This June I Will...



  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Mid-month progress. So far, so good. One unplanned purchase for $5. On track to end the month on budget

    As an aside, I have been working steadily on getting beds de-weeded and mulched. Got a VERY late start because of all of the rains we have had this spring. The front yard is done and I am starting to see the finish line in back. So much nicer to see it looking groomed and orderly.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    @jan110144 , You are doing great on your budget. And it sounds like your garden is looking lovely!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @themedalist I'm so sorry to hear about your dad! Oh my goodness, that had to be scary. I'm happy to hear his cognition is intact and that he is progressing in the right direction. I do believe in prayer and I will have him, your family and his healthcare providers in my prayers. (((Denise))) :heart:

    @jan110144 I love the challenge you picked for June. It's something I need to try myself at some point!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @jan110144 You are doing so well with sticking to your plan! 🥰. And since your almost done deweeding your flowerbeds, you’re welcome to start on mine😂

    @themedalist I hope and pray your dad is steadily progressing.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes That’s quite a lot of tasks you have checked off your project list! I’ve seen a few sleevils in my sewing days, too😫 but have never attempted 18th century ones. Glad you were able to get that one checked off🙂
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @nebslp 'm"You are doing so well with sticking to your plan! 🥰. And since your almost done deweeding your flowerbeds, you’re welcome to start on mine😂"

    It took me a good 18 months to get to mine, so don't hold your breath! smile: Great progress again today.
    Another section weeded and mulched and another small tree pruned. I think I only have about 3 hour left!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    @themedalist It sounds as though your dad is quite the trooper - just like you! I wish him the speediest of recoveries, and will be praying for Doug, as well as you & the rest of his beloved family. 🙏🏻💕
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Just an awareness. Has anyone else noticed that good habits seem to beget more good habits? As I make small improvements in a variety of life areas, I am finding that I am far more inclined to start doing things in a more habitual way that I used to. I have to admit, it feels good and 'peaceful' to live in this way. Could it be that after 74 years I am finally growing up??!!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Sorry I haven’t been updating more, but it’s because I used to post in bed at night & now I go to sleep :)
    Everyone is making great progress! Congrats!

    I’ve been sleeping far longer, mask in AM works & cat has learned I won’t feed her If mask is on. :))

    I’m getting 7-8 hrs most nights. Far more than the 6-6.5 I was getting before.

    Thank you for all the suggestions & this group!!

    Glad this is working so well for you! I have been trying to pay a bit more attention to things like getting off of electronics earlier and making a more set bedtime on a consistent basis. Not sure how effective this is, since when I go to bed earlier I simply tend to wake up earlier.

    I recently did one of the genetic testings and one of the more interesting findings (actually, turns out I have a pretty boring DNA) was that I am genetically inclined to get less sleep. " Your genetics predispose you for higher levels of adenosine, the enzyme responsible for regulating your sleep. This means that you may experience lower sleep efficiency, more interrupted sleep, and overall lighter sleep. However, that also mean that your body can function optimally on less sleep." (Who knew that genetics affect sleep?!)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    HI! Sorry I'm so out of the loop lately!
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Just an awareness. Has anyone else noticed that good habits seem to beget more good habits? As I make small improvements in a variety of life areas, I am finding that I am far more inclined to start doing things in a more habitual way that I used to. I have to admit, it feels good and 'peaceful' to live in this way. Could it be that after 74 years I am finally growing up??!!

    I love this! I think when we live more mindfully it leads to feeling more at peace with the world. Routine and living with intention does that. Maybe my problem is ... I don't wanna grow up!!! I don't know why I fight it sometimes. 🤔
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 you are really get this sleep thing figured out!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have been examining my eating patterns mentally but haven't been using the voice memo as much lately. Definitely seeing patterns. There's a lot going on right now and that doesn't help me with intuitive eating. It's a process that has to be focused on every day. Anxiety about getting everything done doesn't help.

    I will try to stay active here as much as possible but the next 3 weeks might not be easy because I'll be gone and not have wifi access all of the time. I'm packing for two trips. Sunday my DH and I will be going camping at a lake near my daughter's house so we can watch 2 grandkids next week. Limited wifi there. Should be fun though. I'll get home Friday night and leave for a European cruise early Sunday morning with my youngest daughter who lives in NM. I'm excited about spending time with her since I don't see her often. We will meet at DFW airport and fly to Rome together. We'll be gone for almost two weeks with limited wifi for about 9 of those days. It will be an adventure.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I have been examining my eating patterns mentally but haven't been using the voice memo as much lately. Definitely seeing patterns. There's a lot going on right now and that doesn't help me with intuitive eating. It's a process that has to be focused on every day. Anxiety about getting everything done doesn't help.

    I will try to stay active here as much as possible but the next 3 weeks might not be easy because I'll be gone and not have wifi access all of the time. I'm packing for two trips. Sunday my DH and I will be going camping at a lake near my daughter's house so we can watch 2 grandkids next week. Limited wifi there. Should be fun though. I'll get home Friday night and leave for a European cruise early Sunday morning with my youngest daughter who lives in NM. I'm excited about spending time with her since I don't see her often. We will meet at DFW airport and fly to Rome together. We'll be gone for almost two weeks with limited wifi for about 9 of those days. It will be an adventure.

