific about your treats and right it down. put it where you will see it when you go to get the snacks and require yourself to read it and abide by it before you snack. you can do this.

    @Cafelelia nice loss this week lady! now be careful what you say to yourself. you said ONLY 3km. don't minimize what an accomplishment this is. it is one of the most amazing nsv's. you are running again!! spend a few minutes today and write out how far you have come in the last 6 months. positivity if the key to lasting results.

    @twyla77 sometimes life gets busy. and good job on the maintain.

    @hkfleming woooo whoo... happy dancing all around the office. that is wonderful weigh in. keep up the hard work lady.

    @carlsoda and the scale goes down. yes!!! good job on the loss. and enjoy your joy food. we cannot stop enjoying our food or this becomes a diet not a life style. moderation is the key. and we went to Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Ludington, and Silver Lake. and that is exactly where the dunes were at, lake michigan. what a blast!

    @nstephenson01 your garden looks lovely. ours is kinda yellow. it is drowning. we have had so much rain. hopefully it will survive. all we can do now is pray and love it. i am going out this morning to weed! the bunnies have ate my lettuce. i haven't been able to spray the perimeter of the garden because of the rain. going to spray today and hope the lettuce comes again and it may!! lol and i got jim a smoker for his birthday, wedding present, honeymoon, and cyndie loves smoked meat!! we seasoned it yesterday. it is ready for the first batch of something. maybe fish!

    @lennoncpa slight losses are better than no losses. you got this keep working your plan

    @hope002 thats just a half pound. what will you do this week? what is your commitment? make a plan and write out what you will do today, to get you to your goal. you can do this. i know you can!!

    @lenka1 that will fall right back off when you get back. i know the feeling. i could not wait to get home to start eating my food again. you little girl is quite a little dolly!! soooo sticking cute!!

    @GingerPwr logging every bite sure can give you a reality check. good job at refocusing your energy.

    @eyesopennow wooo whooooo now that is the way to make the co captain smile! we are not going to 240. nope not mike. mike is going to lose this weight for the last time. small consistent changes. you can do this.

    @Julie8468 lol! as a matter of fact, i did check the frog for a crack. he did not have one! but i still wanted to take him home and put him by my front door. he was sooo sticking cute!! i did drive the buggy. i drove it for about 30 minutes. it was exhilarating. i was not as agressive as jim. but it was fun, fun, fun going super fast along the beach.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    ok peps! you know how i am. tell me what your doing this weekend. make that commitment.


    Now team business....

    challenge ahead!!

    it is the weekend team mates! what is your exercise plan for the weekend? many times we are good during the week and slack off on the weekend, our mind frame is i have been good all week. i deserve a break. that is diet mentality. there is no break. this is a life style. so lets treat the weekend like it's a week day. include fun and relaxation but also, good healthy food and exercise and activity.

    My exercise commitment for the weekend:
    Saturday: yoga outside
    Sunday: treadmill

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member


    The weekend is a great time to fit in exercise. Remember – 5 minutes is ALWAYS better than 0 minutes. Likely the hardest part is just getting started and once you’re done you definitely won’t regret it.

    Starting slow is still a start.

    Remember why you started.

    If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.

    Everyone starts somewhere…just keep going.

    Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.

    Stop saying I wish, start saying I will

    Do what you have always wanted to do, it’s never too late to start.

    Start now. Make it happen!

    It’s never too late to start over. It’s never too late to be happy.

    Motivation gets you started habit keeps you going.

    Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.

    Starting over sucks, so keep going.

    Stop wishing, start doing.

    The key to success is to start before you are ready.

    Think big, start small.

    You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great!
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    Week 3
    Pw- 197.6
    Cw- 197
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    This weekend:

    Did some whole body work at the gym this morning. Had 2 pancakes for breakfast. Medium size... not sure how to log it I'll guesstimate.

    Having Italian sausage and roasted veggies this evening as a "goodbye" dinner for our son. He leaves for basic Monday.


    Housework and errands throughout the day. Might hit a friend's pool tomorrow, but also going to a steakhouse for dinner.

    Keyword for the weekend: discipline
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in Friday
    Food not good but not too bad
    Water not enough
    Exercise just PT and cleaning
    Steps 7636

    Yesterday did not go as planned. My washer died, of course full of water. That is why I wasn't able to get back on here last night. I was trying to find another washer and dryer that would fit in the space. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I figured I would get a dryer too since that hasn't been working too great either. Today I have a fund raiser I have to go to. I hope I can just kind of show up and give my money and leave after a bit. I hI have to also organize my y inside.clothes, my room is a mess and I really am not unpacked but I don't have a lot of space so I have been putting it off. It is just too nice out to stay inside cleaning. I also scheduled my MRI for Tuesday morning. Hopefully some answers. If not PT is the next step.
    I actually am going to be proactive and see if there is anywhere down here I can go that takes my insurance. Ok-off I go! Have a nice weekend everyone!

