TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (July)



  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Weigh in day
    Last week 164.2
    Today 163.5

    Ok week. Stress still affecting me a fair bit so trying to focus on some self care and sleep a bit better.
    Aims for this week- get outside for a run, two tkd session, one weight session and we are doing battle archery at the weekend for my partners birthday. Plenty of activity. Go to bed at a reasonable time.
    Challenges-there will be birthday cake! The temptation of snacking so planning in some extra snacks.

    Great plan for this week! Battle archery sounds like fun! I hope you can reach your goals this week, and congratulations on your loss this week!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Sunday no
    Monday no
    Tuesday yes
    Wednesday yes
    Thursday yes
    Friday no
    Saturday no

    This past week has been tough, eating wise, exercising wise and sticking the course. Once again, I am looking to restart.. I am done with dissapointing myself...I can do this!!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    3x yes

    Sunday yes
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 134.4
    Cw 138.8

    Shark week... bloat

    @abowersgirl Hahahaha I love how you said that! :lol:

    Lmao... glad I could amuse you 😁
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 134.4
    Cw 138.8

    Shark week... bloat

    @abowersgirl Hahahaha I love how you said that! :lol:

    Lmao... glad I could amuse you 😁

    I'm going to have to remember to reference shark week... sounds much more exciting and dramatic than TOM! :smile:
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,977 Member
    swauters wrote: »
    @cmhubbard92 My Dr recommended both IF and low carb for me. She said to keep my carbs under 50g per day but would ideally like it to be between 20-30g per day.
    The theory for low carbs is that without them your body will start using your stored fat as fuel. There are a few problems for low carb that I have encountered though- fruit is very high in carbs is it still healthy?, I do ok with eating low carb when I am on it for a while, but if I eat any bread, pasta, rice, bakery, etc then I have a hard time getting back into it.

    For me, IF helps me control my calories. For instance, if I only have 6 hours to eat, it is harder to go over budgeted calories. Plus, say for example, I skip breakfast then I can have higher calorie lunch and dinner. Also, by skipping meals, I dont have to think about what I am going to eat for that meal. It takes a bit of pressure off.

    There are also studies that show IF helps mental clarity, gives you more energy, and helps reduce the chances of some neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

    Sounds like your doctor recommended Keto. Which is mind boggling to me. My husband had two heart attacks in the past year, one major and one minor, and he had to go against all his doctors wishes to even try keto with me. But his blood pressure numbers significantly improved while he was on the diet. People have to learn more about it. For instance, @cmhubbard92 you can make sweet treat alternatives. There's a quick 2-3 minute recipe called "keto biscuit in a cup" that tastes great and I add a little sugar free syrup to it, plus egg and bacon and Viola! I got my sweet and salty craving in check.

    @swauters you should do the strict keto for a while, at least a month, that way you can see the benefits and learn how to eat better. Now that I know the ins and outs of keto, I now add a fruit here and there. But the problem with adding them is you have to be more disciplined. The fruit causes your sugar to spike and that causes cravings. Another tip is adding avocado and Himalayan pink salt during that first 2 weeks.

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Results for July Week #1

    Whoo hoo, team The Big Butt Theory!!! We finished in first place last week with a team loss of 0.36% (0.28% for second). It was largely due to two very strong individual efforts....our very own @pandygirl19 came first overall with a loss of 4.58% and our very own @SHEFITT45 came third overall with a loss of 2.34%!! Congratulations, ladies, on a fantastic first week with team TBBT and for doing us all very proud!! What an amazing start to July!!

    Of course, they did not put us in first place all on their own. The TOP TEN Big Butts who helped put team TBBT on top for the first week of July were:

    @pandygirl19 - 4.58%
    @SHEFITT45 - 2.34%
    @drea2011 - 1.79%
    @Caronell - 1.78%
    @cmhubbard92 - 1.65%
    @Tracie_Lord - 1.30%
    @LMK02020 - 1.28%
    @Jeaniece1 - 1.27%
    @annabananamc - 0.94%
    @mickey10111 - 0.84%

    Congratulations to these ten, and to any Big Butt who lost weight last week and contributed to our team's success!!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    swauters wrote: »

    For me, IF helps me control my calories. For instance, if I only have 6 hours to eat, it is harder to go over budgeted calories. Plus, say for example, I skip breakfast then I can have higher calorie lunch and dinner. Also, by skipping meals, I dont have to think about what I am going to eat for that meal. It takes a bit of pressure off.

    I agree with this 1000%. Even on days when I don’t work out, I will still end the day with 400-600 calories left on IF. Once I get myself to that window that I can eat in I don’t have the urge to overeat. I personally think it has been a gamechanger for me and the main reason I at least maintain during bad weeks as opposed to gaining all the weight back.
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    @Krysless2 Is it mind boggling that my Dr recommended Keto because it is progressive? I was also a bit surprised she was on board with it when I mentioned it to her and that I was at 50g carbs per day and she said to bring it down even more. I thought for sure she was going to chastise me because most doctors are more conservative. BUT I my blood numbers came back showing the start of kidney disease, pre diabetes, and I was put on blood pressure meds so all knew I had to do something.

