TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (July)



  • Jeaniece1
    Jeaniece1 Posts: 74 Member
    July 6
    Tracked- yes
    Under- yes
    Exercise- yes, walking.
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    Saturday, 7/6/19

    Even though I wasn’t very successful with the mini challenge this week, it is the first time that I’ve actually recorded a yes/no every day. I consider this my baseline and it can only improve from here.

    Thats awesome. I am really bad at recording my no days. I will make that my goal for this coming week.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    cossmoss15 wrote: »
    swauters wrote: »
    Mini challenge
    Under yes
    Exercise yes 60 sec walking/60 sec jogging for 2 miles

    Great job! Glad you're not letting your Weigh-In deter you 😊 I'm contemplating running again this evening, but we're in the 90s and grossly humid!

    The heat and humidity is certainly affecting my exercise- only managed a bit of kayaking today. Hopefully I can do more tomorrow.

    We had some showers last night and the humidity has gone way down. Hopefully tonight I will get an extra walk or a run in. Hope the heat doesn't bother you much today!
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    Thank you so much @cmhubbard92 your motivation and kind words are always spot on!
    We were away at a wedding this weekend so I’m only just catching up on everyone’s posts. I did go to the gym in the hotel and did a gruelling HIIT workout with my husband. He is a whole lot fitter than I am and my legs are paying the price today but I’m glad I did it!
    Brilliant work to all the losers!! Fresh start for anyone who was feeling similar to me at weigh in as well ☺️. We can do this!
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been so off track so far this week. I'm hitting my 20k steps goal and the 132 oz water goal but my food has been absolute crap. Pretty sure I'm going to have a gain that's not water weight. However, I have figured out what has been wrong with me medically the past few weeks (possibly months Idk yet). I'm pregnant. I'm not even sure how many calories I should be eating now so definitely going to talk to my Dr about all this on the 16th.

    Congratulations @mirendybryant what lovely news! Hope all is well when you see your dr on the 16th and I’m sure they’ll set you on the right path for you health wise.
  • LMK02020
    LMK02020 Posts: 175 Member
    @mirendybryant congratulations on the little one on the way. Hope you’re feeling ok and the doctors appointment goes well for you.
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    Tracked, over, n exercised. This week’s mission: 1. Remind myself that I was 270, 2. Focus on the Dr. Wahl’s diet, and 3. Shake what my grandma and other ancestors gave me, this bootylicious bod 💃🏿
  • Caronell
    Caronell Posts: 43 Member

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes ( but used nearly all my exercise calories too)
    Exercise : yes - 55 mins on treadmill


    Spent weekend in Bristol with friends at a pork and cider festival. Tracked as much as I could and stayed off the alcohol but still overindulged with little opportunity for real exercise

    Tracking: yes, with lots of guesswork
    Calories: no, totally over
    Exercise: no, see above


    Returned home this afternoon and got straight on the treadmill

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise yes

    The low carbs went out of the window over the weekend (I was being a polite guest) so I'm feeling quite bloated. But its five days before I'm back at work so I have time to make this right.
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    tracked: yes
    under: yes
    active: yes

    Sun: yes

    My goal this week is to simply get back on track. No more using my personal issues as an excuse to blow this off. Even if I am not perfect I need to get back to accountability.
    SHEFITT45 Posts: 25 Member

    Tracking: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes, with calories to spare 😉
    Exercise: Yes - 1.5 mile walk and abs workout!

    I’m still getting familiar with how MFP works (how to follow posts, etc.). But I’ll figure it out.
    My goal for week 2 is to exercise 5 days and to lose 2 lbs. Good luck to everyone in week 2.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Thank you so much @cmhubbard92 your motivation and kind words are always spot on!
    We were away at a wedding this weekend so I’m only just catching up on everyone’s posts. I did go to the gym in the hotel and did a gruelling HIIT workout with my husband. He is a whole lot fitter than I am and my legs are paying the price today but I’m glad I did it!
    Brilliant work to all the losers!! Fresh start for anyone who was feeling similar to me at weigh in as well ☺️. We can do this!

