TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (July)



  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,028 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Thanks @swauters - I’m getting there with some more consistent runs.

    @cmhubbard92 I’m tired just reading your post about the sleepless night and the 6am start! Hope you managed to get your steps in while staying relatively cool.

    @Coral333 it was a rough day, but i made it happen!

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Tracked: yes
    Under: no, TOM cravings 😞
    Exercise: yes
  • Caronell
    Caronell Posts: 43 Member
    sat and sun mini challenge

    Yes to tracking
    Yes to calories
    No to exercise - just not a spare minute in the day between busy nightshifts and getting home to sleep for a few hours. I've certainly manged to get lots of steps in though and my heart rate up, literally running around the hospital from one emergancy to another!
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    swauters wrote: »
    July 21, 2019

    I need to get my head back in the game.

    I have a plan for the week:

    M/W/F = weights plus cross training (rowing, biking, elliptical) plus 10,000 steps
    T/Th/Sat = interval run training plus 10,000 steps
    Sun = 10,000 steps

    My weekly goal: stay under my calories every day plus 8 glasses of water

    I need to remember my "Do it for"s

    Do it for the Hell no! I will not be diagnosed with Diabetes
    Do it for Wanting to see my grandchildren grow up
    Do it for Silencing everyone who thinks I can't
    Do it for wanting to be a hot AF 50 year old grandma
    Do it for ME

    What are your "DO IT FOR"s?

    Yes @swauters this sounds like an intense but great plan and I love your “do it for’s”🥳 Can’t wait to read how you get on - particularly with run club! 🏃🏼‍♀️

    My “do it for’s”

    Do it so I can keep running around after my daughter without getting tired

    Do it so I won’t be “high risk” in my next pregnancy just because of BMI

    Do it so I look good as a bridesmaid next year for my sister and friend

    Do it because I know how good it can feel!

  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member

    I love your Do It Fors! It definitely does feel better to be healthy.

    I get 10,000 steps everyday and want to keep that streak going, so putting steps in my plan was a non-negotiable.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,028 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Thanks @swauters - I’m getting there with some more consistent runs.

    @cmhubbard92 I’m tired just reading your post about the sleepless night and the 6am start! Hope you managed to get your steps in while staying relatively cool.

    @Coral333 it was a rough day, but i made it happen!

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Tracked: yes
    Under: no, TOM cravings 😞
    Exercise: yes

    I am changing my under status. Based off of the food I had today I assumed in advanced I would end up way over(chips, cookies, and a Boston cream donut), but managed to stay under today(~1700 of 1850 allowed). Tomorrow is supposed to break our heat wave and I can't wait! I'm sweating just sitting still, it just feels gross(~95% humidity the last few days)

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Friday is my last day at work. I will have a week between then and starting at my new job(let's hope everything stays as planned). I will be moving in the process, so I'm a little overwhelmed right now(still waiting on the final paperwork). So, for this week I am focusing on hitting the gym for each work day, staying under my goal, getting enough sleep, and not letting my anxiety get the best of me!
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    Mini challenge
    July 21
    Under yes
    Exercise yes

    Clearing trees in the neighborhood that came down in yesterdays storms. Luckily we are not one of the 75,000 on our area without power.
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini challenge last week:

    7/14/19 yes/yes/yes
    7/15/19 yes/yes/yes
    7/16/19 yes/no/yes :(
    7/17/19 yes/yes/yes
    7/18/19 yes/yes/yes
    7/19/19 yes/yes/yes
    7/20/19 yes/yes/yes

    Ready to finish the month strong!

    7/21/19 yes/yes/yes
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    edited July 2019
    I will update mini challenge tomorrow for today and tomorrow. Been traveling for almost 13 hrs now today.. just want to rest. Really wish driving miles counted for something exercise wise.. got 721 of those in since flying to start this tour on Wednesday and we are halfway done! 🤪 and yeah on our 4th and final hotel check in.. at least I have a home base for a couple days.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Sunday, 7/21/19

    Tracking: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: No, lazy Sunday

    Sunday: No
  • Caronell
    Caronell Posts: 43 Member
    edited July 2019
    It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating with a loss, which partially makes up for the lack of chocolate cake and fizz this year.

    Last weight : 161 Ibs
    Today's weight: 158 Ibs
    Loss this week: 3 Ibs

    The accoutability to this group is really keeping me on track. Moments when I'm weak, I remember that I will have to state any blips to this group. Most of the time, this is enough to reset my thoughts. Thanks all. And as it's a new week, best of luck everyone with meeting your own personal goals. Mine is to continue my weight loss so that I can fit into my wedding gown in November and have a low enough BMI for reconstructive surgery (post mastectomy) in the new year. Carrie xx
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    Have a very Happy Birthday Carrie! Great weight drop! You can do it.
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Caronell wrote: »
    It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating with a loss, which partially makes up for the lack of chocolate cake and fizz this year.