    I did strict Keto for a month at the beginning of the year but just can't find it long term sustainable in my own real life. I have tons of recipes using almond or coconut flour. I have a cheddar biscuit recipe that I love, cloud bread is OK, and there is a mug cake that only takes a few minutes if I need something sweet. I also have used the Keto urine strips (which I know arent as great as the blood strips but are much more reasonably priced) to know that I am in Ketosis. I have been in Ketosis since Friday and am feeling great.

    But then comes life. I have lunch plans Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday with no way of staying Keto so I will need to just count calories those days and get back on it Sunday. I then have a 7 day trip to 'Philly planned with my husband the first week of August. It will be our first trip ever without taking kids with us so it is like our honeymoon/25th anniversary trip. No way I am staying Keto as I plan to enjoy with my husband all the great food Philly and Atlantic City have to offer.

    Much props to anyone who can Keto as a way of life.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member

    Starting Weight 6/27/19: 170.8
    Week 1 Weight 7/4/19: 169.2
    Gain/Loss: -1.0

    @annabananamc, congratulations on your 1.6 pound loss (yes, math IS hard!!) and for having a very good first week here on team TBBT!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    July 4
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 183
    Current- 183

    @Nicoletime4me, a maintain is not a gain, so well done! Some days you don't exercise, some days you don't eat at a deficit, but some days you do both. A few more of the latter days, and the scales will move for you again, and in the right direction!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Weigh in day!

    Starting July Weight: 167 lbs
    This week’s weight: 165.6 lbs

    This is a good start to the month! Pleased to see this... but I know that the number goes down when I reduce my calories and exercise more.

    Hope everyone enjoys Independence Day, if youre based in the US!

    @mickey10111, Congratulations, Mikayla, on a nearly pound and a half loss to start July!! It's so simple to do, right?....consume fewer calories and move more!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    cossmoss15 wrote: »
    Thursday weigh in

    last week 126.8
    today 127.2

    Not as bad as it could be. Last weekend I spent 4 days at the cottage, which involves lots of good food which makes it very tough to eat right.

    Good call on not making those cookies @cmhubbard92 !

    @cossmoss15, only up point four and you spent four days at the cottage....that's a win in my books!! Way to go on the kayaking...yes, it doesn't register as "steps" but it is exercise with a view, and it burns a lot of calories!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    Week: Week 1
    Today: Thursday, July 4
    Start weight:  216 lbs
    Previous week's weight: 215.4 lbs
    Current week's weight: 216.6  lbs

    Knew and expected this gain after the past week.. I can only just keep trying and accept that the next couple weeks are not going to be easy for me. I can say though that I have had 4 or 5 lb gains in a day or two before when things were rough so I'm taking this as a hiccup... not a setback.

    @sandkp, you knew it wasn't going to be a good week, but like you said, you didn't completely throw in the towel because of it. You did your best, and you are only up just over a pound, so that is a win for sure!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    jlbtnc wrote: »
    Username: jlbtnc
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 194.6
    Todays Weight: 194.0

    @jlbtnc, great job on losing a solid half pound!! I know your expectation right now is just to maintain, so a loss is an absolute bonus, and proof that some good habits were developed the first half of 2019!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    Thursday, Independence Day (7/4/19)

    Tracking: yes
    Under: no (bbq, snacks and alcohol did not add up to reasonable calories)
    Exercise: no

    Sunday - no
    Monday - YES
    Tuesday - YES
    Wednesday - YES
    Thursday - no

    Mindset was not right yesterday. Bad thing is that I knew I wasn’t going to exercise so I knew I wouldn’t get a “yes” for the mini challenge which made me think “why work to stay under calories if I’m not getting a yes anyway”. Very bad mindset to have and something I’ll have to work on. I tend to be all or nothing and my exercise (or lack thereof sometimes) dictates my food choices.

    @pkg1998, OMG, this is sooo me, too!! "I am not going to exercise, so it is not going to be a "yes" day so I might as well go over!" Where is the logic in that??? Or even worse, "I am already over for the day, so I might as well go waaay over!" Maybe we should have an Under Challenge, to go along with the Mini Challenge? No exercise required, just be under!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Weigh in
    Last: 243.7
    This: 246.1

    Having my weigh in the morning after the 4th bbq is not ideal. I did my best, no buns on the burger, hard seltzers instead of beer. But i still have to be bloated regardless.
    I don’t believe this is my true weight so I am mot going to be upset over it. I’m gonna dip out for this weekend and enjoy my long holiday. I will get back on Sunday and conquer next week.

    @erikNJ, you are so right, Erik! That is not your true weight, just a snapshot in time, and a snapshot that came right after the 4th of July BBQ!! I am so glad that you are able to wrap your brain around this, and not let it derail you!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Friday weigh-in: 122.2, happy I didn’t gain with 4th of July celebration!

    @susanpiper57, well done over the 4th of July holiday!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I'm super late at posting this week, but I did weigh in on Wednesday!


    Not too bad considering I'm in the middle of one of my not-at-home weeks. I drink so much less water while I'm . away, and I can definitely tell! I'll be headed back home Monday ready for two more weeks of hard work before another week of fun!

    @eatingfoodles, you are right, it is not so bad. You are only up a pound, and when you are not at home and you only gain a pound, that is a win in my books!!
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