    What fun you have scheduled!! Enjoy your travels and time with your family.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Wow, certainly some wonderful posts to read since I last posted!!

    Enjoy your adventures @nebslp 😃.

    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use 🕙 for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight 🛌, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads 🥗, and more vegetables 🥦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing 🥕 .

    June 1: 🕙 🥗

    June 2: 🕙 🥦
    June 3: 🕙 🥗
    June 4: 🕙 🥗
    June 5: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 6: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 7: 🕙 🥦
    June 8: ❌ 🥗 🥦

    June 9: 🛌 🥗 🥦
    June 10: 🛌 🥦 🍌
    June 11: 🕙 🥦 🍌
    June 12: ❌ 🥗 🥦
    June 13: 🕙 🥗 🥦🍌
    June 14: 🕙 🍌 🍌
    June 15: ❌ 🥗 🥦

    June 16: 🕙 🥗 🥦
    June 17: 🕙 🥦
    June 18: 🕙 🥗 🥦
    June 19: 🕙 🥗 🥦
    June 20: 🛌 🥗 🥦 🍌
    June 21: 🛌 🥦
    June 22: **** 🥦


    (**** fill in next posting)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @texasgardnr Thank you for the good wishes. I enjoy seeing your accountability posts. And the icons are just fun! I'd like to try that in the future.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    @nebslp, oh my! Your cruise sounds amazing! 🚢 Now, I’ll need to plan a European cruise since I went to France after your French trip last year. ;)

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    June Projects:
    1. Colonial petticoat (skirt), jacket (caraco), handkerchief. For a ball 6/29
    2. Daughter’s Birthday: T-shirt, and maybe another sewn gift. Birthday 6/20
    3. Regency Spencer (jacket) For Costume college July 28

    So far

    6/1 🧵 cut out bum pad
    6/2 🧵finished bum pad
    6/3 - no sewing- long workday and headache 😢
    6/4 - 🧵 traced jacket pattern
    6/5 - 🧵sister marked my petticoat hem
    6/6 - 🧵pattern tracing for daughter’s birthday gift
    6/7 - 🧵hand sewing
    6/8 - 🧵 cut out jacket underlining/fitting muslin
    6/9 - 🧵 fitted muslin
    6/10 - 🧵 hand sewing
    6/11 - 🧵 cut out fashion fabric - made a big mistake
    6/12 - 🧵prepared and cut more fabric and made a couple purse-sized tissue holders
    6/13 - 🧵worked on fitting sleeves
    6/14 - 🧵 no actual sewing, just spent lots of time researching how the heck 18th Century sleeves work. Those things are sleevils!
    6/15 - 🧵Eureka! Figured out how to set the sleeves
    6/15 - 🧵underlined sleeves and hope to do some hand sewing before bedtime.
    6/16 - 🧵cut out birthday gift underlined jacket
    6/17- 🧵hand sewing
    6/18 - 🧵lining for birthday present arrived and I washed it and prepped for sewing
    6/19 - 🧵worked a lot on birthday gift and a little on colonial jacket
    6/20 - 🧵 worked a little on birthday gift
    6/21 - 🧵worked on fitting Colonial jacket
    6/22 - 🧵 cut out interfacing and made a couple sample buttons.

    I’m started my daughter’s birthday gifts, but I didn’t finish in time for my daughter’s birthday, so I gave it to her unfinished. She was excited because she really likes it. She’s okay with my finishing it after my ball on Friday.

    However, I have so much to do this week! And last week was very busy, so I didn’t get enough done. I need to be a sewing ninja!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    June Projects:

    However, I have so much to do this week! And last week was very busy, so I didn’t get enough done. I need to be a sewing ninja!

    I just had a vision of Edward Scissorhands 😬. You should warn your family about what is to come and to just stay away!! Anyway, fitting and making buttons means you're almost finished with your costume👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    My daughter is the trip planner. I just go along for the fun and hope I can keep up with her!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use 🕙 for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight 🛌, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads 🥗, and more vegetables 🥦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing 🥕 .

    June 1: 🕙 🥗

    June 2: 🕙 🥦
    June 3: 🕙 🥗
    June 4: 🕙 🥗
    June 5: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 6: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 7: 🕙 🥦
    June 8: ❌ 🥗 🥦

    June 9: 🛌 🥗 🥦
    June 10: 🛌 🥦 🍌
    June 11: 🕙 🥦 🍌
    June 12: ❌ 🥗 🥦
    June 13: 🕙 🥗 🥦🍌
    June 14: 🕙 🍌 🍌
    June 15: ❌ 🥗 🥦

    June 16: 🕙 🥗 🥦
    June 17: 🕙 🥦
    June 18: 🕙 🥗 🥦
    June 19: 🕙 🥗 🥦
    June 20: 🛌 🥗 🥦 🍌
    June 21: 🛌 🥦
    June 22: ❌ 🥦

    June 23: ❌ 🥗 🥦