    Last weight : 161 Ibs
    Today's weight: 158 Ibs
    Loss this week: 3 Ibs

    The accoutability to this group is really keeping me on track. Moments when I'm weak, I remember that I will have to state any blips to this group. Most of the time, this is enough to reset my thoughts. Thanks all. And as it's a new week, best of luck everyone with meeting your own personal goals. Mine is to continue my weight loss so that I can fit into my wedding gown in November and have a low enough BMI for reconstructive surgery (post mastectomy) in the new year. Carrie xx

    Happy Birthday and awesome loss! My birthday is on Thursday/
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,028 Member
    Caronell wrote: »
    It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating with a loss, which partially makes up for the lack of chocolate cake and fizz this year.

    Last weight : 161 Ibs
    Today's weight: 158 Ibs
    Loss this week: 3 Ibs

    The accoutability to this group is really keeping me on track. Moments when I'm weak, I remember that I will have to state any blips to this group. Most of the time, this is enough to reset my thoughts. Thanks all. And as it's a new week, best of luck everyone with meeting your own personal goals. Mine is to continue my weight loss so that I can fit into my wedding gown in November and have a low enough BMI for reconstructive surgery (post mastectomy) in the new year. Carrie xx

    Happy birthday!!! Amazing loss to celebrate! Enjoy your day, and have fun!
  • susanpiper57
    susanpiper57 Posts: 213 Member
    Caronell wrote: »
    It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating with a loss, which partially makes up for the lack of chocolate cake and fizz this year.

    Last weight : 161 Ibs
    Today's weight: 158 Ibs
    Loss this week: 3 Ibs

    The accoutability to this group is really keeping me on track. Moments when I'm weak, I remember that I will have to state any blips to this group. Most of the time, this is enough to reset my thoughts. Thanks all. And as it's a new week, best of luck everyone with meeting your own personal goals. Mine is to continue my weight loss so that I can fit into my wedding gown in November and have a low enough BMI for reconstructive surgery (post mastectomy) in the new year. Carrie xx

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day :)
  • susanpiper57
    susanpiper57 Posts: 213 Member
    Ugh, guys, I went off the deep end this week. I mostly tracked, although it may not have been as accurate as I usually try to be. I also stuck with my workouts (4 days of running and the other 3 walks), but I had treats every day, overate, and had a few different days where there were events or family parties that I ate at. I'm up a few pounds since I last weighed on Friday, although my weight fluctuates like crazy due to sodium, so that probably accounts for some of it. I think that this is the first week since I started this group in April that I haven't logged the mini challenge. I just wanted to vent. I'm within 10 pounds of my goal weight, and I have a few summer outfits that I would love to wear that don't quite fit right yet. I need to get it together and stop shoving chocolate into my mouth. Thanks for listening, loves! Here's to a better week.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Results for July Week #3

    Way to bounce back, team!! Last week we were dead last with a team gain....this week team The Big Butt Theory finished FIRST!! We lost 0.51% as a team (0.42% for second place).

    And, we had some individual overall losers as well!! Our very own @Caronell finished FIRST overall with a loss of 3.01% and our very own @Tracie_Lord finished THIRD overall with a loss of 2.57%!! Congratulations, Carrie and Tracie on a great week and for inspiring all your team mates and making us all very proud!!

    We had many Big Butts that contributed to the team's first place standing last week....

    The TOP SIX Big Butts losing over 1% of their body weight were:

    @Caronell - 3.01%
    @Tracie_Lord - 2.57%
    @cossmoss15 - 1.70%
    @eatingfoodles - 1.53%
    @sandkp - 1.20%
    @pkg1998 - 1.13%

    The next seven Big Butts losing over 0.5% of their body weight were:

    @murdog3t - 0.94%
    @Jeaniece1 - 0.84%
    @Corall333 - 0.83%
    @susanpiper57 - 0.74%
    @cmhubbard92 - 0.72%
    @annabananamc - 0.60%
    @Nicoletime4me - 0.55%

    Congratulations to the above and to all Big Butts who lost weight last week and contributed to the team's first place result!!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    This is the last week of the July Challenge!!

    The following six Big Butts need to post a weight this week, or our time together will sadly come to an end:

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Caronell wrote: »
    It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating with a loss, which partially makes up for the lack of chocolate cake and fizz this year.

    Last weight : 161 Ibs
    Today's weight: 158 Ibs
    Loss this week: 3 Ibs

    The accoutability to this group is really keeping me on track. Moments when I'm weak, I remember that I will have to state any blips to this group. Most of the time, this is enough to reset my thoughts. Thanks all. And as it's a new week, best of luck everyone with meeting your own personal goals. Mine is to continue my weight loss so that I can fit into my wedding gown in November and have a low enough BMI for reconstructive surgery (post mastectomy) in the new year. Carrie xx

    @Caronell, I hope you had a very happy birthday, Carrie!! A three pound loss and being out of the 60's would have gone a long way to ensuring that!! This group may be helping you, but you are also helping yourself by keeping your "whys" in the forefront of your mind!!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Happy birthday @Caronell !!!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    I’m going to get back to accountability this week. I let the fact that I couldn't get on the message board and work being tough be an excuse. That’s the past, good days and bad days will happen. I need to lose 1.13 lbs a week to get to my vacation goal.
    My small goal for the week is to get back to the gym. At least 3 times, but hopefully more.
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