    @coral333 Thank you 😊 We all just seriously have our down moments! I am glad you stayed focused this weekend, where you could have gotten off track!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    7/7/19 Mini Challenge
    Tracked Yes
    Under Yes
    Exercise Yes, 40 minutes elliptical, 50 minute run (3.08mi)

    Goals for this week:
    • Gym M,T,W,F,S(work days) S✔
    • Elliptical: 2 days 35min, 3 days 45+ minutes(MTWFS) S✔
    • 64oz Water daily(minimum) S✔
    • Bedtime by 9:15 all nights but Wednesday and Saturday nights. Sat ✔
    • Pre-Pack gym bag and lunch each day this week. S✔
    • 10,000 daily step goal except for Sundays (I need to get better with this on my days off!) S(24,090)✔

    Today was an unusually active Sunday. I normally have today off as a total rest day(minus some walking). I worked a full day, plus went to the gym before work, plus went for a run after work. I am beat! I'm loving getting back into the groove of running, though, and there was a decent breeze tonight! I think that Thursday and Sundays will be my definite run days, but I may start doubling up a few days here and there.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    swauters wrote: »
    Mini challenge
    July 6
    Under-yes back to IF. 16-8 this week. That went well yesterday. Also back to as low carb as possible and am struggling to decide if i want to not count fruits as carbs or not eat fruits because they really are high carbs. But so many health benefits. But they defeat the low carb idea. Ugh. Undecided.
    Exercise-yes it was too hot and humid to be outside here so I did weights and a bit of treadmill at the gym.

    My personl mini challenge is to do the mini challenge every day this week even if itvis a no day.

    @swauters I think that your plan for the mini challenge is a good one! Sticking to the mini challenge has helped me a lot. And, I know I go a little overboard with my extra goals, but it helps me focus throughout the week.

    Do you like how IF and low carb works? I personally just weigh and track my food(I don't do well when told not to eat something, usually setting myself up for failure) but have never dedicated myself enough to try low carb. I am just curious about it in general, I guess!
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    @cmhubbard92 My Dr recommended both IF and low carb for me. She said to keep my carbs under 50g per day but would ideally like it to be between 20-30g per day.
    The theory for low carbs is that without them your body will start using your stored fat as fuel. There are a few problems for low carb that I have encountered though- fruit is very high in carbs is it still healthy?, I do ok with eating low carb when I am on it for a while, but if I eat any bread, pasta, rice, bakery, etc then I have a hard time getting back into it.

    For me, IF helps me control my calories. For instance, if I only have 6 hours to eat, it is harder to go over budgeted calories. Plus, say for example, I skip breakfast then I can have higher calorie lunch and dinner. Also, by skipping meals, I dont have to think about what I am going to eat for that meal. It takes a bit of pressure off.

    There are also studies that show IF helps mental clarity, gives you more energy, and helps reduce the chances of some neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    mini challenge
    Sunday July 7
    tracked- yes
    under- yes
    exercise - yes, a quick run this morning, some walking, and an at home exercise video.

    Day 1 of mini challenge ✔
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    swauters wrote: »
    @cmhubbard92 My Dr recommended both IF and low carb for me. She said to keep my carbs under 50g per day but would ideally like it to be between 20-30g per day.
    The theory for low carbs is that without them your body will start using your stored fat as fuel. There are a few problems for low carb that I have encountered though- fruit is very high in carbs is it still healthy?, I do ok with eating low carb when I am on it for a while, but if I eat any bread, pasta, rice, bakery, etc then I have a hard time getting back into it.

    For me, IF helps me control my calories. For instance, if I only have 6 hours to eat, it is harder to go over budgeted calories. Plus, say for example, I skip breakfast then I can have higher calorie lunch and dinner. Also, by skipping meals, I dont have to think about what I am going to eat for that meal. It takes a bit of pressure off.

    There are also studies that show IF helps mental clarity, gives you more energy, and helps reduce the chances of some neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

    @swauters thank you for your information on IF/Low Carb! I will have to look into those articles you shared, but I am about to call it a night! I will save the links! I *would* think it would be better to get fruits in(because they're good for you), but I know there's some rules with LC and I would have to read more into it. Thanks again!
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    July 7
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- yes
    Exercise - no
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini Challenge
    6/30/19 - yes/yes/yes
    7/1/19 - yes/yes/yes
    7/2/19 - yes/yes/no on exercise
    7/3/19 - yes/yes/yes
    7/4/19 - yes/yes/no on exercise
    7/5/19 - yes/yes/yes - c25k w1 d2
    7/6/19 - yes/yes/yes - walked to have a beer with friends (in plan)

    [is this the next mini-challenge 1st day?]
    7/7/19 - yes/yes/yes - c25k w1 d3!

    This was my first week, and while not perfect, there were definitely times when the thought of the challenge got me to eat less or workout more, or both!
  • lozenger1984
    lozenger1984 Posts: 166 Member
    Weigh in day
    Last week 164.2
    Today 163.5

    Ok week. Stress still affecting me a fair bit so trying to focus on some self care and sleep a bit better.
    Aims for this week- get outside for a run, two tkd session, one weight session and we are doing battle archery at the weekend for my partners birthday. Plenty of activity. Go to bed at a reasonable time.
    Challenges-there will be birthday cake! The temptation of snacking so planning in some extra snacks.
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