    My weekend plan- I am off to a slow start but here it is
    walk 20 min
    bike 30 min
    log food and eat on plan
    64 oz water
    at least 6,000K steps

    walk 20 min
    bike 30 min
    Kayak depending on the weather
    log food and eat on plan
    shop for next week
    64 oz water
    at least 6,000K steps

    @gottagetthisdown Those are the best kind of classes! Exercise can be a lot of fun! Glad to hear you are doing well!
    @pacsnc6 I am having an ice cream problem too...must be the time of year Lol! I am putting mine on a cone so I don't have quite so much.
    @Cafelelia Sounds like you had an awesome run! Good luck with the sleepover Lol! I remember those days! Thanks for the tip about the lemon water and also making me feel a little better about taking the ibuprofen
    @twyla77 It isn't like you not to weigh in or check in at all so I was so happy to see you post. As long as you have your weight in by Saturday night it counts. I hope that things settle down for you soon. Hugs! I am so happy you are still with us!
    @hkflemming Awesome loss! You must be doing well! Have a great weekend!
    @carlsoda Nice loss! What a nice weekend you have planned! Enjoy it!
    @nstephenson01 Hope you get some sunshine this weekend! You have been doing so well! Enjoy your weekend!
    @lennoncpa The scale is going in the right direction! Have a wonderful weekend!
    @hope002 How is everything going? Remember we are here if you need anything.
    @lenka1 Love your pics! What a beautiful family! Glad you had fun on your vacation!
    @gingerpwr Awesome plan for the day! You got this!! Good luck to your son! I am sure it is bitter sweet. Signing up for the military says a lot about his character. Hugs to you Mama!
    @eyesopennow Nice loss! Hope you have a great weekend!
    @Julie8468 I struggle with the same things, a lot of us do. The fact that you are still here and pushing forward is something you should be proud of!
    @Mrsbell8well Good luck and have fun!!
    @cyndiesstuff What beautiful weather you are having! Enjoy! I never thought of getting a cute notebook to journal in, I really like that idea and I won't mind leaving it out then.
    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss! Hope all is going well!
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous weight:161.6
    Current weight:160.0
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Friday check in
    & on target
    Water-1.5 l
    Exercise- 8485 steps

    This morning, we finally got to our garage, shed & backyard for the final stage of my Marie Kondo journey. It was not bad, but there is enough junk fior one truck pick up. My husband had a mystery box in the garage, which turned out to be empty!! In a few weeks, we are having some work done to transform the back into more of teen/tween/hang out space, so we are ready now. It is a beautiful day here and I now have to get ready fior the teens to descend upon our house for the birthday party!

    @sleepymom5 - So glad that your MRI is booked!

    Kirsten11872 - congrats on the nice loss!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @sleepymom5 hope you get some answers from the MRI, will be waiting to hear.
    And, yes I think it is the summer weather (90s last week) that we've been having here. Ice cream sure make the heat more bearable. I have been eating smaller portions and adding walnuts (they ARE good food)
    @GingerPwr good luck to your son, congrats to him for wanting to serve our country
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @kirsten11872 Nice loss! Enjoy this beautiful weather!
    @Cafelelia It is amazing how much stuff we accumulate! You have been doing so well following the Marie Kondo method and getting rid of what you don't need. Good luck tonight! Hope you get some sleep!
    @pacsnc6 Walnuts sound good! I like the sweet and salty!
    @Dananananas Nice loss!! Your doggies are so cute! My son's dog's name is Charlie too!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Friday
    Food: ok, mostly on plan but probably over on cals. Feeling hungrier then usual.
    Water: Good
    Exercise & Steps: 30 minute dog walk, 90 minute yoga class; 9070 steps

    Yesterday's yoga class was a good one! Felt very relaxed so didn't accomplish much afterwards. Fell asleep last night on the couch watching on old Jack Lemmon/Shirley Mclaine movie. High times on a Friday night in Montana LOL

    I find that I retain a lot of water after the yoga classes no doubt from muscles recovering from what I just put them through so I'm trying to up my water but there's only so much I can drink!! LOL

    @GingerPwr Big hugs to you momma! And we are grateful for your son and his commitment to the safety of our great country.

    @pacsnc6 @sleepymom5 I've perused the ice cream aisle at the grocery store twice this week but didn't buy any. Not sure I'll be so lucky a 3rd time

    OMG @DananaNanas What cute dogs! Hope Dennis enjoys his new playmate :smile:
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